Author Topic: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories  (Read 85877 times)

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #60 on: November 18, 2011, 09:21:06 PM »
The Spoony One has his own gaming horror story to share:

This is why PCs shouldn't convert another PC to their religion against his will via torture.  Otherwise he'll go all mad bomber on the Prince's ass!

Horror story, or victory story?
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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #61 on: November 18, 2011, 09:21:34 PM »
It's more fun to do it with discussion/debate roleplay than torture roleplay, anyway.  And even if you don't manage a conversion, it's pretty entertaining when the rival religious character loudly proclaims he's going to show you how a cleric of HIS god does it, and then rolls a natural 1.
"Whoops, forgot to roll my fire and holy damage."
"I doubt she's going to make a DC 111 Fort save, anyway."

Offline Libertad

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #62 on: November 18, 2011, 09:55:16 PM »
The Spoony One has his own gaming horror story to share:

This is why PCs shouldn't convert another PC to their religion against his will via torture.  Otherwise he'll go all mad bomber on the Prince's ass!

Horror story, or victory story?

Depends on whether you were Spoony or the Prince's player! :D

BTW, we're just getting Spoony's side of the story.  Even then, this isn't the first time a LARP group forcefully rail-roaded a hapless newbie gamer.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #63 on: November 19, 2011, 05:16:07 PM »
Another gaming horror story, this one about a powergamer who gave the GM constant headaches.  The GM tries to make him come off as juvenile and inconsiderate to the other players (which he might be); except that the GM comes off even worse in the story due to one incident.

Said powergamer wants to play a tiger-person in a Shadowrun game.  He has low mental stats and not much in the way of contacts.  How to put the gamer in his place?  Use his dump stats and lack of contacts against him?  Have him be manipulated by a megacorp by a smooth-talking face?  Have Mr. Johnson bribe the other players to betray him during a run?  Yes, yes, and yes.  The first two options were reasonable, but the third can be kind of douchey (given that the players accept the money without a second thought, meaning that the GM expected this).  Then it gets into personal vendetta territory when the PC gets betrayed.  Said PC wakes up naked in a cage: the GM implies that the character (a female) got raped.


The story goes into unbelievable territory when apparently the powergamer learned his lesson and is now reformed.  I honestly can't see such a headstrong player not not go all-out and sabotage the entire game Spoony-bomber style!
« Last Edit: November 19, 2011, 08:48:00 PM by Libertad »

Offline CE2JRH

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #64 on: November 20, 2011, 05:52:05 PM »
Now that I think of it, when I was ~15 my first DND campaign ever involved my male character getting raped by pirates. I remember chuckling it off, but in hindsight, I should have said something.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #65 on: November 20, 2011, 09:17:38 PM »

This comic's relevant to the discussion.

Also, I read a long time ago back on the WotC boards where an entire campaign revolved around the legendary treasures known as the Singing Stones.

After 17 levels of questing and months of gaming, the PCs finally find the fabled Stones.

What do they do, you ask?

They sing in the manner of high school cheerleaders: "Heroes, adventurers, fight, fight, fight, slay that dragon with all your might!"

This wasn't a joke.  The DM was completely serious.  A physical confrontation was initiated by the players at that point, and the gaming session ended with a night in jail.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #66 on: November 21, 2011, 02:51:43 PM »
Transcribed from the Something Awful Message Boards:

How Stan Learned to Shut the gently caress Up

OK, basic rule of Ravenloft: LET DM FINISH SPEAKING!

Everyone knows this rule. It's a constant rule. Ravenloft is big on describing everything, it's all about description and mood. (This is back in the old 2E days of poo poo like no-save level drain and save or loving die)

So, the Stan has decided he wants to try Ravenloft again. He approaches our table with thunderous footsteps and hurricane wheezing. He slaps down the character he and Fatback have been playing.

Can you guess?

I swear this motherfucker was like a broken record...

CG 1/2E F/M/C with 18/XX Str

poo poo.

Me: Do you have pointy ears?
Him: (Snort) Of course, he's an elf.
Me: Are you SURE? I'd advise having human ears.
Him: gently caress that.
Me: OK.

The party has been running and hiding from this loving bitch and her 3 werewolf friends since the last weekend. The horses are dead, their gear is pretty much loving gone, and they're back against a cliff with the forest in front of them. They know there is a town nearby, but are lost as poo poo. (Less than a 1/2 mile from the town)

They find a cave, and hide, hoping for the best.

