IMO, use rope shouldn't even be a skill. Almost every single check regarding Use Rope is DC 10 or 15. Now, look at Boy Scouts. Something like Boy Scouts would be Adventuring 101 in the dark ages, and the ability to tie at least a few knots, splice two ropes together, etc. would strike me as being pretty much automatic.
As for the few checks that aren't DC 10 or 15, using a Grappling Hook can just as easily be attributed to either the Climb skill or a ranged attack roll (treat the hook as a thrown weapon with a range increment of 10', and you attack the square where you want the hook to secure itself). Also, tying someone up can have a fixed DC depending on how much rope is used, how the victim is bound, and how long the captor takes securing the ropes (or chains).
As for Use Magic Device, you're both trying to fool the item and impose your will on it to get it to function. It's not like some machine where you just need to figure out which button to push to make it work, if a magic item doesn't work for you, you need to will it to work for you, and that's Charisma.
I agree with Search, though. I roll Spot, Search, and Listen into the same skill, and that skill is Wis-based.