Author Topic: Soulblade Luv  (Read 24287 times)

Offline bhu

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Soulblade Luv
« on: December 18, 2011, 01:37:57 AM »
« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 07:45:39 PM by bhu »

Offline bhu

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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2011, 04:48:54 PM »

"No, I'm not a Paladin.  And why does everyone keep asking me if I have a stick up my butt?"

 While you have less raw power than other Meldshapers you do have the advantage of being able to use Incarnum to enhance your combat abilities quite nicely.

 You're an obvious melee class with the ability to buff yourself and/or others.  Max out your ability to fight, and then as a side try to do your best to help others with their abilities to fight.
 Abilities: As a melee fighter you will obviously rely quite heavily on Strength and Constitution (and your Class Abilities also key off your Con).  Dexterity will be nice until you can get the appropriate Soulmelds, but in a pinch you can get by.
 Races: Soulborns tend to be found among races that prize physical power and combat, and also tend to favor strong ties to an Alignment.  Orcs for example.  They are almost compulsively Chaotic Evil due to their God, and they prize physical power and the ability to kill foes.
 Alignment: Soulborns tend to be strongly opinionated, especially as their powers tie them to a specific Alignment.  They are limited to Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Good, Lawful Evil, and Lawful Good.
 Starting Gold: 6d4x10
 Starting Age: As Paladin

Class Skills
 The Soulborns's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana, The Planes)(Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), and Swim (Str).  You also get one skill based on Alignment: Autohypnosis (Wis) for Lawful Good, Bluff (Cha) for Lawful Evil, Intimidate (Cha) for Chaotic Evil, and Tumble (Dex) for Chaotic Good.
Skills Per Day at 1st Level : (2 + int)x4
Skills Per Day at Each Additional Level : 2 + int

Hit Dice: d10

Code: [Select]
[b]   BAB  Fort    Ref    Will  Abilities[/b]
1. +1    +0     +0     +2    Aura, Smite Opposition 1/day
2. +2    +0     +0     +3    Incarnum Defense
3. +3    +1     +1     +3    Soulborn Ephemera
4. +4    +1     +1     +4    Chakra Binds (crown, weapon)
5. +5    +1     +1     +4    Smite Opposition 2/day
6. +6    +2     +2     +5    Chakra Binds (feet, hands)
7. +7    +2     +2     +5    Soulborn Ephemera
8. +8    +2     +2     +6    Bonus Feat
9. +9    +3     +3     +6    Quicken Essentia
10.+10   +3     +3     +7    Smite Opposition 3/day
11.+11   +3     +3     +7    Soulborn Ephemera
12.+12   +4     +4     +8    Chakra Binds (brow, shield)
13.+13   +4     +4     +8    Bonus Feat
14.+14   +4     +4     +9    Chakra Binds (arms, shoulders)
15.+15   +5     +5     +9    Smite Opposition 4/day
16.+16   +5     +5     +10   Chakra Binds (throat, waist)
17.+17   +5     +5     +10    Soulborn Ephemera
18.+18   +6     +6     +11    Bonus Feat
19.+19   +6     +6     +11    Chakra Binds (soul)
20.+20   +6     +6     +12   Smite Opposition 5/day, Surpass Mortality

Code: [Select]
  [b]Soulmelds     Essentia     Chakra Binds[/b]
1.     1            1            0
2.     1            1            0
3.     1            1            0
4.     2            2            1
5.     2            3            1
6.     2            4            1
7.     2            5            1
8.     3            6            1
9.     3            7            2
10.    3            8            2
11.    3            9            2     
12.    4            10           2
13.    4            11           3
14.    4            12           3
15.    4            13           3
16.    5            14           3
17.    5            15           4
18.    5            16           4
19.    5            17           4
20.    6            18           4

Weapon Proficiencies: Soulborns are proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons.  They are also proficient with all Light, Medium, and Heavy Armor, and all Shields (except Tower Shields).
Aura (Ex): As a Soulborn you have a particularly powerful Alignment (see the Detect Evil spell for details).

Meldshaping: Beginning at Level x1 you know and can shape any Soulmeld belonging on the Soulborn list.  The Save DC for your Soulmelds is 10 plus the number of points of Essentia invested in your Soulmeld plus your Constitution Modifier.  Your Meldshaper Level is equal to your Soulborn Level.  The maximum number of Soulmelds you can have shaped is equal to the number on the chart above, or your (Con Score -8) whichever is lower.  Once per round as a Swift Action you may reallocate your Essentia investments in your Soulmelds (the maximum Essentia you can place in any one Soulmeld is outlined on the chart above).  You do not need to study or memorize Soulmelds, but must have a good night's rest, and meditate for 1 hour to shape your Soulmelds for the day.

Aligned Soulmelds: You cannot shape Soulmelds with an Alignment Descriptor that does not match your own.

Smite Opposition (Su): A limited number of times per day (once at first Level with an additional daily use at Levels 5, 10, 15, and 20) you may Smite an opponent whose Alignment has at least one component opposing yours (i.e. Good vs. Evil, Law vs. Chaos).  You may declare you are using this ability as a Free Action whenever you make an Attack Roll, and if your opponents Alignment does not qualify him for the strike you do not lose a daily use of the ability.  If he does qualify you get a Bonus on the Attack roll equal to half your Soulborn Level (round down), and a Bonus on your Damage Roll equal to your Soulborn Level.

Incarnum Defense (Su): You gain either a Sacred (if Good) or Profane (if Evil) Bonus to your Armor Class and Willpower Saves equal to your Constitution Bonus.

Soulborn Ephemera (Su): At Levels 3, 7, 11, and 17 you may choose 1 power from the following list:

Empower Soulmeld Choose a specific Soulmeld you know.  When it is bound to a Chakra you gain an additional 2 Essentia beyond your normal Essentia Pool invested in it (i.e. you get 2 Essentia invested in that Soulmeld only for free).

Heighten Chakra Choose a specific Chakra.  Your Meldshaper Level is 2 Levels higher when determining the abilities of Soulmelds bound to that Chakra.

Potent Soulmeld Whenever you shape your Soulmelds for the day, you may select one of the Soulmelds you shaped. The save DC of that Soulmeld's effects are increased by 2.

Rebind Chakra Once per day as a Full Round action, select two Soulmelds. If one of those two Soulmelds is bound to a Chakra and the other is not, unbind the first and bind the second to an appropriate Chakra slot. Alternatively, you may choose to rebind a Soulmeld that was forcibly unbound.

Reshape Meld Once per day as a Standard Action you may reshape a Soulmeld that has become unshaped, or exchange one Soulmeld you have currently shaped for another.

Bonus Feat: At Levels 8, 13, and 18 you may choose a Bonus Incarnum Feat for which you meet the prerequisites for.  He may also choose Bonus Essentia, Double Chakra, Expanded Soulmeld Capacity, Improved Essentia Capacity, Shape Soulmeld, or Split Chakra.

Chakra Binds: Beginning at 4th Level you may now Bind Soulmelds to your Chakras.  Binding a Soulmeld to a Chakra occupies the Body Slot associated with that Chakra and you do not benefit from magical items worn in that location.  The number of Chakra Binds you may have active at one time is based on the table above.  At Level 4 you may Bind the crown and weapon Chakras.  At Level 6 you may Bind the feet and hands Chakras.  At Level 12 you may Bind the brow, and shield Chakras.  At Level 14 you may Bind the arms and shoulders Chakras.  At Level 16 you may Bind the throat and waist Chakras.  You may never Bind the Heart Chakra. At Level 19 you may Bind the Soul Chakra.

Quicken Essentia (Ex): You may now invest Essentia as an Immediate Action, as opposed to a Swift Action.

Surpass Mortality (Ex): At Level 20 your Type changes to Outsider with the appropriate Alignment Subtypes (i.e. if you're Chaotic Evil you gain the Chaotic and Evil Subtypes), and the Native Subtype.  Your attacks are now the same Alignment as yourself for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.  You no longer age, or take age penalties, and cannot be magically aged.  Effectively you will never die from aging, though you are still susceptible to anything else that would harm a mortal being.

Changing alignment doesn't effect you so long as it's one of the 4 Alignments the class is allowed.  If you are still Neutral Good or Neutral Evil your Smite Opposition now works against any opposing Evil/Good Alignment, and your Aura now changes to either Good or Evil.  However you lose your meldshaping abilities (and if you become True Neutral you lose Smite and your Aura as well).  You may not gain further levels in Soulborn until you work to change your Alignment back and receive an Atonement spell.  If your Alignment changes to a different allowed Alignment, your abilities will change to match but you get to keep them.

 Being as members of your class tend to be militant fanatics, they view adventuring as a means of furthering their personal social or political causes (through force depending on Alignment).  You might also adventure to raise money for said causes, or because you feel a need to help someone, or even to just keep your combat skills sharp till they're needed.
 Religion: Soulborns are drawn towards deities that favor their views, and have ties to combat (or slaughter in the case of more Evil Alignments).  They are fairly militant after all, so deities without fairly strong views or that don't view warfare as a means of accomplishing goals (even if that goal is just protection) don't have much appeal.
 Other Classes: Soulborns get along fairly well with martial classes (as long as their Alignment and beliefs are similar), and any  class with strong ties to the Alignment they favor.  They can work in mercenary groups as long as their beliefs aren't too different
 Combat: You're pretty much a frontline melee fighter.  Even once you get more Soulmelds and Essentia you're still basically a better melee fighter until you get the ability to share buffs with party members.
 Advancement: While you will advance along fairly straightforward lines (i.e. being of better use to whatever military or other organization you belong to), your abilities will vary somewhat based on  your Feats and Alignment.  Many Soulborn are part of niche military units and specialize as such, but some prefer to remain generalists in order to cover their bases.

"I like Thog when we're killing things, but my eyes glaze over when he starts talking about philosophy, and why killing things is part of our place in the world.  I'm as religious as the next Orc but half of what he says is gibberish."
 Soulborns need a cause to fight for.  Otherwise they end up like crazed street preachers that also have the ability to really hurt people.  It's better to give them equipment, and point them in the direction of something they don't like that also happens to be your enemy.  Otherwise they can be incredibly troublesome.
 Daily Life: You live the life of a soldier, i.e. long moments of boredom punctuated by brief moments of complete and utter terror.  Even the more Chaotic among you probably serve among some sort of military unit and are used to some sort of discipline.
 Organizations: Soulborns are generally employed by religious or political organizations known for their devotion to a cause (blind fanatic is a term sometimes used when they are not present).  Where there are strong political/religious ties within the official military they are viewed as an asset as well.

