Author Topic: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)  (Read 42314 times)

Offline sirpercival

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Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« on: December 28, 2011, 05:28:39 AM »
many thanks to Jackinthegreen for writing the opening flavor text!


"Don't be silly -- if we were meant to evolve naturally, why would God have given us subdermal implants?"
-Stellan Mechus, mechanosynth

There are those beings that are not satisfied with the bodies they have been given, and seek to improve them; thus is born a Synthevolver, who attempts to achieve the next stage of evolution artificially.

Adventures: Synthevolvers most often adventure to prove themselves and test their newfound abilities.  While they might have heroic streaks, most mainly want to push themselves and achieve what they didn’t think they could do in their normal bodies.

Characteristics: Much like actual evolution, synthevolvers have many possible options but will tend to specialize to occupy a niche role.  One synth might become a veritable tank, impervious to attack while simultaneously destroying all in its path.  Another might master the art of stealth and blend into the shadows, only to strike at the most opportune time.  Still others focus on incapacitating their foes through the Mutagenic Strike ability and its associated evolutions.

Alignment: Synthevolvers may be of any alignment.  Good synths tend to adventure to fight evil, and even have the option to ascend to a higher state of being in that pursuit. Lawful synths are protectors of their lands and people.  Chaotic synths might simply wander, looking for the next chance to prove themselves.  Evil synths use their powers to oppress and victimize others for their own gains, and can take on fiendish characteristics (if they are that malicious).

Religion: Synthevolvers revere and despise higher powers in equal measure.  Some believe that their enhancements are gifts, while others might be spiteful of greater beings that didn’t provide them with an adequate body in the first place.

Background: The want or need to drastically change oneself to achieve a goal often results in a synthevolver, but such a drive can arise from widely disparate paths.  Some synths come from disadvantaged backgrounds, obtaining black-market evolves from shady xenoalchemists and joining gangs of synth bullies preying on the devolved.  Others might have rich parents paying for enhancements, toys for the wealthy who have little else of meaning but their own bodies.

Races: Any, but usually human.  Humans have the greatest tendency to dislike their own body image.  Dwarves might become synthevolvers out of practicality.  Some other races, especially elves, rarely take up the mantle of synthevolvers because they dislike artificially improving their bodies, and would rather improve upon them naturally.  Beyond those who are merely uncomfortable with replacing body parts in favor of new structures, some creatures might attack a synth on sight due to believing a body part was actually harvested from another creature.  Such encounters are rare because the practice has been banned for decades in favor of creating the parts on their own, but there are always a few who do actually use pieces from a once-functioning creature, particularly when purchasing black-market evolves.

Other Classes: Most classes respect the power and versatility a synthevolver can bring.  Exceptions to this are classes who focus on improving the self through discipline or training and classes that revere nature and see most synths as abominations, depending on how one got the evolutions.  Despite these hardships, synths are accepting of diversity and can sometimes even change their own bodies to suit the needs of a stalwart group.

Role: The versatility inherent in synthevolvers allows them the potential to fill multiple roles, though not many at once usually.  Combat specialists, scouts, negotiators, and stealth operatives are all roles that a synth can fulfill.

Adaptation: Synthevolvers can be adapted to fantasy settings like D&D by turning the Mechanosynth evolves into something more fitting for the setting and renaming them, such as magically-enhanced limbs made from treated wood or metal similar to Warforged parts.

The biosynth path usually needs very little adaptation to work in various settings.  The character can be thought of as actually forcing its own “evolution” through various means including purely willing its own body to change.  Alternately, a biosynth might be an exceptional individual or even a mutant who discovers and grows into his body’s abilities.

A synthevolver can specialize to fill nearly any party role.  Evolution can take wildly divergent paths, and each synth realizes their dream differently.
Abilities: The most important ability scores depend on the synth's chosen role, but Constitution is useful for everyone (and sets the save DC of the Mutagenic Strike).
Races: Any, but usually human.  Humans have the greatest tendency to dislike their own body image.
Alignment: Any.
Starting Gold: As cleric.
Starting Age: As cleric.

