Author Topic: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)  (Read 17606 times)

Offline sirpercival

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DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« on: December 20, 2011, 10:59:54 PM »
Many thanks to Jackinthegreen for writing the opening flavor text!


Picture Credit: Google Image Search
"Informational warfare?  I'll let you in on a little secret: you just hired a general."
-Lawrence "The Stirge" Decarus, well-known Oracle Hacker.

The Oracle (informally known as DivNet) is a decentralized network of divinations that collects information throughout the world.  Every street corner in every city has a permanent Arcane Eye recording information for the Oracle.  Anyone can access the information database, either through public scrying-pool kiosks or via their own personal magic mirror; however, not all information is available without security clearance.

A DivHead (or Oracle Hacker) is a character who has implanted a permanent uplink to the DivNet in their brain, so that he can access it anytime, anywhere.  A DivHead travels through his own virtual construct of the world, using the Oracle's network of eyes (along with his own sensors) to know where everything is at all times; he can download information about his opponents merely by concentrating, and overlay it in his vision.  He can thwart his enemies' attempts to learn anything about him via the Oracle, participating in informational warfare. 

Rumor has it that some DivHeads can connect their friends into the virtual construct, sharing information and coordinating actions in realtime.  Because of this, the DivHead is the first target in any group.

Adventures: A DivHead generally operates on the principle that one can never have too much information... and that the most interesting information is the stuff that people are trying to keep secret.  DivHeads tend to adventure to learn new things, and use that gained knowledge to better achieve their own ends, whether it be spreading information or hoarding it for their own use.

Characteristics: A DivHead’s key features are his ability to know everything about a target and use that information to bring it down.  Knowledge is power, and DivHeads have the power to turn the tide of wars and battles with just a thought.  This can sometimes make DivHeads egotistical and narcissistic, but just as often DivHeads are more interested in the information itself rather than what you do with it.

Alignment: Any, though DivHeads tend to be highly independent (and therefore chaotic).  However, DivHeads that work for the establishment, protecting against rogue Oracle Hackers, do exist.  Neutral Good DivHeads are often more concerned with the general well-being of people while Neutral Evil DivHeads use acquired information to misinform and terrorize the populace.  True Neutral DivHeads are primarily concerned simply with obtaining knowledge and knowing what’s going on.

Religion: DivHeads tend to worship DivNet itself as a higher power, though they try to pretend it's ironic.  Some believe DivNet has actually acquired a consciousness of its own, and might either seek to become more in tune with it if they believe it’s in line with their ideology, or seek to subvert and direct it if they believe it is flawed.

Background:  A permanent uplink can be had by anyone with the right number of creds and a willingness to have their brain go under the knife, so DivHeads come from all walks of life; however, one characteristic that almost all of them share is that those who become DivHeads know the value of information, and devote their lives to finding secrets (or, sometimes, keeping them).

Races: Any race can become a DivHead, although few from the savage races do because they don’t have the intelligence necessary to really succeed.  Illumians have taken exceptionally well to the discovery and exchange of information, and the more humorous ones use their race’s name as a joke by saying they like to “Illuminate” new ideas.  Oddly enough, Dreamsight Shifters have a strong presence among DivHeads as well.  They make excellent use of their unique way of seeing things by taking the Intuitive Hacker feat.

Other Classes: DivHeads are universally recognized as key players in a party, and are almost always welcomed, so long as the DivHead’s goals are roughly in line with the party’s.  DivHeads have been known to readily infiltrate organizations and overthrow them from within, leading to cautious optimism with regards to their motivations.

Role: DivHeads are the tacticians of any group.  As such they occupy a support role and advise the party on the best way to overcome challenges.  They are also effective as a secondary party face and social expert.  It is not advisable for a DivHead to engage in combat directly due to low hit points and lack of proficiencies with more effective weapons and armor.  Because of this, DivHeads often invest in ways to make themselves less visible so they can direct their comrades with impunity.