NPC Reaction
 Depending on your personal beliefs relative to the Soulborn's they are either heroes of the community or the enemies of humanity (humanity being used for lack of a more inclusive term to include other species).  Opinions of you are generally one way or the other with very little middle ground.

 Soulborns can take the place of Paladins or Crusaders of you prefer the Incarnum system.  If using the others as well they will be seen as allies of the above.
 Adaptation: Soulborns work well in campaigns where morality is black and white, and their Alignment meshes well with that of the party.  Otherwise...they can be clunky.   Their strong beliefs will tend to generate friction for the party, if not within the party itself.  In campaigns where morality is fairly blurry they will stand out in stark relief as blind fanatics hellbent on destroying anything different from themselves.
 Encounters: Soulborns will be encountered when the PC's end up in the middle of a military conflict, political revolution,  or squabble for power between religions.   They may also encounter them in mercenary companies, signed on to earn money for the cause.


Hit Die: d10
Skills Points at Each  Level : 2 + int
Smite Opposition  At 25th Level and every 5 Levels thereafter you gain one additional daily use of this Ability.
Soulborn Ephemera At 22nd Level and every 4 Levels thereafter you get to pick one more ability from the Ephemera list.
Meldshaping Your Meldshaper Level continues to increase with Epic Levels, but you do not gain additional Essentia, Soulmelds, or Chakra Binds.
Bonus Feats: The Epic Soulborn gains a Bonus Feat every 3 levels higher than 20th
« Last Edit: December 25, 2021, 02:02:24 AM by bhu »

Offline bhu

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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2011, 05:04:20 PM »
Chakra        Soulmeld

Crown          Battle Helm
               Crystal Helm
               Diadem of Awareness
               Horseman's Circlet
               Necrocarnum Circlet
               Soulspeaker Circlet

Feet           Azure Greaves
               Cerulean Sandals
               Impulse Boots
               Thunderstep Boots

Hands          Assassins Gloves
               Gloves of the Poisoned Soul
               Grappling Gauntlets
               Mauling Gauntlets
               Sighting Gloves

Arms           Armguards of Disruption
               Assassin's Touch
               Bluesteel Bracers
               Mauling Gauntlets
               Riding Bracers
               Sailor's Bracers

Weapon         Archon's Sword
               Archon's Trumpet
               Axe of Chaos
               Balor's Whip
               Demon's Bow
               Devil's Spear
               Hammer of Justice
               Necrocarnum Flail
               Ruby Sceptre
               Staff of Purity
               Tulani's Sword
               Winds of the Bralani
Brow           Fearsome Mask
               Illusion Veil
               Silvertongue Mask 
               Third Eye

Shoulders      Cloak of Darkness
               Pauldrons of Health
               Vampire's Mantle
               Wind Cloak

Shield          Blinding Shield
                Charging Tower
                Deflecting Buckler
                Iron Scutum
                Partisan Phalanx

Throat         Incarnum Focus
               Necrocarnum Mantle
               Silvertongue Mask
               Soulspeaker Circlet
               Unbreathing Amulet

Waist          Energy Cincture
               Necrocarnum Shroud
               Necrocarnum Vestments
               Strongheart Vest

Heart          Necrocarnum Vestments
               Spellward Shirt
               Strongheart Vest

Soul           Secular Armor
               Spiritual Armor
               Winged Armor

Descriptors: Good, Law
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Weapon
Saving throw: None

You shape your Incarnum into a longsword reminiscent of those use by Archons and some Angels.

Your one handed melee weapon does 2d6 slashing damage and is considered to be Good, Lawful, and Magic for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  You are always proficient with this weapon, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by another weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: Your sword gains an Enhancement Bonus to Attack and damage rolls equal to the Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Weapon)
Your longsword bursts into holy flame.

The sword does an additional +1d6 sacred damage to opponents who have Chaotic or Evil alignments.  If they are Chaotic Evil it does +2d6.

Descriptors: Good, Law
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Weapon
Saving throw: See Text

You shape your Incarnum into a silvery trumpet, again similar to that used by the Archons.  Blowing it produces the most wonderful results.

Your one handed ranged weapon does 1d8 piercing damage and is considered to be Good, Lawful, and Magic for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  It has a range increment of 100'.  You are always proficient with this weapon, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by another weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: The range increment of your weapon increases 10' per point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Weapon)
Your holy trumpet deepens to gold in color, and it's blasts are more effective.

An opponent struck by your weapon must make a Willpower Save or be Paralyzed for 1 round per point of Constitution Modifier you possess.  You announce you are using this ability after a successful Attack roll, and it may be used once per day.

Descriptors: Good
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Arms
Saving throw: See Text

You call into existence blued silver gauntlets that crackle with energy in the presence of evil.

Your armguards glow blue when any being with an Evil Alignment is within 30'.  You may also do 1d6 damage to Evil Aligned beings with a successful melee touch attack.

Essentia: Each point of Essentia increases the damage by +1d6. 

Chakra Bind (Arms)
Your gauntlets are now especially protective against beings of a specific Type.

You gain an Insight Bonus to AC and Saving Throws equal to the amount of Essentia invested against opponents of a specific Type you choose when you shape this Meld.  It may not be changed until the Meld is reshaped.  Additionally you now threaten critical hits against monsters of that Type even if they're normally immune.

Descriptors: Evil
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Hands
Saving throw: None

Incarnum flows down your arms turning your hands matte black, rendering them invisible in darkness.

You may make a Bluff Check to Feint in Combat as a Swift Action instead of a Standard Action.

Essentia: Each Essentia invested gives you a +2 to Bluff Checks for purposes of Feinting.

Chakra Bind (Hands)
It is not wise to fight you in other than broad daylight.

As long as you are not in bright illumination, you gain +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. If you did not have Sneak Attack, you do not gain it from this ability.

Descriptors: Evil
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Arms
Saving throw: See Text

Incarnum flows down your arms, covering them in temporary glyphs of vile power.

By making a melee touch attack you may Stun an opponent who fails a Willpower Saving Throw for 1 round.  You may use this ability (1 plus Constitution Modifier) times per day.  Targets that succeed on this save are immune to this effect until the beginning of your next turn.

Essentia: For every Essentia invested the Save DC to avoid being Stunned increases by +1.

Chakra Bind (Arms)
The words written upon you begin to shift, and woe unto he who pays attention to what they are saying.

If your opponent fails his Save he is Paralyzed as opposed to being Stunned.  If the target succeeds on the saving throw, he is immune to this effect for one minute (but can still be stunned by the Assassin's Touch unbound effect). You may alternate between stunning and paralyzing as you see fit.

Descriptors: Chaos
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Weapon
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum shapes itself into a massive battleaxe made from writhing bits of metal.

Your two handed melee weapon does 2d6 slashing damage and is considered to be Chaotic and Magic for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  You are always proficient with this weapon, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by another weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: You gain a +2 Bonus on Sunder Checks per point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Weapon)
Your axe coalesces into a more solid form while strange lights and shadows play along it's surface.

You gain the benefits of the Improved Sunder Feat, and do an additional +1d6 damage on a successful Sunder Check.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Feet
Saving throw: None

You shape your Incarnum into armored greaves formed of bright blue metal.

You can move through Allies or difficult terrain when Charging, and if you move more than 10' you do not need to move in a straight line to charge.
Essentia: For each point of Essentia invested you gain a +2 Dodge Bonus to AC vs Attacks of Opportunity (this stacks with Mobility).  Any effect that causes you to lose your Dexterity Bonus to Ac also causes you to lose this Bonus.

Chakra Bind (Feet)
Your armored legs seem more difficult to move without your permission.

You now automatically succeed on all Checks to resist being Tripped or Bull Rushed.  Difficult terrain has no effect on your actions, and does not impose penalties or increase the DCs of any skill checks or ability checks you perform, and it costs normal movement to move through.

Descriptors: Chaos, Evil
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Weapon
Saving throw: None

You form your Incarnum into a smoking whip.

Your one handed melee weapon does 1d10 bludgeoning damage and is considered to be Chaotic, Evil, and Magic for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  It can also be used at range, and has a range increment (and maximum range) of 20'.  You are always proficient with this weapon, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by another weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: Your weapon does an additional two points of Fire damage per point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Weapon)
Your whip bursts into demonic fire.
You may now make Trip Attacks with your weapon without your opponent being able to Trip back, and you do not provoke an Attack of Opportunity by doing so, even if you do it at range.  You do an additional +1d6 Fire damage on a successful Trip Attack.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Crown
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum shapes into an imposing horned helm.

You gain a +2 Bonus to opposed Combat Checks (Bull Rush, Feint, Overrun, Trip, etc.) that don't involve Grapple, and to Intimidate Checks.

Essentia: Each point of Essentia invested increases the Bonus by an additional +2.

Chakra Bind (Crown
Smoke begins to leak from the eyesockets of your helmet, though it effects you not.

Whenever you succeed in an opposed Combat Check your opponent is Shaken for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution Modifier.  At Level 12 he is Frightened instead.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Shield
Saving throw: Will negates

Your Incarnum shapes into a heavy steel shield, round with a mirrored surface.

Your Incarnum forms a +3 Heavy Steel Shield.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  You are always proficient with this Shield, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by a weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: You gain a 5% chance that ranged attacks miss you per point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Shield)
No matter what direction your opponent moves in the sun seems to reflect off your shield.

Choose one opponent within 60' as a Swift Action.  He must make a Willpower Save or be blinded for 1d6 rounds.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Arms
Saving throw: None

You form your Incarnum into bands of bright blue steel that warn you of danger.

You gain a +2 Insight Bonus to Initiative.

Essentia: You gain an Insight Bonus on Damage rolls equal to the Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Arms)
Your allies begin to share your awakened senses.

Allies within 30' of you also gain the benefits of this Soulmeld.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Feet
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum shapes into sandals that look carved from blue ice with water running just below the surface.

You gain the benefits of a Water Walk spell while this meld is shaped.

Essentia: Your base land speed increases by +5' for each point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Feet)
The ice from your sandal begins to spread covering your lower legs.

You may Dimension Door as per the spell a distance of 10' as a Swift Action a number of times per day equal to the Essentia invested.  You may perform a Standard Action after teleporting, unlike the spell.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Shield
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum shapes into an imposing, dull grey tower shield.