Me: Out of the brush steps a young brunette woman about 15 in a tattered and torn dress, she's got a...
Group: WHAT?
Me: Stan, don't interrupt me.
Stan: Or what?

Stan rolls a loving crit of all things, and puts a loving arrow right through a 15 year old commoner's throat.

So the girl goes down, spouting blood, and the werewolves burst out of the shrubbery and attack.

After the combat, Stan wants single kill XP on the girl.

Yeah, how's them red eyes doing for you, killer?

The group has managed to beat 1 of the werewolves, but the others took off out into the woods. The party limps off in pursuit.

Me: You come into a clearing, and at the far side of the clearing a girl...
Me: Are you sure? You don't want to hear how she's dressed?
Stan: gently caress your DMNPC's...

Another hit, lots of damage.

Me: The arrow hits the six year old girl in the forehead and she slumps dead against her bonds. The half-form werewolves on either side of her bound forward and attack, cruel laughter coming from their gaping jaws.
Stan: What? Six? You didn't say it was kid!
Me: I didn't get a chance. Basically, your character saw a shape, and shot at it with your bow, quickdraw.

One werewolf goes down, the other bolts. The party limps off. They come to a farmhouse, where the shutters are torn off and the door is open.

Group: We're moving up to the door in a skirmish formation.
Me: As you get about 10 feet to the door, suddenly a dark shape lunges out of the darkness of the house. It stum...
Group: STAN! SHUT THE gently caress UP!

Stan hits, and gets max damage on a brutally beaten old man.

Me: The arrow hisses into the shadows and hits the stumbling form with a harsh THUNK and the figure falls limply to the ground, rolling into the moonlight to reveal an old man with a gag on his mouth and his wrists tied. The werewolf on the roof bellows out its war cry and leaps from the roof and onto you.
Stan: What werewolf?
Group: IF YOU'D SHUT THE gently caress UP!

The group hurts the last werewolf bad, and chase it into the woods, where they get separated in the wind and rain. The group is out in the woods, getting attacked right and left by this werewolf and someone out there is shooting arrows...

Me: Stan!
Him: What? Huh?
Me: You see a struggling shape by the blackberry bushes as you round a tree. It looks like...
Party: GODDAMN IT STAN! SHUT THE gently caress UP!

So Stan rolls another crit, backed up by Fatback's claims he saw it.

THUNK! Arrow hits the mage right in the back of the loving head. Mage's player leaves to go get soda and presumably to keep from killing Stan.

More combat. Werewolf is hurt bad, but a party member is dead and the rest wounded, except Stan, who runs out of arrows shooting party members.

Me: OK, Stan, you exit the treeline and see a redhead standing in the rain about 100 feet from you. She is on the other....
Stan: I draw my sword and charge!
Me: Are you going to let me loving finish?
Stan: gently caress that, I'm charging! I can get next to her in 3 rounds!

So, Stan's loving character goes running at the woman in the rain and the dark and the moonlight.

Right off the edge of the loving 80 foot canyon.

After that, Stan sometimes let me finish my descriptions.

But he still cried that I was a killer DM, and said I hated his characters because they were all awesome Half-Elves.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #67 on: November 22, 2011, 03:05:07 PM »
Transcribed from the Something Awful Message Boards:

That's ridiculous. I'm surprised after the second or third time of him murdering innocent non-combatants that the party didn't arrest/murder him.

As A DM, I remember doing that sort of thing to PCs when I'd get interrupted, too. I'd start to describe the room, and as soon as any type of treasure was mentioned, one player would rush for it. One time, it was right into something obviously harmful. I guess that's the closest approximation to reacting to a situation with only partial sensory information.
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Offline Libertad

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #68 on: November 22, 2011, 03:21:30 PM »
Sounds like we need more transcribed stories of crazy Stan!

P.S. In case you were wondering about the odd choice of words in the last story, Something Awful has an odd way of censoring things.  "Fuck" becomes "gently caress," "fucking" becomes "loving," and "ass" becomes "rear end in a top hat."

Stan & Fatback VS the Published Module

I bought modules for a VERY specific reason. Ravenloft modules contained new domains, new darklords, new monsters, but most of all, NEW MAPS! 

The rest of the party didn't care what module I'd just bought or what module's cover I was using as a screen extension. They figured that everything I was doing was pretty much built by me, and even if I did use a module, it would be so heavily modified that it wouldn't even be recognizable.

