Author Topic: Can anyone think of a way to make Vital Aim (Targeteer) apply to Crossbow Damage  (Read 3369 times)

Offline Jowgen

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Question as in the title.

The Targeteer Fighter varient from Dragon 310 can get the following ability:

Vital Aim: The Targetteer may add his Dexterity modifier to his damage rolls with a ranged-weapon attack instead of his Strength bonus. The Targetteer cannot replace a Strength penalty to damage rolls with his Dexterity modifier unless his Dexterity modifier is also a penalty. The Targetteer cannot use his Dexterity modifier to replace his Strength modifier when attacking creatures immune to critical hits.

Crossbows don't get Str to damage. Like, ever; as far as I can tell. So, Vital Aim can't get applied.

As a long shot I thought I'd ask if anyone can think of anything to get it to apply.

Offline Keldar

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It doesn't say you need to be able to add your strength bonus in order to add your dexterity bonus instead, just that you can't eliminate a strength penalty.  And wouldn't make sense if it did.

Offline Garryl

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It doesn't say you need to be able to add your strength bonus in order to add your dexterity bonus instead, just that you can't eliminate a strength penalty.  And wouldn't make sense if it did.

It does, though. It lets you add Dex mod to damage instead of your Str bonus. If you're not adding Str to damage, you can't replace it with something else.

Offline Stratovarius

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Take Peerless Archer level 3 (Silver Marches p115)? It gets you:
Power Shot: At 3rd level, a peerless archer learns how to make devastatingly powerful bowshots. On her action, before making any attack rolls, she may choose to subtract a number from all ranged attack rolls and add the same number to all ranged damage rolls. This number may not exceed her base attack bonus. The penalty on her attack rolls and bonus on her damage rolls apply until her next action.

Offline PlzBreakMyCampaign

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RAI, its pretty clear its not supposed to work. But RAW, yeah it probably does. Mundane archers aren't supposed to have nice things, you know?