Adaptation: The DivHead’s spellcasting ability needs little adaptation to work in almost any world setting.  Likewise, the Hack abilities need only be renamed to be in line with the new setting.  The Permanent Uplink and various sensor abilities can be adapted to function like divine inspiration or as an arcane connection to the world around the DivHead.

A DivHead knows, like, everything (given time).
Abilities: Intelligence is the most important ability of ever.  Constitution, Dexterity, and Charisma are nice too…
Races: Any.
Alignment: Any, though DivHeads tend to be highly independent (and therefore chaotic).  However, DivHeads that work for the establishment, protecting against rogue Oracle Hackers, do exist.
Starting Gold: As wizard.
Starting Age: As wizard.

Class Skills
The DivHead's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Arcana (Int), Concentration (Wis), Engineering (Int), Natural Lore (Wis), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Scholarship (Int), Streetwise (Int/Cha), and Wordsmithing.
Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int)x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int

Table: The DivHeadHD: d6





Hack (tactics), permanent uplink
Personal sensor (1), virtual overlay
Share overlay
Baffle sensor, HackSpider
Hack (puissance), informational warfare (influence)
Personal sensor (2)
Fast overlay
Hack (foe)
Informational warfare (trace), seize sensor
Personal sensor (3)
Hack (secrets)
Informational warfare (confuse)
Hack (foreknowledge), personal sensor (4)
Greater baffle sensor
Informational warfare (destroy)
Personal sensor (5)
Trace lifeline
Living oracle
Spells per Day

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A DivHead is proficient with simple weapons, light armor, and light shields.  A DivHead can cast DivHead spells while wearing light armor or using a light shield without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. However, like any other arcane spellcaster, a DivHead wearing medium or heavy armor or using a heavy shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component (most do). A multiclass DivHead still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.

Spellcasting: A DivHead casts arcane spells, which are drawn from the DivHead's spell list below. Like a sorcerer, he can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time. When a DivHead gains access to a new level of spells, he automatically knows all the spells for that level given on the DivHead's spell list.

To cast a spell, a DivHead must have an Intelligence score of 10 + the spell’s level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a DivHead's spell is 10 + the spell’s level + his Intelligence modifier. Like other spellcasters, a DivHead can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given in the table above. In addition, he receives bonus spells for a high Intelligence score.

Permanent Uplink: A character becomes a DivHead by implanting a permanent connection to the Oracle in their brain, allowing the DivHead to draw on the Oracle's knowledge, awareness, and predictive magics by casting divination spells from the DivHead list. The DivHead gains the Permanent Uplink feat as a bonus feat.

Hack: A DivHead can draw upon the Oracle's repository of knowledge about anyone and anything, granting his allies benefits against the creatures they face. Using this ability requires as a move action, and the DivHead can do so a number of times per day equal to his class level plus his Intelligence modifier.  A DivHead can perform a hack against any creature; however, information about types of creatures which have rights as Citizens (such as humans, elves, dwarves, etc.) is classified, so the hack check is more difficult. 

A DivHead unlocks new hack abilities as his level increases.  Using this ability requires a hack check, which is a d20 + the hacker's class level + his Intelligence modifier; the DC of the check is 15, or 20 for creatures of the Humanoid type.  Most of the DivHead's hack abilities increase in effectiveness if he succeeds on his hack check by 10 or more. Hack can only be successfully used once against any given creature within 24 hours (a failed Hack check does not count as a successful use).

The DivHead's hack affects a single creature; a target creature must be within 60 feet, and the DivHead must be aware of the creature’s presence, although he need not have a line of sight to it. The effects of hack last for 1 minute, unless stated otherwise.

Tactics: The DivHead knows the general combat behaviors of creatures of that race, allowing his allies within 60 feet (or those sharing the DivHead's overlay; see virtual overlay below) to treat the target as flat-footed for 1 round.  If the DivHead succeeds on his hack check by 10 or more, then the target is treated as flat-footed for 2 rounds instead. If the DivHead succeeds on his hack check by 20 or more, then the target is treated as flat-footed for 3 rounds instead.

