I'm ScooterSkittles.
I have an aversion to Min/Maxing, I disagree with many premises in that whole mindset/approach. I'm keeping an open mind; I just finished listening to Sode #9: MinMax 001 right now (where they argue the concept of min/maxing) and I still disagree for the most part. There's some nice points, I liked the Star-bellied Sneech syndrome example. And I am taking notes, but still: this is my thoughtful doubting face.
Normally, I show up at "What's a DM to do" forums instead. I self-identify myself as a roleplayer as opposed to min/maxer (crucify me now) and a student of the art of DM'ing.
My favorite games are: Dota, A.D.O.M., Kings Quest VI, Myst, Riven, Minecraft
My non-gaming hobbies are playing piano and tin whistle.
I don't have any good social networks to hand out, so if you want to reach me not on here, my email is open to all so just use that.