Author Topic: Garryl's Homebrew Compendium  (Read 29014 times)

Offline Garryl

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Garryl's Homebrew Compendium
« on: November 07, 2011, 02:32:55 AM »
The old version in Boz's 3.5 Homebrew Compendium ran out of space. I think it was all the tables I added in. I like tables. Anyways, I'm moving it over here, where there's space to relax and stretch and make humongous tables with way too much information. Yay.

Table of Contents

Last Update: Tuesday, March 12th, 2024
« Last Edit: March 12, 2024, 01:44:38 AM by Garryl »

Offline Garryl

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(Continued) Garryl's Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2011, 02:48:31 PM »
Major Projects
Leaders of Men - Aura Classes: Divine Mind, Dragon Shaman, Marshal, and Paladin remakes as true battlefield leaders.
Metroid as Incarnum: What do you get when someone who doesn't know exactly how incarnum works throws it into a blender with Metroid?
Power of Cybernetics: Sci-fi rules for D&D. Built on the concepts of incarnum using the overhauled and revamped core of Metroid as Incarnum.
Rituals and Ritual Feats: You don't have to perform these rituals sky-clad. It might help, though. It's really sirpercival's baby, I just helped.
Tomb of Battle: The Book of Dead Warriors: A Tome of Battle take on dealing with undead and necromancy.
Gears of War: A construct-themed base class and set of martial disciplines.
Microbrews: A collection of individual pieces of homebrew.

Garryl's Freeform Fire Emblem Rules: Freeform rules for my Fire Emblem game at GitP.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2022, 11:15:56 PM by Garryl »

Offline Garryl

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(Continued) Garryl's Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2011, 02:48:38 PM »
Races, Monsters, and Templates

Derro: Racial class for everyone's favorite insane dwarves/gnomes/humans/whatever your setting claims is their origin.
Gargoyle: Racial class for those statues. Don't blink.
BG - Living Astral Constructs: Ectoplasm and a 1st-level power brought to life.
Soul Shell: Suits of armor infused with life due to long-term use.

Amlenstakata: A rapidly-moving variant of the Displacer Beast that uses martial rushes.
Metal Soldiers: Clockwork contructs imbued with skill in the Sublime Way. Part of the Gears of War collection.
Tomb Guardian: Martial adept protectors of ancient tombs. Part of the Tomb of Battle collection.

Hybridization: Fuse two races into one!
Martial Ghost Abilities: Additional Ghost abilities for the martially-inclined. Part of the Tomb of Battle collection.
Returned: Skeletal warriors from beyond the grave. Part of the Tomb of Battle collection.
Thriller Animator: Dancing zombies. Why not?
« Last Edit: May 22, 2022, 11:16:09 PM by Garryl »

Offline Garryl

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(Continued) Garryl's Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2011, 02:48:46 PM »
Base Classes

Base Class Summaries
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Alternative Class Feature and Variant Summaries
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General Classes
Dragon Shaman: A remake of the original from PHB2 with enhanced auras and new abilities. Part of the Leaders of Men - Aura Classes collection.
Marshal: A remake of the original from the Miniatures Handbook with enhanced auras and new abilities. Part of the Leaders of Men - Aura Classes collection.
Monk: A re-imagining of the mystic martial artist.

Arcane Spellcasters
Hexblade: A rewrite of the lackluster original, now with fancy new curses.
Mage: Point-based spellcasting with rapid recharge, hopefully in a way that's balanced and doesn't just blow Wizards and Sorcerers out of the water.
Medic: A spontaneous full caster who uses healing magic in both defensive and offensive ways.

Divine Spellcasters
Paladin: A remake of the original with enhanced auras and new abilities. Part of the Leaders of Men - Aura Classes collection.
Temple Raider: A divine skillmonkey, employing spells and spell-like equivalents to defeat traps and enter guarded locations.