They were right.

HOWEVER, Fatback and Stan figured that if I had the module's screen out (I usually used module's for the view. Fighting zombies? Night of the Walking Dead. Facing a vampire? House of Strahd. Facing an ocean adventure? Ship of Horrors!) then I must be running that module or getting ready to.

I'd figured out they were buying Ravenloft stuff and going over it. After the Headless Horseman's appearance, a copy of Book of Crypts and a copy of Darklords mysteriously appeared behind the counter and vanished. (What a shame I modified them for our game) So I made sure that EVERYTHING as altered. Magic had a decided evil look to it, no matter what the game mechanics said, which was frightening to villagers, casting spells caused wind to whip up, or the stench of brimstone to soak the area, or made the caster look menacing and evil. Little non-game mechanic stuff to really effect the setting.

But, I digress.

I'd ordered a copy of a new module, I can't remember the name, but I was excited because it had an Egyptian mythos burial site. I'd noticed that when Fatback took my module out, he was trying to hide that there was 2 copies, and that other copy didn't show up on the shelves that week.

I'm not a loving idiot. I was a drunk, a brawler, and a letch, not a dumbass.

So, I used the map from I-3 for the pyramid of the God-King of Heth, which they planned on going in there and defeating the mummy and returning the river to flowing (Basis of I-3) and stocked it with Ravenloft mummies and undead, used the village in it (heavily modified) from the earlier Ravenloft module that had a gypsy and a mummy in it.

I also decided I was going to not only trap Stan and Fatback, but reveal to the rest of the group that they were loving cheaters. Plus, I figured I could blackmail Fatback with that knowledge, since he was always blathering that he never cheated, and only losers cheated at AD&D.

So we sit down and play that Friday night, and I tell the characters that a windstorm whips up, swirling them with leaves, and when it is over they are surrounded by desert.

They approach the village, and I notice Fatback and Stan are spending a LOT of time whispering to each other and going through notes.

When the party sees a pile of rubble, and are told it is where the mighty champion Samson was captured and then brought down the temple when he was chained it in order to kill everyone in the city, Fatback and Stan look up, Stan starts to say something, but I think Fatback kicked him under the table.

I use the description of the pyramid from the module, and now Stan and Fatback look just happier than poo poo.

When they get into the pyramid, with its traps and strangeness (If you get a chance, pick up I-3, that pyramid is loving inspiring!) they start to get upset. It's obvious that their map is loving useless, and the rooms bear NO relation to what they prepared for.

Suddenly, as they party enters a room with clay statues of warrior in it, Stan suddenly blurts out: "THAT ISN'T IN THE PYRAMID!"

I grin and tell him: "Hey, I said it was, didn't I?" and he settles down, muttering, but doesn't give it away for a little while.

Then they get into the main room, where the discover the undead form of Samson, wearing the pharoah's headress, has choked off the river, using his mighty strength to hold it back.


Everyone in the shop turns and stares at him.


"Get your poo poo, Stan, you're banned from my game again." He just stares at me.

"It's not fair that you can change the module to whatever you want..." He sniffles.

"How do you know he changed it?" One of the other DM's from another table asks. "That could be in that module for all you know. Don't bitch just because you think he's changing things, that might be what's in the module."


The look of dawning horror on his face when he realized what he'd just said was priceless.

I got a new set of core books out of it.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 03:24:46 PM by Libertad »

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #69 on: November 22, 2011, 03:45:49 PM »
The word filter on that site is loving annoying.
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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #70 on: November 22, 2011, 04:43:43 PM »
The word filter on that site is loving annoying.

Generally I'd agree, but out of context, it's loving hilarious.  ;)
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Offline Libertad

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #71 on: November 22, 2011, 05:45:01 PM »
Something Awful User Happyelf has a lot of horror stories about a gamer named Bob

Bob the Dancing Mech

So we're playing HERO again, this time a military sci-fi setting. Bob is playing another guy in super-heavy powered armor, kinda like his hero that got put in jail.

This was a new game, with some house rules i'd made for the campaign. One of them was that the characters could have equipment pools, and requisition different gear for missions- easy to set up with HERO, since it's awesome.

The pools came in three sizes, and bob had the largest, the heavy loadout. As per the setting, I noted to him that this made him kind of the quartermaster for the party, and that if he liked, he could share out points/equipment from his pool, since it had a higher AP level, he could build and purchase more powerful items/powers, that other people might need in some cases (an example being a possible mission where everyone was rigged in light mechs).

