Author Topic: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories  (Read 85864 times)

Offline Libertad

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #100 on: December 16, 2011, 10:52:11 PM »
That's great. Half-way through your post, I was already thinking "either stand and stare or get out a camera", and then you brought up the camera and boombox. The music is the icing on the cake.

I'm happy to know that these stories I find inspire joy and amusement in addition to horror and revulsion.  If this thread gets stickied, I can die a happy man.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #101 on: December 18, 2011, 05:16:35 PM »

Mormon Star Wars' horror story:

I grew up in the rural south, so when I was high-school I had to get my RPG jollies through WebRPG. When I finally got to college I thought it would be a nice change of pace to get involved in an actual table-top campaign, so I grabbed my roommate and joined a SAGA Edition Star Wars game.

The GM (Gabriel) was excellent, but some of the other players were "Worst Experience" material. In fact, I would be writing about them now if what came after that game wasn't so much worse.

Gabriel graduated and moved to Florida, leaving someone else to pick up the GMing slack. Anthony, who was one of the few sane players in Gabe's campaign, decided he wanted to try running an nWoD game. So he found us and told us to roll up two character's from whatever splats we wanted - he didn't want any two characters playing the same type of supernatural. We thought that was a little sketchy but, hey, Anthony was a decent player - we decided we'd just play cynical characters that wanted as little to do with the supernatural as possible and who turned a blind eye to anything weird happening around the other characters. It was none of their business, after all.

So we show up to the first session and met the other players. One of them was a guy who (I swear to God, this isn't an exaggeration) didn't bathe in the three years he was in college (this eventually got him into major trouble) and only wore fishnet shirts, and the other was an angry "spiritual-but-not-religious" girl whose belief that she could talk to the confederate battle dead basically ruined the last campaign.

Not-bathing-dude introduces his vampire by describing how he backflips out of a trolley car and draws his Katana, threatening random bystanders in the name of Vlad Dracul, his father. Up until this point, I had thought that references to people who did this were jokes. I didn't think anyone would actually be that bad.

Things went downhill from there. All of the NPCs were the same "mysterious old Irishman" who was supposed to be a scary version of Tatu from fantasy island, but who really existed only so Anthony could talk in an excessively silly was that he described as an "irish accent." Meeting the guy who was supposed to hire our characters lead to the two problem players spending an hour repeating "We won't do this simple thing without twenty million dollars and a mansion!" and every time they attempted to leave, Anthony described buildings making themselves into mazes to lead them back to the room, or everyone being teleported to the next location in the adventure he had written.

We promised Anthony we would stay for the entire session, but only made it halfway. Because that was when the two other players started to describe the awkward sex their characters were engaging in.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #102 on: December 19, 2011, 01:22:19 PM »

A horror story, told from the perspective of the douchebag.

Said douchebag was the DM.  One of the players was a girl who made a detailed noble knight paladin whose sister disappeared long ago on a quest to fight some evil dudes.  During an adventure, the Paladin is alone and finds a portion of the dungeon to be an inverted version of her home castle.  The nation's emblem is upside down along with all the portraits and coats of arms.  The Paladin's sister shows up, all stereotypical "evil version" and asks her to duel.  The Paladin refuses, so her God sends her into a portal to Hell where she gets raped by every demon in existence.  Oh, and every NPC in the game takes the "blame the victim" approach and says that it's her fault!

Needless to say, the player was visibly distraught and quit the game.  The DM saw nothing wrong with his behavior.  His rationalization: "It's just a game, it has no bearing on my personality!"

Keep in mind that the DM's own admission is that he pisses off a lot of other players with similar tactics.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 01:50:46 PM by Libertad »

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #103 on: January 05, 2012, 09:07:49 PM »
I return, with a crazy new story by Kaboom Dragoon of Something Awful!

Other than the depressingly common 'oh wait, the GM's letting their significant other get away with murder"-thing that everyone runs into, there was one time I was playing 3.5 with a worryingly competitive player. By sheer quirks of fate, every time he did something, I'd just manage to beat whatever it was he'd done. He rolls a 19 to hit? I get a natural 20. He kills four mooks with his Great Cleave? I get six. Every time, without fail. And he keeps getting more and more frustrated at this.