Class Skills
The Synthevolver's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Animal Affinity (Cha), Athletics (Str), Engineering (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Negotiation (Cha), Perception (Wis), Persuasion (Cha), Profession (Wis), Stealth (Dex), and Thievery (Dex).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int) x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int

Table: The SynthevolverHD: d8





Artificial selection, evolution 0, mutagenic strike (fatigue)
Next stage, resilience (1/hour)
Mutagenic strike (sicken)
Evolution 0 (+1 size)
Resilience (1/30 minutes)
Mutagenic strike (weaken)
Evolution 0 (+2 size, +1 attack)
Next stage, resilience (1/10 minutes)
Mutagenic strike (exhaust)
Evolution 0 (+3 size), improved mutagen
Resilience (1/minute)
Mutagenic strike (nauseate)
Evolution 0 (+4 size, +2 attacks)
Next stage, resilience (1/5 rounds)
Mutagenic strike (paralyze)
Evolution 0 (+5 size)
Resilience (1/round)
Mutagenic strike (debilitate)
Evolution 0 (+6 size, +3 attacks)
Final ascension, unstable mutagen

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A synthevolver is proficient with simple weapons, light and medium armor, and shields (but not tower shields).

Artificial selection: Upon entering the class, a synthevolver chooses which of two paths to follow to achieve the next stage of evolution.  He may choose to be a biosynth, who replaces portions of his own anatomy with pieces of creatures or other organic materials, or he may become a mechanosynth, implanting machinery and other metallic constructions into his flesh.  Once made, this choice cannot be altered.  A synthevolver also gains the Augmented subtype, as well as a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves.

Evolution 0 (Ex): The first change a synthevolver carries out is to give himself a means of defending himself, by way of a natural attack mode.  A biosynth chooses between 2 claw attacks that deal 1d4 damage, or a bite attack that deals 1d8 damage; a mechanosynth chooses between a slam attack that deals 1d6 damage, or an armblade. 

An armblade is a light or one-handed melee weapon of the mechanosynth's choice, attached at the end of the arm.  The mechanosynth is proficient with the weapon unless it is an exotic weapon (in which case he must have the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat).  While the armblade is attached, a mechanosynth cannot be disarmed of the armblade, but he also cannot use that hand for other tasks without removing the armblade, which takes a standard action (attaching it is a move action and counts as drawing a weapon). In addition, the mechanosynth gain a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an opponent. 

Every three levels after first, the base damage of the evolution 0 attack increases by one size category.  In addition, at 7th, 13th, and 19th level, the synthevolver gains an additional attack with his evolution 0 attack mode.

Mutagenic strike (Ex): A synthevolver can temporarily alter an opponent's DNA with a successful attack.  Whenever a synthevolver successfully strikes an opponent with his evolution 0 attack, he may force the opponent to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 synthevolver level + Con modifier) or become fatigued for 1 round per synthevolver level.  Multiple uses of this ability to apply the same condition to the same creature do not stack (this is an exception to the usual rule that anything that would normally cause fatigue to a fatigued creature causes the target to become exhausted).

At higher levels, the synthevolver may attempt to apply different conditions instead.  At 3rd level, he may attempt to sicken a target; at 6th level, he may attempt to weaken a target (applying a -4 penalty to any one physical ability score); at 9th level, he may attempt to exhaust a target; at 12th level, he may attempt to nauseate a target; at 15th level, he may attempt to paralyze a target; and at 18th level, he may attempt to debilitate a target (applying a -8 penalty to all physical ability scores).  The synthevolver may apply different conditions to the same target with different uses of this ability.

Evolution: At 2nd level, a synthevolver begins to replace portions of their anatomy with superior versions, either organic (biosynth) or metallic (mechanosynth).  The synthevolver may add a new evolve from the indicated and appropriate list at every level except 1st and 20th; he may choose an evolve from a lower-level list if he desires.