Your Incarnum forms a +2 Tower Shield.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  You are always proficient with this Shield, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by a weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: You gain +2 damage per point of Essentia invested when making a Charge attack.

Chakra Bind (Shield)
Unlike many people wielding a tower shield you don't seem to be slowed down or encumbered.

You take no Attack penalty for wielding a Tower Shield, and difficult terrain does not prevent you from charging.  You also take no AC penalties of any kind while performing a Charge, and can make a Full Attack while doing so. 

Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Shoulders
Saving throw: None

Dark, smoke-like Incarnum spreads from your throat down your back like a dark cloak.

You gain a +2  Bonus to Hide and Move Silently Checks. 

Essentia: For each Essentia invested the Bonus increases an additional +2.

Chakra Bind (Shoulders)
Your cloak envelops you briefly before you disappear.

You may teleport as per the spell a number of times per day equal to the Essentia invested.

Descriptors: Force
Classes: Soulborn, Incarnate
Chakra: Crown
Saving throw: None

A light helm made of translucent crystal forms around your head.

You gain a +2 Bonus on Willpower Saves against Charms and Compulsions. 

Essentia: You gain a Deflection Bonus to AC equal to the Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Crown)
You can see the crystalline power of the helm running through your veins.

Your melee attacks gain the Force descriptor, allowing you to attack incorporeal foes.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Shield
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum forms into a bright blue buckler shield.

Your Incarnum forms a +4 Buckler.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  You are always proficient with this Shield, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again).  It cannot be Sundered except by a weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: WHen fighting Defensively your Dodge Bonus to AC increases by +1 per Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Shield)
You buckler moves on it's own, quickly punching your opponents weapons out of the way.

You gain a Deflection Bonus to AC equal to your Constitution Modifier.

Descriptors: Chaos, Evil
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Weapon
Saving throw: See Text

Incarnum writhes in your hands like a living thing, forming a massive longbow formed from greasy, green tendrils of some sort.

Your two handed ranged weapon does 1d8 piercing damage and is considered to be Chaotic, Evil, and Magic for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  It has a range increment of 100'.  You are always proficient with this weapon, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by another weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: You do an additional +2 damage to opponents within 30' per point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Weapon)
The arrows made by your bow are quite toxic.

Any creature successfully struck by your weapon must make a Fortitude Save or be Poisoned (Initial and Secondary damage is 1d4 Strength.  You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Constitution Modifier.

Descriptors: Evil, Law
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Weapon
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum slowly forms into a heavy spear of black iron.

Your two handed melee weapon does 1d10 piercing damage and is considered to be Evil, Lawful, and Magic for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  It can also be used at range, has a range increment of 20'.  You are always proficient with this weapon, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by another weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: You gain a +2 Bonus on Critical Confirmation rolls per point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Weapon)
Painful jagged spines protrude along the length of your spear.

You now threaten a critical on 18-20, this does not stack with other effects increasing Critical Threat Range.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Crown
Saving throw: None

Pale blue incarnum form into a ring around your brow upon which colorless glass eyes open.

While this Meld is shaped you gain Dark Vision 60'.

Essentia: You gain a +2 Bonus to Search and Spot Checks per Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Crown)
The glass eyes turn liquid gold and form black pupils.

In addition to Dark Vision you get Blindsense 10'.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Waist
Saving throw: See Text

Your Incarnum forms into a belt of writhing energy about your waist (color depends on energy type).

After you shape this soulmeld, the first time you would be dealt energy damage (acid, cold, fire, or electricity) this soulmeld gains the corresponding energy descriptor. Upon doing so, the Energy Cincture soulmled provides energy resistance 10 against that energy type for as long as it remains shaped. This resistance applies against the source of energy damage that triggered this.

For example; if you shape this soulmeld and immediately stick your arm into your campfire, this soulmeld gains the Fire descriptor and provides Fire Resistance 10 (simultaneously negating 10 points of damage that the campfire deals to you). This change applies until you unshape the Energy Cincture soulmeld (be it willingly or if it is dispelled by a Disjoin Soulmeld spell). If, later on in the day, you would take cold damage, the Energy Cincture's descriptor does not change again to protect you from that cold damage.

Essentia: Your Energy Resistance increases by +5 for each point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Waist)
Your belt begins absorbing energy attacks instead of deflecting them.

Whenever your Energy Cincture prevents damage you may release the stored energy as a Swift Action (you may hold for a number of rounds equal to Essentia invested).  It takes the form of a ray, and is a 60' ranged touch attack doing untyped damage equal to the amount of damage it blocked (Reflex Saving Throw for half damage).

Descriptors: Mind-Affecting
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Brow
Saving throw: See Text

Your Incarnum forms into a terrifying mask resembling an Outsider of your Alignment.

You gain a +2 Insight Bonus on Intimidation Checks

Essentia: Your Insight Bonus increases by +2 for each point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Brow)
Your eyes blaze with fire.

Your gaze causes enemy creatures (but not allies) to become shaken for 1 minute (Will negates). This otherwise functions as normal for a gaze attack. This is a mind-affecting effect.  If you successfully Demoralize an opponent via the Intimidate skill they are Frightened 1 round.

Descriptors: Evil
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Hands
Saving throw: Fortitude Negates

Your Incarnum forms into a pair of slick green gloves.

    Once per round, you can attempt to inf lict a terrible, mind-wracking poison on a foe with a melee touch attack. The poison deals 1 point of Wisdom damage immediately and another 1 point of Wisdom damage 1 minute later. Each instance of damage can be negated by a Fortitude save. No creature can be affected by the gloves more than once in a 24 -hour period.

Essentia:  Every point of essentia you invest in your gloves increases the Wisdom damage dealt (both primary and 
secondary damage) by 1 point.

Chakra Bind (Hand)
The gloves dissolve into a poisonous residue covering your hands..

When gloves of the poisoned soul are bound to your hands chakra, the poison also deals Strength damage equal to the amount of Wisdom damage dealt (one save resists both effects).

Descriptors: None
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Hands
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum forms into thin leather straps wrapped around your hands and forearms.

You do not provoke an Attack of Opportunity when making a Grapple attempt, and may Grapple an opponent of any Size Class.

Essentia: You gain a +2 Bonus on Grapple Checks per point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Hands)
Small jagged crystals form on the straps on the back of your hands and arms.

You gain the Constrict Ability, doing your normal unarmed damage plus Essentia invested with a successful Grapple Check.

Descriptors: Law
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Weapon
Saving throw: See Text

You shape your Incarnum into a great two handed hammer of dull metal.

Your two handed melee weapon does 2d6 bludgeoning damage and is considered to be Lawful, and Magic for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  You are always proficient with this weapon, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by another weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: Your hammer gains an Enhancement Bonus to Attack and damage rolls equal to the Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Weapon)
Ever more complex systems of glyphs begin inscribing themselves on the surface of your hammer.

Whenever you successfully Smite an opponent with this weapon they are affected as if hit by a targeted Dispel Magic.  You may use this once per day.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Soulborn, Totemist
Chakra: Crown (Totem)
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum wreathes into a pale band, tying back your hair.

You may Take 10 on all Ride Checks as long as this Meld is shaped.

Essentia: If you have this Bound to your Crown Chakra you may invest Essentia to power your Incarnum Mount.  You may invest all your Essentia into one of the following effects or split them as you desire:

Attack Bonus The Mount gains a Bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls equal to the Essentia invested.

Armor Bonus The Mounts Deflection Bonus to AC improves by +1 per Essentia invested.

Hit Points Increase the Mounts hp by +4 per Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Crown)
Your headband expands into more of a turban.

You create an Incarnum Mount.  It is a bright semi-substantial creature that never strays further than 10' of you.  You may communicate with it telepathically at will, and issue it orders as a Free Action (if you become incapable of issuing orders it will perform it's last action, and then attack anything approaching your body).  If it is reduced to 0 hp the Meld unshapes.  An Incarnum Mount is identical to the Paladin's Mount, with a few exceptions.  It can be summoned or dismissed at will as a Swift Action as long as you have this Chakra Bound, and has the Incarnum subtype.  It can't Share Spells, but can be augmented via this Meld as well as Riding Bracers.  Instead of Command it gains Damage Reduction 10 whose weakness is the opposite Alignment of your Alignment. For example if you are Lawful Good, it gains DR 10/Chaotic and Evil.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
There is no change to your headband, but animals seem more respectful of you.

You may Dominate any Animal (as per the spell Dominate Animal) once per day for a period of 1 hour per Essentia invested.  A successful Save renders the animal immune to this ability for 24 hours, but you may still find another one to use it on.

Descriptors: Chaos
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Brow
Saving throw: See Text

Your face is obscured by a thin veil of Incarnum.  Occasionally it obscures the rest of you as well.
When you shape the Illusion Veil you gain the ability to become invisible for brief periods of time. Activating this ability is a swift action, and your invisibility lasts for 1 round plus 1 round per point of essentia invested in the soulmeld at the time it was activated. After you activate this ability, you can’t voluntarily change the soulmeld’s essentia investment until the duration of invisibility ends or if you take an action that would break your invisibility (as per the Invisibility spell). If the essentia investment is decreased involuntarily to the point where the number of consecutive rounds spent incorporeal equals or exceeds the essentia invested, the effect ends.

Each day, you may use this ability a number of rounds equal to your meldshaper level. The uses need not be consecutive.

Essentia: You gain a +1 Bonus of Willpower Saves per point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Brow)
Your veil reshapes itself, and eventually appears to reshape you as well.

 The invisibility provided by this soulmeld is now identical to the Greater Invisibility spell (except in duration). In addition, you can use the Mirror Image spell as a standard action a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier. The number of images created each time you do is equal to 3+the essentia invested in this soulmeld, to a maximum of 10 images.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Soulborn, Incarnate
Chakra: Feet
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum shapes itself into midnight blue, knee high leather boots.
     Your impulse boots grant you the ability to avoid dangerous effects. While wearing this soulmeld, you gain the uncanny
dodge ability (see page 50 of the Player’s Handbook).

Essentia: You gain an enhancement bonus on Reflex saves equal to the number of points of essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Feet)
The leather of your boots begins to snake it's way up your body.
You gain the evasion ability (see page 50 of the Player’s Handbook).

Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Throat
Saving throw: None

A necklace of blue crystals forms around your neck, flashing blue whenever you use your powers.

Your Meldshaper Level increases by 2 for all Melds you have Bound to a Chakra.

