So, I'm gearing up to start a new campaign with my Archivist. It's a small group, with only one other player, so we've both been given a free cohort. Since the DM has agreed to use the pre-errata version of the artificer, that's obviously the strongest choice for my character. Basically, as long as I'm willing to pay for the cohort to make the scroll, I can have it. (the DM isn't going to enforce the "scribing into the prayerbook" time or cost).
My problem is that the cohort is still going to be needed at least somewhat for non-scroll scribing activities, and I don't know much about the class. So what I would like help with is making an artificer that:
1. has a decent amount of cost reduction on scroll making
2. is still useful in combat
3. can serve as a skillmonkey in a pinch
The other player is playing a druid, and is no stranger to optimization. I'm not sure what his cohort is going to be, but I'm sure it will be no pushover, so feel free to go nuts (non-TO, obviously^^)
Sources: anything 3.5 or un-updated 3.0, Dragon/Dungeon Mag, Pathfinder, Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Eberron, occasional homebrew with permission (it will have to be really good to get approved, though)
Any help would be appreciated!