Hmmm... alright, are there any low level ways?
I mean, I forgot about Bestow Greater Curse (Hell, I could probably just Wand it from the Demonologist spell list, where it is a 4th level spell), but I would prefer a cheaper method.
Also, anyone know any good 3rd party tricks? I know about pretty much every trick from WotC sources (thank you, Realmshelp!), but are there good ones in, say, BoEF (yes, I went there.)?
EDIT: If I'm not allowed to use Greater Bestow Curse (the DM doesn't have the SpC, sadly), I could always spam regular Bestow Curse; it would take more uses, but it really only takes 2-3 applications for a normal human.
Now to get over the pesky fact that the Extra Tricks feat can only be taken by Animals and Magical Beasts... Oh well, if I choose to do this to a bunch of good humanoids, and I get a chance to choose their feats (Psychic Reformation looks like the best bet), Nymph's Kiss and being human will give them 3 skill points per level. Pick the right ones, and...