Essentia: For each Essentia invested you get a +2 Bonus to Concentration Checks.

Chakra Bind (Throat)
The glow when you use your powers is now much brighter.

When you bind this soulmeld to your throat chakra, choose another soulmeld you have shaped. When determining that soulmeld's invested essentia, treat it as though it were 2 higher than it really is. This effect ignores the soulmeld's normal essentia capacity restrictions.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Shield
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum forms into a rectangular shield of heavy, black iron.

Your Incarnum forms a +3 Heavy Steel Shield.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  You are always proficient with this Shield, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by a weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: The Enhancement Bonus of your Shield increases by 1 per 2 Essentia invested

Chakra Bind (Shield)
You find that heavy iron shields make an effective weapon in a pinch.

You may now make Shield Bashes with your Iron Scutum without losing it's Shield Bonus to AC, and it's Enhancement Bonus now applies to Attack and Damage rolls with the Shield as well.  Your shield is now considered Adamantine for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Arms or Hands
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum forms into spiked gauntlets made rom some sort of blue metal.

While wearing mauling gauntlets, you gain a +2 morale bonus on Strength checks (but not on Strength-based skill checks),  such as those to break down doors or to bull rush an opponent.  This stacks with Battle Helm where applicable.

Essentia:   Every point of essentia you invest in your mauling gauntlets increases the morale bonus by 2.

Chakra Bind (Arms)
Tendrils of the blue steel of your gauntlets work their way up to your shoulders.

Your mauling gauntlets double the critical threat range of any melee weapon you wield. This does not stack with any other  effect that increases a weapon’s threat range, such as the Improved Critical feat or the keen weapon special quality

Chakra Bind (Hands)
Your gauntlets now fuse into your hands.

You gain a morale bonus on unarmed strike damage equal to the morale bonus on Strength checks granted by the mauling gauntlets. You also gain the benefit of the Improved Unarmed Strike and Superior Unarmed Strike feats.

Descriptors: Evil, Necrocarnum
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Crown
Saving throw: None

A coal black crown forms upon your head.

While this Meld is shaped you automatically detect all Undead within 30' as if you had Blindsight.

Essentia: If you have this Bound to your Crown Chakra you may invest Essentia to power your Necrocarnum Shade.  You may invest all your Essentia into one of the following effects or split them as you desire:

Attack Bonus The Shade gains a Bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls equal to the Essentia invested.

Armor Bonus The Shade's Deflection Bonus to AC improves by +1 per Essentia invested.

Saving Throws The Shade gains a Resistance Bonus on Saving Throws equal to the Essentia invested.

Hit Points Increase the Shade's hp by +4 per Essentia invested. 

Chakra Bind (Crown)
Your crown smokes briefly as a dark shuffling deathly figure appears next to you.

You create a Necrocarnum Shade (see below for stats).  It is a dark, corpselike semi-substantial figure that never strays further than 10' of you.  You may communicate with it telepathically at will, and issue it orders as a Free Action (if you become incapable of issuing orders it will perform it's last action, and then attack anything approaching your body).  If it is reduced to 0 hp the Meld unshapes.

Descriptors: Evil, Necrocarnum
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Weapon
Saving throw: None

You summon a matte black heavy flail.

Your one handed melee weapon does 2d6 bludgeoning damage and is considered to be  Evil and Magic for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  You are always proficient with this weapon, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by another weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: You do an additional 2 points of Profane damage per point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Weapon)
The flesh of your victim blackens when your weapon strikes it.

Damage done by your weapon cannot be healed normally, and must be healed via magic.

Descriptors: Evil, Necrocarnum
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Throat
Saving throw: None

A long cloak composed of writhing, shadowy forms sets around you.

While you have a necrocarnum mantle shaped, you gain immunity to disease and poison (this also negates any disease or poison currently afflicting you).

Essentia: For every point of essentia you invest in your necro-carnum mantle, you gain a +1 profane bonus on saving  throws against mind-affecting effects

Chakra Bind (Heart)
The shadows seem more animated than usual.

Your attacks now affect Incorporeal creatures.

Descriptors: Evil, Necrocarnum
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Soul or Waist
Saving throw: See Text

The air around you is filled with faint tendrils of darkness.

Upon shaping this soulmeld, you gain a necromantic aura that extends out to 5ft. Whenever a creature makes a successful attack (melee or ranged, but not touch or ranged touch) against a living creature other than you within the aura, you gain a cumulative +1 profane bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls for one round. This bonus can never exceed your meldshaper level.

Essentia: You may split Essentia for this Meld.  Each Essentia invested increases the range of the field by 5'.

Chakra Bind (Heart)
The tendrils burrow in and out of your skin like parasites.

Undead Allies within 30 feet of you gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to the Essentia invested.  All Undead encountered (including Mindless) are initially friendly to you.

Chakra Bind (Soul)
The tendrils settle onto your skin turning it flat black.

As an part of a full attack action, you may make a touch attack (doing so replaces one of your iterative attacks). If that attack hits, the target must make a Fortitude save or take 2 negative levels. If the target fails the save, you gain 1 point of Essentia and 5 temporary hit points per essentia invested in your Necrocarnum Shroud. Negative levels and temporary hit points bestowed in this way last for 1 hour, and the essentia lasts until the end of your next turn. While the negative levels are cumulative, the temporary hit points and essentia are not.

The target may choose to unshape a shaped soulmeld instead of making a Fortitude save against this effect. If the target does, treat it as though the target succeeded on it's Fortitude save. This discussion can be made after seeing the results of the Fortitude save, but before the effects of this ability are applied.

Chakra Bind (Waist)
The tendrils around you begin to burrow through the clothes and skin of your opponents.

At the beginning of your Turn any living being within your necromantic aura must make a Will Save or be Frightened for a number of rounds equal to the Essentia invested. If the creature fails this save multiple times, the fear effect does not stack. This is a mind-affecting (fear) effect. A creature that succeeds on it's Will save is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

Descriptors: Evil, Necrocarnum
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Heart or Waist
Saving throw: See Text

You gain shadowy vestments in which the damned can be seen moving about.

You no longer bleed, and are immune to effects based on blood loss such as the Wounding weapon property and the Vampire's Blood Drain.

Essentia: Your opponents rolls to confirm critical hits against you gain a penalty equal to the Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Heart)
Black tendrils burrow into your heart.

Your Type temporarily become Undead when you Bind this Chakra, but you retain you Con score and no other changes (BAB, Saves etc) are made.

Chakra Bind (Waist)
Your vestments bind to you as a webbing criss-crossing your body..

Any living creature adjacent to you gains 1 Negative Level on the beginning of your turn if they fail a Fortitude Save (DC is 10 plus Essentia invested plus Con Modifier).  If the target fails the save, you gain 1 point of Essentia and 5 temporary hit points. Negative levels and temporary hit points bestowed in this way last for 1 hour, and the essentia lasts until the end of your next turn. While the negative levels are cumulative, the temporary hit points and essentia are not.  Undead baings adjacent to you heal 5 hp instead.

Descriptors: Chaos, Evil, Good, Law
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Shield
Saving throw: See Text

You form a steel kite shield whose appearance varies with your alignment.

Your Incarnum forms a +3 Heavy Steel Shield.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  You are always proficient with this Shield, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by a weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: You gain an Initiative Bonus against anyone whose alignment has a component opposing your own equal to the amount of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Shield)
Your shield now writhes or hums in the presence of any whose alignment opposes your own.

You effectively have Blindsight 30' against any opponent who has an Alignment component opposing yours.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Shoulders
Saving throw: None

You form pearly white metal shoulder pads with blue runic scripts..

    While wearing pauldrons of health, you are immune to disease, as well as being sickened or nauseated (as the conditions in the Dungeon Master’s Guide).

Essentia:  You gain an enhancement bonus on Fortitude saves equal to the number of points of essentia you invest in your pauldrons of health.

Chakra Bind (Shoulder)
The runes on your Pauldrons begin to glow.

You gain immunity to energy drain.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn, Totemist
Chakra: Arms (Totem)
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum forms into hard leather bracers smelling of horses.

You no longer need to make DC 5 Ride checks for mounted combat, nor do you have a percentage change to fall off your mount if you are knocked unconscious.

Essentia: You gain a +1 on Attack rolls made while mounted per point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Arms)
If you also have the Horseman's Circlet bound to your Crown Chakra, your mount gets some new abilities.

Your Incarnum Mount gains one of the following abilities, chosen when you shape this Meld:

A Fly Speed equal to it's Land speed, with Good Maneuverability.

A Swim Speed equal to it's Land speed.  It also gains a +8 Bonus on Swim Checks, and may always Take 10 on a Swim Check.  It may use the Run Action while Swimming in a straight line.

A Burrow Speed equal to it's Land speed.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
You attain greater rapport with your mount.

If you are riding an Animal or Magical Beast with an Int of 1 or 2, you can handle the Creature as a Free Action or push it as a Move Action, even if you don't have any ranks in Handle Animal.  In addition your Mount gains the use of any Combat Feats you have that it meets the prerequisites for.

Descriptors: Evil, Law
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Weapon
Saving throw: None

You conjure up a mace covered in glittering rubies.

Your one handed melee weapon does 2d6 bludgeoning damage and is considered to be  Evil, Lawful, and Magic for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  You are always proficient with this weapon, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by another weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: You gain a +2 Bonus on Bluff and Intimidate Checks per point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Weapon)
Your newfound weapon generates a rather oppressive aura.

Whenever you score a critical hit with your weapon your opponent takes 4 points of temporary Wisdom damage for 10 minutes.  Multiple criticals are not cumulative.

« Last Edit: December 25, 2021, 04:55:54 PM by bhu »

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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2011, 05:04:30 PM »
Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Arms
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum forms leather bracers that smell of the sea.

You gain a Swim Speed equal to your Land Speed, may always Take 10 on a Swim Check, and may use the run Action while Swimming in a straight Line. 

Essentia: You get a +2 to Balance Swim Checks for each Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Arms)
Scales spread from your bracers up your arm terminating in fins at your elbow.
You no longer take Attack or Damage Roll Penalties for being underwater, and you do not need to make Swim Checks to avoid becoming Off Balance.  You gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your natural armor per essentia invested in your Sailor's Bracers soulmeld. Creatures that lack a natural armor bonus are treated as having a natural armor bonus of +0.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Soul
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum forms into blocky iron full plate.

