That feeling when you just finish watching Fate/Zero, get very excited, and with no pause, start Fate/Stay Night, only to remember... It's from 6 years before, and the graphics are nowhere as good. Damn, such a letdown, but i'm rewatching anyway
It's amazing how your brain paints stuff in a way that the more time passes the more you think it was beautiful... Like when i remember my days of Hexen & Quake 1 & 2, and think how awesome they were... Only to be sorely disappointed when i actually go and SEE videos on youtube.
Or when i remember that i used to watch movies on VHS and thought the image was SO MUCH BETTER than TV... Even Cable! And now i can't watch anything that isn't at least a DVD up-scaled to 1080i without complaining nonstop about pixelation...
It's scary, seeing how much i got old, and how much time passes without you even noticing...
Why do you make such a fool of me, brain? Why?!