Bob didn't like this idea at all, and flatly denied the option. He hated the idea of other people getting to use 'his' points, even though everyone was working as a team, and sharing stuff anyway. His catchphrase was "I don't want to be the loving pack-horse", which was odd because it was as if he saw people borrowing stuff from him as somehow adding a burden to him.

Anyway, the team is on a post-apocalypse version of earth, raiding a hotel that is the base of a militia.

They're storming into the entry foyer and there's fire from all over the place. The CO has alreayd gotten stiched up by these guys- they're only using old style 20th century slugthrowers, but the team's default armor isn't that good and has gaps in the hard plates- with enough fire and a few lucky shots, thay could be in big trouble. Apart from bob of course, who was completly untouchable in his super-tough suit.

So harry gets a cool idea. As bob's suit lumbers into the foyer, harry follows him in, and takes cover behind him. He starts sniping at the gunmen on the upper levels, firing over bob's shoulders and ducking down into 'cover' behind his armored bulk when they fire back. Wow, what a cool bit of team-work!

Bob was outraged. He started to complain about how unfair it was that Harry was getting an advantage from his armor! "It's the loving pack horse thing all over again!" he fumed.

Then, he went one better. On the second round of combat, he began to dance.

He literally told me that he wanted to use his DCV(a sort of passive dodge value) against harry's pc, in order to dodge away from him and deliberatly notget in the way of incoming fire. Of course his suit was big and clumsy, so this resulted in a bizzare dance as bob's mech clomped around the foyer, with Harry's pc leaping and rolling and scampering to keep up and stay in cover.

A few minutes later after the fight was finished, they were up on the fifth floor, when bob's mech was hit with a cunning attack- a huge pile of curtains soaked in glue, that were hurled over him to foul his sensors. This left him completly blind, and he was fumbling around and firing his enormous cannon in random directions as the rest of the party leaped for cover.

Harry stepped up to the plate, and jumped on the radio, sending bob directions to get back down the stairs. Forward three steps, ok now, turn right, another three steps, turn left, now run straight ahead!

He was sending him dierctions to get downstairs alright. Bob followed the commands to the letter, and stepped right into an open elevator shaft.

"Dance your way out of that one, rear end in a top hat!"

What's Worse than a DMPC.  A DMPC who constantly badmouths the PCs like a nasty drill sergeant!  Something Awful user Electrigger's story:

This reminds me of a similar awful story I have. It just so happens to be one of the worst games I've ever played, and coincidentally its also the very first RPG session I ever participated in as well. At the time however, I just didn't know enough about the hobby to realise that it was a bad game.

My best buddy at the time ran it for me, he had a humongous boner for 2nd ed AD&D. I had no idea of what the concept of roleplaying was, I had always assumed D&D was just a brand name applied to things like gold box computer games, thats how ignorant I was. Anyway, after learning a bit about it he offers to run me and another guy through a dungeon. I'm totally stoked by the very concept of the game and I roll up a fighter.

Now my buddy is a pretty cool guy, shamelessly nerdy, but a good normal friend nonetheless. But when he gets in DM mode he's just   as all hell.

We start out and my buddy is like, "Ya'll ready?"

 : Yeah!
  Tch, like you rookies could possibly be ready, FEH! You don't even know what it MEANS to be READY.

We start the game off accompanied by a DMPC who is straight up Rear Admiral Super Badass of the 7th Expeditionary Badass Flotilla. We get berated by this character about how we're 'not ready' and he complains about how he's gotta babysit the greenhorns and such. My friend describes this guy as grizzly, unshaven, even a loving eyepatch for chrissakes.

So with this guy in tow, we make our merry way into the dungeon entrance, blissfully unaware of how crappy of a session this was.

 : Ok cool, I walk into the dungeon!
  There's a pit trap after you walk 10 feet in, you fall in and are instantly killed.
 : WTF!? Really, I mean, what? I can't do anything, I just die like that? I didn't SEE THE HOLE?! C'mon!
  Tch, told you guys you weren't ready. Made your first rookie mistake, EVERYONE knows that you're supposed to tie a rope around your waist when you start scouting out the dungeon...
 : Gee! This is a hard game!

So Mr. Badass conveniently shapeshifts into his true GOLDEN DRAGON form, flies down into the pit, picks me up and raises me. I get docked the requisite 1 CON for good measure too!