Psionic Manifesters
Divine Mind: A remake of the original from Complete Psionics, combining aspects of the original with those of the marshal for a psionic leader truly worth following. Part of the Leaders of Men - Aura Classes collection. (Original standalone version)

Soulknife: A revamped invoking version of the original class.

Martial Adepts
Clockwork Warrior: Become more machine than man to strike down your foes with clockwork precision. Part of the Gears of War collection.
Death Knight: A martial adept counterpart to the dread necromancer. Has access to Devoted Spirit, Frozen Night, Restless Bones, and Undying Call. Part of the Tomb of Battle collection.
Psionic Warblade: Psionic powers, ToB mechanics.
Spirit Warrior: A martial adept counterpart to the spirit shaman. Has access to Devoted Spirit, Diamond Mind, Shadow Hand, and Undying Call. Part of the Tomb of Battle collection.
Twilight Adept: A skillful martial adept that blends roguish cunning and wizardly illusions into the Sublime Way.

Alternative Class Features, Substitution Levels, and Variants
Eternal Spell Fighter, Monk, Ranger, and Rogue: Persistent spells instead of bonus feats. I think I just made a warlock.
Spell-less Paladin and Ranger Variants: A series of spell-less variants on the paladin and ranger class using other mechanics instead.
  • Divine Champion Paladin: A paladin directly chosen by her deity, who channels raw spiritual energy as invocations.
  • Mindknight Paladin: A psionic paladin who uses the power of her ideals to aid her in combat.
  • Witch Slayer Paladin: A magic-fighting paladin who relies on martial skill instead of faith
  • Psychic Tracker Ranger: A psionic ranger who tracks the psychic impressions left behind by his quarry.
  • Dark Hunter Ranger: A shadowcasting ranger who hunts in the darkness.
Miscellaneous Tome of Battle Alternative Class Features: A variety of alternative class features for the crusader, swordsage, and warblade, ranging from simple to quirky.

NPC Classes
Various NPC Classes: NPC classes to fill the voids introduced by new subsystems and unusual options.
  • Gish: A simple warrior-mage.
  • Mentalist: A simple manifester.
  • Soulshaper: A simple meldshaper.
  • Sublime Adept: A simple martial adept.
  • Thief: A simple thief.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2024, 01:43:49 AM by Garryl »

Offline Garryl

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(Continued) Garryl's Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2011, 02:48:53 PM »
Prestige Classes

PrC Summaries
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BG - Reaping Mauler: New and improved and ready to wrestle!
BG - Symbiotic Prestige Classes: PrCs for melding with your bonded companions.
  • Symbiosis Adept: For spellcasters and manifesters.
  • Symbiosis Weaver: For general combatants.
  • Symbiotic Soul: For meldshapers.
  • Sublime Symbiote: For martial adepts.
  • Pactbound Symbiote: For binders.

Arcane Archer: A rewrite of the original with its own Dexterity-based spellcasting progression.
Toxicant: A dual-progression PrC that heals with one hand and harms with the same hand. Designed for use with my medic and Circle of Life's plague doctor.

Apostle of Justice: An exalted version of the ur-priest who can kick ass without mussing his hair or conscience.
Blackguard and Whiteguard: Revised prestige classes for fallen paladins and redeemed villains.
Twilight Mystic: A stealthy prestige class designed for cleric/swordsages.

3.0 Psionics Conversion: Mind's Eye classes, powers and feats updated to 3.5E.
  • Arch Psion: A 3.5 update of the old psionic class.
  • Ballisteer: An updated prestige class that focuses on throwing weapons and psionics.
  • Grim Psion: For psionic liches.
  • Kineticist: The predecessor of the pyrokineticist brought into 3.5.
  • Percipient: A class for those who take the phrase "third eye" far too seriously.
  • Shadow Mind: Not a sneaky psion, but rather one who taps into the Plane of Shadow.
  • Truth Seeker: An inquisitor who combines features of a monk and a psion.
BG - Sublime Thought: A psionic adaptation of the ever-popular class.
Time Sifter: Temporal manipulation at its finest.