During one game, he starts needling me about this, making occasional 'jokes' about loading my dice (I'd mentioned a week or two previously that I'd just randomly found out how to do this, despite this game going on for about 3 months by this point). Then making sarcastic remarks along the lines of 'Oh look, KD's beaten me, what an amazing twist this is'. When I gently caress up a stealth check, he laughs obnoxiously loud, crowing about how I'm not so perfect at everything. Then at the end, goes into a full-blown rant at me. One of the other players, clearly as sick of this as I am, mutters something about turning it into a literal dick-measuring contest, since that'd be the only way to settle things.

He takes this to be a very good idea.

You know you should probably be looking for another group when you have another player asking - nay, demanding you drop trou and 'settle things like men' in front of God and the rest of the players without a hint of irony.

The really sad part? I spoke to an ex of his not long after. According to her, I more than likely would've won that contest too.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #104 on: January 06, 2012, 01:53:44 PM »
"You failed to save me from the minotaur?  You're a bad friend and a bad player!"

heeeeey that's my story! LOL :)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 03:16:45 PM by Caiphon »

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #105 on: January 06, 2012, 02:46:26 PM »

Mormon Star Wars' horror story:
(click to show/hide)
Wow... too weird to be a lie, and too insane to believe.  :lmao :lol
I don't pee messages into the snow often , but when I do , it's in Cyrillic with Fake Viagra.  Stay frosty my friends.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #106 on: January 06, 2012, 07:27:46 PM »
Over at the WotC forums, I read a story in the "What's a DM to do?" section.  One of the players in the group, who we'll call Gary, was really, really homophobic.  I'm talking "gays are abominations in the eyes of the Lord and must be punished!" homophobic.  But since the group didn't really talk about homosexuality, they didn't know this about their friend.  During the game session, one of the other players, who we'll call Nate, mentioned that his male PC had a boyfriend.

Gary thought that Nate was joking, but quickly took an angry demeanor upon finding out that he was serious.  Gary stood up and demanded that the Dungeon Master take action.  The DM asked what the problem was.  Gary said that sodomy was one of the worst crimes imaginable, comparable only with rape and cold-blooded murder.  He insisted that the PCs were supposed to be heroes, not villains, and then quoted some Bible verses in an attempt to support his statements.  Nate was visibly upset, and the other players got into an argument with Gary's behavior.  Gary slammed his fist down on the table with such force that he injured his hand and had to leave for the hospital.

Needless to say, the gaming session ended early.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 07:34:49 PM by Libertad »

Offline BrianTheBrain

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #107 on: January 09, 2012, 03:07:39 AM »
My first ever DM had a raging case of being-an-idiot. This was a guy who got his high-school girlfriend pregnant and while they told every one they were married, they never had a ceremony or got a license, and he bragged abut how he did that on purpose so she couldn't leave him and demand alimony. Their family was on food stamps and he would spend at least $15  every day on magic cards and fast food. He was 19 but didn't look a day under 30 because he drank so heavily. But the worst thing about him was the arrogance.  He always thought he was the smartest, most clever person in the room despite the mountain of evidence suggesting otherwise, and consistently dismissed anything that challenged him as "being stupid", and he made every one call him Katica.
Why did we let him be DM? Because I was so deep in game-compulsion at the time I was just desperate to play. Plus, everyone else either didn't want to or wasn't experienced enough to do it. So, we had no choice, he was at the helm. Not figuratively, he had a DMPC who owned an impossibly expensive adimantine airship that he invented in a world without airships, but I'm getting ahead of myself. First let me explain his world: The setting is basically Earth in the middle ages, with elves, dwarfs, and the like, but no magic (yet :rolleyes) but their was psionics. The only problem was that he wasn't familiar with the psionics system. He thought it was only telepathy and telekinesis, and to make up for this, he said we could use caster classes as long as the spells we were using could be explained as being because the character was psychic. But I latched on to the idea of psionics and went out and bought the XPH (which I soon fell in love with). He had every one (all seven of us) start out in different corners of the globe promising to have events transpire to bring us all together. This took three sessions and, believe it or not, we actually had the most fun with this part. We were having a blast figuring out how our characters were linked. My con-artist bard character, for instance, was nearly killed when a bunch of guards stormed a bar he was playing in looking for a guy from a wanted poster who turned out to be one of the other PCs. I then wrote a song called "the man that almost got me killed" that I preformed at the IHOP we were holding it when our characters met specifically because it embarrassed every one there. I was later attacked by another PC who was a samurai who's master I had run afoul of (me: he told me to go to his cache and grab what I could carry as a reward. him: you completely cleared out his cache! me: is it my fault he didn't know I owned a pull-cart?).
 But, all good things come to an end and he rushed through these parts to get us to his story. I should mention that he had THREE DMPCs, each of them were at least two levels higher than any of the PCs. He tried to justify this by having another guy be the "co-DM" saying he would trade off duties with him so the DMPCs they were playing would trade being PCs. At least that's what he said. What ended up happening was he made this poor guy do all the work. He was a nice guy but was a bit of a doormat. The third DMPC was a half-lillend woman his character seduced into tagging along. He then set up encounter after encounter tailor made for his character. There was a PC who he allowed to be at the same level as his DMPCs, his wife's, and boy did he bend over backwards to make her character relevant. Not that it mattered, she was barely paying attention because, like the rest of us, none of her choices mattered. In fact, that was more true for her since since he built her character and wouldn't let her choose her own level progression.
Hey while were talking about level progression, lets make an awkward segue to that topic. He got rid of entry requirements for PrCs. Actually, that's not quite right. He gave you the requirements when you entered the class. This led to some of the most broken characters I've EVER seen. A gishing cancer mage, a barbarian/drunken master without monk levels, ect. ect. When he finally skimmed through the XPH, he decided that the PP per manifestation limit was dumb which led to more broken psionic characters. But the PCs were still nothing compared to his characters, so the players started getting bored. To fix this, he let people make multiple characters, adding more PCs to an already huge party. It's at this point that most of us quit.
I'm actually a bit grateful to Katica, without him, I may have never discovered psionics, and I now have a long list of things to avoid as a DM. And remember how I said that he bragged about how his wife could never leave him due to the fact that they weren't actually married and she couldn't get alimony? Well, she did leave him, and does get alimony; it turns out Texas has common law marriage, and since he told everyone they were husband and wife, she got an actual divorce.
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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #108 on: January 09, 2012, 10:03:32 PM »
Over at the WotC forums, I read a story in the "What's a DM to do?" section.  One of the players in the group, who we'll call Gary, was really, really homophobic.  I'm talking "gays are abominations in the eyes of the Lord and must be punished!" homophobic.

