If you like Skill tricks, Open Minded gets you 5 SkP, and Cool Head, Sure Hand, and Sweet talker all net you 2 Skill Tricks and increase Skill Trick Limit by 1 each. So limit is lvl/2+3. Nothing earth-shattering there. [edit2] Didn't notice the level 3 bit (limited to one skill trick, and the feats require 2. Each.). Open Minded still gets you skillpoints. If you're strapped for them for some reason, it could be useful. Depending on build. [/edit2]
The Abyssal Heritor feats each have a small drawback, so if skills are your thing, maybe skip 'em?
Aberrant Feats (LOM) stack like AbHer feats, with a stacking penalty to Dipl, Disg, GI and Handle Animal, as well as wild empathy. One of them gets you PP (Warped Mind), making you psionic so there's that. (Tentacles, Flight, Amphibious+Swim, etc)
Hidden Talent wouldn't be terrible if you wanted to become psionic. Psionic focus could be useful if you were willing/able to use it...
[edit] Willing Deformity + Deformity (Skin) x 6 (HoH) nets +6 NAC (Stacks with other NAC and enhancement)
Planar Touchstones? [/edit]