The Viz-Jaq'taar: A trio of invoking prestige classes based on Diablo 2's Assassin.
  • Viz-Jaq'taar Martial Artist: A claw-fighting martial artist who combines elemental magic with a monk's abilities and an indigo trickster's arcane surge.
  • Viz-Jaq'taar Hunter: A mage-hunter enhanced with arcane magic who combines nigh-magical traps with a dragonfire adept's breath weapon.
  • Viz-Jaq'taar Shade: A shadowy assassin who uses psionic power to fuel a warlock's eldritch blast.

Martial Adept
Initiate of the Sublime Void: A dual-progression binder/martial adept who trades the raw power of a pact for even more powerful martial knowledge.
Twilight Mystic: A stealthy prestige class designed for cleric/swordsages.

Enigma: The mysterious gunslinger who steps out of legend.
Spinemeld Warrior: A rewrite of the class that lets skarns poke things.

Initiate of the Sublime Void: A dual-progression binder/martial adept who trades the raw power of a pact for even more powerful martial knowledge.

Homebrew Systems
BG - Asyntactic Lexiturge: A dual-progression xenotheurge/vocalizer who blends xenotheurgy and truespeech in unspeakable ways (pun intended). Designed for use with Kellus's Truenaming Fix and Realms of Chaos's Xenotheurgy.
Psychosomnabulist: A sleepwalking xenotheurge. Designed for use with Realms of Chaos's Xenotheurgy.
Toxicant: A dual-progression PrC that heals with one hand and harms with the same hand. Designed for use with my medic and Circle of Life's plague doctor.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2022, 11:23:40 PM by Garryl »

Offline Garryl

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(Continued) Garryl's Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2011, 02:49:00 PM »

Feat Summaries
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3.0 Psionics Conversion: Mind's Eye classes, powers and feats updated to 3.5E.
Ascetic Supplicant: A multiclass feat for monk/warlocks.
Curse Feats: Feats for a revised hexblade class.
Leaders of Men Feats: A collection of feats for leaders and aura users. Part of the Leaders of Men - Aura Classes collection.
Living Astral Construct Feats: Feats to bring your astral constructs to life.
Medic Feats: Feats for medics and healers.
Mage Feats: Feats for mages and other mana users.
Not the Feats You're Looking For: PHB names, drastically different effects.
Revamped BoED Vows: Not everyone who takes exalted feats is a pacifistic hobo.
Sublime Tapestry Feats: Very meta feats for a very meta martial discipline.
Thriller Animator: Dancing zombies. Why not?
« Last Edit: May 22, 2022, 11:31:35 PM by Garryl »

Offline Garryl

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(Continued) Garryl's Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2011, 02:49:06 PM »
Spellcasting and Alternative Magic Systems

Spell Lists
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Power Lists
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Invocation Lists
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Maneuver Lists
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Soulmeld Lists
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Arcane and Divine Magic
Medic Spells: Healing magic weaponized.
New Hexblade Spells: Lots of curses for a hexblade revision.
Smite Spells: Spells to enhance smite attacks. Part of the Leaders of Men - Aura Classes collection.
Weaponizing Divination: The reader may, if (s)he is so inclined, insert their own G.I. Joe joke here.

3.0 Psionics Conversion: Mind's Eye classes, powers and feats updated to 3.5E.
Weaponizing Divination: The reader may, if (s)he is so inclined, insert their own G.I. Joe joke here.

Divine Champion Invocations: Invocations for paladins and other champions of faith.
Shadow Warrior, Shadow Master, Unseen Entry: For being shadowy in combat and without.
Soulknife Psionic Invocations: Invocations of the blade and mind.