Yep, christians often cannot stand any story, however fictional, which doesn't agree with their twisted worldview.

I once had a "C"hristian (with a capital C) GM who blocked our progress with a portal made from a bound demon. A quick divination by my necromancer character revealed that the procedure for opening the door was to feed the demon the soul of a small animal.

So I says, okay, I'ma go catch a squirrel.

He was horrified. He spent five minutes arguing with me to cease this horrific action (that he came up with), and when I refused to stop (I don't like being told what to do), he tried to turn the squirrel into a superbeing of its kind (giving it combat values and damage superior to a PC armed with a broadsword). Then, when I captured it, he spent another five minutes arguing with the other PCs that they should attack me to stop this evil action (save the squirrels!), threatening them with experience loss if they didn't.

One guy went for it. He then tried to bend the rules to make me lose the fight (deliberately misinterpreting defensive spell descriptions, etc), but couldn't do so enough to make a difference.

Finally, he declared that I was struck by a lightning bolt from the heavens, and cursed.

One wonders how demons even existed in his universe, where hypervigilant gods enforced his personal code of morality with blasts of magic. Maybe they only target people with a "PC" stamp on their foreheads.

I had played with this guy for years, and he was, under normal circumstances, an excellent GM. But he just couldn't stomach the fucking necromancer character violating his Jesus-freak code of morality.

Needless to say, I stopped playing with him soon after.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #109 on: January 09, 2012, 10:31:08 PM »
Want to throw out there that this is not an issue of Christians, but just an issue with those Christians. I'm a Christian and I am DMing a campaign where demons are taking over the world, and the PCs are slowly turning evil in their attempts to stop it.

As in, those people are crazy because they are crazy, not because they have Christian values. It's just a stinking game!
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 11:50:07 PM by SneeR »
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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #110 on: January 09, 2012, 11:26:07 PM »
Yeah I have to stick up for the Christians a bit.  I run my game in a church and the church elders are "happy someone is using the building."  No one has started any morality arguments yet and the preacher (who plays in my game) doesn't bat an eye at the in-game religions being major players in the story.
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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #111 on: January 09, 2012, 11:58:31 PM »
Yep, christians often cannot stand any story, however fictional, which doesn't agree with their twisted worldview.

These players can be really annoying, but it is hardly limited to Christians. One player I had got uppity because I didn't let him play out his creepy rape fantasies. I was fairly okay with the general direction his character was going (chain devil so pure evil is okay) but when I tried to do a fade to black he got really huffy and demanded I narrate the damn thing.

