Author Topic: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG  (Read 4201 times)

Offline A_bad_DM

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O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« on: March 20, 2017, 01:42:14 AM »
Hello everyone, I'm in need of your help.

I have a pretty strong NPC to create, for which I have some basic stats.

This game is set in the D&D 3.5 system.

The game in which my players have been playing for a certain time is Gestalt, and by now it's also Epic.

There are some rules limiting the power of the characters and NPCs in this game:

Epic Spellcasting: The price of a spell crafted with Epic Spellcasting can't be reduced by more than 75% of its total cost before reductions, and rituals can't be used for the crafting and/or the casting.

No infinite or near infinite loop are allowed on a character.

Custom Item Crafting is allowed.(One of the PC has a ring of Unlimited Wish, as well as a demi-plane in which time goes at a rate of 1 day in his demi-plane to 1 round in the real world(86400:6 or 14400:1)).

All books are allowed, except Psionics and Dragon Magazine.

The help I need is to make the last boss they'll be fighting, which is a level 40 gestalt character, a wizard-type caster on one side and something else(any ideas?) on the other side. It must be a Red Dragonwrought Winged Kobold.

I'd also need help with the epic spells it could have, considering almost infinite amount of experience(though can only use 41k at once).

If you had any ideas to make this final encounter as interesting as possible, please do send them my way too.

Oh and because the players were so lucky while rolling for their stats, the stats of the BBEG are the equivalent of a 50pts buy, you can reconfigure them as you see fit.

For now, the only epic spells already planned for the NPC is an epic dispel with at least 5 targets, and a mix between a cage of force and an antimagic zone.

Thanks you very much for all the help you will give me. If you have any questions or comments, I'd be glad to answer, who knows what inspiration those could provide.

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Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2017, 05:00:25 AM »
You can have fun going the dip approach. At level 36+ a 1 level dip into any Martial Adept gets you instant access to 9th level Maneuvers which can be useful to an extent. Monk dip with Carmendine Monk is solid.

There is also Factotum for Int Synergy. Full 20 Levels levels nets you Cunning Brilliance which gives you a shit ton of versatility and power. 16th, 11th, or 8th also net you plenty of benefits you can use.
Erudite on the opposite end gives you more options, and is strong with Tashalatora and Monk dip.
Archivist is close flavor wise and give more options
Warblade is simple again for synergy and raw improvement to HD size and BAB.
Im really bad at what I do.

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Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2017, 05:53:27 PM »

There are some rules limiting the power of the characters and NPCs in this game:

umm ...
No infinite or near infinite loop are allowed on a character.

Custom Item Crafting is allowed.(One of the PC has a ring of Unlimited Wish, as well as a demi-plane in which time goes at a rate of 1 day in his demi-plane to 1 round in the real world(86400:6 or 14400:1)).

So ...
gestalt 40 has enough room for Quad 9s the old fashioned way ('cept no psi).

Savage Species Rakshasa 14 / Mage of the Arcane Order 11 / maybe Sorc +2 / maybe the PsuedoNatural template say 15 ish

Martial Monk 2 / ToB something 2 maybe later / UrPriest 10 / Blighter 10 with a Greater Bestow Curse to get rid of the annoying blighting part / comparatively unknown Epic Prc 10 or the Dragon specific prc that gets DivRank 0 going on.
Use SirP's ez r.a.i. divine defiance stuff from the t.o.board.

12 Epic spells + whatevers in the spellpool
quicken meta on tons of other stuff
Immune to 8s on down, 9s handled by dd til it runs out
can handle itself if hand-2-hand happens for a round or two
minor weirdness the PCs don't know about
Your codpiece is a mimic.

Offline A_bad_DM

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Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2017, 10:31:26 PM »
Well, Savage Species Rakshasa can't be done, since the character has been a dragonwrought red kobold(as mentionned in the OP :P).

Furthermore, you put two prestige classes on at the same time, which is forbidden by the Gestalt Rules:
 "A gestalt character can’t combine two prestige classes at any level, although it’s okay to combine a prestige class and a regular class[...]"

Lastly, how do you get into Blighter with the build you showed? Don't you need to be an ex-druid that could cast 3rd level druid spell to get into that PrC?

Still, thanks for looking into it, but for now this build doesn't seem to fit within the limits imposed on this BBEG.

I've been working on a Wizard6/Incantatrix10/Mindbender1/Wizard23||ParagonCreature(12)/Factotum28 for now, looking into Archmage to see if that could add anything of interest into the build.

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Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2017, 01:46:37 PM »
no psionics? bleh.

Offline Ithamar

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Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2017, 02:48:10 PM »
Side One:
Wizard 3 / Master Specialist (Abjurer) 10 / Abjurant Champion 5 / Incantatrix 10 / Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil 7 / Archmage 5

Side Two:
Really just about anything works for the other side.  If you can tack on Paragon Creature, sure, why not?  :p  I'm a fan of stuff that gives you buffs without having to take up actions, so Warlock, Incarnate, Binder, etc.

