WEIGHT 2 lbs.
This stuffed badger—a well-
loved and legally protected
animal in Absalom—is realistic
enough to fool most other
animals into thinking it is real.
As a move action, a wielder
can use a free hand to present
the plush; any Small or smaller
animal with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2 that can see it takes
a –2 penalty on initiative checks.
So, wiggle the badger for an indefinite duration penalty?
WEIGHT 1 lb.
Sylirican lemons make prized preserves when ground, salted, and
sealed in jars, adding an intense citrus flavor when sprinkled atop
other foods. If, within 8 hours of consuming a meal seasoned
with Sylirican lemons, you gain the confused condition, you can
roll 1d6 and subtract the result from the result of your d% roll to
determine what action you take for the first round in which you
are confused. This benefit does not stack with itself.
The price and weight listed represent a jar containing enough
preserved lemons to season 10 meals.
So, for 3 cp/day, I can get an always active -1d6 on confusion %?
WEIGHT 6 lbs.
This khopesh (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 30)
has a silver blade polished to an almost blinding
sheen and etched with motifs of vines
and leaves. Blades of life’s defense
can be bought in Anuli’s Sword Alley,
and are becoming more popular
as rumblings of an open war with Geb continue to grow ever
louder. Each blade is imbued with a shimmer of nonmagical
might against undead that grants the blade’s bearer a
+1 sacred bonus on saving throws against the abilities of
undead. It is otherwise treated as a standard khopesh.
170gp to get +1 sacred to saves vs. Undead, just by CARRYING a sword?
Heatstone plating involves placing heatstones at strategic points
within clothing or armor. A character wearing armor that has
heatstone plating is constantly protected from cold weather as
per the endure elements spell. Armor with heatstone plating
weighs 1 additional pound for every 5 pounds of the armor’s
original weight (for example, a suit of leather armor with
heatstone plating weighs 18 pounds). Heatstone plating cannot
be sewn into heavy armor.
Type of Heatstone Plating Item Item Price Modifier
Light armor +800 GP
Medium armor +1,000 GP
800-1000 for a non-slotted
endure elements (cold)
This heatstone-derived glass is warm to the touch and slightly
malleable, as if it were still liquid. A pliable nature allows this
otherwise razor-sharp crystal to repair itself when it takes
damage. An item made from liquid glass repairs damage to
itself at a rate of 2 hit points per day, even if the weapon
is broken or destroyed (but not if the weapon is destroyed
in a way that the pieces cannot be retrieved, such as via
disintegrate). If a weapon made from liquid glass has full
hit points, it grants a +1 bonus on damage rolls. Items made
from liquid glass have 10 hit points per inch of thickness and
hardness 10.
Type of Liquid Glass Item Item Price Modifier
Weapon +800 GP
Other Items +250 GP/lb.
Get your indestructible items now, doesn't matter the original material.
Could this work on alchemical items?
WEIGHT 1 lb.
This bizarre fruit appears to be carved from stone, though it has
a lovely aroma and is easily consumed. Stone fruits occasionally
sprout from the strange treelike monument known as the
Celwynvian Charge (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Magnimar,
City of Monuments 29), where they are gathered by licensed
vendors and sold to travelers. Eating a stone fruit hardens flesh
and restores vitality. When a creature eats the fruit as a full-
round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, it immediately
recovers 2d6 hit points and gains a +2 enhancement bonus to its
natural armor for 1 minute.
How many medium apples (picture indicates a large apple-like fruit in a small creatures hand) in a cubic foot? Just asking for the purposes of
minor creationCHARDA CLAWS PRICE 150 GP
This tiny set of sculpted claws, made from stone carefully chipped
from the Battle of Charda monument (Pathfinder Campaign
Setting: Magnimar, City of Monuments 11), is set upon a fine
chain. Once per day when attempting an Intimidate check to
demoralize a single opponent in combat, the user can forcefully
present the charda claws as part of the action to activate their
residual power. Using the claws in this way requires a free hand,
but only while the Intimidate check is made. If the Intimidate
check was a success and the target is demoralized, the claws
grant the wielder a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls against that
creature for the duration of the demoralized effect. If the wielder
uses the claws but the Intimidate check is not successful, the
claws’ daily use is expended to no effect.
Nice demoralizer buff.
WEIGHT 1/2 lb.
This handheld metal cylinder is embossed with traditional
symbols tied to protectiveness and has a handle that can
be used to spin it. Mantra wheels are often used by divine
spellcasters who are blind or have difficulty with fine gestures,
or who simply enjoy using this traditional device. As a move
action, a scroll of a divine spell can be placed inside the wheel.
The handle is then spun, activating the scroll without the use of
verbal or somatic components. If the wheel’s user would need
to attempt a caster level check to activate the scroll successfully,
the wheel provides a +3 bonus on that check. Spinning the
wheel is part of the normal action required to activate the scroll
(usually a standard action or the spell’s casting time, whichever
is longer). Using the wheel to activate a scroll provokes attacks
of opportunity exactly as activating a scroll (or casting the spell)
normally would. The wheel can hold only one divine scroll at a
time. Removing an expended scroll from a mantra wheel is a
swift action.
Crank the wheel for still and silent divine scrolls? Only 450 gp and basically a full-round action to add, cast, and remove the scroll? Not too shabby.
WEIGHT 65 lbs.
Named after a ferocious unicorn-tiger hybrid, this suit of
scale mail barding bears a vicious horn on the forehead
plate and metal tiger claws protruding from the poitrel. The
armor is heavily reinforced to protect a horse’s chest and
neck. A horse wearing poh armor gains a gore attack as a
secondary natural attack that deals 1d8 points of damage.
Additionally, a horse wearing poh armor deals 2d6 points of
damage to any foe it knocks prone when using an overrun
combat maneuver. Poh armor otherwise functions like barding
(Ultimate Equipment 80).
The price and weight listed is for poh armor for a Large
mount. Poh armor for a Medium mount costs 250 gp and
weighs 35 pounds. Poh armor slows a mount with a base
speed of 40 feet to 30 feet, 50 feet to 35 feet, or 60 feet to
40 feet.
Barding that turns your horse into a savage unicorn beast?