Author Topic: Techno Thief  (Read 3837 times)

Offline oslecamo

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Techno Thief
« on: October 23, 2018, 12:59:10 AM »
Techno Thief

Yes... you'll find it a most enjoyable game.
-Atad Shamran, Techno Thief

Class Skills
The Techno Thief's class skills are Bluff, Craft(any), Concentration, Climb, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Jump, Hide, Move Silently, Spot, Listen, Apraise, Intimidate, Knowledge(any), Open Lock, Perform, Profession (Any), Search, Sense Motive, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device
Skill Points at 1st Level: (8 + int)x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: x8+ int

Hit Dice: d6

Attack Bonus

1st+0+0+0+2Stolen System, Mechajack I, Sneak Attack +1d6
2nd+1+0+0+3Mechajack I, Spirited, Spirit
3rd+2+1+1+3Sneak Attack +2d6, Trapfinding
4th+3+1+1+4Mechajack II, Bonus Feat
5th+3+1+1+4Sneak Attack +3d6
6th+4+2+2+5 Mechajack II, Spirit
7th+5+2+2+5Sneak Attack +4d6
8th+6/+1+2+2+6Mechajack III, Spirit
9th+6/+1+3+3+6Sneak Attack +5d6
10th+7/+2+3+3+7Mechajack III, Bonus Feat
11th+8/+3+3+3+7Sneak Attack +6d6
12th+9/+4+4+4+8Mechajack IV, Spirit
13th+9/+4+4+4+8Sneak Attack +7d6
14th+10/+5+4+4+9Mechajack IV, Spirit
15th+11/+6/+1+5+5+9Sneak Attack +8d6
16th+12/+7/+2+5+5+10Mechajack V, Bonus Feat
17th+12/+7/+2+5+5+10Sneak Attack +9d6
18th+13/+8/+3+6+6+11Mechajack V, Spirit
19th+14/+9/+4+6+6+11Sneak Attack +10d6
20th+15/+10/+5+6+6+12White Star Neviim
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Simple weapons, mechas and ballistic guns.

Stolen System: The Techno Thief steals mugs plunders borrows until they die “finds” a mecha of dubious/unknown origin, probably with a suspiciously fresh coat of paint, serial numbers erased and matching the general description of another mecha disappeared recently, sometimes they don’t even bother with any of those and just pilot their latest acquisition as it is. It works as either a Real Robot or Super Robot. Use your Techno Thief level to determine the kind of robot your Stolen System can emulate, including Arsenal Options. Your Techno Thief levels can count as either Real Pilot or Super Pilot levels, or any combination of those two classes, changeable at each level up. The Techno Thief can steal change Arsenal weapons and accessories at any organization the provides them. The Stolen System must have one of the following quirks, changeable at level up:
(click to show/hide)

If the Stolen System is reduced to 0 HP the Techno Thief will have to undergo some stealing spree redeeming quest to “find” a new one. If the Techno Thief is at least 4th level,  with 10 minutes of fervent searching the Techno Thief can find a lesser replacement, three levels lower than she would normally have access to while on her stealing spree redeeming quest (including arsenal options) due to not having anything better.

Mechajack I: A Techno Thief copies borrows develops a bunch of completely 100% original tricks to aid in her job. At levels 1 and 2 pick one of the following. None may be picked more than once unless noted otherwise. Those options, like the higher grades of Mechajack, can only be used while the Techno Thief is piloting her Stolen System or outside a mecha. On the second case, all mu ranges are reduced to feet (so 30 mu becomes 30 feet for example).
(click to show/hide)

Sneak Attack: As the Rogue ability, progresses as shown in the table.

Spirited: Each level of Techno Thief increases the max number of spirit points of the player by 5. In  addition whenever "Spirit" appears on the table the Thief learns one Spirit.

Spirits can be used as a free action at the  beginning  of your turn by paying their cost in spirit points (before you take any other action). You recover 5 spirit points per round up to your maximum. You can use multiple spirits in a turn, but only once each kind of spirit. Spirits that trigger in a condition , such as valor and alert, last 1 minute and then are lost if they are not triggered by the end of the duration.

A Techno Thief counts as a Real Pilot for spirit cost purposes.

