I like how they handled Combat Maneuvers. I feel that Reposition, Drag, and Bull Rush should all just be their own thing together, but otherwise the system is a definite improvement.
Classes have more features that fill out the empty levels of 3.5, which is nice. I would say martial classes are generally in a better position here then they are in 3.5 as well
Multiclassing is not a punishing chore that disproprantely impacts noncasters.
Races are more interesting overall, and alternate racials and unique favored class bonuses make many pretty distinct options.
Archetypes are a solid evolution to ACFs, and make customization of build quite interesting.
Skill System is a straight improvement all around.
Feat scaling made for more interesting choices all around.
Prestige Classes were largely pushed aside by archetypes and classes having featured that scaled by class level. There are interesting prestige options, but they are definitely not in the same position as 3.5 prestige classes.
Likewise Alternate Class Features were put aside for archetypes, which is not entirely bad, but it is a little annoying when you just want to trade out one or two things, but the archetype rips out otherstuff you want to keep. It is even worse when you come across two archetypes that otherwise dont conflict but both modify what class skills you have rendering them incompatible. Overall the end result is the more bulky archetypes become a bit of a drag on customization. Having more stand-alone alternate class features would have elevated this, or just allow for a bit of pick and choosing.
What do you mean by #8 about giving people the same EXP number?
I imagine he is referring to all xp costs for spells/crafting/etc being removed which leads to some characters falling behind by a level or so depending on how exp is distrubted, affecting experience rewards.