Like hitting everything you move past or whatever.
but that's not what you're looking for, I guess
There are
several manouvers that act similar to a whirlwind or affect an area. I have nothing to do right now so I'll try to build a list (with little formatting) in case you want to write a mini-handbook.
Desert WindThis schoold has a lot of AoE, but most are more resembling of spells than melee attacks
1: Blistering Flourish - dazzles enemies in a 30' burst
2: Hatchling's Flame - 2d6, 30' cone of fire
3: Death Mark - strike, if you hit you get a fireball-like effect centered on the enemy (6d6, size vary based on target size)
4: Firesnake - 6d6 AoE fire damage with a weird area
5: Dragon's Flame - as Hatchling's Flame, but 6d6
Desert Tempest - full round, you move up to your speed and can attack once each enemy you move past
Ring of Fire - full round, move up to twice your speed in a closed line, deal 12d6 fire damage to everything inside
7: Salamander Charge - charge, you can turn during charge and provoke a wall of fire-like effect on the squares you move on
8: Wyrm's Flame - as Hatchling's Flame, but 10d6
9: Inferno Blast - 60' burst deals 100 fire damage
Devoted Spirit6: Rallying Strike - strike an opponent, heal allies in a burst (3d6+IL, max +15)
7: Castigating Strike - strike an opponent with different alignment from yours, cause an AoE centered on him (8d6 to him, 5d6 to others, -2 to hit for one minute on a failed save)
Iron Heart1: Steel Wind - make two attacks against different foes you threaten
4: Mithral Tornado - make one melee attack against each adjacent foe with an extra +2 to hit
7: Scything Blade - if you hit on your first melee attack, get a free melee attack against a different foe you threaten
Adamantine Hurricane - as Mithral Tornado, but two attacks per foe at +4 bonus
Lightning Throw - attack a 30' line, deal an extra 12d6
Setting Sun6: Ballista Throw - trip foe, throw him 60' away and deal 6d6 damage to each creature on hit's trajectory
Stone Dragon5: Mountain Avalanche - trample for 2d6+1.5*STR
8: Earthstrike Quake - knock prone every creature in a 20' burst
I think I missed a couple. I only read the short description to get the list, then checked effect with full description.
methods of gaining a full attack action without using a fullround action?
First things coming to my mind are pounce and ways to get more than one charge per round, e.g. Restricted Activity clause, page 27 of rules compendium, + a swift action that grants an extra standard, the sudden leap dirty trick, et cetera.