Trapfinding: At 3rd level the Techno Thief gains Trapfinding as the Rogue ability.

Mechajack II: At levels 4 and 6, the Techno Thief can pick one of the following abilities, or alternatively take two Mechajack I for each skipped Mechajack II.

(click to show/hide)

Bonus Feat: At levels 4, 10 and 16 the Techno Thief gains a bonus feat from the list of pilot feats.

Mechajack III: At levels 8 and 10, the Techno Thief can pick one of the following abilities, or alternatively take two Mechajack II for each skipped Mechajack III.

(click to show/hide)

Mechajack IV: At levels 12 and 14, the Techno Thief can pick one of the following abilities, or alternatively take two Mechajack III for each skipped Mechajack IV.

(click to show/hide)

Mechajack V: At levels 16 and 18, the Techno Thief can pick one of the following abilities, or alternatively take two Mechajack IV for each skipped Mechajack V.

(click to show/hide)

White Star Neviim: At 20th level the Techno Thief has stolen enough stuff to build themselves their own private planetoid, a roughly 40 kilometers/25 miles/21120 mu diameter sphere with an artificial enviroment inside and has a fly speed of 300 mu (space only). Otherwise it has the same properties as a Ship Captain Colony Ship ACF of same level. In addition 1/day as a free action the Techno Thief can grant themselves any one Mechajack ability of their choice for 1 hour.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2019, 12:34:51 PM by oslecamo »

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Re: Techno Thief (WIP)
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2018, 05:37:41 AM »
Overhauled Stolen System, removed the rogue special abilities base and filled Mechajack II.

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Re: Techno Thief (WIP)
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2018, 01:00:54 PM »
Metal Marauder-Your Stolen System counts as having a Nackt System accessory

Is that supposed to be the Nacht system?

Offline Fzzr

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Re: Techno Thief (WIP)
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2018, 04:02:12 PM »
I like the new Stolen System much better. I recommend a readability rewrite of the last few sentences of the first paragraph like so:
Use your Techno Thief level to determine the kind of robot your Stolen System can emulate, including Arsenal Options. Your Techno Thief levels can count as either Real Pilot or Super Pilot levels, or any combination of those two classes, changeable at each level up. The Techno Thief can steal change Arsenal weapons and accessories at any organization the provides them. The Stolen System must have one of the following quirks, changeable at level up:

Other issues:
  • There should be a comma after "Mechajack I" in the level 2 class features.
  • 9th level on the table is missing "+1" under BAB.
  • In the description of Mechajack I, "At 1st and 2nd" should be "At levels 1 and 2" to match Mechajack II.
  • Remove descriptions for Sneak Attack and Trapfinder from the features.
I'll a do a more detailed spelling-and-grammar check another time once the features are filled out.

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Techno Thief (WIP)
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2018, 02:02:44 AM »
I like the new Stolen System much better. I recommend a readability rewrite of the last few sentences of the first paragraph like so:
Use your Techno Thief level to determine the kind of robot your Stolen System can emulate, including Arsenal Options. Your Techno Thief levels can count as either Real Pilot or Super Pilot levels, or any combination of those two classes, changeable at each level up. The Techno Thief can steal change Arsenal weapons and accessories at any organization the provides them. The Stolen System must have one of the following quirks, changeable at level up:

Other issues:
  • There should be a comma after "Mechajack I" in the level 2 class features.
  • 9th level on the table is missing "+1" under BAB.
  • In the description of Mechajack I, "At 1st and 2nd" should be "At levels 1 and 2" to match Mechajack II.
Done, thanks for your good help!

  • Remove descriptions for Sneak Attack and Trapfinder from the features.
I don't get this one though, why shouldn't Sneak Attack and Trapfinding get descriptions in the features?

I'll a do a more detailed spelling-and-grammar check another time once the features are filled out.
Great, they're filled out now. :p

Offline Fzzr

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Re: Techno Thief (WIP)
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2018, 02:23:35 PM »
I don't get this one though, why shouldn't Sneak Attack and Trapfinding get descriptions in the features?

Because I was apparently sleep deprived as hell and forgot to remove that sentence before posting. :blush Nevermind.

