Note: A great many of these links lead back to the old forums, which I'm assuming may disintegrate at some point. If you want your entries updated, give me a shout.
Organized, for now, by author. Tags are as follows:
Base--Base class.
PrC--Prestige class.
Psi--Psionic power.
Disc--Discipline (Tome of Battle).
Dest--Epic destiny.
ACF--Alternate class feature.
Sub--Other new subsystems.
and the rest should be obvious.
Admiral SquishAncient SpiceBase/Item: The class your class could smell like.
AgitaBlood MagePrC: So much blood, there will be blood, etcetera. I'm gonna have to phone this one in, guys. It's too easy. (In collaboration with veekie.)
Miscellaneous ItemsItem: Why hello there, Rin. (In collaboration with veekie.)
Rising SpiritDisc/Feat: Transcendence through swordplay in six easy lessons. Cut up ghosts today! (In collaboration with veekie.)
Veiled DancerPrC: There are no puns to be had here. There are also no dervishes. Only the veiled dancer. (In collaboration with veekie.)
Vestige StuffFeat/Vest: Rasputin and the Void-touched.
War-FrenzyBase: Take this! My love! My anger! And all of my homebrew! (In collaboration with veekie.)
AgrippaHoly KnightBase: Go beyond the impossible and kick evil to the curb.
Refluffing psionics as sorcery: Strictly speaking, it's just a paint job, but it's a good one.
AmechraBemäntelter SchattenBase: A strange blend of the shadowcaster and a psion, sprinkled liberally with binder flakes.
Blades of the Fragmented SoulACF: "Oh, you're not--no, I must have heard 'soul' and 'knife' and misunderstood."
Book of ArtifactsItem: Fun ways to drive your players mad.
Charm FeatsFeat: Think more along the lines of Odin, less along the lines of sugary cereals.
Cloth of CopperItem: It's like shapesand, but for stupid people!
ConvokerBase: A master summoner, or a Pokemon Trainer if you want to wreck serious campaigns.
Deceit MagePrC: Now you, too, can be burned at the stake despite your lack of any magic whatsoever.
Ectopic Skin FeatsFeat: Crawling in my skiii--okay, sorry, not funny.
The FighterBase: Killin' them as needs killin'.
GestaltwandlerBase: A thousand faces is actually a very conservative estimate.
How to Train your Magic: A work in progress that involves a mage whose major skill is not Spellcraft but more akin to Handle Animal.
The IconBase: Ultimate cosmic power, itty bitty living space.
It's a joke.Impossible WarriorBase/Feat/PrC: Put simply: The Meta-Fighter.
KrigsherrenBase: Combat supremacy, sans maneuvers.
The LibrarianBase: Amechra's already beaten me to the punch here.
The MachiavellianBase: I'd make a joke, but literally all I can think of here is Vetinari.
The MeathookItem: If you see one of these in your butcher's back room, leave. Don't wait for the steak.
The MeistersingerPrC: Bardic music is business of the serious variety.
MetafeatsFeat: Feats about feats. After a while the word feat will sound feat incredibly feat silly feat feat feat.
Monstrous ArmigerBase: Somewhere out there, the person who really wanted to wear a celestial whale as armor is dancing in glee.
The NaseliBase: Yes, you can set heat on fire. No, I don't know how that works, stop asking.
The Nord's BladeBase/PrC/Feat/Item: Possibly the only class that requires you not to use the d20.
The PariahBase/Sub: Twenty levels of the creepiest of pasta.
Resider-In-DreamsPrC: Also known as "Yandere: The Dreaming."
The SalvagerBase/Feat/PrC: The MacGyver-ficer.
Scion of AshardalonPrC: Demons, dragons, lots of bloody sacrifices. Sounds fun, no?
Sibling ParagonBase: No, I don't know if you can have a dvati take this. Stop asking.
The Star-Sworn KnightBase: Kind of like a marshal, crossed with a bard and a truenamer and Sailor Moon or something.
Tiered PermutationsHouserule: ACFs on steroids.
Touched WarriorBase: A warlock-turned-warrior who uses martial maneuvers through fever dreams and seizures. I made none of that up.
Unrepentant Pact-Bound HunterPrC: A ranger-warlock fusion with incredible amounts of hate.
The VassalBase: This class is pact full of invocation morsels.
Whispersong BladeItem: Pffft. Crystal echoblades are so last season.
Andion IsurandAndion Isurand's CompendiumClass/Race/Feat/Spell/Monster: Wait, I need another joke here?
AnonymousInternetsThe EnigmistBase/Feat/Item: What does this class do? I's a mystery.
AramekBlue MageBase/Feat: The Final Fantasy concept given shape in D&D.
AstralFireSpellfire Redux: Wilder Alternate Class FeatureACF: Absorbing spells and using their energy to push you over the limit? Sounds good to me!
