Descriptors: Evil
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Hands
Saving throw: None
Incarnum flows down your arms turning your hands matte black, rendering them invisible in darkness.
You may make a Bluff Check to Feint in Combat as a Swift Action instead of a Standard Action.
Essentia: Each Essentia invested gives you a +2 to Bluff Checks for purposes of Feinting.
Nice. We don't need another Glibness, so this actually works out wonderfully for the Bluff skill.
Chakra Bind (Hands)
It is not wise to fight you in other than broad daylight.
When in shadow or areas of dim illumination, each Essentia invested increases the amount of Sneak Attack dice you have (if any) by +1d6.
Try "As long as you are not in bright illumination, you gain +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. If you did not have Sneak Attack, you do not gain it from this ability."
Descriptors: Evil
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Arms
Saving throw: See Text
Incarnum flows down your arms, covering them in temporary glyphs of vile power.
By making a melee touch attack you may Daze an opponent who fails a Willpower Saving Throw for 1 round.
Essentia: For every Essentia invested the opponent is Dazed an additional round on a failed Save.
Dazing at-will is horrifically powerful, especially when you can spam it so easily. There are precious few ways to defend against being dazed, and being able to daze something for 4+ rounds with a single attack (and they can use it on AoOs too) is just too broken to allow. This ability needs serious rethinking. And, again, think about Shape Soulmeld. Even reducing this to Stunning is too much due to the duration of the stunning (although stunning gets much weaker towards the higher levels). I'm not against a Stunning Fist-style ability for this Soulmeld, but at-will and on every single attack is a bit much.
Chakra Bind (Arms)
The words written upon you begin to shift, and woe unto he who pays attention to what they are saying.
If your opponent fails his Save he is Paralyzed as opposed to being Dazed.
See above. Too powerful for an at will ability, and far too low-level.
Comparing this soulmeld to the Basilisk Mask, this soulmeld wins out. It's more action-efficient; able to deny an opponent his entire turn by using a single AoO. The Mask has the disadvantage of denying you your turn and being a Fort-save (which is the best save in the game). This can be used 4+ times/round by a Fighter (who, I admit, won't have the Save DC as high as it could be and couldn't overcome SR worth a damn). Imagine putting this on Jack B. Quick. Sheer volume of attacks/round means this soulmeld's effect can trigger multiple times per round.
I'm all for giving melee nice things, but this is sick. The DC is even Con-based due to being a Soulmeld's effect. It's just too easy to optimize this into an unbeatable build (well, casters can beat it, but it still is unstoppable at most levels).
Descriptors: Evil
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Shoulders
Saving throw: None
Dark, smoke-like Incarnum spreads from your throat down your back like a dark cloak.
You gain a +2 Profane Bonus to Hide and Move Silently Checks.
Essentia: For each Essentia invested the Bonus increases an additional +2.
I'm fine with this. There's all ready a soulmeld for Hide/MS, so giving this the Evil descriptor doesn't mean non-evil Soulborns can't be stealthy.
Chakra Bind (Shoulders)
Your cloak envelops you briefly before you disappear.
You may teleport as per the spell a number of times per day equal to the Essentia invested.
A very wide-range campaign-wrecker, but they don't get it until 14th level (Wizards will have had this for 5 levels by now). It's strong, to the point of being a must-have, but thematically an oddball. The ability just doesn't make sense at all. How is this Evil, aside from specific campaign-applications?
Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Crown
Saving throw: None
Pale blue incarnum form into a ring around your brow upon which colorless glass eyes open.
While this Meld is shaped you gain Blindsight 10'.
For comparison, the Shadowmantle doesn't grant this ability until 14th level. You can get this ability at 1st level. Tone this down to Darkvision, and have the Chakra Bind granted Blindsense (not Blindsight; too powerful for the Crown).
Descriptors: None
Classes: Soulborn, Totemist
Chakra: Crown (Totem)
Saving throw: None
Your Incarnum wreathes into a pale band, tying back your hair.
You may Take 10 on all Ride Checks as long as this Meld is shaped.
Essentia: If you have this Bound to your Totem Chakra you may invest Essentia to power your Incarnum Mount. You may invest all your Essentia into one of the following effects or split them as you desire:
Attack Bonus The Mount gains a Bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls equal to the Essentia invested.
Armor Bonus The Mounts Deflection Bonus to AC improves by +1 per Essentia invested.
Saving Throws The Mount gains a Resistance Bonus on Saving Throws equal to the Essentia invested.
Hit Points Increase the Mounts hp by +4 per Essentia invested.
The fact that it can't be invested in unless you bind it to the Totem is a bit restrictive, but this Soulmeld does very little good for a Soulborn.
Chakra Bind (Crown)
Your headband expands into more of a turban.
You may Dominate any Animal (as per the spell Dominate Animal) once per day for a period of 1 hour per Essentia invested.
Rather nice. Provides it's own mount ala Necrocarnum Circlet (the original) and retains relevance towards the mid-levels the way a Druid does, although the duration caps out at 8 hours (which, really, you should only need it for that long). However, the uses/day has a problem: A lucky roll means this Soulmeld is worthless to the Soulborn for 24 hours.
I recommend making it so that a successful save renders the target immune to this Soulmeld's effects for 24 hours, but the use isn't expended. Thus you can't spam it on the same creature, but you still have the option of hunting down another one and trying again.
Chakra Bind (Totem)
There is no change to your headband, but you now appear to be mounted on a creature of some sort.
