IIRC, the way it works is that the first two or three books are WotC official, and the rest aren't (indicated by the presence/absence of the logo).
The biggest problem with using material is that there are about five different places that rules fixes/conversions/errata are located.
That said, once you find all the misc patches, the material is quite well done, they've got interesting mechanical tidbits, and there are certain parts of the flavortext (particularly the holy books section) that are extremely well done.
Miser with Magic - Really good if you are a wizard...particularly with those 9th level spells.
It's been altered so you get around one spell of your highest level with the feat per day, which is pretty fair.
Channel Positive Energy - This is absolutely ridiculous, you can immobilize one or multiple creatures, send them to extradimensional spaces, put them to sleep, give them a ton of negative levels, etc....all with NO SAVE allowed.
See the update. Saves/turning checks were added to virtually all of them. And note that you only get one of those.