Author Topic: Team Kegger: How to optimize for this PHB-only situation?  (Read 1749 times)

Offline Endarire

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Team Kegger: How to optimize for this PHB-only situation?
« on: June 19, 2019, 04:35:13 AM »
Intro & Notes
Greetings, all!

A friend and are are preparing for a local game happening in the coming months.  I seek optimization advice for our party since I want to be prepared.

I suggested we call our group Team Kegger since we already know the game starts with our characters meeting in a bar (or a tavern or an inn).

Roles to Cover
NOTE: As of this draft, this is how our planned party covers the main roles in the game.

-Primary Melee: Melee Cleric, Rogue (if dual wielding), Animal Companion

-Secondary Melee: Druid

-Primary Physical Range: Cleric Archer (who is also a Cleric)

-Crowd Control: Melee Cleric (tripping and Large+ size), Druid (entangle and Wild Shape), Wizards (grease, glitterdust, stinking cloud, web, tentacles!)

-Primary Socialite: Rogue (Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive)

-Primary Trapper: Rogue

Important Notes!
-Expect some house rules to alter the game from RAW.  For example, some material will be unlocked after the game starts:  This post focuses on making things to be ready for the first session.

-This game is set in a homebrew setting.

-Ability score generation method is to be announced.

-We start at level 1 and will likely reach level 13-15 by game's end.  We hope for other chapters after this main first one that continue our adventure.

-We were told not to expect to need to super-optimize to win, but since we know this is D&D 3.5 where the game can be super swingy and we know that characters can die, we'd prefer to be prepared.  (I've experienced a level 1 Rogue who went from full HP to dead in one greataxe critical.)

-By default, characters are made with the PHB1 only!  For example, subraces like Gray Elves are core, but not allowed

-Single classed characters only!  In this game, each class is considered a way of life in a manner much more akin to 2E AD&D.  Modified prestige classes for each class have been hinted at as means of subspecialization, but details are undisclosed so far:  Just assume the PrCs don't change the base classes significantly.

-Wizard specializations (Conjurer, Evoker, etc.) aren't initially available.  Their unlock status is TBD.  Thus, assume all Wizards are generalists.

-For now, assume all Clerics are ethos Clerics and can choose their 2 domains.

-We have 2 players and a maximum of 6 PCs in the party at any time.  (Minions from classes, spells, etc. don't count toward this limit.  Animal companions, special mounts, and summons are OK but no Leadership!)  We can swap out party members for others - usually to replace dead party members - but the limit is still 6 concurrent PCs.  We strongly considered 4 PCs initially for easier itemization and faster leveling, but we also wanted to have some backup characters should we needed them.  We'd hate to lose our only Cleric days or weeks away from civilization.

-All casters are spontaneous!  They learn their spells as normal but can freely cast any spell in their repertoire/spellbook without preparation and with no increase in casting time.  As such, Sorcerers simply don't exist:  They're all Wizards now!

-We were encouraged to pick a mixed race group (Dwarf, Elf, Human, etc.) due to certain dialog/quest options being racially-linked.

-Alignment is nixed.  Abilities normally based on alignment like holy word or protection from evil will be replaced with (sub)type-based effects.

-No purely exotic weapons!  This means no spiked chains, but bastard swords, dwarven waraxes and the like are available.

-Armor spikes and grenadelike weapons aside from (un)holy water won't be immediately available.  Their eventual availability is TBA.  (I really wanted to do a max STR Half-Orc dual wielding Ranger who fought with armor spikes and a greatsword.)

-Metaphysical item creation is altered:  No craft feats, but consumables (scrolls, wands, and potions) each have a separate craft skill.  Alchemy has also been significantly modified.  Further details are TBA.

-Metaphysical items are likely notably rarer than standard, but also each much more powerful than normal.  Anything more powerful than a 'mere' +1 item is likely affected by this.  More details TBD.

-The only metaphysical items likely available for purchase are low-level consumables like healing potions.  These are items that require questing or dungeoneering to obtain.

-All scrolls of spells on the Wizard list are considered learnable.  This means Wizards can learn from Divine and Arcane scrolls, but, again, only for spells already on his list.  (No gaining barkskin from another class's list for Wizards, for example.)

-We're using hexes instead of squares for our combat grid.

Likely Campaign Focuses
-Overland travel and outdoorsmanship.  This means hunting, cooking, and navigating.

-Social skills.  Plenty of NPCs are expected to be very biased for or against certain races.  This also means we should have more than one party spokesman.

-Combat.  It's D&D.  Fighting is inevitable.

-We've been told darkvision is important, but not why.

-We figured we should expect to find and possibly also fight a variety of SRD creatures and possibly also homebrew creatures.

Known Unlockable Future Content
This stuff has been mentioned as unlockable content.  Other details are presently unknown.

-Psionics (Psions & PsyWars).
-Other SRD material.
-Possibly other homebrew material.