BacrisGetting Re-WiredPsi/Item: A 3.5 update of psionic tattoos. Special thanks to PhaedrusXY for archiving this.
BauglirLucent SavantPrC: I'd say this class is brilliant, but someone would shoot me for the pun.
bhuLeviathanRace: bhu converts the post-apocalyptic game to 3.5.
MMII ReduxMonster/Race/PrC/Feat: bhu tackles the second Monster Manual and wrings even more monstrous goodness out of it.
Uncle Kitties Evil Bad Spookity CrittersMonster: Pages upon pages of creatures straight from campfire stories.
Uncle Kitties Guide to Greasy Clown Faced BastardsBase/PrC/Feat: Warning: The giant frog may giant frog your giant frog giant froggingly frog frog giant frog.
Uncle Kitties Guide to Hopefully Humorous Abominations of NatureMonster: A collection of bizarre critters ranging from the Electric Yak to the Habanero Dryad.
Uncle Kitties Guide to the OrientBase/PrC/Feat: A more accurate remake of the Samurai, complete with variants and prestige classes.
Uncle Kitties Handbook o' KittehsBase/PrC/Feat/Spell/Race/Item: What started as the Cat Burglar class exploded into books worth of cat-themed material.
Uncle Kitties Handbook of Spuriously Made Prestige ClassesPrC/Deity: Prestige classes geared for the monstrous races. Goblins need love too.
BozwevialGamblerBase/Feat: Take a chance on me...
Infinite ShoreDisc: I can't do it. I'm burned out on dream puns.
Interesting TimesDisc/Feat: The favored fighting style of the fortunate unfortunates.
NomadBase: So I've got both the gambler and the rambler here. Huh.
ChumpLumpHalf-GolemClass/Monster: A half-golem for everything.
Circle of LifePlague DoctorBase/Feat: If nothing else, check it out for the poisons. Delicious poisons.
Closet_SkeletonGentle BreezeDisc: A discipline for the watchers of the world.
DaTedinatorFeats that can count as other featsFeat: Spice up those boring prerequisites!
DebihumanDebihuman's CompendiumFeat/Monster/PrC/Item/Temp: Debby was kind enough to provide me with this collection rather than a mess of links. I like her already.
The Demented OneThe Demented One's CompendiumFeat/PrC/Spell/Base/Monster/Item/Psi/Incarn/Vest/Dest/Disc/Temp: As that enormous string of tags should have tipped you off, you can find practically anything here. Too monstrous to list.
Dictum MortuumEldritch Disciple AdaptationPrC: What was a Warlock/Cleric class is now a Dragonfire Adept/Druid class.
DonQuixoteBard (Non-Caster)Base: The talespinner, rather than the dabblemaster.
The Codex of SpellshapingBase/Feat/PrC/Item/Sub: I don't always shape spells, but when I do, I prefer impulse mages. Now has its own subforum.
CharacteristicsHouse: Make your next character stand out from the rank and file.
The DementistBase/Feat: Or perhaps the dementalist.
Elementals ReduxMonster: Elementals, paraelementals, and potentially archomentals later. (I've been threatened with electric shock if I use the word 'weird' as a pun.)
The JesterBase/ACF/Feat: The laughing factotum.
Quixotic KnightBase: Face it. This is at least four times better than the regular Knight no matter how you slice it.
dman11235Compendium of FeatsFeat: Beyond this link is a collection of feats not tied to any specific project.
Compendium of ItemsItem: And beyond this one are items with no particular theme. Look, just read them yourself.
DracoDeiFalling AnvilDisc: Is it wabbit season or duck season?
DragoonWraithChthonic SerpentDisc: Because what the spiked chain really needed was a little more attention.
Midnight OccultistPrC: A fusion of Incarnum and pact magic, both of which I need to look into.
DralnuHand of RhyxaliPrC: If the assassin and telflammar shadowlord had a child, and that child then had a child with a warlock...look, just read it, alright? I can't cover everything.
Indigo TricksterBase/Feat: An arcane dashing-swordsman type with quite a few interesting mechanics.
The Z FighterBase/Feat/Race: Here's a hint: The Z should be preceded by "Dragon Ball."
EjoThimsVerold Campaign SettingPrC/Campaign/Race/Base/Feat: Clans of human-animal hybrids. Actually, I could just say "barBEARian" and you'd go for it anyway.
Warlock RewriteBase: Carries the distinctive flavor of the 4th Edition pacts.
ErrantXErrantX's Homebrew ArchivePrC/Feat/Vest/Base/Disc: A large collection of ErrantX's works.
FaxCelestisFalling StarDisc: A martial school for bows instead of swords.
Holy WordDisc: Truespeech? In my Tome of Battle?
Ocean SoulDisc: Underwater Fight Club?