Resilience (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, a synthevolver begins to heal ability damage more quickly than normal.  He heals 1 point of ability damage every hour.  At 5th level, this increases to 1 point of ability damage every 30 minutes; at 8th, it becomes 1 point every 10 minutes; at 11th, 1 point every minute; at 14th, 1 point every 5 rounds; and at 17th, a synthevolver heals 1 point of ability damage every round.

Next stage: At 2nd level level, a synthevolver begins to differentiate himself from his original species.  A biosynth gains darkvision out to 60 feet if he does not have it already, and a mechanosynth gains immunity to sleep effects.  At 8th level, the distinction becomes much more pronounced; a biosynth's type changes to aberration, while a mechanosynth's type changes to construct, with the living construct subtype (gaining the appropriate immunities).  At 14th level, the separation is complete -- both biosynths and mechanosynths have alien, inscrutable mentalities, and become immune to mind-affecting effects.

Improved mutagen (Ex): The mutagenic strike of a synthevolver of 10th level or higher becomes harder for an opponent to shake off.  Whenever the synthevolver successfully applies a mutagenic condition to an opponent, that condition cannot be removed in any way (including through magic such as the restoration spell) until the duration wears off.  In addition, the synthevolver's mutagenic conditions can affect creatures that are normally immune to those conditions (such as a warforged who is normally immune to fatigue), but such creatures receive a +4 bonus on their Fortitude save to resist.

Final ascension: At 20th level, a synthevolver has achieved his goal of assisted personal evolution.  He gains a final evolve from the appropriate list.

Unstable mutagen (Ex): Whenever a 20th-level synthevolver successfully uses his mutagenic strike on an opponent, that opponent gains one negative level (or two negative levels on a critical hit) as their essence is destabilized.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 04:14:42 PM by sirpercival »
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2011, 07:47:46 AM »
Biosynth Evolves

Stage I
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Stage II
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Stage III
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Final Evolve
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« Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 10:00:14 AM by sirpercival »
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2011, 07:48:00 AM »
Mechanosynth Evolves

Stage I
(click to show/hide)

Stage II
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Stage III
(click to show/hide)

Final Evolve
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« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 08:14:05 PM by sirpercival »
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2011, 08:26:39 AM »
Synthevolver Feats

Coordinated Mutagen
You are skilled at attacking a foe's body with multiple mutagens
Prerequisites: Mutagenic strike (sicken).
Benefit: You can apply 2 mutagens with a single successful attack instead of 1.

Expand Mutagenic Aura
Your mutagenic aura extends to a larger radius.
Prerequisites: Mutagenic aura, Cha 17+.
Benefit: Your mutagenic aura affects all allies within 30 feet + 10 feet times your Charisma modifier.
Normal: Allies within 60 feet gain the benefit of your mutagenic aura.

Extra Evolve
You gain an additional evolve beyond those granted by your class levels.
Prerequisites: Evolution II (mechanosynth or biosynth)
Benefit: You gain an additional evolve of your choice of up to one stage less than your maximum.  Your options are limited to mechanosynth or biosynth as normal.  For example, a level 15 biosynth could choose a stage I or stage II biosynth evolve, since his maximum stage is III.  If you have a Final Evolve, you may choose stage III evolves.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times, choosing the same evolve (if it can be taken more than once) or a different one.  You may only select this feat a maximum number of times equal to your Constitution modifier.

Resonant Evolution
Your focus on a particular path of evolution strengthens the effects.
Prerequisites: Two of the same evolution that grants a numerical benefit.
Benefit: Choose an evolve that grants a numerical benefit and that you've taken at least twice.  The benefit of those evolves increases by one.  For example, a mechanosynth who chose the Quick-Time evolve three times would gain a +12 bonus to initiative, instead of +9, while a biosynth who chose the Improved Fast Twitch Muscle evolve twice would increase their Dexterity by +10 instead of +8.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times; each time, choose a different evolve that meets the criteria above.