Puissance: Starting at 5th level, the DivHead can use his hacking to help his allies fight off the corrupting influence of other creatures. Allies within 60 feet of the DivHead (or those sharing the DivHead's overlay) gain evasion against the affected creature’s spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. If the DivHead succeeds on his hack check by 10 or more, the allies gain the benefit of mettle as well. If the DivHead succeeds on his hack check by 20 or more, allies gain the benefit of improved evasion and mettle, as well.

Foe: Starting at 8th level, a DivHead can direct his allies to attack the vital spots of his enemies. On a successful hack check, he grants the ability to automatically confirm critical threats against the target. If the DivHead succeeds on his hack check by 10 or more, then allies also increase the critical threat range of their attacks by 1, while if the DivHead succeeds on his hack check by 20 or more, then instead allies increase the critical threat range of their attacks by 2.  This threat range increase stacks with other effects that increase critical threat range, but is applied last (so it is not multiplied).

Secrets: By speaking aloud a secret about the target creature, a DivHead of 11th level or higher can daze a target creature for 1 round. Unlike other hacks, this ability can be used only against a single creature. If the DivHead succeeds on his hack check by 10 or more, then the target is stunned for 1 round. If the DivHead succeeds on his hack check by 20 or more, then the target is paralyzed for 1 round.  If the target is immune to one of the higher effects of this hack but not a lower one, the DivHead can choose to affect the target with the lesser effect instead.

Foreknowledge: Starting at 14th level, a DivHead can better prepare his allies for the attacks of the affected creature, making it harder for the creature to land blows and successfully deal damage. Allies within 30 feet of the DivHead (or those sharing the DivHead's overlay; see virtual overlay below) gain an insight bonus to Armor Class equal to the DivHead's Intelligence modifier, which applies to attacks by the affected creature only. If the DivHead succeeds on his hack check by 10 or more, this bonus increases to twice the DivHead's Int modifier. If the DivHead succeeds on his hack check by 20 or more, this bonus increases to 3 times the DivHead's Int modifier.

Virtual overlay (Su): At 2nd level, a DivHead gains the ability to create a virtual overlay in their vision, filled with information from the Oracle (as well as their personal sensor; see below).  This allows the DivHead to augment his natural senses, expanding their range and capabilities.  See Virtual Overlay below for details.  Activating the virtual overlay is a standard action which does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and dismissing it is a swift-action; a DivHead can have his virtual overlay active for a total of 1 minute per class level per day.

Personal sensor: A DivHead of 2nd level or higher gains a personal sensor that is tied into his virtual overlay.  The personal sensor is similar in function to that produced by a scrying spell, except for differences noted here.  The sensor has no intrinsic special visual acuity or detection abilities; however, the DivHead can cast spells into the virtual overlay to grant his personal sensors increased sensitivity (see the Virtual Overlay section for details).  The DivHead gains an additional sensor every four levels after 2nd.

The sensor can observe an area within a radius of 10 feet per two DivHead levels, and can move with a speed of 50 feet per round to a distance of up to 50 feet per DivHead level away from the DivHead; it requires a swift action on any round that the DivHead wants to control his sensor.  If the DivHead moves in such a way as to increase the distance between himself and the sensor past the maximum distance, he loses contact with the sensor and cannot control or access it until he retrieves it (which he must do while adjacent to the sensor).  Anything the personal sensor observes is immediately integrated into the DivHead's virtual overlay.  The DC for seizing control of a DivHead's personal sensor is increased by 5 (see seize sensor, below).

Share overlay (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, a DivHead can grant a single ally the benefit of his virtual overlay ability.  The chosen ally must be within 30 feet of the DivHead when he activates the overlay; once the overlay has been activated, the DivHead cannot change who shares it until he dismisses and reactivates it.  In addition, all creatures that share an overlay are connected telepathically, as with the mindlink psionic power.  A DivHead can add one additional ally to the overlay for every three additional class levels.

