I'm rather fond of the idea of pressure point attacks to kill spellcasting ability or introduce various levels of spell failure. Well, I'm fond of making stunning fist something useful in general. You can become immune to stunning but I don't see you becoming immune to magic-shut-you-down. I also recommend a means of destroying magical effects. Punch through a wall of force, then sunder his contingent spell off with your foot in his neck. Stuff like that.
How do you think a anti-caster monk should go about being anti-casterly?
I like those ideas. What if you had something like a cumulative +5% ASF per successful hit by the monk, but it affected Divine casters too? Or an uncapped Dispel Magic on hit, with CL = Monk Level? Or swap out stunning fist for that AntiMagic Ray spell, but limited to people you can punch?
Sounds tasty. I'm gonna open the floodgates and do some brain rambling now, just random bits and bobs to be stolen and used by whomever sees fits. This should be interesting because I believe I've just passed the 24 hour mark for being awake... Brain tsunami gooooo!
Sync Punch: Punch through magical effects and whatnot. You ignore magical AC bonuses and enhancement bonuses on armor.
Discharging Punch: Punch someone so hard you punch one of their prepared spells out. Deal extra damage equal to 1d6 of the level of the spell.
Wizard: Hey look, I prepared Horrid Wilting!
Monk: Hiyah!
*Wizard takes damage plus 8d6 and loses an 8th level slot.*Dimension Pull: Instead of a crappy teleport 1/day, whenever someone teleports or planeshifts around you, you can follow them as an immediate action. Abrupt Jaunt Conjurers have begun to cry!
Spellcasting Harassment: The Concentration check needed to cast defensively around you is now equal to 15+Spell level+your effective monk level.
Improved Still Mind: If you save vs a mind control spell you can make the target believe you failed, making it possible to decieve them.
Spelldeath Attack: Study 3 rounds and strike! Save vs all your spells being expended (with or without a massive explosion). Or maybe save vs Antimagic Ray. I dunno.
Without a True Name: You cannot be divined upon, and power words no longer work on you. Cause you're closer to nirvana and stuff.
Better SR: Let you toggle it up and down as a non-action. Really all SR should be like this.
Gradiant Disrupting Fist: Ok, so its that spell failure idea from above, but it goes like this. If they fail the save, say, 20% fail chance. If they fail the save by 4 or more, 50%. By 8 more more, Antimagic Ray effect. Etc. The gradiant is nice and non binary.
Deflect Spells: Deflect arrows, with spells! Works with all subsequent feats like the ability to throw said projectiles back.
Improved Deflect Spells: Deflect targeted effects too, not just attack rolls!
True Seeing: Actually this one seems kinda monk like, being enlightened and all. You'd think they'd get this.
Dampen CL: The CL of enemy spell effects hitting you is reduced X amount. This might negate the spell if the CL drops to 0. Scales with level from -1 to -5 or something.
Reflective SR: Spells which don't penetrate SR are turned.
Absorbing SR: Spells which don't penetrate SR heal the monk 1d6 per spell level.
Better Wholeness of Body: Make it a swift action. Maybe also make it bigger. Another option: have it so you can burn X points out of it to cure yourself of status effects. It's a mini Iron Heart Surrrrrrrge!
Detect Magic: Cause sensing the unseen should be part of the monk's stuff.
Definately a Strength of the Monk: A monk can gain and used partially charged wands to.... nah, I'm messing with you guys, this is a joke entry.
Beat up CL: Punches destroy the CL of currently running spells, likely shortening their duration by a lot. Dispelled if it hits CL 0.
Suppressing Punch: Suppresses a magic effect for 1d4 rounds after you hit.
Broken Chakra: Punch disrupts your body's natural workings. You take backlash damage whenever you cast a spell, until the effect is healed. (Via full health? Heal spell? Remove curse?)
Sunder Magic: You can punch the enhancements off a sword. They come back later, when it's too late. You can also punch off spell effects, like contingencies and mage armors. Sunder sunder sundercats hooooo!
Unstoppable Fist meets Unmoveable Spell: Break force effects. Hit ghosts, cause magic fists should have done that in the first place.
I'm Out of Ideas: Yep. I think I'm done.
Ahhh.... 3 hours and 30 minutes until I can sleep. Tis a long night.