Synthevolver ACF: Mutagenic Aura

Some synthevolvers prefer not to get their fists dirty wading into battle, and turn their mutagenic abilities in a different direction than offense.  These synthevolvers instead develop a mutagenic aura which bolsters their allies.
Level: 1st.
Special Requirement: Cha 13+.
Replaces: The synthevolver no longer receives the benefit of the mutagenic strike, improved mutagen, and unstable mutagen class features.
Benefit: The synthevolver learns to project a mutagenic aura that strengthens and removes irregularities in her allies' DNA, granting benefits to all allies within 60 feet (including the synthevolver).  The synthevolver learns 1 aura from the list below at 1st level; she gains access to different effects over the course of her career, learning an additional aura every 3 synthevolver levels (at 3rd, 6th, 9th, etc). 

Each aura allows the synthevolver and her allies to apply her Charisma bonus to certain rolls.  The bonuses granted are circumstance bonuses, which do not stack with each other.

Projecting a mutagenic aura is a swift action, and the synthevolver can have an aura active continuously, even if she is unconscious or otherwise unable to act (but not if she is dead).  The synthevolver can project a single aura at a time at 1st level, and gains the ability to project two auras simultaneously at 10th level, and three auras simultaneously at 20th.

Accurate Strike: Bonus on rolls made to confirm critical hits.
Art of War: Bonus on disarm, trip, bull rush, and sunder attempts.
Blitz: Bonus to damage rolls against flat-footed opponents.
Combat Tactics: Bonus to damage rolls on attacks of opportunity.
Demand Fortitude: Bonus on Fortitude saves.
Determined Caster: Bonus on rolls to overcome spell resistance.
Determined Manifester: Bonus on rolls to overcome power resistance.
Distant Aim: Bonus to ranged attack rolls. This cannot raise a character's ranged attack modifier above his or her normal ranged attack modifier within the first range increment.
Force of Will: Bonus on Will saves.
Lethal Strike: Bonus to damage rolls on confirmed critical hits.
Long Haul: Bonus to Strength for the purpose of carrying capacity. Bonus to checks and rolls modified by the Endurance feat.
Master of Opportunity: Bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity.
Master of Tactics: Bonus on damage rolls when flanking.
Motivate Charisma: Bonus on Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks.
Motivate Constitution: Bonus on Constitution checks and Constitution-based skill checks.
Motivate Dexterity: Bonus on Dexterity checks and Dexterity-based skill checks (including initiative checks).
Motivate Intelligence: Bonus on Intelligence checks and Intelligence-based skill checks.
Motivate Strength: Bonus on Strength checks, Strength-based skill checks, and grapple checks.
Motivate Wisdom: Bonus on Wisdom checks and Wisdom-based skill checks.
Over the Top: Bonus on damage rolls when charging.
Reliable Strike: Double bonus to percentile miss chance rolls.
Sublime Focus: Bonus on skill checks made as part of maneuvers.
Tough It Out: Double bonus to current and maximum hit points. These hit points are not lost first like temporary hit points, and disappear when the aura is lost.
Warning Shout: Bonus to Armor Class while denied Dexterity to AC. This cannot raise a character's Armor Class above his or her normal Armor Class. Still considered denied Dex to AC.
Watchful Eye: Bonus on Reflex saves.

At 20th level, as a swift action the synthevolver can forgo the effect of one or more of her normal active mutagenic auras to apply a single evolve she has to all allies within the range of her mutagenic aura.  The allies must meet the prerequisite of that evolve to gain the benefit.  The synthevolver forgoes the effect of a number of auras equal to the stage of the granted evolve (she may choose which aura effects to forgo).  Resuming the normal aura effects requires an additional swift action.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 08:11:19 PM by sirpercival »
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2011, 09:43:55 AM »
Mechanics are done, now I'm just writing evolves.  I posted a few to get you started, but I need some ideas!  Hit me :)
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2011, 01:04:35 PM »
Biosynth Evolves may want to have some environmental adaptations, like gaining a Swim Score and Breath Underwater, or gaining Climbing Claws for a climb score. For those who do not want to make a pure combat Synthevolver, you could give the biosynths options like "Replacable faces: You may cast Alter Self on yourself 3+cha mod times per day" and then further up the chain something like "Patron of a Thousand Faces: You may cast Alter Self at will".