Your Incarnum forms into +3 Full Plate Armor.  The Check Penalty of this Armor is lowered by an amount equal to your Constitution Modifier.  You are always proficient with this Armor.  It cannot be Sundered except by a weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: You get DR 2/- per Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Soul)
Your armor seems so impossibly thick that you should move much slower if at all.

You may no longer be flanked and are immune to critical hits and stunning.  It's Enhancement Bonus increases by an amount equal to your Constitution Modifier.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Hands
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum blends into your hands, leaving greenish sparks in their wake when they move.

You gain a +1 insight bonus on damage rolls made with ranged weapons.

Essentia:  Every point of essentia invested in sighting gloves increases the insight bonus by 1

Chakra Bind (Hands)
Ranged weapons you hold shine with a translucent green hue..
Your Insight Bonus now applies to attack rolls with ranged weapons as well.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Brow or Throat
Saving throw: See Text

A silver mask obscures the lower half of your face.

Your silvertongue mask grants you a +2 insight bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks

Essentia:  Every point of essentia you invest in your silver-tongue mask increases the insight bonus by 2.

Chakra Bind (Brow)
Your mask now adds blue crystalline lenses over your eyes.

You gain an insight bonus on Sense Motive checks equal to the bonus granted on Bluff and Diplomacy checks by the mask.

Chakra Bind (Throat)
Your mask melds with you, turning you skin from your cheeks to throat silver.

When bound to the throat chakra, the silvertongue mask allows you to make a suggestion(as the spell) to any creature as a standard action. A successful Will save negates this effect. A creature targeted by this ability, regardless of whether or not it succeeds on its save, can’t be targeted again by the same ability for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting, language-dependent effect.

Descriptors: See Text
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Crown or Throat
Saving throw: See Text.

Incarnum forms a light blue circlet around your head.

You may Mindlink as per the Psionic Power with one creature at will.  This creature must be chosen when shaping.

Essentia: Your Mindlink includes one additional creature per point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Crown)
Your circlet shrinks to a small blue dot on your forehead.

You may use Sending as per the spell a number of times per day equal to the Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Throat)
The circlet forms around your neck instead now.

You may unbind this Soulmeld to cast one of the following spells: Blasphemy (must be Evil, Meld gains the Evil descriptor), Dictum (must be Lawful, Meld gains the Law descriptor), Holy Word (must be Good, Meld gains the Good descriptor), or Word of Chaos (must be Chaotic, Meld gains the Chaos descriptor).

Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Heart
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum forms into a cerulean shirt that sparks with whirling patterns when you are subjected to a spell.

   While worn, the spellward shirt grants you spell resistance 5.

Essentia: Every point of essentia you invest in your spellward shirt increases the spell resistance granted by the soulmeld by 4.

Chakra Bind (Heart)
Your shirt binds to your flesh.

When you shape this soulmeld, choose four spells of 6th level or less. You gain complete immunity to the effects of these spells, as if you were under the effect of a spell immunity spell.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Soul
Saving throw: None

Your incarnum forms into wispy, transparent armor.

Your Incarnum forms into +5 Splint Mail.  The Check Penalty of this Armor is lowered by an amount equal to your Constitution Modifier.  You are always proficient with this Armor.  It cannot be Sundered except by a weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: You get a Bonus on Willpower Saves equal to Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Soul)
Instead of being transparent your armor now pulses with blue energy.

Any spell or power allowing for a Partial Effect on a successful Willpower Save has no effect instead.

Descriptors: Good
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Weapon
Saving throw: See Text

Your Incarnum forms a staff of pale bluish-white wood.

Your two handed melee weapon does 2d6 bludgeoning damage and is considered to be  Good and Magic for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  You are always proficient with this weapon, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by another weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: You gain a Bonus on Willpower Saves equal to Essentia invested against spells or powers with the Evil descriptor.

Chakra Bind (Weapon)
Your staff is now formed of white light.

You gain a Sacred Bonus to AC equal to your Constitution Modifier.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Waist
Saving throw: None

A web of cyan energy wraps itself around your chest.

The strongheart vest protects you from attacks that would reduce your ability scores. Any time you would take ability damage, such as Constitution damage or Strength damage, the amount of the damage is reduced by 1 point, to a minimum of 0.  For example, if you fail a saving throw against the poison of a monstrous centipede and would normally take 2 points of Dexterity damage from its poison, you take 1 point instead. Ten rounds later, if you fail a second saving throw against the poison and would normally take 1 point of Dexterity damage, you take no Dexterity damage instead.

Essentia:  Every point of essentia you invest in your strongheart vest further reduces ability damage by an additional point. For example, if you have 3 points of essentia invested in this soulmeld, you will subtract 4 points from any ability damage dealt to you.

Chakra Bind (Heart)
Your vest extends tendrils into your flesh.

You gain immunity to energy drain attacks and death effects.

Chakra Bind (Waist)
Your vests tendrils extend downwards toward your legs.

Your strongheart vest also reduces ability drain, such as that from a lamia or wraith. It reduces ability drain at the same rate that it reduces ability damage —1 point plus 1 additional point  for  every  point  of  essentia  invested, each  time you would take ability drain.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Brow
Saving throw: See Text

A tattoo of a pale blue eye forms on your forehead.

You may make Search checks and Spot checks as Swift actions instead of their normal action type, and gain a +2 Insight Bonus to Search, Sense Motive, and Spot Checks.

Essentia: Every point of essentia invested in your Third Eye soulmeld improves the Insight bonus to Search, Spot, and Sense Motive checks by 2. In addition, each point of Essentia invested increases by 5' the distance for which you begin to take Spot Check penalties due to range (i.e. for 1 Essentia you take a -1 penalty to Spot Checks every 15' instead of 10', at 2 Essentia this raises to 20', etc).

Chakra Bind (Brow)
The tattoo becomes an actual living eye.
You may now see in darkness or through fog, mist, or smoke as though they were normal daylight.  In addition you may see Invisible creatures as per the See Invisibility spell.

Descriptors: Sonic
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Feet
Saving throw: See text

You form boots reinforces with rings of cobalt blue metal.
   When you charge, your thunderstep boots channel sonic energy into your attack. If you hit with a melee attack at the end of a charge, the target takes an additional 1d4 points of sonic damage

Essentia: Every point of essentia you invest in your thunderstep boots increases the damage dealt by 1d4 points.

Chakra Bind (Feet)
Your boots bind to your feet.
Any creature taking damage from your thunderstep boots is also stunned for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect.

Descriptors: Chaos, Good
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Weapon
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum forms a pale silvery rapier.

Your one handed melee weapon does 2d6 slashing damage and is considered to be  Chaotic, Good, and Magic for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  You are always proficient with this weapon, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by another weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: Your sword gains an Enhancement Bonus to Attack and damage rolls equal to the Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Weapon)
Your weapon now seems to be formed of burning light.

When you successfully Smite an opponent with this weapon they are Confused for 1 round.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Throat
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum forms a dull metal necklace.

You may hold your Breath for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution Modifier x8 before you risk drowning.

Essentia: For each Essentia invested you may hold your breath one additional round.  Additionally you gain a Bonus equal to the Essentia invested on any Saving throws against attacks that require you to breathe such as gasses and inhaled poisons.

Chakra Bind (Throat)
The necklace begins to segment and burrow into your neck.

You no longer require food, water, or air.  Additionally you are immune to poisons, diseases, and cannot be exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, or sickened.

Descriptors: Evil
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Shoulders
Saving throw: None

A cloud of darkness comes from the ground, slowly being absorbed into you.

When you successfully attack an opponent in melee, you heal 2 hit points in damage.

Essentia:   Every point of essentia invested increases the healing by 2 more hit points.

Chakra Bind (Shoulder)
Your flesh becomes dark and mottled.

With a successful melee attack you may now opt to heal ability damage or Drain.  You heal 1 point with a successful attack plus 1 point per essentia invested.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Shoulders
Saving throw: See Text

You gain a gauzy cloak, and there always seems to be a wind around you.
You gain damage reduction 4/magic against ranged weapons. (This soulmeld doesn’t grant you the ability to damage creatures  with similar damage reduction.) The damage reduction granted by wind cloak applies against all ranged weapons regardless of their size.  Tiny and smaller flying creatures that attempt to enter your space must succeed on a Fortitude save to do so. Failure means their movement stops adjacent to your space, and any remaining movement left in their action is lost.

Essentia:  Every point of essentia invested increases the damage reduction by 2. For example, a wind cloak with 2 points of invested essentia would provide damage reduction 6/magic against ranged weapons.

Chakra Bind (Shoulders)
The winds around you pick up in strength.

You may unbind the Chakra to cast Storm Tower.

Descriptors: Chaos, Good
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Weapon
Saving throw: None

Winds formed of Incarnum swirl around your hands.

Your two handed ranged weapon does 1d8 bludgeoning damage and is considered to be Good, Lawful, and Magic for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.  If taken from you you may summon it to your hand as a Swift Action once per round.  It has a range increment of 100'.  You are always proficient with this weapon, which can only be used by you (if another tries to use it it simply disappears until you summon it to your hand again.  It cannot be Sundered except by another weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: You get a cumulative +2 Bonus on Bull Rush Checks per point of Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Weapon)
The winds become a circling pillar next to you.

If you successfully strike your opponent with this weapon you may immediately make a Bull Rush attack against him as a Free Action without provoking an Attack of Opportunity.

Descriptors: None
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Soul
Saving throw: None

Your Incarnum forms into armor with a winged creature motif.

Your Incarnum forms into +4 Half Plate Armor.  The Check Penalty of this Armor is lowered by an amount equal to your Constitution Modifier.  You are always proficient with this Armor.  It cannot be Sundered except by a weapon created by Incarnum.

Essentia: You gain a Bonus on Reflex Saves equal to Essentia invested.

Chakra Bind (Soul)
Actual wings sprout from the back of your armor.

You gain Flight Speed 80' with Good Maneuverability.

Azure Enmity (Incarnum)
Some people say you have an axe to grind...
Prerequisites: Con 13, Smite Opposition
Benefits: Choose 1 Alignment descriptor.  You gain the Favored Enemy ability (see Ranger in the PHB) against opponents with that Alignment.  Additionally you can invest Essentia in this Feat once per day.  Your Favored Enemy Bonus starts at +2 and increases by 1 per point of Essentia invested.  You gain one point of Essentia.

Azure Touch (Incarnum)
You gain some healing capacity.
Prerequisites: Con 15+
Benefits: You can invest Essentia in this Feat once per day to gain Fast Healing x, where x is equal to (Essentia invested divided by 3, round down).  Minimum investment is 3 points.  You gain 1 point of Essentia.

