Lost: Per RC, exception>specific>general. The FAQ's even more specific, perhaps even creating exceptions if needed, becomes an even higher priority entry than the original source much like any other WotC provided rule update.
the specific versus general rules aren't a matter of source but of content. The main question as applies to the FAQ is whether it's valid as a rules source in the first place, in spite of its nature as a source for rulings. It's not like link's post specifically questioned the FAQ on the basis of content, so it's weird that you'd toss out a single rules compendium quote with limited context that doesn't address much of the point of the FAQ arguments at all.
Eggy: I didn't read the thread of course, so where is the FAQ reference in the RC?!
I read the thread, but didn't really need to. As you yourself pointed out, this particular aspect of the conversation starts with the thing you quoted, and doesn't have much external stuff to it. This is just a standard FAQ argument. Not much special about it.
You also cited a board reference that I'm going to imply is too broad and therefor must be ignored.
It's not that it's too broad. It's that it's not really about this sort of situation. Not sure how exactly it applies in the first place, actually.
Of course, we're not here to debate what the rules say but which ones I believe we should ignore in order to prove me right.
Not at all what's going on. I have zero vested interest in the warlock having this issue. I'd probably prefer a world where things just easily resolved themselves in the warlock's favor, in fact, because why not? My issue lies solely with the FAQ for the FAQ's, and I think the things I think about it whether the source would help my position or not. And, while I tend to argue against the FAQ, I wasn't so much doing that here as I was merely questioning your citation, which, even with this new context of your purpose for it, doesn't seem to have that much impact on the overall debate.
Now let me throw up some questions to hopefully to fish for some kind of exception in your text because we all know your answer is far more complex than black/white and I know you won't take the time to repeat your self in the detailed manner it'd take which is exactly the fuel I'm looking for to derail this thread.
I'm actually just kinda curious about your stance on this one. To what extent do you consider the FAQ a superseding force? Does it override all sources, errata included? Does it only have impact where the game is ambiguous? I have my own positions on these things, but they wouldn't likely reflect yours because I don't put much stock in the FAQ.
But be mindful I will never fucking care to figure what you mean or honestly ever really read any of your posts beyond skimming with an incentive to find something to bitch some more about in most likely the most awful way known to humanity. Because as you can see I cannot offer anything else up but the minor fallacy of begging the question even and even through I'm demanding proof, that you've already provided and I forgot about half way through typing this thing, I do not have to provide any of my own because I am always right, and I need something a little more tangible to throw a bitchfit over. I am literally digging for an argument here and you look like you'd be easy to troll. After all, you did actually respond to lik there, are we even still doing that? Anyway, I'm banking on you to give me something to argue, so come on, give in, GIVE IT TO ME!!!!
Wow, okay. That's a lot of anger right there at some rather short and standard questions about your claims. I don't even have much of a dog in this fight. I just don't understand your position exactly, because it seems to be rebutting a version of the anti-FAQ argument that doesn't exist. Or maybe it's not. After all, your entire argument boiled down to, "Here's a citation. Figure out exactly how I'm using it." For all I know it solved the FAQ problem exactly.
And thus concludes about four hours in the life of SorO through his perceptions and perceived understandings of some of the people he is forced to interact with and then some of you people are surprised when his replies take on a bitter twist of flavor to them.
Honestly, was expecting at least some anger, cause such is your nature, but this was a lot. You've outdone yourself, I suppose.