The OA Hengeyokai entry literally says that you assume the physical ability scores indicated in the table.
Hengeyokai have the size, speed, AC, damage rating and physical ability scores shown on Table 1-3
1 23 10
The latter are listed in the following order: STR, DEX, CON.
I have never argued that you do not get these scores. My only argument is they are base scores, not set in stone, and can be modified. You even finally admitted it in your P.S. but of course you used the only score that would be unaffected by change, making it sound like it backs up your claim that they can't be modified.
Do you not admit that if you had the Pathetic Flaw in Dex that the -2 Dex would carry over into Sparrow form? Dropping the 23 to 21. Exactly the same if you wanted to go Positive with a Greater Strength Feat +1 Str would carry over. Making the 1 into a 2 Str. Proof that the scores can be modified.
A Clockwork Template (Effigy creature, in Complete Arcane), is an construct. Thus a Clockwork Hengeyokai (transformer noise) turns into a Clockwork Sparrow Hengeyokai. So, le poof, be gone Con store in OA, Table 1-3, page 12. Completely and utterly irregardless of what the table says they
do not gain a Con score of 10. Why? Because they remain a Construct. They are not a living creature, the change of form does not alter that. Proof that the scores can be modified.
I think that may be where your stuck. You must be in a rut thinking in terms of Polymorph. To give another example: An Elf polymorphed into a Human and mating with another Elf would have Half-Elf children, because they are no longer an Elf. However, an Elf
in the form of a Human only appears as a Human and would still have Elven children. Change in form does not change what you are inherently, its
only appearance that changes.
Lets go back to the top.
My question was do templates carry over into to different forms? I think the consensus is: Yes.
Feats, special abilities, etc. all seem to carry over. There even seems to be an agreement that Ability score changes also take place where base scores are not listed. As with the Tibbit, where the change in form just lowers str by -8 and +2 is added to dex. Where Half-Giant Were-Wolves can also exist.
So, per Alternate Form (Su):
A creature cannot use alternate form to take the form of a creature with a template.
I should write the company, I have found the first short sighted wording in the rules!!! They did not take players using inherent templates into consideration when it wrote it. They just wanted to make sure you could not gain a template for free or at will. It should say:
A creature cannot use alternate form to take the form of a creature with a different template then they already have, if any.
Because the very first bullet point of Alternate Form is:
The creature retains the type and subtype of its original form. It gains the size of its new form. If the new form has the aquatic subtype, the creature gains that subtype as well.
Irrevocable proof that inherent templates do carry over with all changes Type and Subtype can drastically make to a character. Example: A Hengeyokai regardless of what form he is in always stays a Humanoid Type (Per 3.5 update) with Shapeshifter Subtype and is acceptable to Charm Person. Even while in animal form. While a Half-Fiend Hengeyokai becomes an Outsider Type with Shapeshifter Subtype and is now immune to Charm Person.
I am not sure why these rule appear to cause so much confusion.
You seem to be the only one confused. Your whole and only argument against changes being made, to Hengeyokai only, is "There is a table OA, Table 1-3, page 12." Yes, there is, good job in finding it. Saying they can only be what they are listed on the table then and saying they can be changed, has the effect of canceling out your own point. Word for word as you quoted below.
Hengeyokai have the size, speed, AC, damage rating and physical ability scores shown on Table 1-3
Um... Where exactly are you getting any supporting information that these scores are not base and can not be modified? What page does it say this? Yes, you change your scores to what animal type of Hengeyokai you are as per table. I never said you do not do this. However, Then you modify them by whatever factors you have, absolutely nothing says otherwise. Again, you even agreed, without agreeing by using Str, in your P.S. that they can be modified.
I have given my proof in multiple examples where not only can they be modified but, depending on the template, a score on the tables can be completely ignored all together. You have given no supporting information at all, just the page number of a table.
So, I am sorry. If you can't supply actual information that say otherwise, then we are just going to have to agree to disagree.
Edit: Friend just reminded me of the Multiheaded Template, where the different heads can also have different subtypes. So a Multiheaded Hengeyokai would still retain both heads in animal form and both subtypes.