From Heroes of the Streets...
Wiscrani Ear is a social trait that allows you to take 10 on Perception checks!
The Education subdomain is interesting. Replacing Community or Knowledge's 8th level ability with the ability for all allies w/in 30ft reroll ALL attacks, skills, ability checks, and saves for 1 min. Only can use this ability when you or an ally roll a natural 1 or 20 on any attack, skill, ability check, or save. WTF?
Plague replaces Death or Evil 8th level ability to force nearby creature to make a Fort save. Failing causes the creature's disease to immediately onset and they auto fail that Fort. Basically increases the disease DC and resets a 'must succeed on x saves'
Alley Witch allows you to store a hex in a feather or other token. This allows another creature to drink it or touch it to activate it themselves.
Streets mystery allows you to 1/day sneak attack as a rogue your oracle level.
Slums spirit shaman has a hex that trips foes, dealing 1d6 and force them to Reflex or fall into an adjacent pit/cliff. Can be used more than 1/24 hrs on a creature.
Slums spirit ability allows you to enter a door and exit a different nearby door (max distance based on level).
Filthy Weapon feat allows you to, as a std action, poop on your weapon and the next attack applies filth fever. A crit makes the onset 1 round and makes the save 10 + 1/2 your level + Int.
Mud in Your Eye.allows you to blind people w poop - flinging as a std action.
Subtle Devices feat allows you to Stealth to hide the fact that you're triggering any magic device. How's this work w casting from scrolls?
Throat Slicer feat allows you to slashingly coup-de-grace bound, pinned, or unconscious foes as a std action.
From Inner Sea Races...
Intrepid Volunteer halfling trait allows you to select one Str skill or one combat maneuver and use Dex instead of Str. Did someone say... Adopted?
Gruff Watcher Ulfen trait grants +1 initiative and Perception.
Weapon Training Ulfen trait grants +1 damage when using a bastard sword, battleaxe, greataxe, greatsword, handaxe, light hammer, longbow, longsword, shortbow, short sword, throwing axe, and warhammer.
Disciplined Body Vuldrani traits 1/day, you can use your Wisdom modifier instead of either your Strength or Dexterity modifier on an attack roll, a combat maneuver check, a Strength or Dexterity-based skill check, a Strength check, a Dexterity check, or a Ref lex save. You must choose to use this trait before rolling.
Unstoppable: Some dwarves train from a young age to
outlast orcs on the battlefield. They gain Toughness as a
bonus feat and a +1 racial bonus on Fortitude saves. This
racial trait replaces hardy.
Vivacious: Some gnomes retain a trace of the vitality of
the First World. These gnomes recover 50% more hit points
(minimum 1) whenever they recover hit points from rest.
Whenever they are healed of hit point damage by a spell,
they heal an additional amount equal to 1/2 the spell’s
caster level (minimum 0). The extra healing does not apply
to spells that grant fast healing or similar effects. This
racial trait replaces gnome magic and keen senses.
Kindred-Raised: While most think of people with
one human and one elven parent when they think of
half-elves, some half-elves are raised by two half-elven
parents. Such half-elves feel less like outsiders, making
them more confident, but less adaptable without the
exposure to a human parent. They gain a +2 bonus to
Charisma and one other ability score of their choice. This
racial trait replaces the half-elf ’s usual racial ability score
modifiers, as well as adaptability, elven immunities, keen
senses, and multitalented.
Orc Atavism: Some half-orcs have much stronger orc
blood than human blood. Such half-orcs count as only
half-orcs and orcs (not also humans) for any effect related
to race. They gain a +2 bonus to Strength and a –2 penalty
to one mental ability score of their choice. Finally, they
gain the ferocity universal monster ability. This racial trait
replaces the half-orc’s usual racial ability score modifiers,
as well as intimidating, orc blood, and orc ferocity.
Human Shadow: Half lings seem to pop up wherever
humans are found, in part because they actively support
and move with human explorers, settlers, and travelers
without drawing attention to themselves. These half lings
can use Stealth to hide behind creatures at least one size
category larger than themselves, without any other source
of concealment or cover. As long as the
half lings are within 30 feet of a human,
they gain a +2 racial bonus on Sleight of
Hand checks and Stealth checks. This racial
trait replaces keen senses and sure-footed.
Aasimars—Lost Promise: While many view aasimars’
beauty and celestial powers as a gift, in some communities
an aasimar might be persecuted for being different and
fall into darkness. The forces of evil delight in such a
perversion of their celestial counterparts’ gifts. As long
as the aasimar retains an evil alignment, she gains the
maw or claw tief ling alternate racial trait (Pathfinder RPG
Advanced Race Guide 169). This racial trait replaces the
spell-like ability racial trait.