At this level there are probably some of the Epic Dragon PrC's from Draconomicon you can qualify for as well.  That could be fun.  :D

Offline Keldar

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Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2017, 01:20:57 AM »
B Side:  Break the action economy and get defenses. 
Factotum 20+/ Warblade 1+/ Dragonfire Adept 1/ (Carmendine if A side Wizard, Acetic Mage if A side Sorcerer) Monk1, ect.

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Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2017, 09:39:46 PM »
Mind giving the PC's classes and usual tactics?
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Offline A_bad_DM

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Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2017, 10:22:12 AM »
PC's classes and usual tactics?

There's an ubercharger using a modified "Captain Constitution" build(because with all the template he's using, many of the build's stats were becoming useless). He's the group's most ridiculously powerful character. Under perfect circumstances he'll be dealing close to 4000 damages on a turn(if everything crits on his Kaorti Resin weapon(Kaorti Resin makes the weapon's crit multiplier x4))

There's a dread necromancer//Artificer paragon demi-lich who can come back to life a few rounds after he was destroyed since his phylactery is within his demi-plane where time goes to the rhythm of one day per round outside. He uses epic spellcasting(his dispel is his most seen used spell until now, though he has an invisibility spell and an area of effect damage spell) He made items for everyone in the group, which is why all stats just sky-rocketed on everyone(+30 to all skill checks, a lot of +10s to ACs(Divine, insight, luck, sacred, profane, etc.) and all abilities at +12, but there are also the immunities thrown around(Mind-blank, freedom of movement, energies).

There's a Druid which did not do much yet in combat, letting the others deal with it as they are more than capable of dealing with any threats he could even hope to lay a hand on.(Kind of troublesome for me as a DM by the way, as if I want to let him have fun, all other players are guaranteed to hit all the time.) He's developing Epic spells but I don't know what those will be yet, guess he did not finish making them.

Lastly, a Vampire Lord who uses spellcasting(I believe he can cast 9th Arcane and Divine at full sorcerer and cleric level. Also has epic spellcasting, but also working on developing them as we speak so I also don't know what those will be. I expect to see dispelling at least.

As a group, they usually hit the demi-lich a bit to activate his masochism and their sadism before hitting the enemies in front of them. If the demi-lich dies, it can come back quickly the first time thanks to astral projection, which he does not use twice in case the enemy can simply dispel him after.

That's all I can think of for now. Thanks muktidata for your interest. Thank you Keldar and Ithamar also, those build seem interesting, though I don't get what Dragonfire Adept can bring to it from a quick skimming of its abilities. I'll have to look deeper into it.

Offline phaedrusxy

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Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2017, 10:36:35 AM »
Vampire Lord and demi-lich... Have you considered a build focused on rebuking or destroying undead?

Throw in something to keep the ubercharger at bay for a bit, and that might help your druid some action.
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Offline A_bad_DM

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Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2017, 12:25:41 PM »
While I would have loved to easily deal with those two undeads that easily, the maximum HD a cleric in my game can affect is 44 since the maximum level is 40, and a demilich gains 20 to its HD due to its (Ex)Turn Resistance +20.

I'm not sure about the Vampire Lord, but I do believe he has at least +5 Turn Resistance.

Just looked it up, and the template states +4, but the example 10HD character has +8, I do believe this player would also have done something to crank it up a bit, though probably not as much as the demilich, that still puts both of them out of turning attempts' reach.

I did forget to mention, his vampire lord template comes from some sort of light and darkness monk class that turns him into a vampire lord as its capstone ability(fluff-wise, it also gives his soul to Dispater for doing so) there, found it. Though that says only "Vampire" and not "Vampire Lord". Still, it would be too late to change that and I do believe acquiring the Vampire Lord template wouldn't be impossible. Looked it up, and the Vampire Lord template has no pre-requisite other than being lvl10+ and being a vampire humanoid or monstrous humanoid.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2017, 12:42:08 PM by A_bad_DM »

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Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2017, 02:09:27 PM »
Congratulations, the Vampire just eliminated himself!  He'll have fun in Dis.

Offline A_bad_DM

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Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2017, 04:52:25 PM »
Oh, because of the "and an NPC" part?

Yeah... It is just a bit too late for that, but really he is by no means a character that causes problems in this game anyway.

Furthermore, technically speaking, DMs can ask other people to play NPCs to simplify their job so that whole "being an NPC" part could easily be ignored under consent of the DM, which is what happened here. I did not see a player being a vampire being any kind of troubles to the power-level of the game.

Offline phaedrusxy

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Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2017, 09:12:26 PM »
There are ways to optimize turning to ridiculous levels, to the point where you can likely automatically destroy any undead in existence, probably as a free/swift action. Carnivore wrote a handbook on it, with examples. If this is something that you're at all interested in, I'm sure someone can dig up a link to it.
I don't pee messages into the snow often , but when I do , it's in Cyrillic with Fake Viagra.  Stay frosty my friends.