For those who don't like to read:
How can a high level group permanently protect a town from attack from bad guy high level casters? Our Dm is trying to kill our town.
For those who like to know more:
Our group has been playing for a couple of years and recently created a town in game. We've been spending a lot of time (in game and out) trying to make it nice and many of the group are using it as a great excuse for character growth as their characters become emotionally invested in something for the first times in their lives beyond their equipment or next spell they want to learn.(*how so included below for those who really like to read...*)
We still go adventuring and we're away from the town a lot (we haven't turned into bureaucracy and dragons), but we've invested game time setting up trade routes and negotiating with the local council of cities and such - so it's an important part of our game line at this point.
I guess predictably (it was a surprise to us) - The DM had a wizard who escaped us a few levels back during an adventure seek revenge on us by attacking our town while we were out doing adventure-y things - delayed blast maximized fireballs for an opening salvo, flying with superior (greater?) invisibility over the town to watch the carnage, opening a gate to some nether realm in the middle of town to let demons run free through it ... we had set up a message item so we could be called if we were needed, and we teleported in almost immediately to help (we were luckily not in the middle of something at the time) which at least stopped the demons, and we even killed the wizard... but over half the town was dead from the initial surprise fireballs.
We don't expect any more attacks immediately... but I would like to protect the town from future attacks as best as I can. We have large amounts of gold, the ability to craft most types of items, and the party level is about 16 (but going up somewhat rapidly ... due to demonic invasion and such)
I would really love to hear ideas about how to make a whole town immune to attack - ideally permanently - but even for just a short while (so that they could call us and we'd have time to teleport in ...without anyone dying along the way.)
* If you want to know about the group and how the town's affecting them just for kicks:
The group rogue has become the town sheriff (figuring she knew the most about crime...) and raised a small militia / cop force to protect the place, she's suddenly getting to show serious leadership qualities, caring about "her people" - and dealing with crime from the other side of the fence.
The Paladin has started a brewery and is spreading his god's name through new routes and merchantile approaches.
The sleep-around-druid has brought his children (from all over the country) to one location and is now caring about being a father instead of just sending money...
The Dwarf Cleric has started using his skills on things like masonry, carpentry, and architecture and engineering ... and is exploring his dwarven heritage (for the first time) by contacting other dwarves and bringing them in to work on an undercity...
The Soulknife took a leadership feat so he could start looking for other psionics and train them ... into his own personal xmen (he..makes possibly the least sense of anyone in the group... but still - this *is* progress for him =))
And the barbarian, well he still just hits things with his axe, but well, that's the character.