Azure Toughness (Incarnum)
You're much tougher than you appear.
Prerequisites: Con 15+
Benefits: You can invest Essentia in this Feat once per day, gaining 1 point of DR/- equal to the Essentia invested.  This stacks with Incarnum Fortified Body.  Gain 1 point of Essentia.

Azure Turning
Necrocarnum users hate you.
Prerequisites: Con 15+, Smite Opposition
Benefits: You may now use a daily use of Smite Opposition to Turn/Rebuke Undead.  Use your Con Modifier for Turning Checks and damage rolls instead of Cha.  Gain 1 point of Essentia.

Bonus Essentia
You have a bigger than usual Essentia Pool.
Prerequisites: Con 13, 6th Level
Benefits: This Feat can be taken multiple times.  You gain +2 Essentia each time you take this Feat.

Incarnum Fortified Body (Incarnum)
As long as you have Essentia, you can really shrug off the damage.
Prerequisites: None.
Benefits: You permanently gain DR x/Magic so long as you have at least 1 unused Essentia in your pool, where x is equal to your maximum Essentia Pool.  If your Essentia drops to 0, you lose your DR until you get at least 1 Essentia back.  Gain 1 point of Essentia.

Incarnum Resistance
Meldshapers do not like you.
Prerequisites: Cannot have an Essentia pool.
Benefits: When opponents attack you via Soulmelds, they're Meldshaper Level is reduced by 2 for purposes of attacking you only. 
Special: You lose the benefits of your Feat if you gain Essentia.

Unholy Life
You can bring back the dead...sort of.
Prerequisites: Unliving Meldshaper
Benefits: When you have any Soulmeld with the Necrocarnum descriptor Bound, you can cause it to animate a corpse within 30 feet as a  necrocarnum  zombie  (see Magic of Incarnum page 186). The affected creature’s Hit Dice cannot exceed your meldshaper level.   This requires a Standard action and provokes attacks of opportunity; in addition, you take damage equal to the necrocarnum zombie’s Hit Dice. As long as you have essentia invested in the soulmeld, the necrocarnum zombie’s essentia pool is increased by the same quantity.  The animated zombie can act immediately on your turn. You have complete control  over the zombie as long as you maintain line of effect. Should this line of effect be broken, the zombie acts on its own accord to carry out your last instructions. You reestablish control as soon as you reestablish line of effect.
     You can have only one necrocarnum zombie animated at any given time. Animating a second turns the original into an inert corpse. If this soulmeld is unshaped, any necrocarnum zombie created by it returns to an inert corpse.

Unliving Meldshaper
No one uses Necrocarmun liked dead people.
Prerequisites: Int 3, Undead
Benefits: Whenever you have any Soulmeld with the Necrocarnum descriptor Bound, you may Unbind it to 'cast' Command Undead (caster Level is equal to Meldshaper Level).


Open Heart Chakra
No one uses Necrocarmun liked dead people.
Prerequisites: Con 19, 21st Level
Benefits: You may now Bind your Heart Chakra.  Your hit points are now recalculated to be the maximum per Level plus Con Modifier.  For example if you're a Soulborn (d10 Hit Die) with a 15 Con (+2 Modifier), you have 12 hit points per die.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2018, 12:27:27 AM by bhu »

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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2011, 12:11:44 AM »
Racial Substitution Levels

 Level 3: Soulborn Ephemera gains new options.
 Level 9: Replace Quicken Essentia with Share Powers
  Soulborn Ephemera: In addition to the usual options available for Soulborn Ephemera you may choose from among the following
Smite the Enemy: You may now declare you are using Smite Opposition after you make the attack roll, but only if you're opponent is a Giant, or a Humanoid with the Orc or Goblinoid Subtypes.

Duin's Fortitude: When you Bind the Feet Chakra, you are immune to Fatigue/Exhaustion.

Moradin's Hammer: When you Bind the Weapon Chakra, the weapons critical threat range improves by 2 against Giants, and Humanoids with the Orc or Goblinoid Subtype.

Stoneborn Insight: When you Bind a Brow or Crown Chakra you gain a +2 Bonus on Opposed Combat Checks.

  Share Powers: When you Shape your Melds for the day choose a number of Allies within 60'.  They gain the base benefits of the Soulmeld (but not the benefits of having it Bound to a Chakra).  This lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution Score, and does not have to take effect immediately.  You may delay it's use up to 1 hour per point of Constitution Modifier.

 Level 1: Meldshaping is slightly different.
 Level 2: Incarnum Defense is slightly different.
 Level 7: Soulborn Ephemera gains new options.
  Meldshaping: The key Ability for your Meldshaping is Wisdom instead of Constitution.
  Incarnum Defense: You gain a Bonus to Reflex Saves instead of Willpower.
  Soulborn Ephemera: In addition to the usual options available for Soulborn Ephemera you may choose from among the following:

Vigilance of the Ancestors: When you Bind a Brow or Crown Chakra you cannot be Flanked.

Enoreth's Vision: When you Bind the Brow Chakra, your Racial Bonus to Saves vs Enchantment spells and effects increases to +4.  If a Save allows for a partial effect, you take no effect instead.

Corellon's Bow When you Bind the Weapon Chakra, your maximum range increases to line of sight, and you no longer take distance penalties to attack rolls.

 Level 3: Soulborn Ephemera gains new options.
 Level 9: Replace Quicken Essentia with Warcraft
  Soulborn Ephemera: In addition to the usual options available for Soulborn Ephemera you may choose from among the following:

Gruumsh's Spear: When you Bind the Weapon Chakra, your Incarnum Weapon's attacks ignore percentage based miss chances.

Burning Eye: When you Bind the Brow Chakra, if you successfully Demoralize an opponent via Intimidate, he is Frightened 1 round instead of Shaken.

Ilneval's Wisdom: When you Bind a Chakra, that Chakra no longer occupies a body slot.  You may only do this to one Chakra at a time.

  Warcraft:  You may invest Essentia in your Weapon Chakra as a Free Action, even if Flat-Footed.  You may also use Devil's Spear with the Chaos descriptor instead of Law.

 Level 3: Soulborn Ephemera gains new options.
 Level 9: Replace Quicken Essentia with Improved Shifting
  Soulborn Ephemera: In addition to the usual options available for Soulborn Ephemera you may choose from among the following:

Animal Vitality: You may invest Essentia into your Racial Shifting ability.  For each point of Essentia you may Shift one additional time per day.

Heart of the Beast: (prerequisite: 17th Level) You may Bind the Heart Chakra.

Slayer: When you Bind the Weapon Chakra, your attacks bypass the DR of Evil were-creatures.
  Improved Shifting: Your Shifting ability lasts one additional round per Incarnum Feat you take.

 Level 1:  Meldshaping works a little differently.
 Level 2: Incarnum Defense works a little differently.
 Level 3: Some Soulmelds work a little differently..
  Meldshaping: Instead of Constitution, Undead may choose to use Wis or Cha for their meldshaping.
  Incarnum Defense: Your Turn Resistance increases by an amount equal to the ability modifier you chose to use for Meldshaping (Wis or Cha).  If you have no Turn Resistance you gain it instead.
  Soulmelds: Instead of their usual effects, three specific Soulmelds work differently for you:

Necrocarnum Flail: When you use the Necrocarnum Flail, it does Negative Energy damage instead of bludgeoning.

Necrocarnum Mantle: When you have the Necrocarum Mantle shaped your Tun Resistance increases by +1.  For every 2 Essentia invested you gain an additional +1.

Necrocarnum Vestments: When you have Necrocarnum Vestments shaped, you gain Energy Resistance 10 to positive energy damage.  This Resistance increases by +4 per Essentia invested.  When Bound to your Heart Chakra you may ignore any Racial Vulnerabilities (i.e. if you are a vampire you can walk in direct sunlight without ill effect).

 Level 2: Incarnum Defense is slightly different.
 Level 7: Soulborn Ephemera gains new options.
  Incarnum Armor: You may invest your Essentia in your racial Armor Bonus, Increasing it by +2 per Essentia invested.  Additionally the chance you convert a critical hit to a normal one increases to 50%.
  Soulborn Ephemera:  In addition to the usual options available for Soulborn Ephemera you may choose from among the following:

Bio-Organic: When you Bind the Throat Chakra, you may heal wounds normally, and gain a +2 Bonus on Fortitude Saves.

Fluid Armor: When you Bind the Shield Chakra, you may ignore the Armor Check Penalty and maximum Dex Bonus (if any) from Feats modifying your composite plating.

Golem Armor: When you Bind the Shield Chakra, you become immune to critical hits.

Necrocarnum Shade

Type The Shade is technically a Medium Undead with the Incarnum Subtype.

Hit Dice The Shade is the same Hit Dice as you for purposes of effects related to HD.  Hit points upon creation are equal to half yours (rounded down).

Speed The Shade has a Fly Speed equal to your Land speed with a Maneuverability of perfect.

Armor Class The Shade has a Deflection Bonus to AC equal to half your Meldshaper Level.

Attacks The Shade uses your BAB plus it's Dexterity Bonus.  It has a melee touch attack doing 1d4 negative energy damage.  If the attack is successful it's opponent must make a Fortitude Save (10 plus Essentia invested in Necrocarnum Circlet plus your Con modifier) or lose 1 Essentia.  The Shade gains this Essentia for 1 hour.

Special Attacks At 8th Level the Shade can use the Essentia stolen via it's touch attack.  During the hour it has this Essentia, choose one Ability Score per Essentia point stolen to increase by +2.  The maximum amount the Shade can invest into any one Ability Score is identical to your Essentia capacity.

Special Qualities The Shade has Improved Evasion (see page 50 of the PHB).  At 11th Level the Shade gains the Incorporeal Subtype. 

Saving Throws The Shade has the same Base Saves as you do, modified by it's own Ability Scores.

Abilities The Shade has no Str or Con scores.  Int and Cha are a 5.  It's other Abilities are 10, +1 for every 2 Essentia invested in the Necrocarnum Circlet.