Proposed Party 1: Varying Races ("Team Mixed Drink")
Jandriel, Female Dwarf Rogue
Main Roles
-Dual wielding melee specialist OR archer.  She may start as an archer then transition to dual wielding.

-Socialite.  Remember above that states how a mixed race group is probably best for social opportunities and Rogues are the only core class with all social skills as class.  Not even Bards get Intimidate!

-Skill expert!

Preferred Minimum Initial Ability Scores
14 STR
18 DEX +1 per 4 HD
16 CON
18 INT
10 WIS
14 CHA

Skills to Max
-Disable Device
-Knowledge (Local) OR Sleight of Hand
-Move Silently
-Open Lock
-Sense Motive

Feat & [Special Ability] Plan (Dual Wielding)
 1: Two-Weapon Fighting
 3: Weapon Finesse
 6: Improved Initiative
 9: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
10: [Opportunist]
12: Combat Reflexes OR Two-Weapon Defense OR FEAT
13: [Defensive Roll]
15: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
16: [Slippery Mind]
18: FEAT

Feat & [Special Ability] Plan (Archery)
 1: Point Blank Shot
 3: Precise Shot
 6: Improved Initiative
 9: Rapid Shot
10: [Defensive Roll]
12: Manyshot
13: [Improved Evasion]
15: Greater Manyshot (preferred) OR Improved Precise Shot
16: [Slippery Mind]
18: Greater Manyshot (preferred) OR Improved Precise Shot

Questions & Comments
-Considering the rest of the party's composition, which fighting style seems better?  Archery is likely safer to her, but drastically reduces her damage output against stuff with DR or that she doesn't sneak attack.  I'm leaning toward TWF since flanking seems more viable.

-If she dual wields, what weapons are best?

-My initial intent was to have Jandriel as an Elf, but she has changed to a Dwarf for Darkvision and a CON bonus.

-I debated UMD or Sleight of Hand, but I know civilizations will be in the game and the ability to steal from them seems useful.  We have so many other casters already.

Antavius Finn, Male Elf Cleric (Magic & Travel Domains)
Main Roles
-Back-rank Cleric and Cleric archer.

Preferred Minimum Initial Ability Scores
14 STR
19 DEX
14 CON
16 INT
16 WIS +1 per 4 HD
10 CHA

Skills to Max
-Craft (Scroll)
-Hide (cross-class)
-Knowledge (Religion)

Feat & [Special Ability] Plan (Archery)
 1: Improved Initiative
 3: Point Blank Shot
 6: Precise Shot
 9: Rapid Shot
12: Quicken Spell
15: Improved Precise Shot OR FEAT
18: FEAT

Questions & Comments
-Antavius's combat style is primarily a combination of archery/slings, summons, and spells.

-How important is investing in the Point Blank Shot tree as a core ranged Cleric?

-I considered other metamagic feats, (Greater) Spell Focus, (Greater) Spell Penetration, and Augment Summoning, but I wasn't sure if they were worthwhile on this character nor where to put them.

Amelia, Female Human Druid
Main Roles
-Survival expert, summoner, caster, and a bit of everything.  A Druid in short.

Preferred Minimum Initial Ability Scores
14 STR
14 DEX
14 CON
16 INT
18 WIS +1 per 4 HD
10 CHA

Skills to Max
-Craft (Scroll)
-Knowledge (Nature)
-Tumble (cross-class)

Feat & [Special Ability] Plan
 1: Improved Initiative, Spell Focus: Conjuration
 3: Augment Summoning
 6: Natural Spell (naturally!)
 9: Combat Reflexes
12: Quicken Spell
15: Track OR Feat
18: FEAT

Questions & Comments
-Amelia seems the most straightforward to build since I've built Druids.  I wasn't sure what feats to  pick starting at 9, though Quicken Spell was a likely choice.  I included (Greater) Spell Penetration since we may want to blast or otherwise use abilities that check SR.  I'm taking suggestions!

Tyrian, Male Human Cleric (Strength & Travel Domains)
Main Roles
-Front-rank Cleric.

Preferred Minimum Initial Ability Scores
18 STR
16 DEX
16 CON
14 INT
16 WIS +1 per 4 HD
10 CHA

Skills to Max
-Hide (cross-class)
-Knowledge (Religion)
-Tumble (cross-class)

Feat & [Special Ability] Plan (Melee)
 1: Combat Reflexes, Martial Weapon Proficiency: Guisarme
 3: Improved Initiative
 6: Combat Expertise
 9: Improved Trip
12: Quicken Spell
15: Power Attack OR Feat
18: Power Attack OR Cleave OR Feat

Questions & Comments
-Tyrian's combat style is primarily that of a traditional Cleric gish:  Buff, heal, and bash.  His primary weapon is a longspear.  His backup weapons are sling/light crosbow (range) and morningstar/heavy shield (melee).