Mechanosynth Evolves, on the contrast, should have things like "Environmental Immunity" where you gain Fire or Cold resist 10, then 20, then eventually immunity. Perhaps something like a chain of synths where you replace your natural weapons (IE, your fists) with various metals. Maybe start with steel to improve your unarmed damage, then make a branch off where someone can either choose Mithril to gain an additional attack per round unarmed, or Adamantine to deal more damage and ignore hardness. If your campaign setting has some Macguffinite or something, perhaps a high rank Evolve there to replace their limbs with that stuff.

There's also the prospect of potential overlap as long as each side has an advantage over the other. Perhaps both Bio and Mechano synths gain a flight speed, but the Biosynth has better maneuverability while the Mechanosynth is faster, or whichever. The Biosynth gains natural armor, while the mechanosynth gains damage reduction.

It's nice to be able to build a death machine that can punch minions into orbit and can kick a puppy without shedding 10W-30 tears, but it's also nice to have options for folks that would rather play "characters" over "deadly assortments of numbers" :)

Another option: Bonus feats. Maybe at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 let the player choose from a corresponding list of feats that they may take as bonus feats. Rather then bog them down with "Kill shit better" feats, things like Endurance or Run for the Biosynth, and Great Fortitude for the Mechanosynth. Or allow the Mechanosynths to take various fighter feats as bonus feats to represent enhancements for combat aptitude.

I'm almost seeing this class as a pair of classes, really, between "Characters" and "Killers" in the Biosynth / Mechaosynth aspect. :)
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 11:39:47 AM by Sneaky_Sable »
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2011, 03:32:51 PM »
Okay, so did some thinking, writing, and planning, and came up with this.

Comparisons between Bio and Mechano Synthevolvers.

Bio- get:
- Increased Movement
- Flight (Focus on Maneuverability)
- Access to New Movement
- Environmental Adaptation
- Natural Armor

Mechano- get:
- Increased Damage
- Flight (Focus on Speed)
- Unarmed Damage Variety (Attacks count as Silver. Mithril for Extra attacks. Adamantite for Ignoring Hardness...)
- Energy Adaptation (Resist Fire 10, for instance)
- Natural Damage Reduction

Thought up some potential new chains too. First, for the Biosynth:

Spellshards: By implanting resonance stones in key locations on their body, a Biosynth can set up a harmonance field to deflect incoming spells:
(click to show/hide)

And then one, like it, for the Mechanosynth:

Harmonance Shards: These crystalline growths allow the Mechanosynth to set up a resonance around their person that deflects a certain degree of incoming hostile magic. At higher levels, it allows for the complete blockage of magics, for a time.
(click to show/hide)

Similar paths, but entirely different effects.


Enhanced Movement: By altering the joints and musculature of their legs, a Biosynth can move faster then unaltered, mundane humanoids.
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Ramset: By locking the joints of the legs, and increasing the mass of each leg substancially, the Mechanosynth can avoid being moved or tripped simply by standing still.
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« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 04:21:07 PM by Sneaky_Sable »
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2011, 04:34:59 PM »
Loving these.  I'll add them and more when I get a chance.
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2011, 05:51:25 PM »
Got a few more for consideration.


Environmental Adaptation: Subtle alterations in biology allow a Biosynth to expand her horizons, turning normally inaccessible terrain into greener pastures.
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Heightened Damage: Your knuckles are filled with powdered lead, your knees and elbows have galvanized caps, and laid across your forehead is a plate of anodized titanium. You're a damage machine.
(click to show/hide)

I am Ironman: By substituting various metals for your fists, knees, and striking points, you can deal substantial  damage to otherwise invulnerable targets.
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« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 05:57:41 PM by Sneaky_Sable »
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2011, 01:39:42 PM »
I very much like your ideas -- but I'm going to shift them around and change them up.   :smirk
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2011, 01:51:06 PM »
I very much like your ideas -- but I'm going to shift them around and change them up.   :smirk

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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2011, 08:45:37 PM »
Any suggestions for Final Evolves for Biosynth?  Need more than two... maybe spell reflection?