I have more spectacular stories though. In my gaming group we had a player named O. You see O was a bad player in just about every sense of the word: his builds were terrible, he couldn't roleplay to save his life, he refused to pay for communal food, he rarely bathed, and always tried to adopt a really bad British accent when he was trying to sound smart. We tolerated him because his terribleness was generally non-intrusive and was frequently hilarious. Every once in a while though O would ask to DM, and once in a blue moon we would say yes because we had forgotten about the last time.

Some one time after I was really burnt out of DMing and the other person in the group who regularly DMed was on vacation O offered to run a post-apocalyptic game in the vein of Fallout. So we were told to make vaultdwelling characters, the surface world was a myth we would be returning to and a lot of prearmageddon technology was considered lost. Specifically guns were nearly impossible to find, and the ones that did exist were extremely prone to jamming and malfunction. So I made a gunslinger that had been raised on Clint Eastwood movies and convinced the DM to give me one revolver and 12 bullets in return for no other starting equipment. My friend Q made a botanist whose goal was to retrieve as many unmutated surface plants as possible. Lastly players J, M, and D decided to all play members of the same youth gang that was going to the surface because the elders had tired of their borderline criminal shenanigans.

Everything started out fine, we were given a quest to find replacement UV lights for the vault's farms. Unfortunately as we geared up to go the DM realized that Q was playing a female character, which everyone else had known sense the beginning because we were actually paying attention. From that moment on every single non-violent NPC hit on Q in the most cringe worthy ways possible, and as the night progressed this moved from O hitting on Q's characters to just straight hitting on Q. To add the uncomfortableness in real-life Q is a dude and O is a raging homophobe (Atheist in case you were wondering).

So we finally get to the outside world and see the fresh air. We are immediately set upon by half a dozen men armed with top of the line assault rifles. So using what little cover was at our disposal, a macguyered together mortar that shot bricks, and the fact that O had as much tactical sense as our ammo we were able to fight off the attackers. Every time we got a killing blow O would launch into a two to five minute description of how the enemy's brain-matter splattered against the walls, and how his blood spewed out of bodily orifices. Each time we tell him to tone down the gore and he promises to but nothing about his narration changes.

After combat resolves we manage to incapacitate rather than kill one enemy trooper, so that we can figure out why the hell they want to kill us. Immediately the guy swallows a cyanide pill. Also all of their guns jam as soon as they die. So we figure maybe they were apart of some wierd mystery plot that we're supposed to trace back to later plot threads. As it turns out no they were not as after several minutes of searching O tells us that there is no trail to find and they were carrying no equipment other than their guns, and flak jackets which were apparently so form-fitting that it was impossible for us to wear.

At this point we had wasted 5 hours to an akward intro and a tedious combat so we called it quits and played some Warhammer. O could not seem to understand that the game was awful even when we told him point blank, and kept trying to get us to continue the campaign.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #112 on: January 14, 2012, 06:20:41 PM »
Sorry that this next story isn't specific, for the source escapes me.

The Book of Nod was a gaming product and an in-universe text in Vampire: The Masquerade.  There was a small, yet vocal, group of gamers who treated the book like a near-religion.

One guy was unfortunate enough to play a Vampire session with such a gamer.  Said gamer thought that the fiction in the World of Darkness books was real and that the RPG was an elaborate secret code to teach people how to become vampires through "role-playing rituals."  Thus, in-game detriments to his character became personal because the GM was "deliberately stifling the path to the Embrace."

Why somebody would want to be White Wolf Vampire, I'll never know.  In addition to standard vampire weaknesses, these guys can go insane, have their bodies warped into horrific forms, have bouts of uncontrollable emotions, and all sorts of debilitating curses which can put a serious dent in your day-to-day life.  If I were offered the opportunity to turn invisible and run fast, only to burn up in sunlight and lose all sense of reality, I'd refuse the offer.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #113 on: January 14, 2012, 07:54:41 PM »
Sorry that this next story isn't specific, for the source escapes me.

The Book of Nod was a gaming product and an in-universe text in Vampire: The Masquerade.  There was a small, yet vocal, group of gamers who treated the book like a near-religion.

One guy was unfortunate enough to play a Vampire session with such a gamer.  Said gamer thought that the fiction in the World of Darkness books was real and that the RPG was an elaborate secret code to teach people how to become vampires through "role-playing rituals."  Thus, in-game detriments to his character became personal because the GM was "deliberately stifling the path to the Embrace."