-I considered other metamagic feats, (Greater) Spell Focus, (Greater) Spell Penetration, and Augment Summoning, but I wasn't sure if they were worthwhile on this character nor where to put them.

-What should Tyrian's other domain be?  I seriously considered Strength for enlarge person, Trickery for Hide as class, and War for guisarme proficiency/focus if we can get it.  (I strongly favor Travel for Clerics due to the contingent freedom of movement as well as domain spells.)

-I seriously considered changing Tyrian to a Half-Orc full BAB class until I remembered my experiences at low levels - even with optimized melee characters - who simply couldn't hit reliably.  Cleric gives more options long-term, like dumping summoned creatures beside enemies or healing or buffing.  Remember that we can still change characters mid-campaign, meaning a Fighter may be useful in certain stretches, especially early.

-I considered Improved Trip, but that takes 2 feats and matters less by the time we get it, probably level 12 due to wanting Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, and Quicken.  This proposed build may have it, but I've had mixed feelings.

-Tyrian has alternated between Half-Orc (for higher STR and orcblood) and Human (for bonus feat and skills).  I'm leaning strongly toward Human for him due to the bonus feat.

Tienna, Female Dwarf Wizard
Main Roles
-Wizard!  This is a combination of buffing, summoning, blasting, mind controlling, and other.

Preferred Minimum Initial Ability Scores
10 STR
14 DEX
16 CON
18 INT +1 per 4 HD
12 WIS
12 CHA

Skills to Max
-Craft (Scroll)
-Hide (cross-class)
-Knowledge (Arcana)
-Knowledge (Dungeoneering) starting at L8
-Tumble (cross-class)

Feat & [Special Ability] Plan
 1: Improved Initiative
 3: Spell Focus: Conjuration
 5: [Still Spell]
 6: Augment Summoning
 9: Empower Spell
10: [Quicken Spell]
12: Spell Penetration
15: [Maximize Spell], Spell Penetration
18: FEAT

Questions & Comments
-Is Augment Summoning worthwhile on a core Wizard?  If so, when?

-Blasting can be viable as I've experienced.  Sometimes, dealing lots of damage over a large area is enough to this strategy viable.

Rashmuc, Male Dwarf Wizard
Main Roles
-Wizard!  This is a combination of buffing, summoning, blasting, mind controlling, and other.

Preferred Minimum Initial Ability Scores
10 STR
14 DEX
16 CON
18 INT +1 per 4 HD
12 WIS
12 CHA

Skills to Max
-Craft (Scroll)
-Craft (Wand) starting at L8
-Knowledge (Arcana)
-Tumble (cross-class)

Feat & [Special Ability] Plan
 1: Improved Initiative
 3: Spell Focus
 5: [Still Spell]
 6: Improved Counterspell
 9: Empower Spell
10: [Quicken Spell]
12: Spell Penetration OR (Greater) Spell Focus (something) OR FEAT
15: [Maximize Spell], (Greater) Spell Penetration OR (Greater) Spell Focus OR FEAT
18: FEAT

Questions & Comments
-Is Augment Summoning worthwhile on a core Wizard?  If so, when?

-When is best to take Improved Counterspell?  I figured level 6 was the soonest since casters tend to be rare or/and not worth spending a feat on for countering before about level 3 spells.

-Blasting can be viable as I've experienced.  Sometimes, dealing lots of damage over a large area is enough to this strategy viable.

Backup Characters ("Team Private Reserve")

Oraundo, Male Half-Orc Ranger
Main Roles
-Half-Orc.  Sometimes, we simply need an orcblood for quest options.

-Melee unit.  Greatsword/improved unarmed strike OR one-handed weapon (longsword or morningstar) and light shield are likely.

-Sneaker.  Darkvision and stealth and perception skills help.

Likely Replaces
-One of the Wizards or a melee unit (especially Tyrian).

Preferred Minimum Initial Ability Scores
20 STR +1 per 4 HD
15 DEX
16 CON
16 INT
14 WIS
10 CHA

Skills to Max
-Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
-Move Silently
-Tumble (cross-class)

Feat & [Special Ability] Plan
 1: [Favored Enemy: Goblinoids], Improved Initiative, [Track]
 2: [Combat Style: Two-Weapon Fighting]
 3: Combat Reflexes
 5: [Favored Enemy: Undead]
 6: Improved Unarmed Strike, [Combat Style: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting]
 9: Power Attack
10: [Favored Enemy: Giants]
11: [Combat Style: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting]
12: Cleave
15: [Favored Enemy: Evil Outsiders], Great Cleave
18: Two-Weapon Defense

Questions & Comments
-How should this character change and why?

Proposed Party 2: All Dwarves ("Team Super Kegger")
As the first party, but all Dwarves and with initial ability scores and feats slightly modified.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2019, 06:51:40 PM by Endarire »

Offline Endarire

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Re: Team Kegger: How to optimize for this PHB-only situation?
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2019, 06:51:52 PM »
I updated the original post due to discussions from other sources.