Skills and Feats The Shade has the same skill ranks you do, modified by it's own Ability Scores.  It also gains a +4 Racial Bonus on Hide and Move Silently Checks.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2018, 02:03:30 AM by bhu »

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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2011, 01:06:19 AM »

Meldshaping: Beginning at Level x you know and can shape any Soulmeld belonging on the Soulborn list except for those you gain at Level 4 (see Additional Chakras below).  The Save DC for your Soulmelds is 10 plus the number of points of Essentia invested in your Soulmeld plus your Constitution Modifier.  Your Meldshaper Level is equal to half your Soulborn Level.  The maximum number of Soulmelds you can have shaped is equal o the number on the chart above, or your (Con Score -8) whichever is lower.  Once per round as a Swift Action you may reallocate your Essentia investments in your Soulmelds (the maximum Essentia you can place in any one Soulmeld is outlined on the chart above).  You do not need to study or memorize Soulmelds, but must have a good night's rest, and meditate for 1 hour to shape your Soulmelds for the day.

Given how little support Incarnum has, having a partial advancement base class is a huge pain in the ass. It limits the potential builds, and there's a feat and a PrC designed to simulate introducing meldshaping to a party. I feel that the Soulborn needs full meldshaping progression.

Just a suggestion, one of the abilities that I've been thinking about is using an Immediate action to invest Essentia. Perhaps make that a unique trait of the Soulborn in order to give them more bang for their buck?

Smite Opposition (Su): A limited number of times per day (once at first Level with an additional daily use at Levels 5, 10, 15, and 20) you may Smite an opponent whose Alignment has at least one component opposing yours (i.e. Good vs. Evil, Law vs. Chaos).  You may declare you are using this ability as a Free Action whenever you make an Attack Roll, and if your opponents Alignment does not qualify him for the strike you do not lose a daily use of the ability.  If he does qualify you get a Bonus on the Attack roll equal to half your Soulborn Level (round down), and a Bonus on your Damage Roll equal to your Soulborn Level.

Strange... Perhaps give the Soulborn a mechanic similar to Sapphire Smite, or a Soulmeld that works with Smite Opposition?

Smite in general is far too limited IMO. I'd give it Smite Opposition 1/Encounter, and then scale the uses/encounter and improve the Smite ability in general (such as Full Attack smiting), but that's a personal issue I have with Smite X in general. Take it or leave it, just putting it on the table.

Incarnum Defense (Su):

Out of all abilities this class has, Incarnum Defense is the most disappointing. All of the Paladin variants have a rather uninteresting bonus tied to Cha, but the Soulborn is explicitly a Con/Cha class. I think the Incarnum Defense ability needs to be based on either Cha/Con, or a unique ability tied to the Soulmelds the Soulborn can shape (excluding Shape Soulmeld-granted ones). Dunno what exactly it should be, but you really shouldn't leave it as is.

Share Powers (Su):

Something I've been toying with is having Soulborn-exclusive Soulmelds granting bonuses to adjacent allies or allies nearby (similar to a Marshal, but more useful).

Bonus Feat: At Levels 8, 13, and 18 you may choose a Bonus Incarnum Feat for which you meet the prerequisites for.

Add Shape Soulmeld to the list of possible Soulborn Bonus Feats (they can't select it normally because it isn't an Incarnum feat).

Additional Chakras: At 4th Level you gain access to new Soulmelds based on 4 Chakras otherwise unavailable to you: Minion, Shield, Soul, and Weapon.  You cannot Bind them yet, but may can learn and use use Soulmelds based on them.

This part is going to need a reworking. I do think the Soulborn should have a unique Chakra, but three is a bit much. Plus, not allowing them to use that unique Chakra when they get it really hurts. We could fold three of those into a single Chakra, and then provide descriptors for some Soulborn-exclusive Soulmelds (and retroactively apply the Minion descriptor to the Soulspark Familiar soulmeld).

In a way, I think you should bring the Soulborn's unique Chakras more in-line with the Totemist's Totem Chakra.

Additional Chakra Bind: At Levels 9, 14, and 19 you may choose one of the 4 Chakras you gained access to at level 4, and you may now Bind Soulmelds to that Chakra like any other.  Binding this Chakra does not count toward your daily limit on the chart above.  When you choose one of these additional Chakras you gain an extra 2 Essentia which may only be invested in that Chakra, and the maximum possible Essentia that can be invested in it raises by 2.  For example if you choose the Minion Chakra, you gain 2 Essentia to use with it whenever you Bind it.

This also needs work. Simply folding it into their Chakra Bind progression and replacing this ability with a capacity increase for their unique Chakra.

Chakra Binds: Beginning at 6th Level you may now Bind Soulmelds to your Chakras.  Binding a Soulmeld to a Chakra occupies the Body Slot associated with that Chakra and you do not benefit from magical items worn in that location.  The number of Chakra Binds you may have active at one time is based on the table above.  At Level 6 you may Bind the crown, feet, and hand Chakras.  At Level 12 you may Bind the arms, brow, and shoulder Chakras.  At Level 18 you may Bind the throat, and waist Chakras.  You may never Bind the Heart Chakra, and the Soul Chakra must be chosen (see Additional Chakra Bind above).

I think you should spread out the Chakra Bind progression. With 9 types and 20 levels, it would be easy to remove dead levels from the class entirely and give the Soulborn advancement itself a bone.

Surpass Mortality (Ex): At Level 20 your Type changes to Outsider with the appropriate Alignment Subtypes, and the Native Subtype.  Your attacks are now the same Alignment as yourself for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.  You no longer age, or take age penalties, and cannot be magically aged.  Effectively you are immortal unless purposefully killed.

I get the intent, but it could use better wording.

All-in-all, looking good like your work usually does.
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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2011, 02:48:24 AM »

Given how little support Incarnum has, having a partial advancement base class is a huge pain in the ass. It limits the potential builds, and there's a feat and a PrC designed to simulate introducing meldshaping to a party. I feel that the Soulborn needs full meldshaping progression.

Just a suggestion, one of the abilities that I've been thinking about is using an Immediate action to invest Essentia. Perhaps make that a unique trait of the Soulborn in order to give them more bang for their buck?


Strange... Perhaps give the Soulborn a mechanic similar to Sapphire Smite, or a Soulmeld that works with Smite Opposition?

Smite in general is far too limited IMO. I'd give it Smite Opposition 1/Encounter, and then scale the uses/encounter and improve the Smite ability in general (such as Full Attack smiting), but that's a personal issue I have with Smite X in general. Take it or leave it, just putting it on the table.

I was thinking of allowing it to use essentia to pump it up, but SOulborns already have so little, and with additional chakras they have more ways to split it, and i wasnt sure how much extra i should give them.  Im thinking of feats/soulmelds that enhance it too, or i may replace share powers with enhanced smite.

Out of all abilities this class has, Incarnum Defense is the most disappointing. All of the Paladin variants have a rather uninteresting bonus tied to Cha, but the Soulborn is explicitly a Con/Cha class. I think the Incarnum Defense ability needs to be based on either Cha/Con, or a unique ability tied to the Soulmelds the Soulborn can shape (excluding Shape Soulmeld-granted ones). Dunno what exactly it should be, but you really shouldn't leave it as is.

It wont be, I'm not sure if what I listed is what I wanna stick with though.

Add Shape Soulmeld to the list of possible Soulborn Bonus Feats (they can't select it normally because it isn't an Incarnum feat).

added that and several more

This also needs work. Simply folding it into their Chakra Bind progression and replacing this ability with a capacity increase for their unique Chakra.

I rearranged chakras, and rewworded the final ability a lil, now i just need to decide on a 19th level abilty

« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 02:56:16 AM by bhu »

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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2011, 03:10:02 AM »
I was thinking of allowing it to use essentia to pump it up, but SOulborns already have so little, and with additional chakras they have more ways to split it, and i wasnt sure how much extra i should give them.  Im thinking of feats/soulmelds that enhance it too, or i may replace share powers with enhanced smite.

As I said in the other thread, feel free to increase the Soulborn's numbers a bit. The class would actually benefit more from higher numbers than most other classes would, and I think the distribution should be 6(s)/19(e)/4(b). This would give the Soulborn the ability to max out 3 soulmelds before Capacity modifiers, but they would still have to shift around essentia every so often (or balance the mix between 6 Soulmelds after taking feats).

This distribution would enable Azurin+flaws to fill in around 12 Essentia, bringing the total to 32. Given that the capacity limit is upwards of 9 per soulmeld, this would give them plenty (assuming they spent every single feat on an Incarnum feat and Bonus Essentia, which isn't too optimal but still very efficient). Combining this with Quicken Essentia would give the class an incredible amount of flexibility, making the low Soulmeld/Chakra Bind count less detrimental.

It wont be, I'm not sure if what I listed is what I wanna stick with though.

An idea: Voluntarily suppressing a shaped soulmeld for a round (or perhaps unshaping one entirely) to provide a boon for either the Soulborn or an Ally. Something like rerolling saving throws or immediate action healing. Going the suppress route would mean the abilities would have to be efficient enough to be worth the duration but not powerful enough to override using a Soulmeld, and going the unshape/unbind route would mean the effects would really have to be worth it.

Perhaps some of the Shield Chakra Soulmelds could provide additional Incarnum Defense abilities too.

I rearranged chakras, and rewworded the final ability a lil, now i just need to decide on a 19th level abilty

Bump the Soul Chakra to 19, so they get it at the same level as the Incarnate, or add in a Capacity booster. Those would be the best options.
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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2011, 03:52:11 AM »
Moved soul to level 19, put numbers in second table (lemme know if you like the progression).

what if i change the 3 levels with share powers to something like the rogues special ability where you choose from a list?  It could include improved smite, increased abilities with a specific meld (including the possibility of a mount), the unshape/unbind option, etc.

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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2011, 05:56:02 PM »
what if i change the 3 levels with share powers to something like the rogues special ability where you choose from a list?  It could include improved smite, increased abilities with a specific meld (including the possibility of a mount), the unshape/unbind option, etc.

That's a good idea, although I think the Soulmeld-specific improvements should be Save DC increasers and Meldshaper level boosts instead.
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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2011, 03:01:19 AM »
I have some other smite and soulmeld options for th power list id like to add, but the basics are up.  Any thoughts?

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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2011, 02:37:14 PM »
Soulborn Ephemera (Su): At Levels 3, 7, 11, and 17 you may choose 1 power from the following list:

Empower Soulmeld Choose a specific Soulmeld you know.  When it is bound to a Chakra you gain an additional 2 Essentia beyond your normal Essentia Pool invested in it (i.e. you get 2 Essentia invested in that Soulmeld only for free).

THis needs a more technical wording, but it works just fine. A clause about taking it multiple times for the same soulmeld would be nice, seeing as they could permanently double a soulmeld's effective capacity with this.