FireInTheSkyNaturalistBase/Feat/ACF: Not to be confused with the Naturist. Maybe there's some overlap though.
PsychoanalystPrC: "So, tell me about your Dungeon Master."
RavelerBase: Perhaps unfortunately, not a French composer-enthusiast.
SniperBase/Feat: A very calm class with no qualms about shooting people in the face in sneaky and underhanded ways. Ideally from five miles away.
Sound ShaperPrC/Spell: Ask him what the sound of one hand clapping is, and you'll probably learn what the sound of an upraised middle finger is as well.
GarrylGarryl's CompendiumBase/ACF/Race/Temp/Feat/Spell/Psi/Incarn/Disc/PrC/Item/House/Sub: Garryl had a lot of good stuff here before he moved out and the boards exploded.
Golden-EsqueSolaris ArcanumDisc/Feat: A discipline that blends magic with martial prowess.
Guyr AdamantineGridollsRace/Feat: Frogmen who adventure to fill their stomachs.
Strongarm WarriorPrC: I take no responsibility for any injuries that may occur as a result of you naming one of these Cloud. Or Sephiroth.
I_Got_This_NameLesser DisciplinesDisc: Some less well-known schools of battle.
Jack MannManeuvers of MadnessDisc: A martial school from the Far Realm.
JaronKAdept NinjaBase: If you're tired of people telling you that the best ninja is a Swordsage...
Quick Monk FixBase: 30-second microwavable Monks.
JoshuaZThe Broken BladeDisc: For martial adepts, to be used on martial adepts.
The Narrow BridgeDisc: A school that combines positive and negative energy into a single fighting style.
katansFixing the SamuraiBase: What's that? You want to play Miyamoto Musashi?
Ghost RiderPrC: Motorcycle sold separately.
Revised HexbladeBase: If Mike Mearls' fix isn't working for you...
Revised MonkBase: It's...a revised Monk. I can't find anything witty to say here.
KellKheraptisKell's Homebrew CompendiumFeat/Spell/PrC/Disc/Psi/Item: When not working on gish builds, Kell enjoys long walks on the beach and writing 3.5 material.
Mystic BlasterPrC: Studying the arcane arts of blowing a planet up.
Super SaiyanPrC: Guaranteed to turn five minutes of combat into a ten-episode stretch.
KellusThe ConnoisseurBase: Finger-licking good.
GramarieBase/PrC/Sub Now you know exactly what class to give the physicists at the table. Or to keep away from them at all costs. Either or.
Lost LyricsDisc/Feat: Guaranteed to turn your fights into musical theater.
The Way Words WorkBase/Feat/PrC: Truenaming that, hey, doesn't suck!
The XenoalchemistBase/PrC/Feat: "Yes, I suppose I should have been less literal when I asked for a hand over here."
KethrianFighters with ClassBase: Nasty tricksy fighterses.
HealerBase: Because if your entire class is named for it, you had better do it right.
Materials ReduxItem: Finally, support for metalheads.
Mind Blade Focused SoulknifeBase: It's like New Coke, if Old Coke was almost universally reviled.
Ninja (ToB Variant)Base: Some things go together, like ninjas and Shadow Hand, or this shuriken and your throat.
SwashbucklerBase: There is a three-buckle minimum in this swash club.
WarmageBase: There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!
Krimm_BlackleafKrimm's CompendiumPrC/Race/Monster/Temp/Item/Vest/Deity/Dest/Feat/Spell/Psi/Disc: Another prolific poster, Krimm's work would far outstrip my limited list space.
kurashu AstrologistPrC: What does your horoscope say today?
Incarnum HomebrewBase/Feat/Incarn: A reworked Soulborn, plus a few other goodies.
ShapechangerBase: All the fun of wild shape, none of the pesky Druids.
LitthaLittha's Wonderful Other ThingsBase/Feat/Item/PrC/Monster: The little things in life are the good things. But sometimes lots of little things, rolled into one
big thing...I'm not sure where I was going with this except possibly Katamari.
Lord GarethHarrowedBase/Feat/PrC: I think at this point I'm supposed to make a Yellow Submarine joke, but the beast dislikes that idea.
MalefactorBase: Man, can't this guy write something cheery?
The_Mad_LinguistMaster of OnePrC: And you *will* be taking Telekinesis.
Priest of the Unseen HostBase: A class dedicated to the scriptures of demideities.
The-Mage-KingToku and TamashiiBase/Item/Feat/Sub: Insert coin, receive badass.
TMK's Extended SignatureBase/PrC/Disc/Spell/Monster: A mage king could probably do all sorts of nasty things if you didn't read this. Just a thought.
Midnight_vRevised SorcererBase: And you thought Charlie Sheen was a warlock.
Morph BarkMorph Bark's Extended SignatureBase/PrC/Feat/Disc/Race/Monster: I didn't even have the name right in here at first. WHOOPS.