The feat requires human, which several races besides human count as (half-elves, half-orcs, some planetouched via alt. racial traits).
The feat let's you choose a humanoid race to count as for the purpose of spells (among everything else).
A natural thrope is a legal option for Racial Heritage, since it can only be applied to humanoids and is inherent template as a natural thrope
The spell reincarnates you into a member of your race.
You're probably going to end up just having equal chances of becoming your actual base race or a full bred were-critter.
Ex. Human + Racial Heritage (were-cicada halfling) has a 50% chance of becoming either. If you get the former, your chances remain 50/50 on your next rebirth. If you get the latter, you lose Racial Heritage as no longer being a human. Now you have a 100% chance of re-emerging as a cicada midget on any future rebirths.
All this works for any race combination. Half-elf (among others) will really screw with the rebirth rates, 25% each for half-elf, human, elf, and heritage.
Cyclical Reincarnation works really fluffily with being a were-cicada. Almost like they were meant to go together :-p
Be prepared to block flying books, though.