Baffle sensor (Su): At 4th level, a DivHead can use his permanent connection to the Oracle to confuse those attempting to find him using divination.  Any creature that attempts to locate the DivHead or anyone sharing his virtual overlay must make a caster level check opposed by the DivHead's Hack check to succeed.  If the caster level check fails, then the caster of the divination gains no information, just as if the subject of the divination was protected by the nondetection spell.

HackSpider: A DivHead of 4th level or higher gains a virtual familiar known as a HackSpider, a semi-sentient version of the more common Oracle spiders.  Obtaining the HackSpider requires 24 hours and the expenditure of magical materials worth 100 gp.  A DivHead's HackSpider grants you benefits based on your DivHead level, as described below.

Informational warfare: Beginning at 5th level, a DivHead learns how to use his permanent uplink to the Oracle to influence the public consciousness.  He can spend 10 minutes communicating with the Oracle about a particular topic (person, place, thing, etc.) and make a Hack check; for the next 24 hours anyone who uses the Streetwise skill using the Oracle (see the Streetwise skill for details) must beat a DC equal to the result of his Hack check, or else they discover only the information he planted with the Oracle.

At 9th level, a DivHead's command of the Oracle improves.  By spending 1 minute concentrating and making a Hack check, he may trace the location of any one creature in contact with the Oracle (including those using public scry terminal, personal mirrors, or another DivHead via the permanent uplink) as if using the discern location spell.  The DC to trace is shown in the table below; failure by 5 or more means that the target realizes they are being traced.  If the creature the DivHead is trying to locate is not currently accessing the Oracle, the DivHead can trace the location of their last access, with modifiers to the Hack check DC as shown in the table.

Access pointTrace DC
Item (e.g., personal magic mirror)15
Public scry terminal10
Spellcaster casting a divination spell20 + spell level
DivHead's permanent uplinkOpposed Hack check
Access occurred 1 minute ago+2
Access occurred 10 minutes ago+5
Access occurred 1 hour ago+8
Access occurred 1 day ago+10, +10 for each additional day

At 13th level, a DivHead learns to defend himself from divinations via the Oracle.  Any creature that attempts a divination via the Oracle about the DivHead must make a Will save opposed by the DivHead's Hack check.  Failure means that the creature is confused, as the spell, for 1 minute.  If the creature fails the Will save by 5 or more, the DivHead is aware that the divination is carried out; otherwise, the Hack check is a passive defense and should be rolled by the DM.

A DivHead of 17th level or higher has unparalleled mastery of the Oracle.  He may make a Hack check to suppress or destroy a particular access point for the Oracle once per day.  The DC of the check is determined by the type of access point, as shown in the table below.  If the DivHead attempts to destroy an access point and fails, but his Hack check result beats the DC to suppress the access point, it is suppressed instead.  Suppression lasts for 1 round per DivHead level.

A DivHead whose permanent uplink is suppressed loses access to any class features which require accessing the Oracle for the duration.  A DivHead whose permanent uplink is destroyed permanently loses 2 points of Intelligence and access to all class features that require accessing the Oracle; the Intelligence damage and access can be restored only by a greater restoration, miracle, or wish spell.  In addition, the DivHead must make a Fortitude save (DC equal to the Hack check) or fall unconscious for 2d6 minutes.

Access pointSuppression DCDestruction DC
Item (e.g., personal magic mirror)11 + item CL21 + item CL
Public scry terminal2030
DivHead's permanent uplinkOpposed Hack checkOpposed Hack check +10

Fast overlay: At 7th level, a DivHead can activate his virtual overlay as a swift action.

Seize sensor (Su): A DivHead of 9th level or higher can attempt to commandeer divination sensors from the Oracle or other casters.  Any sensors thus seized are immediately integrated into the DivHead's virtual overlay.  If the DivHead seizes control of one or more Oracle sensors, he may make use of them without being connected to DivNet (and thus directly traceable; see informational warfare for more details).  Attempting to seize a sensor is a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.  A DivHead can seize any sensor he can see; it remains under his control for 1 minute per DivHead level, or until successfully seized by another DivHead, whichever is sooner.