So the rest of the session pretty much goes just like this, with us blundering along trying to do stuff and failing, usually with awful consequences. Luckily our badass golden dragon in human form is always there to kick rear end and save us at every turn.

 : Cool a chest! I open it!
  Fools! That is obviously a mimic, it attacks you. *clatter clatter* Take 8.
 : Crap I died!

The 'quest' culminates with us getting the mystical doodad in the center of the dungeon, but not before combating the adult chromatic dragon that was being used as the guard. Needless to say, we're freaking level 1 and apparently a big evil dragon is a perfectly acceptable encounter. I remember we didn't even bother to fight it, our DMPC one shots the dang thing by throwing some kind of magical heat seeking knife that slices off the dragon's head. I mean was that kind of crap even IN the vanilla 2nd AD&D books? I remember the DM didn't even bother rolling for it, he just declared it happening.

All my early gaming experiences for years occurred with this DM, and it never got much better than this either. It was pretty amusing in retrospect. I love the guy but man when he ran games it was totally us sitting back watching his ultra powerful NPCs and DMPCs duke it out in masturbatory power fantasy. But we always made sessions and loved it without knowing any better! Ah to be young again.

It surprises me when I look back and think, how the hell did I ever stick with this hobby?
« Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 05:51:02 PM by Libertad »

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #72 on: November 24, 2011, 08:37:56 PM »
Griffin Island, the Pathfinder Anime!

Theme Song:

According to this Japanese DM, Pathfinder's become a popular RPG in his country.  4th Edition and Pathfinder were published in the Land of the Rising Sun, but 4E was discontinued due to its excessive focus of "wargaming."

So this guy posts his sessions online (Part 1 was taken down):

So we've got Hilda the Knight, Sacha the priestess of the God of War, Larvi the Drow Rogue, Orlin the Wizard, and Rizel the... Cat Girl Sexual Maid.


So basically Rizel's player made a character intentionally designed to be disruptive to the game.  Remember how I explained the annoying nature of "Drow Lesbian Stripper Ninja" syndrome?  This is pretty much that.

Part 1 is missing

Part 2, where the PCs meet each other on the ship:

Part 3, Pirate Attack!:

Part 4:

Part 5, quite possibly the worst:

Summary: Hilda, Sacha, and Orlin hear noise in the ship's underbelly.

Larvi's a Drow stowaway hiding out.  Rizel the cat girl, traipsing naked around the place, discovers him.  Larvi freaks out, but finds that she's interested in sex, not turning him in.  The other three PCs discover them in the middle of the act.  Larvi tries to take Rizel hostage, worried that he'd be killed for being a drow.  Nobody can take him seriously because he's naked.

Pirates attack the ship during the hostage situation.  One of the pirates is an octupus man, and Rizel places herself in a position where she can get grappled by him.  The pirate captain's a smart little sorceress, and keeps spamming Glitterdust throughout the combat; it's too bad for her that nobody got blinded.  The PCs defend the ship, and Larvi is pardoned for being a stowaway.

So the party hits shore, stops by the inn.  Tavern bard sings a tale about heroes defending a settlement from orcs.  Sasha the Cleric merrily joins in the singing and narrates how she smashes in the face of the orc chieftain.  Rizel sings about orc penises and pisses off the bard.  Orlin tells Rizel "Shut up, I'm eating!"  The Wizard's now my favorite character.

Knight shows up to hire the PCs to find a magic potion.  Alright, now that's what I'm talking about!  No more of this weird low-brow "comedy" BS!

Knight is a pretty girl, and some tavern drunks accost her!  Looks like its up to the PCs to save her!  And by "save her," I mean Rizel jumping up on the table and stripping to distract the bad guys.  Hilda does the sensible thing and Intimidates the drunks to flee.

So the Knight explains that a super-rare valuable magic potion has been stolen.  This is bad because the potion's so potent that if opened its gases will waft into the air, enough to effect a major population center.  And the thief's last known whereabouts are in this very town!

The party leaves the tavern, and catches a glimpse of a man having sex with a dog. :psyduck  Instead of asking the DM if she's serious or killing the man like most player groups would, the PCs role-play out their characters' reactions.  "Is this normal in this nation's society?" the Cleric asks.  "No, this is not normal!" the knight says.  Rizel says that she's horny and tries to jump Larvi's bones... again!

Well, the Knight explains that the potent potion is a Love Potion, and its effect are emanating from the slum.  And what do you know, the potion only affects women!  So the dog rapist wasn't a normal guy affected by foul enchantment, just a sick freak (and a plot element that the DM thought was necessary to add in).