You create an Incarnum Mount (see below for stats). It is a bright semi-substantial creature that never strays further than 10' of you. You may communicate with it telepathically at will, and issue it orders as a Free Action (if you become incapable of issuing orders it will perform it's last action, and then attack anything approaching your body). If it is reduced to 0 hp the Meld unshapes.
We're going to have to work out the stats, but this makes very little sense for the Totemist to have. Totemists are not usually mounted combatants (in fact, they work better as the mount itself). Change the Totem bind to something else (perhaps something movement-related, like Travel Devotion's swift action movement?), and make the Mount the Waist bind.
Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Throat
Saving throw: None
A necklace of blue crystals forms around your neck, flashing blue whenever you use your powers.
Your Meldshaper Level increases by 2 for all Melds you have Bound to a Chakra.
Essentia: For each Essentia invested the Save DC of one Meld that is Bound to a Chakra is increased by +2. You choose which one when you Shape your Melds for the day, and it may not be changed.
And holy shit, talk about a buff. It's a must-have for every meldshaper, and overly narrow for anyone who isn't. The essentia ability causes problems for balance. The basic effect is good. Keep that. But the Essentia ability needs to go. Replace it with a Spellcraft/Knowledge (The Planes) skill booster.
Chakra Bind (Throat)
The glow when you use your powers is now much brighter.
Choose 1 Soulmeld you have bound to a Chakra when you Shape your Melds for the day. The amount of Essentia considered to be invested in that Soulmeld increases by +2.
"When you bind this soulmeld to your throat chakra, choose another soulmeld you have shaped. When determining that soulmeld's invested essentia, treat it as though it were 2 higher than it really is. This effect ignores the soulmeld's normal essentia capacity restrictions."
Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Arms
Saving throw: None
Your Incarnum forms leather bracers that smell of the sea.
You gain a Swim Speed equal to your Land Speed, may always Take 10 on a Swim Check, and may use the run Action while Swimming in a straight Line.
Essentia: You get a +2 to Swim Checks for each Essentia invested.
Swim and Balance checks. Got to make it at least somewhat useful outside of a seafaring campaign.
Chakra Bind (Arms)
Scales spread from your bracers up your arm terminating in fins at your elbow.
You no longer take Attack or Damage Roll Penalties for being underwater, and you do not need to make Swim Checks to avoid becoming Off Balance. Your Natural Armor Bonus improves by +1 per Essentia invested.
That last part should read "You gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your natural armor per essentia invested in your Sailor's Bracers soulmeld. Creatures that lack a natural armor bonus are treated as having a natural armor bonus of +0."
Descriptors: See Text
Classes: Soulborn
Chakra: Crown or Throat
Saving throw: See Text.
Incarnum forms a light blue circlet around your head.
You gain Telepathy with a range of 10'.
Essentia: The range increases +5' per point of Essentia invested.
Take a note out of the Mind's Eye articles and make it at will Mindlink (XPH), and have the Essentia invested enable Mindlink multiple creatures. Mindsight for 2 feats (Shape Soulmeld+Mindsight) is unbalancing.
Chakra Bind (Crown)
Your circlet shrinks to a small blue dot on your forehead.
You may use Sending as per the spell a number of times per day equal to the Essentia invested.
Chakra Bind (Throat)
The circlet forms around your neck instead now.
You may unshape this Soulmeld to cast one of the following spells: Blasphemy (must be Evil, Meld gains the Evil descriptor), Dictum (must be Lawful, Meld gains the Law descriptor), Holy Word (must be Good, Meld gains the Good descriptor), or Word of Chaos (must be Chaotic, Meld gains the Chaos descriptor).
Just have it unbind, not unshape. I'm on the edge of saying the SLAs should be Chaos Hammer/Unholy Blight/etc, but considering that it's a Throat bind I can see leaving it be.
Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Brow
Saving throw: See Text
A tattoo of a pale blue eye forms on your forehead.
You may make a Search Check as a Swift Action, and gain a +2 Bonus to Search, Sense Motive, and Spot Checks.
Essentia: For each Essentia invested increase by 5' the distance for which you begin to take Spot Check penalties due to range (i.e. for 1 Essentia you take a -1 penalty to Spot Checks every 15' instead of 10', at 2 Essentia this raises to 20', etc.).
A tad weak. Try this:
"You may make Search checks and Spot checks as Swift actions instead of their normal action type, and gain a +2 Insight Bonus to Search, Sense Motive, and Spot Checks.
Essentia: Every point of essentia invested in your Third Eye soulmeld improves the Insight bonus to Search, Spot, and Sense Motive checks by 2. In addition, each point of Essentia invested increases by 5' the distance for which you begin to take Spot Check penalties due to range (i.e. for 1 Essentia you take a -1 penalty to Spot Checks every 15' instead of 10', at 2 Essentia this raises to 20', etc)."
Chakra Bind (Brow)
The tattoo becomes an actual living eye.
You may now see in darkness or through fog, mist, or smoke as though they were normal daylight. In addition you may see Invisible creatures as per the See Invisibility spell.
Made a minor change.
Descriptors: None
Classes: Incarnate, Soulborn
Chakra: Throat
Saving throw: None
Your Incarnum forms a dull metal necklace.
You may hold your Breath for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution Modifier x8 before you risk drowning.
Essentia: For each Essentia invested you may hold your breath one additional round. Additionally you gain a Bonus equal to the Essentia invested on any Saving throws against attacks that require you to breathe such as gasses and inhaled poisons.
I'm personally underwhelmed, but can see the uses behind it.
Chakra Bind (Throat)
The necklace begins to segment and burrow into your neck.
You no longer require food, water, or air. Additionally you are immune to poisons, diseases, and cannot be exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, or sickened.
Nice, if gained rather late in the game.