Author Topic: Best way to enter Blade of Orien without overshadowing the PRC?  (Read 2270 times)

Offline Nanashi

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Best way to enter Blade of Orien without overshadowing the PRC?
« on: October 01, 2019, 11:54:22 PM »
Blade of Orien requires +3 BAB bonus, 3 ranks in spot and Lesser Dragonmark of Passage. Lesser Dragonmark requires least dragonmark and either 9 ranks in any two skills (meaning the first BoO level can be taken at level 7) OR a level in Dragonmark Heir which requires only 7 ranks in two skills and can be taken as the fifth level (Allowing a character to take their first level of BoO at level 6). Dragonmark Heir requires an extra feat (Favored in House) and has an OK frame (d8, all good saves, 4+int and medium BAB). That's a pretty open requirement, but the class has its own completely unique class features and doesn't advance anything and it's charisma based.

Obviously one could enter with a ToB class, but most of BoO's class abilities could be duplicated with maneuvers. Searching found me a mention of using Hexblade 4 to qualify, which seems neat since Dark Companion, Mettle, cha to saves against spells+slas, and being an Arcane Caster for Eternal Wands. The weakness with this however is that it only gets light armor, though one could blow a feat and use mithril full plate. With intimidate as a class skill, charisma focus and a save nerfer the fearsome armor+never outnumbered+Imperious Command combo is an option to add versatility.  Any other ideas or ways to improve it?
« Last Edit: October 01, 2019, 11:59:32 PM by Nanashi »

Offline skydragonknight

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Re: Best way to enter Blade of Orien without overshadowing the PRC?
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2019, 09:00:08 AM »
I know you said no ToB, but thinking Crusader 4 into Dragonmark Heir. Grab a reach weapon, Combat Reflexes and the Stand Still feat from SRD and take Martial Stance(Thicket of Blades) as your 6th level feat (you have IL 5). Standard action is whatever Crusader maneuver you happen to have, doesn't matter much since your main job is to be wherever you need to be to lock enemies down. Move action is whatever dimension leap shenanigan you want to control where your enemies and allies are on the battlefield.

Offline Keldar

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Re: Best way to enter Blade of Orien without overshadowing the PRC?
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2019, 09:55:17 PM »
I like the idea of using  the Human Paragon class from UA for another bonus feat that can be spent on Dragonmark stuff.  But that makes taking a level in a caster class tempting which dilutes your BAB more or winds up Duskblade or Hexblade.  That fully customizable skill list would be handy too.

Riffing on skydragonknight's Crusader pitch, Knight 4 gives you some control options while not being a class anyone will miss taking more levels in.

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: Best way to enter Blade of Orien without overshadowing the PRC?
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2019, 04:19:34 PM »
some ideas here

Major Bloodline "level" in-between 2nd and 3rd, gets you 1 skill rank in both skills, so that 1 level earlier (give or take the exp differential blah).

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Offline Nanashi

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Re: Best way to enter Blade of Orien without overshadowing the PRC?
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2020, 02:26:07 PM »
I just realized the original Samurai class is a decent way to finish (or rather start, since it has extra skill points) the Hexblade 4 entry. This gives you 4+int skill points, Iaijutsu Focus as a class skill, medium armor, good fort+will saves, and Ancestral Daisho (which is based entirely on character level). There's a code of conduct attached, but no mechanical effect to it.