Offline Fzzr

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Re: Techno Thief (WIP)
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2018, 05:58:26 PM »
Is this no longer WIP? Either way, copyedit time! Separated by feature for your convenience.

  • In Mechajack II - V, "in alternative" should be "alternatively".
  • In Metal Marauder, Magna Marauder, Mega Marauder, and Macro Marauder, "acessory" should be spelled "accessory".
  • In all the Marauder options, "an hardpoint" should be "a hardpoint".
  • In all the Marauder options, split up the second/third sentence (matching the changes) like so: "In addition you can smuggle your stolen system wherever you go outside a mecha so it’s always within your reach as a fullround action. Until then it is perfectly hidden behind a fake wall or basement or some other cunning concealment. After it is revealed it’ll take another 1d12 hours to smuggle somewhere else."
  • In Macro Marauder and Million Meseta Marauder, "different Mechajack Marauder pick" should be "different Mechajack Marauder picks" (the second time in each only).

Mechajack I:
  • In Scavenge System, "wreckage"/"wreckages" should be "wreck"/"wrecks".

Mechajack II:
  • In Grand Theft Accessory, "acessories" should be spelled "accessories".
  • In Mari’s Maraudering, "Maraudering" should be spelled "Marauding".
  • In Magna Marauder, there should be a period after "smuggled Stolen System".
  • In Magna Marauder, "Mirage Colloid or Tactical Hologram or Fake Frame" should be "Mirage Colloid, Tactical Hologram, or Fake Frame".
  • In Arronax’s Abduction, "ejects their mecha" should be "ejects from their mecha".

Mechajack III:
  • In Mega Marauder, "Quantom" should be spelled "Quantum".
  • In Steal Spirit, "that much" should be "that many".
  • In Judau’s Judgement, "either attack the other" should be "either attacks the other".
  • In Judau’s Judgement, "2" should be "+2".

Mechajack IV:
  • In Sweet System, "acessed" should be spelled "accessed".
  • In Hell’s Hijack, "operation" should be "operational".

Mechajack V:
  • In Pilot Possession, "defeatdestroy" should be "defeat/destroy".

  • Does Metal Mug require you to have space for the stolen weapon if it's arsenal weapon? Does it work on builtins?
  • What kind of action, if any, does it take to equip the weapon in Metal Mug?
  • In Lulu’s Looting, does that allow the Techo Thief to use maneuvers that are above what they would qualify for on the basis of PL?
  • In Uso’s Usurpation, does "You add your PL and Int mod to any Bullrush checks as well" apply all the time or only during the hijack attempt?
  • Ramba's Rally seems really overloaded. The description is as long as two or three other mechajack options combined. Probably split up the leadership feat part and the battleship capture part. Though really, the part where it requires the GM/Ship Captain to either prepare or put together a map on the fly would be really annoying to deal with, so it may not be worth keeping that feature at all. Also, I just want to point out that most characters will be smaller than a battleship when outside a mecha. :p
  • In Kamille’s Karma I recommend specifying that the failures are on natural 1-2s etc.
  • Supply System IV doesn't need the "IV" because the previous picks have their own names.
  • Hell’s Hijack should probably specify that you can only get a base as a Support Staff of your Techno Thief class level.
  • In Synthetic System, specify it requires "Supply System".

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Techno Thief
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2018, 08:54:21 PM »
Is this no longer WIP? Either way, copyedit time! Separated by feature for your convenience.
Ups, removed the WIP. :blush

  • In Mechajack II - V, "in alternative" should be "alternatively".
  • In Metal Marauder, Magna Marauder, Mega Marauder, and Macro Marauder, "acessory" should be spelled "accessory".
  • In all the Marauder options, "an hardpoint" should be "a hardpoint".
  • In all the Marauder options, split up the second/third sentence (matching the changes) like so: "In addition you can smuggle your stolen system wherever you go outside a mecha so it’s always within your reach as a fullround action. Until then it is perfectly hidden behind a fake wall or basement or some other cunning concealment. After it is revealed it’ll take another 1d12 hours to smuggle somewhere else."
  • In Macro Marauder and Million Meseta Marauder, "different Mechajack Marauder pick" should be "different Mechajack Marauder picks" (the second time in each only).


Mechajack I:
  • In Scavenge System, "wreckage"/"wreckages" should be "wreck"/"wrecks".