Seizing control of a sensor requires a hacking check; the DC varies based on who or what is controlling the sensor.  An Oracle sensor has a DC of 15; a sensor controlled by a spellcaster who is not a DivHead has a DC of 20 + spell level; and a sensor controlled by another DivHead requires an opposed hacking check.  A DivHead gains a +5 bonus to the opposed hacking check to prevent another DivHead from seizing on of his personal sensors.

Hacksight (Su): Beginning at 12th level, a DivHead becomes so attuned to magical sensors that he can sense them without trying.  He is continuously under the effect of the detect scrying spell, and he uses a hacking check in place of a caster level check to determine the location of the scryer.  A DivHead can determine if a sensor is controlled by the Oracle with a DC 15 hacking check.

Greater baffle sensor (Su): At 15th level, a DivHead's ability to confuse divinations improves.  Whenever he or anyone sharing his virtual overlay is actively targeted by a divination spell, the divination sees instead whatever image the DivHead desires, as per the false vision spell.

Time-scry (Su):  Beginning at 16th level, a DivHead can cast Hindsight based on any location he is currently scrying; he need not be physically at the location.

Trace lifeline (Su): At 19th level, a DivHead can use the Hindsight spell to observe the activities of a particular creature instead of a location.  To do so, he must successfully use his informational warfare (trace) ability to determine the location of the creature at a known time.

Living oracle: Upon reaching 20th level, a DivHead is so attuned to the Oracle that his body and mind become infused with its essence.  Once per day per point of Intelligence modifier, whenever he casts a spell, the DivHead may attempt a caster level check (DC 25 + spell level) to cast the spell without using up a spell slot.

 Combat: Thing.
 Advancement: Thing.

A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
 Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
 Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
 Organizations: Thing.

NPC Reaction
 This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

 This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
 Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
 Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

Sample Encounter
Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
AC , touch , flat-footed   ()
hp  ( HD)
Fort +, Ref +, Will
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Base Atk +, Grp +
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared
Supernatural Abilities
Abilities STATS
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 10:49:35 PM by sirpercival »
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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2011, 11:01:32 PM »
Virtual Overlay
(click to show/hide)

DivHead Spell List

Level 0
(click to show/hide)

Level 1
(click to show/hide)

Level 2
(click to show/hide)

Level 3
(click to show/hide)

Level 4
(click to show/hide)

Level 5
(click to show/hide)

Level 6
(click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 09:35:09 AM by sirpercival »
I am the assassin of productivity

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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2011, 11:01:39 PM »
DivHead Feats

Fringe Benefits
You've learned to capitalize on the Oracle's rounding errors.
Prerequisites: Information Warfare (Influence)
Benefit: You gain 1000gp worth of creds into your account for each Fringe Benefits feat you have (including this one).
Special: You may select this feat multiple times; its effects stack.

Improved Fringe Benefits
You've automated the "alternative" transfer of funds into your accounts.
Prerequisites: Fringe Benefits
Benefit: You gain Fringe Benefits as a bonus feat each time you gain a level of DivHead, including the level at which you select this feat.

Invest HackSpider
You've invested part of your life essence in your HackSpider.
Prerequisites: HackSpider.
Benefit: Your HackSpider acts as per the item familiar feat.  However, whenever your HackSpider is suppressed, you lose access to everything invested in it (except experience) for the duration, and permanently lose 25 xp per character level.

Intuitive Hacker
You navigate the treacherous seas of the Oracle by instinct rather than intellect.
Prerequisites: Hack.
Benefit: You use your Wisdom modifier on Hack checks instead of your Intelligence modifier. In addition, your primary spellcasting stat is Wisdom instead of Intelligence.

Skilled Hacker
You're an excellent hacker.  Go you!
Prerequisites: Hack.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to all Hack checks.

A HackSpider is a semi-sentient magical being that resides in the Oracle, aiding and abetting its DivHead master.  Unlike normal Oracle spiders, a HackSpider has been invested with some intelligence and autonomy, greatly increasing its versatility. 