Martial Disciplines
Rushes: Move action maneuvers. Also on GitP.
Crushing Juggernaut: A hardened and hard-hitting discipline that draws upon the power of constructs. Part of the Gears of War collection.
Frozen Night: The power of the frozen north and the endless polar nights. Part of the Tomb of Battle collection.
Mechanus Hand: As inescapable as inevitables and just as resilient. Part of the Gears of War collection.
Phantom Battlefield: An illusionary martial discipline.
Restless Bones: A necromantic take on martial power. Part of the Tomb of Battle collection.
Revealing Light: Hunt down hidden knowledge and bring it into the light.
Shifting Steel: An agile, disruptive combat style inspired by nimblewrights. Part of the Gears of War collection.
Sublime Tapestry: Maneuvers about maneuvers within maneuvers. Also on GitP.
Undying Call: Devoted Spirit merged with Shadow Hand with a focus on spirits and incorporeality. Part of the Tomb of Battle collection.

Tome of Battle Soulmelds: Soulmelds based on Tome of Battle's maneuver access items.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2022, 01:39:41 PM by Garryl »

Offline Garryl

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(Continued) Garryl's Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2011, 02:49:13 PM »
Items and Equipment

Item Summaries
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Magic and Psionic Items
Battle Gong: A shield for the musically inclined. Or just people who like loud noises.
Cheap Magic Items: Magic gear for under 1000 gp.
Mage Items: Items for members of the mage class, and other retrieved spell casters.
Spellforge Gauntlets: Gloves that make your magic-made weapons better.

Magical Locations
Tomb of Battle: The gravesite of a martial adept. Duel the adept's spirit to learn its skills. Part of the Tomb of Battle collection.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 11:01:59 PM by Garryl »

Offline Garryl

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(Continued) Garryl's Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2011, 02:49:21 PM »
Other Ideas
Apprentice Levels: A variant for playing characters below 1st level.
New skill: Demolition: A Strength-based skill for breaking things.
New skill: Endurance: A Constitution-based skill to replace the feat and all those annoying Constitution checks scattered throughout the rules.
Amalgam Damage: Rules for combined damage types.
Healing Surges: Variant inspired by the 4th edition rule and UA's reserve points.

Thought Pieces
Note: These pieces are not intended to be balanced with anything, possibly not even themselves. They exist only to explore the mechanics of the game.
PrCs as Feats: Ever thought some of those bland, neapolitan prestige classes would be better off as feats?

Incomplete Homebrew
Truenaming, Mk. N+1
Void Dragon
d20 Game Engine Overhaul: Changes to the underlying mechanics that don't affect the final gameplay.
BG - Devoted Paladin, a paladin ACF (and blatant power-up) in the vein of the mystic ranger ACF for rangers. I think this was the first homebrew I ever posted.
BG - PrC Erudite: The erudite as a PrC.
BG - Psychic Imprinting (Incomplete), also on GitP.
BG - 1001 Homebrew Ideas to Flesh Out: Nothing there is complete, but that's sort of the point. The old BG edition.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 11:03:04 PM by Garryl »

Offline Garryl

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(Continued) Garryl's Homebrew Compendium
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2011, 02:54:05 PM »
Last one, just in case.

To Add List (homebrew I've posted but not added to this list)
  • None yet.

To Do List (or a to brew list)
  • Priest Spells. You called down the divine thunder, now reap the divine whirlwind.
  • Mecha. Giant robots in a fantasy game. I can do the basic updates I have planned for Metroid as Incarnum at the same time, what with them sharing part of the same subsystem.
  • It would be nice to have PoC spells/feats/etc. in the main listing.
  • Need to update the Tomb of Battle stuff. I've added a couple of PrCs to it since I put it in here.
  • I'm updating the Mage, including adding a couple new items.
Better collect the various typos and needed changes here so I don't forget them.
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Note to self regarding GiantITP's new table code.
- To look like the old version, use [table="class:head alt1 alt2 thick_outer_border_grid"] with [th]'s instead of [td]'s for the header row.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2024, 01:45:20 AM by Garryl »