Author Topic: Nycaloth  (Read 4711 times)

Offline oslecamo

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« on: December 02, 2011, 10:29:08 AM »


LevelBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial
Nycaloth Body, Flank Assault, Darkness
Yuguloth, Invisibility, +1 Str
Yuguloth Carapace, Powerful Build, +1 Con
Improved Grab, Mirror Image, +1 Str
Wings, Liftoff, Wounding, See Invisibility
Growth, Rake, Desecrate
Deep Strike, Fear, +1 Con
Death Drop, Greater Invisibility, +1 Str
Wicked Assault, Teleport, +1 Cha, +1 Con
Multi-Armed, True Seeing, +1 Str, +1 Cha, +1 Con
Proficiencies:The nycaloth has proficiency in all simple and martial weapons and light armor and medium armor.

Skill Points: 6+Int mod, quadruple at first level.
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise , Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Tumble, Use Magic Device 


Nycaloth Body: The Nycaloth loses all previous racial and gains the outsider traits (Darkvision 60ft, no need to eat or sleep). It is a medium sized outsider with natural armor bonus equal to its con modifier, and two claw attacks that deal 1d4+str damage each. It has a land speed of 40ft per round.

Flank Assault:
A number of times per day equal to its Cha mod, as a swift action, the Nycaloth may gain a bonus on melee attacks equal to its Con mod against flanked oponents.

Yugoloth Magic:At the levels indicated the Yugoloth gains some SLAs, each useable a certain number of times per day. DCs are 10+1/2HD+Cha mod.

1-Darkness 1/day per HD. Upgrades to Deeper Darkness at 7th level (level, not HD).
2-Invisibility 1/day per HD.
4-Mirror Image 1/day per 3 HD.
5-See Invisibility 1/day per 2 HD.
6-Desecrate 1/day per 2 HD, except it also benefits evil outsiders as if they were undeads.
7-Fear 1/day per 2 HD. At 12 HD it ignores immunity to fear.
8-Greater Invisibility 1/day per 4 HD.
9-Teleport 1/day per 6 HD. At 13 HD it upgrades to Greater Teleport.
10-True Seeing 1/day per 5 HD.

Ability Bonuses
The Nycaloth gains a +1 to Str at levels 2, 4, 8, 10, a bonus to Con at levels 3, 7, 9, 10, and a bonus to Cha at levels 9, 10, for a total of +4 Str, +4 Con and +2 Cha at level 10.

Yugoloth: At 2nd level the Nycaloth gains a bonus on saves against poison and resistance to acid equal to its HD, and resistance to fire, cold & electricity equal to half HD. It also gains telepathy out to 10 feet per HD. Plus they can choose to leave a faint trail of ash when they move in their natural form.

It also gains the evil subtype, and its natural attacks and any weapon it wields count as evil aligned for purposes of bypassing DR.

Yuguloth Carapace:At 3rd level the Nycaloth gains spell resistance equal to 11+HD and DR/good equal to half its HD. It may drop or rise its SR as a free action at any time as a free action even if it isn't its turn.

Powerful Build:At 3rd level, the physical stature of nycaloths lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger.
Whenever a nycaloth is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the nycaloth is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him.
A nycaloth is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. A nycaloth can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.

Improved Grab:At 4th level, if a Nycaloth's claw attack hit a creature it may make a grapple attempt as a free action with no attacks of opportunity.

At 8 HD the Nycaloth ignores Freedom of Movement effects.

Wings:At 5th level, the nycaloth gains a fly speed equal to twice its base land speed with good maneuverability. Any increase to the nycaloth's land speed also increases the fly speed.

Liftoff: At 5th level, if the Nycaloth gets a hold on an oponent, it may fly with the the grabbed creature whitout penalty at full speed, provided it does not go over the light load limit. If it goes to the medium load limit, then the Nycaloth may still carry it at half fly speed and taking a -3 penalty on all physical skills. If it goes to the heavy load limit, then the skill penalty increases to -6.

Wounding:At 5th level, a wound from a nycaloth’s melee attacks continues to bleed after the injury was inflicted. Each wound bleeds for 2 point of damage per round thereafter. Multiple melee wounds result in cumulative bleeding loss (two wounds deal 4 points of damage per round, and so on). The bleeding can be stopped only by a successful DC 10+Str mod Heal check or the application of any cure spell or other healing spell (heal, mass heal, and so on).

At 10 HD, and every 5 HD thereafter, the bleeding damage increases by an extra 2.

Growth:At 6th level, the nycaloth grows one size category. Their powerful build continues to apply.

At 6th level the nycaloth that gets a hold on an oponent can make two rake attacks with its hind legs, each dealing 1d6+Str mod damage.

Deep Strike:
At 7th level, a number of times per day equal to its Cha mod, as a fullround action the Nycaloth may perform a charge in wich it moves triple its fly speed and can perform a full attack at the end, as long as the Deep Strike starts in the air and ends on a lower area. Oponents are considered flatfotted against Deep Strike.

Death Drop:At 8th level, a number of times per day equal to its Cha mod, if the Nycaloth has a grabbed oponent and is airborne, as a fullround action it may move up to its base speed and throw the oponent towards an hard surface or an airborne oponent (in this case a sucessul ranged touch attack is needed). The Nycaloth must move at least 20 feet and cannot throw a creature more than 20 feet per HD, unless he's throwing it directly down, in wich case the range is infinite.

If the oponent was thrown against a surface, every creature previously standing on that surface wich ends under or adjacent to the droped creature (and the surface itself) take 1d8 damage per HD of the droped creature and be dazed for 1 round. A sucessfull reflex save with DC 10+1/2HD+Str mod halves the damage and negates the daze. The droped creature itself is splatered in pieces unless it suceeds on a reflex save with the same DC. Even if it suceeds, it still takes 1d8 damage per HD of the Nycaloth and is dazed for 1 round.

If the oponent was thrown against another creature, then count said creature as the surface.

Wicked Assault:At 9th level number of times per day equal to its HD, when performing a charge, the Nycaloth may use one of it's SLAs as a swift action.

Multi-Armed:At 10th level, the Nycaloth's extra arms become functional. This means they can take the multiweapon fighting feat. If they had two weapon fighting prior to gaining this ability, the two weapon fighting feat changes into multiweapon fighting. Also, they kill things with four arms. Great, no?

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Contributed by Frog Dragon from GITP
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 05:48:05 AM by oslecamo »

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Re: Nycaloth
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2019, 08:46:55 PM »
Under Yugoloth magic, it mentions "Mezzoloth."
Quote from: HuskyBoi
I just need a minute to appreciate the words 'goliath lamp-post sneak attack'. That's a thing of beauty, right there.

Greedling avatar by Ceika from Giantitp.

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Nycaloth
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2019, 05:45:48 AM »
Fixed, thanks!