EDIT: stage III's, as well...
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2011, 10:30:17 AM »
For building a 'proper' spell dodge tree, how's this for a third tier:

Arcane Shield: Whenever you are targeted by a ray spell, you gain a deflection bonus to your armor class equal to your Synthevolver Level. Prerequisites: Spell Miss

Then... building off the "Spell Dodge" and "Spell Slip" and "Spell Miss" enhancements, could have this for a final:

Final: Spell Turn - Your ability to turn the other arcane cheek, along with strategicly implanted silver mirror shards, allows you to reflect more then just the lighting.

Benefit: You are constantly under the effects of a Spell Turning effect, which you can lower at will.
Prerequisites: Spell Miss, Spell Slip

Another suggestion is a tree that involves altering your base appearance. It could start with Disguise Self at will, then work up to Alter Self, then Polymorph, then the final could be Shapechange at will..

Also, just thought of one for a sneaky approach: Poisons.

  • I. Persuasive Toxin: You can generate a contact poison 3 + Con Mod times per day. Save DC is 10 + 1/2 Synthevolver Level + Con Mod. Effect: Charm Person. You also gain +2 on all Poison Saves
  • II. Compelling Toxin: You can generate a contact poison 3 + Con Mod times per day. Save DC is 10 + 1/2 Synthevolver Level + Con Mod. Effect: Suggestion.
  • III. Enrapturing Toxin: You can generate a contact poison 3 + Con Mod times per day. Save DC is 10 + 1/2 Synthevolver Level + Con Mod. Effect: Dominate Person. You also gain +4 on all Poison Saves
  • Final. Toxicopia: Up to 3 + Con Mod times per day, you can generate any poison that you have been subjected to. You are immune to all poisons.
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2011, 01:56:47 PM »
Love the poisons idea!  That's perfect.  I'm rethinking the spell miss tree stuff... I may have alternate ideas.  I don't want to give them the alter self/polymorph/shapechange line, because it's too much overlap with Morphling.

I realized I forgot a resource... I'll check out grafts and warforged components in the relevant books and port some of them over.  :)

EDIT: And what do you think of the stuff I've added?
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2011, 02:05:37 PM »
True, especially with the Morphling able to imitate people.

 :clap :clap :clap

I love everything about this class. I definitely think a feat for "Extra Adaptation" is in order, to allow the Synthevolver to take an additional evolution of an appropriate or lower level.

For some reason, I'm also thinking of an evolution that both could share. A third tier evolution that allows them to choose any first level evolution they wish, and change it as a standard action. They couldn't use it to meet the prerequisites of anything, but it'd allow them to have access to the lower level synths whenever they wanted.

That actually just inspired a Final level Biosynth power:

Conscious Evolution: You may rechoose 3 + Con mod synths per day, each taking a full minute to alter. If you alter a synth with a prerequisite, you must maintain that prerequisite.

Allowing Biosynths to consciously retrain their chosen evolutions once per day. Though, this may still ring too close to the morphling, who can essentially re-write their character sheet whenever they want. :)
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2011, 06:51:39 PM »
I really like the Mechanosynth stuff but it is a little lacking. I could really see it with some sort of ranged attack (Like Eldrich Blast) as one of its evolves (or possibly instead of the slam attack as the biosynth gets a choice two natural weapons). Depends on how Iron man you want to get. Possibly also the ability to swap out your natural weapon for Martial Weapons Proficiency (so you can actually make Cyborg Ninja in the picture)

It could probably also do with some way of increasing its manuverability (there are feats out there in the draconomicron i think.... either way there could be an evolve.) I like the idea of biosynth and mechanosynth having their own strong areas but as flight is the only bonus move speed that mechanosynth gets it should be pretty potent. Another movement mode could be something like short range teleportation. Like the ardents Dimention Hop would be a solid ability.