Potent Soulmeld The Save DC of one of your Soulmeld's increases by +2.

Try: "Whenever you shape your Soulmelds for the day, you may select one of the Soulmelds you shaped. The save DC of that Soulmeld's effects are increased by 2."

Rebind Chakra Once per day as a Full Round Action you may change which Soulmeld you have Bound to whichever Chakra you chose when taking this power.  Or if it has somehow become unbound you may Bind it again.

"Once per day as a Full Round action, select two Soulmelds. If one of those two Soulmelds is bound to a Chakra and the other is not, unbind the first and bind the second to an appropriate Chakra slot. Alternatively, you may choose to rebind a Soulmeld that was forcibly unbound."
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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2011, 05:07:32 AM »
Done.  Before I begin doing more options for ephmera can i get you opinion on the soulmelds available for Soulborn.  Specifically over/under powered, needs redoing, etc.  With them having access to Soul now, and some new chakras i need to do new ones.

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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2011, 10:41:15 PM »
Done.  Before I begin doing more options for ephmera can i get you opinion on the soulmelds available for Soulborn.  Specifically over/under powered, needs redoing, etc.  With them having access to Soul now, and some new chakras i need to do new ones.
Arcane Focus: Why is this even on the Soulborn's list? Or any Meldshaper's list, for that matter? None of them are able to cast spells, much less Arcane ones that deal damage. I get that it is supposed to be for Soulcasters, but why they wouldn't just make the Soulmeld itself a Soulcaster class feature is beyond me. Shape Soulmeld isn't that useful for a Blaster...
Armguards of Disruption: Very, very narrow effects, but it can be helpful in the right campaign. However, the effects need a boost (at least turning the Touch attack into an Attack action so it can be useful for a Soulborn).
Bluesteel Bracers: It doesn't scale efficiently, but the effect is really useful for such a minor bonus. Allowing the bind effect to share the damage bonus, and then improving the Initiative bonus a little would help this soulmeld.
Cerulean Sandals: I like it, but the Dimension Door effect could be more powerful (it's weaker than the Blink Shirt). Take a note out of the Teflammar Shadowlord's book and give it a teleportation-related combat ability (not full-fledged Shadowpounce, but something close to it).
Crystal Helm: A personal favorite, and it's rather fine as-is.
Diadem of Purelight: I HATE this thing! It hurts far more than it should. I recommend changing it to an aura similar to the Faerie Fire spell, and giving it a more Light-based ability (that doesn't turn around and murder your own defenses).
Enigma Helm: The only thing I really recommend changing is making it boost Will saves. It's nice otherwise (also, add in a Spell Resistance effect against Dominate spells, similar to the Divination resistance of the basic Soulmeld).
Fearsome Mask: The changes to the Soulborn's Meldshaper level go a long way to helping this Soulmeld. Clarify if the fear effects stack, because if they do this Soulmeld goes straight into superpowered range (although the effect is easily negated and resisted).
Flame Cincture: The main problem with this is that most sources of Fire damage are also immune to fire, so it really only helps you if your party has a fire-based blaster. In that case, the resistance to fire means shit because the spellcaster likely has Searing Spell, which negates the Soulmeld's effect. The idea is nice, but the execution needs a lot of help.
Gloves of the Poisoned Soul: 8 points of Wisdom damage is huge. This Soulmeld's problem was the low Meldshaper level the Soulborn has, which hindered it's ability to overcome SR. That's fixed, and this became a really good Soulmeld.
Hunter’s Circlet: A very weak effect, seeing as they don't have the Totem Chakra. I recommend a Minion-type effect for the Soulborn's version of this.
Illusion Veil: Aside from the constant See Invisibility, this Soulmeld provides no benefit to the Soulborn. It can be replaced outright.
Impulse Boots: Significantly more useful for a Soulborn now that it's harder to Dispel. No change needed.
Lucky Dice: The bonus' lack of scaling is why I dislike this Soulmeld. It needs that in order to be worth it. Potential target for a Weapon bind, as it could provide the weapon enhancement and become actually worth binding.
Mauling Gauntlets: While the basic effect isn't that good, the Arms bind is very useful. The Hands bind should grant Superior Unarmed Strike (or at least an unarmed damage progression), but it is otherwise fine.
Necrocarnum Circlet: The only reason this Soulemld is good is because Necrocarnum Zombies are easily replaced when they die, and because they can actually tank a little. That said, I'm not a fan of Necrocarnum at all. Too situational for my taste, as I like my class features to be useable in any situation. Binding the Circlet to get Zombies means you have to wait until you either find a high-HD corpse or you have to go through an encounter while being down both a Soulmeld and a Chakra bind. If the encounter involves undead, you can bet that the necromancer in charge won't have the HD needed to give you a decent zombie, thus rending your bind useless for the day unless you were prepared. This is largely a personal gripe I have with the concept, as it would work better as an actual class feature of the Necrocarnate than as a Soulmeld.
Necrocarnum Mantle: A tad weak, but the essentia ability is nice.
Necrocarnum Shroud: I like the concept behind the basic effect, but the bonus is tiny and insignificant. The Soul bind isn't that powerful for a 19th level ability (the negative levels are, but the effects those levels provide are not), and the Waist bind is just not powerful enough for that level (Shaken for one round was level-appropriate at 1st level, not this one).
Necrocarnum Touch: I feel that the Skill enhancer Soulmelds in general (that is to say, Soulmelds that provide bonuses to skills based on Essentia invested) should not have alignment restrictions so they can be useful to anyone. The Touch itself should be the focus of the Soulmeld, and it should be more combat-oriented because of this. And the Arms bind doesn't scale fast enough or have long enough range to be useful throughout most of the mid-levels.
Necrocarnum Vestments: The entire Soulmeld is all over the place in terms of abilities provided, but almost all of them are at the underpowered side of the spectrum. Only the Heart bind provides a useful effect, and even that isn't level-appropriate.
Necrocarnum Weapon: This should have been a weapon enhancement, but the Hands bind is excellent on crit-focused builds.
Pauldrons of Health: Not bad all around.
Riding Bracers: With the Minion options you mentioned earlier, I can see this being at least helpful. But it needs better scaling for the binds and such.
Sailor’s Bracers: Never really struck me as being useful. I've never been in a seafaring campaign while playing a meldshaper though.
Sighting Gloves: The Hands bind could be better, but this Soulmeld is decent as-is.
Silvertongue Mask: Decent as-is.
Soulspark Familiar: The familiar itself needs the most help. It isn't level appropriate at any level. The range restriction is largely the problem, but it could really use an overhaul.
Soulspeaker Circlet: It's never really come up. Generally, a party is built so that every member understands different languages in order to cover the bases, and a 4 person party can cover quite a bit. The telepathy is nice though.
Spellward Shirt: A personal favorite. Nothing wrong with it at all, although the lack of Chakra Binds is a problem for Soulborns.
Strongheart Vest: While the effect itself is a bit underwhelming, it is good as-is. Especially for a Soulborn.
Therapeutic Mantle: The base effect isn't too good, but only because it relies on someone else healing you. The Bind is useless for non-Gishes. Really, with the three Spellcasting-related Soulmelds, I get the feeling that WotC was going to give the Soulborn some form of Spellcasting, but chickened out at the last minute.
Thunderstep Boots: Nothing wrong here.
Truthseeker Goggles: Out of all of the vision-related Soulmelds, this is the least powerful. It needs a special ability to help it out, and Trueseeing is taken.
Wind Cloak: The DR isn't that good, but it does help at the low levels. The bind is nice.

What's Missing: Flight, Skill buffers in generals, combat-focused Soulmelds for a combat-focused class. Several Soulmelds on it's list cannot be bound at all.

Really, the problem with the Soulborn's melds is that the effects are too scattered for the class to have much of a focus. The ones that were useful were victimized by the Soulborn's Meldshaper progression itself or by the 1/2 Meldshaper level (which is problematic because the Soulborn has a number of Soulmelds that offer SR). That last part was the death knell though. WotC didn't label which Soulmelds allowed SR and which ones didn't, and Chakra binds could change it with ease.
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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2012, 03:10:08 AM »
good lord people weren't kidding when they told me you were the person to ask for advice on this  :o

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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2012, 04:42:33 AM »
good lord people weren't kidding when they told me you were the person to ask for advice on this  :o

Well, it only makes sense for someone to specialize in something he calls his favorite.
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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2012, 05:07:09 AM »
I put up working names for soulmelds I'll be making to replace older ones or for the new chakras, and for the ones I'll be redoing per your advice.  I don't think i have everything you wanted yet but there's still room to make more

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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2012, 04:28:32 AM »
Soulmelds got an update, added epic soulborn

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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2012, 12:42:11 AM »
Armguards of disruption, Bluesteel Bracers, Cerulean Sandals, Energy Cincture, Illusion Veil, Necrocarnum Circlet, and Necrocarnum Shoud are up.  Lemme know what you think.

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Re: Incarnum
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2012, 01:15:56 AM »
Okay, my first impressions are that Illusion Veil is WAY too powerful and that Necrocarnum Shroud needs some clarification and improvement.

1) Greater Invisibility at-will, with bonuses, at 1st level is just crazy. It would be crazy at any level really. The Tenser's Transformation part is honestly a lot less useful than always active Greater Invisibility. If you scaled it back to something like... "you may grant yourself Invisibility as the spell for 1 round at-will as a swift action," then it would still be really good. Also, the invested essentia should almost certainly not increase the duration of the at-will spell effect.[/quote]

They cant bind that chakra till 12th level or later and for some reason i kept thinking thats when they got access to the ability.  I probably should be doing these earlier in the day but I'll be fixing now that someone's pointed it out. 

2) Necrocarnum Shroud references unshaping a meld, but what is it talking about? I assume you mean that it unshapes a meld from the unfortunate victim that just took 2 negative levels to the face, but you don't actually say so. More than that though, I feel like the effects of the Shroud just feel pretty underwhelming. What if it slowly sapped the life from nearby creatures, so that living creatures within 5ft of you lose 1 hp per round and you gain temp hp at the start of your turn equal to the total hp lost by those creatures since the beginning of your last turn? Invested essentia increases the effected area by 5ft and increases the hp loss per round by 1. Then a Chakra bind could add the potent effect of granting a stacking +2 bonus to Strength each time a living creature within the area dies.

will be revising it too
« Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 02:48:43 AM by bhu »