Geist is ready for review on page 3.
WITCHBINDER “A Witch is born out of the true hungers of her time.” Witchbinders are Incarnum users who have been reared as a defense (some would say weapon) against Arcane casters (and other Incarnum users as well). They tend to be grim individuals regardless of alignment, and many of the more Evil ones don't see other beings as anything more than resources or obstacles to achieving their goals. Many are among the worst anti-magic bigots. More Good aligned Witchbinders exist to stop cultists and Necromancers.
BECOMING A WITCHBINDER Enough Levels in any Meldshaper class should do
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Meldshaping: Meldshaper Level 6th.
Feats: Midnight Dispel, Witchbinder
Skills: Concentration 4 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana or Religion) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 4 ranks
Class Skills The Witchbinder's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (Arcana, Religion)(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis) and Survival (Wis).
Skills Points at Each Level : 6 + int
Hit Dice: d6
[b] BAB Fort Ref Will Abilities[/b]
1. +0 +0 +0 +2 Detect Magic, Meldshield, +1 Level of exisiting Meldshaping class
2. +1 +0 +0 +3 Dispelling Orb, +1 Level of exisiting Meldshaping class
3. +2 +1 +1 +3 +1 Level of exisiting Meldshaping class
4. +3 +1 +1 +4 Arcane Sight, +1 Level of exisiting Meldshaping class
5. +3 +1 +1 +4 Witchbind, +1 Level of exisiting Meldshaping class
6. +4 +2 +2 +5 +1 Level of exisiting Meldshaping class
7. +5 +2 +2 +5 Greater Arcane Sight, +1 Level of exisiting Meldshaping class
8. +6 +2 +2 +6 Abrogation, +1 Level of exisiting Meldshaping class
9. +6 +3 +3 +6 +1 Level of exisiting Meldshaping class
10.+7 +3 +3 +7 Flay Caster, Witchsight, +1 Level of exisiting Meldshaping class
Weapon Proficiencies: A Witchbinder gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.
Detect Magic (Ex): Beginning at 1st level, you can use detect magic at will. See the spell, page 219 of the Player’s Handbook
Meldshield (Su): You gain an Insight Bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities equal to your Con Modifier.
Dispelling Orb (Su):At 2nd level, you learn to shape a small orb of incarnum and hurl it at any target within 30 feet as a standard action. If you succeed on a ranged touch attack, the dispelling orb functions as a targeted dispel magic spell (caster level equals your meldshaper level). For every point of essentia you invest in the orb, you gain a +1 insight bonus on any dispel checks you make with it. After the attack is resolved, the invested essentia returns to your essentia pool and can be reinvested as normal. Unlike normal, the dispel check maxes at +20 instead of +10.
Arcane Sight (Ex): At 4th Level you can use Arcane Sight at will instead of Detect Magic.
Witchbind (Su): At 5th Level, victims of your Dispelling Orb must make an opposed caster level check against you (use your meldshaper level as your caster level), in order to use any spell, spell-like ability or supernatural ability that isn't arcane in origin. This lasts until the victim succeeds in a caster level check, or until he has Remove Curse (or a similar spell such as Limited Wish, Wish, Miracle, etc.).
Greater Arcane Sight (Ex): At 7th Level you can use Greater Arcane Sight at will instead of Arcane Sight.
Abrogation (Su): At 8th Level your Dispelling Orb can now dispel spells that would not normally be subject to Dispell Magic if they are 5th Level or less.
Flay Caster (Su): Beginning at 10th level, you can catch a tiny bit of an arcane spellcaster’s soulstuff between your hands and mangle it as a Standard Action. You can use this attack against any arcane spellcaster or creature with spell-like abilities that is within 60 feet of you. The target creature must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + your Con modifier) or take 1d8 points of damage per point of essentia you invest in the ability, and also be nauseated for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the nausea. A creature that has no arcane spells prepared, no arcane spell slots unused, and no spell-like abilities available is immune to this attack.
Witchsight (Su): At 10th Level you can sense arcane casters. Anytime you see an individual that can use arcane magic (this includes spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities) you make an opposed Spot versus Caster Level Check. If successful you know that individual is an arcane magic user.
PLAYING A WITCHBINDER You know the dangers of irresponsible magic use more than anyone. You are the hounds who ferret out magic users for your masters, whether for good or ill. At best you are the last, best hope against Evil men or monster. At worst, you are a violent fanatic who hates anyone with powers besides yourself.
Combat: You are a specialist meant to combat supernatural foes. Against other opponents you're much like any other Incarnum user.
Advancement: Advancement for you likely depends on your patrons view of your success. Do well and you're left to your own devices. Fail and you're probably dead before you can rue his disappointment.
Resources: Virtually all Witchbinders have a patron or backing organization.
WITCHBINDERS IN THE WORLD "Not all heretics are monsters, nor are all just men very just." Witchbinders are an odd lot. On the one hand you tend to save people from horrible supernatural killers. On the other hand have a license to murder and do as you please. This makes people uneasy, even if you do only kill 'bad' men. After all,, you're the one who decides who is 'bad'.
Daily Life: You're always 'on'. You must always be vigilant for Evil (or if you're simply a zealot for any targets who may challenge your authority). This means you live a never ending life of stress as you see potential enemies every where.
Organizations: Most Witchbinders belong to an organization called the Vigilant Servants, or are the pet of some tyrant.
NPC Reaction Good Witchbinders are well liked as heroes, even though some casters will still give them a wide berth. Evil ones are pretty much monsters in the eyes of everyone.
WITCHBINDERS IN THE GAME This classs is mainly meant for stopping arcane casters and similar ilk. If your campaign isn't going to prominently feature bad guy Wizards, you may wish to inform anyone choosing this PrC.
Adaptation: This PrC could be adapted to foucs on Psionicists or Divine Magic as well.
Encounters: Witchbinder encounters will vary widely based on their alignment, as will whether or not they are a boon or a bane to PC's.
Sample Encounter EL 12: The PC's are accused of witchcraft when entering an odd village bot on their maps, and must flee from a magic hating madman's personal army.
Init +0,
Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
Languages ------------------------------------------------
AC , touch , flat-footed ()
hp ( HD)
Fort +,
Ref +,
Will +
Speed ft. ( squares)
Melee Base Atk +,
Grp +
Atk Options Combat GearSpells Prepared Supernatural Abilities -----------------------------------------------
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
SQ Feats Skills PossessionsEPIC WITCHBINDER Hit Die: d6
Skills Points at Each Level : 6 + int
Meldshaping Your Meldshaper Level continues to increase with Epic Levels, but you do not gain additional Essentia, Soulmelds, or Chakra Binds.
Bonus Feats: The Epic Witchbinder gains a Bonus Feat every 4 levels higher than 20th