Other ideas:
Invisibility (because Ghost in the Shell).
Incorporiability or Etherialness (use something like the dragons breath weapon recharge on the lowest ability for one round/level with 1d4 round recharge activate as a standard action, level 2 ability being 1 round per class level or 5 rounds and activate as a move action and the level 3 ability as at will as a swift action. Final Evolve could be as an immediate action.
Mirror Image and displacement possibly.
Force Fields of some sort. (temp HP? Deflection bonus to AC?)

There is also a huge disparity between the strength of the evolves at each level. +4 to resist bull rush is nothing compared to a fly speed
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 07:01:43 PM by littha »

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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2011, 06:56:39 PM »
Adamantine Flesh is missing its prerequisite.

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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2011, 07:50:52 PM »
I really like the Mechanosynth stuff but it is a little lacking....

That's 99% my fault. I'm more intrigued and impressed with the Biosynth then the Mechanosynth, and thus 99% of my suggestions are slanted that way. Sorry!
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2011, 08:36:50 PM »
Adamantine Flesh is missing its prerequisite.

Thanks, fixed.


I like the idea of swapping out the Slam for alternate weapons -- I'll do it via armblade/armgun evolves.  There is indeed a feat that improves maneuverability, in several books (RotW and CAdv to name two), so I think I'll go with that... unless there really needs to be an evolve.  Dimension hop could be fun, I'll think about how that would work.

I'll have to think about invisibility, etherealness, & mirror image/displacement, those seem more like biosynth evolves, though I'm not opposed to making them mechano evolves if we can figure out how to flavor it properly.  Force fields are an excellent idea, I'll add that in (deflection bonus definitely).

I think the bull rush one is the biggest offender (being just weaker than the rest).  Is there anything you can think of to add to that chain to beef it up?
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Re: Synthevolver [base] (Magipunk)
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2011, 09:10:53 PM »
Possibly bump it up a step, make the level 2 into level 1 and come up with a new capstone that is somewhere near as good as blanket immunity to magic or energy damage. Probably too hard though. The first level of the spell reisist one is also pretty naff but that can be forgiven for the effect the chain gives in the end.

As far as Invisibility goes, Ghost in the Shell had Thermoptic Camouflage. That was computer controlled but considering the (-punk) aesthetic you are aiming for I would have thought the best cyberpunk series ever made would have some influence especially considering it is about cyborgs...

The big issue with making mirror image, etherealness and invisibility bio evolves is twofold. First there is a desperate lack of mechano evolves at the moment and second, what should mechano be better at?

Bio gets poison, extra movement modes (their flight is better too, manoeuvrability is much better than speed. who needs 300' move speed if the battlefield is 60' across?) Regeneration (with no negating factor... so invulnerability), more natural attacks and increased reach (both better than doing damage as other materials)

Mechano needs some abilities that match these, at the moment the only thing it has better is Damage reduction vs AC and even then that doesn't scale that well. Energy resistance is nice but should probably be for all energy types rather than pick one, just because nobody wants to waste all their class features on getting resistances that are generally not that hard to obtain in 3.5.

It should also probably have ability score boosting evolves like the bio has, machinery can make you stronger or more dexterous (probably make bio STR/DEX/CON/CHA and Mechano STR/DEX/CON/INT) These probably need a boost anyway, nobody is going to use up 2 levels worth of evolves for a +1 bonus. I would say +2 at I +4 at II and +6 at III wouldn't be bad, sure if you put all of your evolves into STR then you could have +72 STR but you are also incapable of doing anything approaching useful with it anyway.

I would also think about some sort of inherent ability for getting to the next stage of evolves, it feels as though at level 10 you fundamentally change instantly. Possibly give some minor aberration/construct trait when you get your first level I evolve bump next stage down to level 8 to match the level II evolve and some additional trait when you get level III that isn't already covered (some construct immunity that living constructs don't have for example... Immunity to Mind affecting). I think it would make the class flow better even if its not a great ability
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 09:17:16 PM by littha »