Shadow Cloak [DotU p. 101] - +1 deflection bonus to AC, 3/day immediate action one of either: concealment for 1 round or teleport 10' LOS... its cheap too, weighing in at 5'500gp.
With this one you can dodge bullets =)
dunno about that one... to me it sounds a little better than it is, since you can only use it when you're attacked. it's still good, but it has no utility use.
It's my understanding that
immediate actions can still be taken on your turn, if you desire. Using it outside of your turn just uses up your swift action for the
next turn, so you could (for example) move up to an opponent (move action), smack them in the face (standard action), then teleport out of melee range (swift/immediate action), and still be able to teleport out of the way of an attack while awaiting your next turn.
Of course, with only 3 uses per day you'll run out pretty fast, so saving it for negating hits may be the best strategy anyway--point is you
could use it for a strategic teleport on your turn. [edit] Unless there's something in the item description that says otherwise.