Why somebody would want to be White Wolf Vampire, I'll never know.  In addition to standard vampire weaknesses, these guys can go insane, have their bodies warped into horrific forms, have bouts of uncontrollable emotions, and all sorts of debilitating curses which can put a serious dent in your day-to-day life.  If I were offered the opportunity to turn invisible and run fast, only to burn up in sunlight and lose all sense of reality, I'd refuse the offer.

To be fair, almost none of the WW-published products are happy in the way D&D's generic flavor is. EVERYONE is fucked in a WW game.
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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #114 on: January 15, 2012, 01:38:13 AM »
This thread and everything in it needs to die or be moved to that defiled adult "gaming" board or whatever.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #115 on: January 15, 2012, 03:57:03 AM »

To be fair, almost none of the WW-published products are happy in the way D&D's generic flavor is. EVERYONE is fucked in a WW game.
Maybe the publishers are trying to make a symbolic statement about the drawbacks of gaining easy power, in the vein of Faust or The Dark Fields.
Or maybe I'm just giving to much credit to the type of hardcore gamer who has to make things harder than they are.
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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #116 on: January 15, 2012, 02:15:54 PM »

To be fair, almost none of the WW-published products are happy in the way D&D's generic flavor is. EVERYONE is fucked in a WW game.
Maybe the publishers are trying to make a symbolic statement about the drawbacks of gaining easy power, in the vein of Faust or The Dark Fields.
Or maybe I'm just giving to much credit to the type of hardcore gamer who has to make things harder than they are.

Hard things aren't always bad.

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #117 on: January 15, 2012, 03:06:12 PM »
Hard things aren't always bad.

While this is true, the WW books have a habit of punishing you even when you don't make mistakes...
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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #118 on: January 15, 2012, 08:27:09 PM »
I've just discovered something truly terrible.

So there's this forum called Men Going Their Own Way, full of "manly" topics like whining about how women are getting non-stereotypical roles in fiction.

One such thread bemoaned how women in video games and tabletop games didn't act like clumsy clueless ditzes made for sex appeal.  A D&D player posted a set of house rules he used in his games to "highlight the inherent differences between the male and female sexes."

Quote from: goldenfetus
I wish it were so innocuous, but I don't think it is. I think it marks the fact that the thought police now have jurisdiction over gaming as well. The best evidence I have of this is that gender equality is NEVER explained within games, which would be necessary if it were a fantasy element. You'll find plenty of explanations of all the various fantasy races and ideas and worlds. You can read about the cultures and histories of Elves and Dwarves and Orcs and all the pantheon, but you're never going to find anything explaining why human males and females have equal ability. It's not meant to be a fantasy element, it's something they assume implicitly and carry over from real world political correctness. If we were being honest, D&D females should have the following modifiers:


-4 STR
-2 CON
-1 INT
-6 WIS
+8 CHA


-2 Intimidate
-4 Listen
+3 Sense Motive
-4 Survival
+10 Profession: Prostitute

Spell-like ability to cast create baby once every 9 months.

But if games were to be this honest there would be no female fantasy heroes, and gaming as an activity would be targeted for condemnation by the thought police until it was changed.

[SPOILERS (Dead Space 2)] On a side note, I was playing Dead Space 2 yesterday, and there's a part in the campaign (SPOILER) where you come across a scantily-clad female blasting hordes of necromorphs to bits as she screams taunts and obscenities at them. It was completely ridiculous. Here you are, a badass male who has fought these things before, in an armored suit, with an arsenal of weapons and you're having a tough time surviving and fighting the enemies, while a small female with a plasma cutter (game's pistol equivalent) and no armor is mowing them down without any problem, and initially considers you a liability. This could NEVER happen in real life. I'd be willing to wager that there isn't a single female in the entire world who would fight merciless mutated undead alien things instead of running away and hiding or asking some man to defend her. And this doesn't even address how she is surviving without a suit in an environment where the loss of oxygen and gravity are constant risks.

Another poster shortly thereafter complained about how female party members in Balder's Gate wouldn't bed him because he treated them like crap (apparently because that's what all women secretly crave).

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Re: Creepy Players, Killer GMs, and Int 8 Wizards: Gaming Horror Stories
« Reply #119 on: January 15, 2012, 10:04:13 PM »
Is it bad that I am more bothered by the fact that prostitution should be a perform check and that he used odd numbered ability bonuses than I am that this man is apparently FATAL's target audience.