4th-6th+1Autonomy (alert, assist), vulnerability   
7th-8th+2Autonomy (impede), expedience
9th-10th+3Surrogate (1st)
11th-12th+4Autonomy (monitor)
13th-14th+5Surrogate (3rd)
15th-16th+6Autonomy (cloak)
17th-18th+7Surrogate (5th)
19th-20th   +8Autonomy (death)

Hack Bonus (Su): The HackSpider grants the indicated insight bonus on the DivHead's Hack checks as long as it is active and not on assignment (see Autonomy and Vulnerability, below).

Autonomy (Su): The DivHead can send his HackSpider out on assignment, acting as a normal Oracle spider of one of the given types, with any effect available to a caster level equal to the DivHead's class level.  For example, a 9th-level DivHead could assign his HackSpider to act as an Alert Spider, a +8 Assist Spider, or a lesser targeted or area Impede Spider.

Once the HackSpider begins acting autonomously, the DivHead loses any other benefit from the HackSpider (including the bonus to Hack checks) for the duration of the effect, as determined by the type of Oracle spider the HackSpider is emulating.  The HackSpider can make use of the DivHead's Hack and Informational Warfare abilities as necessary, using the DivHead's Hack bonus.

A HackSpider emulating a Death Spider is not destroyed by a failed trace, but instead is suppressed for 1d6 minutes.

Vulnerability (Su):  Since the HackSpider is not a living creature, it cannot be destroyed, though it can be suppressed.  If the HackSpider is restricted to a single location (such as when using its Autonomy ability), if it is within the area of an area dispel or an antimagic field, it can be suppressed just like a magic item with a caster level equal to its DivHead's level.  In addition, another DivHead who identifies the HackSpider can make an opposed Hack check as a standard action (the HackSpider uses its DivHead's Hack bonus) to suppress it for 1d6 rounds.

Expedience (Su): Beginning at 7th level, a HackSpider may perform Streetwise checks using the Oracle on behalf of the DivHead, using the DivHead's skill bonus.  However, doing so takes twice as long as if the DivHead performed the check himself.

Surrogate (Su): At 9th level, a HackSpider can cast one DivHead spell per day of up to 1st level on behalf of the DivHead, which does not use up a spell slot.  In all other ways the spell functions as if cast by the DivHead, but he may perform other actions whyle the spell is being cast or concentrated on.  DivHeads often use this ability to cast spells with extremely long casting times (e.g., legend lore) while still being able to adventure.  At 13th level, the maximum level of spell the HackSpider can cast increases to 3rd, and at 17th level it increases again to 5th.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 04:35:46 PM by sirpercival »
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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2012, 11:13:37 PM »
OK, I think the mechanics are finally done.  Spell list is going to be pretty much every divination spell, including the offensive divination spells written by Garryl.

And I need MAJOR feedback.
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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2012, 02:08:52 AM »
I like where you went with the divination theme, both offensive and defensive abilities are good.

I'm not sure how I feel about class features that grant money.  Other than that nothing popped out at me right now to comment on.

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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2012, 08:01:25 AM »
I like where you went with the divination theme, both offensive and defensive abilities are good.

I'm not sure how I feel about class features that grant money.  Other than that nothing popped out at me right now to comment on.

Whee!  I'm glad that there were no immediately obvious problems...

The "fringe benefits" was to reflect the cyberpunk thing that hackers have "alternative sources of funds".  Also because I couldn't think of anything else for those levels.  I'm up for suggestions, though.
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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2012, 04:44:27 PM »
I like where you went with the divination theme, both offensive and defensive abilities are good.

I'm not sure how I feel about class features that grant money.  Other than that nothing popped out at me right now to comment on.

I was the one that suggested that feature, so let me justify it. Correlating to technology, if currency is just data then a hacker will find a way to 'make' money. Either by skimming accounts or watching Superman 3 or something.

Change the scheme back to "Magic replaces tech" and the theory still holds sound. It's the DivHead finding lost fractions of currency here and there and then funneling them to their account.