Mechajack II:
  • In Grand Theft Accessory, "acessories" should be spelled "accessories".
  • In Mari’s Maraudering, "Maraudering" should be spelled "Marauding".
  • In Magna Marauder, there should be a period after "smuggled Stolen System".
  • In Magna Marauder, "Mirage Colloid or Tactical Hologram or Fake Frame" should be "Mirage Colloid, Tactical Hologram, or Fake Frame".
  • In Arronax’s Abduction, "ejects their mecha" should be "ejects from their mecha".

Mechajack III:
  • In Mega Marauder, "Quantom" should be spelled "Quantum".
  • In Steal Spirit, "that much" should be "that many".
  • In Judau’s Judgement, "either attack the other" should be "either attacks the other".
  • In Judau’s Judgement, "2" should be "+2".

Mechajack IV:
  • In Sweet System, "acessed" should be spelled "accessed".
  • In Hell’s Hijack, "operation" should be "operational".

Mechajack V:
  • In Pilot Possession, "defeatdestroy" should be "defeat/destroy".
Done too.
  • Does Metal Mug require you to have space for the stolen weapon if it's arsenal weapon? Does it work on builtins?
  • What kind of action, if any, does it take to equip the weapon in Metal Mug?
  • In Lulu’s Looting, does that allow the Techo Thief to use maneuvers that are above what they would qualify for on the basis of PL?
  • In Uso’s Usurpation, does "You add your PL and Int mod to any Bullrush checks as well" apply all the time or only during the hijack attempt?
-No, yes, clarified, added clauses to replace and also that if a Metal Mugged weapon gets disarmed then it's ruined for good.
-No action, clarified.
-Either during the fight or while piloting the Stolen System, clarified.

  • Ramba's Rally seems really overloaded. The description is as long as two or three other mechajack options combined. Probably split up the leadership feat part and the battleship capture part. Though really, the part where it requires the GM/Ship Captain to either prepare or put together a map on the fly would be really annoying to deal with, so it may not be worth keeping that feature at all. Also, I just want to point out that most characters will be smaller than a battleship when outside a mecha. :p
  • In Kamille’s Karma I recommend specifying that the failures are on natural 1-2s etc.
  • Supply System IV doesn't need the "IV" because the previous picks have their own names.
  • Hell’s Hijack should probably specify that you can only get a base as a Support Staff of your Techno Thief class level.
  • In Synthetic System, specify it requires "Supply System".
-Good points, but I don't think the battleship capture part is worth a pick of its own yet I really want to allow the option, so added a "fast" way of solving it where most of the combat inside the battleship is abstracted and let the previous slower way in case there's time to set up the map.
-Ups, fixed.
-Leftover removed.
-Fixed too.
-Fixed three.

Thanks for more of your help!

Offline Fzzr

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Re: Techno Thief
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2018, 12:21:15 AM »
Newly noticed issues:

  • In Metal Marauder, "workIn" should be "work. In".
  • In Metal Marauder, "an hardpoint" should be "a hardpoint".
  • In Mechajack III - V, "in alternative" should be "alternatively". (Change was only made in II)
  • In Scavenge System, "the wrecks can then be scavenged again" should be "the wreck can then be scavenged again".
  • In Ragna's Rally (Fast Option), "In alternative" should be "alternatively". (Come on man, you even fixed it in other places in the same edit!)

Otherwise good. Now that the full features are in I can definitely see ways this could be a fun and useful class.

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Re: Techno Thief
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2018, 01:02:24 AM »
Newly noticed issues:

  • In Metal Marauder, "workIn" should be "work. In".
  • In Metal Marauder, "an hardpoint" should be "a hardpoint".
  • In Mechajack III - V, "in alternative" should be "alternatively". (Change was only made in II)
  • In Scavenge System, "the wrecks can then be scavenged again" should be "the wreck can then be scavenged again".
  • In Ragna's Rally (Fast Option), "In alternative" should be "alternatively". (Come on man, you even fixed it in other places in the same edit!)
-Fixed, including a few other places.
-Ups, fixed.
-Hahaha fixed.

Otherwise good. Now that the full features are in I can definitely see ways this could be a fun and useful class.