Fuel scooped from a gas giant is unrefined, which creates a -2 penalty for the jump results roll to perform the actual jump. Many starships have processors to refine the fuel, but lab ships unfortunately do not. However, the chemical equipment in the lab makes it easy to jury-rig a processor:
Jury-rig fuel processor: Education + Physical Science (Chemistry), 1-6 hours, Routine (+2)
The actual processing will take two more days after that. Up to you if you want to take that extra time or risk a misjump.
For the actual jump (p.141):
Plotting a course: Edu+Astrogation, 10-60 minutes, Easy (+4), 2 parsec (-2)
Divert Power: Edu+Engineer (J-Drive), 10-60 seconds, Average (+0)
(Note that many engineer go slower (p.50) and take 1-6 minutes for a +2 bonus on this roll.)
Jump Results: 2d6 + grade of success of the Engineering check (-2 if using unrefined fuel): 8+ accurate jump, 1-7 inaccurate jump, 0- misjump