And also, at 13th level, 1,000 gold is enough to buy food and water, and polish swords. :)
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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2012, 06:41:12 PM »
The DivHead has arcane spells, light armor, and shields, but still suffers from ASF. Just thought I'd point that out.

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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2012, 06:50:19 PM »
Oh, yeah.  I'll fix that.  No ASF from light armor or shields.
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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2012, 10:15:45 AM »
I think I'm going to make Fringe Benefits into a feat chain instead of a class feature.  That keeps with the spirit of the hacker with illegitimate funds if they want them, but doesn't clutter up the class with inferior class features.

Now I just need class features to replace them.... thoughts??

(While you're at it, figure out class features for the upper end of Magitechnician, too.  Lol)
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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2012, 06:15:30 PM »
Intuitive Hacker seems a bit odd and makes the class MAD.  The spells are keyed off Int after all, and no class features are keyed off Wis.

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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2012, 06:34:05 PM »
Intuitive Hacker seems a bit odd and makes the class MAD.  The spells are keyed off Int after all, and no class features are keyed off Wis.

Oops, I should fix that.  I meant to make it shift the spells to Wis, too.

Basically, I have a lot of Int-based classes, so I thought a feat to allow a Wis-based DivHead might be interesting (especially for multiclassing purposes).
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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2012, 01:53:17 PM »
Is it horrible of me to want:

While connected to the Oracle, if you would die, you have a percentage chance equal to half your level to instead be resurrected as a conscious scrying program on the Oracle itself.

I'm thinking Max Headroom here :)
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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2012, 02:15:38 PM »
So, when a DivHead dies, it becomes a Virtual Being [prc]?
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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2012, 02:23:10 PM »
I don't think many people will appreciate "Must die" on the list of prerequisites.

I think it'd be AWESOME!
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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2012, 02:25:32 PM »
Well, it wouldn't work because they're not completely bodiless until level 10.
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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2012, 02:29:53 PM »
It could make sense if, A) you fulfill the Virtual Being prereqs B) have enough levels to trade. So on death if you have enough levels to trade, you burn out 10 levels worth of classes and violently retrain Virtual.
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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2012, 02:35:46 PM »
Like Blackguard/Ronin/etc.?  That's actually a REALLY COOL IDEA.  I like it, and I will implement it.  But it'll be on the Virtual Being thread.

The main questions are:
~Once you burn your levels to VB, can you use the VB abilities to meet its own prereqs? Like, if you were a 10th level char, can you burn all your levels and just be a 10th level VB, or do you need to have at least one more HD, and what does it have to be?
~What about feats and stuff that you no longer qualify for because of lost levels?
~What happens if you do this with a thought bottle?
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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2012, 02:51:57 PM »
Thinking to make it tough, so you probably should qualify for Virtual Being in your own right(that is, without the Virtual Being levels), stuff you no longer qualify for stop working(but you can take normal retraining to exchange them for new stuff). Would be weird if it was easier to become one by dying than by training.
Thought bottle shouldn't do anything, since you never lost any XP or levels, you just replaced them.
Everything is edible. Just that there are things only edible once per lifetime.
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Re: DivHead [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2012, 02:54:32 PM »
Like Blackguard/Ronin/etc.?  That's actually a REALLY COOL IDEA.  I like it, and I will implement it.  But it'll be on the Virtual Being thread.

The main questions are:
~Once you burn your levels to VB, can you use the VB abilities to meet its own prereqs? Like, if you were a 10th level char, can you burn all your levels and just be a 10th level VB, or do you need to have at least one more HD, and what does it have to be?

I think burning all 10 of your Divhead levels to become a true virtual being is cool. Perhaps there's a clause allowing the VB abilities to meet their own prereqs IF the character becomes a VB in this fashion.

~What about feats and stuff that you no longer qualify for because of lost levels?

I'm inclined to say "Tough, you just got a free res." but folks will demand a rebuild. Perhaps a list of replacement feats, that say "If you had this, now you get this" and so on. Paperwork, sure, but it's worth it.

~What happens if you do this with a thought bottle?

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