So they venture into the slums and track down the thief in an alleyway where an orgy's occurring.  The thief unleashes the potion and throws it on Hilda the Knight.  DM rolls to see who she views first for the love potion, and the game ends there on a cliffhanger.

The last update of the game was January, 2011.  I'm not sure, but I like to think that the players just threw up in their arms in frustration and left.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2011, 04:05:43 PM by Libertad »

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #73 on: November 26, 2011, 03:39:24 PM »
Umm...don't have time to watch the videos right now, but from your description that doesn't sound like a horror story, it sounds like the most awesome game ever! :clap

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #74 on: November 26, 2011, 04:00:58 PM »
Umm...don't have time to watch the videos right now, but from your description that doesn't sound like a horror story, it sounds like the most awesome game ever! :clap

Now that I think of it, it was really only the 5th video that things went really weird.  With the exception of the cat girl and the slum orgy, this could be a pretty cool gaming session.

But imagine if you were a player in that game, having to put up with Rizel!  And the player never stops with the sex jokes, even during combat!  Picture yourself hearing this for several hours on end, and let that sink in...

Out of morbid curiosity, I want to see what occurred during the first video.  My Google-fu is weak!

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #75 on: November 26, 2011, 04:09:03 PM »
Honestly, I'd get a kick out of Rizel, the character sounds funny to me.  It'd be one thing if she as plot blocking by wasting lots of game time with her antics.  But it sounds like things still get done, and she even contributes (she found and "detained" the stowaway drow PC, after all   ;)) to stuff.  I'd take her over an intentionally or unintentionally designed dead weight crapily built PC ANY day!

EDIT: Watched part 2, started part 3.  This game IS awesome!  It's hard to follow the poor translation, but how could you not like this?  Also, Rizel totally got the first kill in that pirate fight.

"Lotion, nya?"  :lmao
« Last Edit: November 26, 2011, 05:10:46 PM by StreamOfTheSky »

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #76 on: November 26, 2011, 04:35:40 PM »
Honestly, I'd get a kick out of Rizel, the character sounds funny to me.  It'd be one thing if she as plot blocking by wasting lots of game time with her antics.  But it sounds like things still get done, and she even contributes (she found and "detained" the stowaway drow PC, after all   ;)) to stuff.  I'd take her over an intentionally or unintentionally designed dead weight crapily built PC ANY day!

I probably made a big deal over nothing.  I can't really tell if the PCs were actually getting tired of Rizel, given that everything's in character.

I guess that I immediately assumed the worst after 101+ terrible online stories of male players making slutty female PCs.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #77 on: November 26, 2011, 07:21:14 PM »
Ok, just finished watching all of the Griifin Island videos, and the initial assessment was right.  That game is incredible, that was some of the funniest youtube I've seen in a long time, even the awful Engrish grew on me.

And yeah, Rizel didn't derail the game at all.  She contributed in combat, used her skills to help with things, actively tried to move the plot forward, and more.  The characters may have reacted unfavorably, but I think they're just being "the straight man" for her hilarity.  The Roy to her Elan.  Orlin's just full of wisecracks.  The drow protests one moment and is all for it the next.  The knight acts like she's above all the silliness, but the first thing she says when the human-octopus thing grapples her is some comment on however will she be able to marry now (ie, a hentai joke)!

Even if I'm reading the players wrong, there's no doubt the DM is all for the sexual camp.  Having the tentacle monster go for the cat girl then hold her upside down so her skirt would reveal her lack of panties, the whole town having a lust orgy thing...

I think that entire group was having a blast, and it was enjoyable to watch, wish there was more.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #78 on: November 26, 2011, 08:13:57 PM »
I think that entire group was having a blast, and it was enjoyable to watch, wish there was more.

I now see what you mean.  Rizel would be terrible in a "serious" campaign, but I found on the Paizo forums that Anastasia (the DM) had the group approve of the Cat Girl idea to make sure that everybody was comfortable with it.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #79 on: November 26, 2011, 09:55:58 PM »
I think that entire group was having a blast, and it was enjoyable to watch, wish there was more.

I now see what you mean.  Rizel would be terrible in a "serious" campaign, but I found on the Paizo forums that Anastasia (the DM) had the group approve of the Cat Girl idea to make sure that everybody was comfortable with it.
Is there a link to this thread?