Author Topic: Skaven  (Read 35552 times)

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Skaven
« Reply #40 on: August 28, 2017, 10:44:09 AM »
Revisited yes, finished not so much. Got some drafts for the doomwheel and verminlord but still need quite a bit of cleaning. Maybe I can get them done sometime in September.

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Re: Skaven
« Reply #41 on: September 02, 2017, 09:54:19 AM »
Added the doomwheel to the Warlock Engineer.

Also the Verminlord after all those years! Yaay!

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Re: Skaven
« Reply #42 on: September 04, 2017, 02:28:48 PM »
I like verminlord, it looks pretty awesome! Sorta OP in comparison to the others though!
Also, it mentions getting multiple of its weapons  but doesn't actually seem to give a way TO get more than one of any of them.

Doomwheel! Pretty great!

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Re: Skaven
« Reply #43 on: September 05, 2017, 02:26:14 AM »
I like verminlord, it looks pretty awesome! Sorta OP in comparison to the others though!
Well it's a prc that you can only take after completing one of said others.

Also, it mentions getting multiple of its weapons  but doesn't actually seem to give a way TO get more than one of any of them.
There's the option right below the weapons that you can sacrifice one of your previous classe's capstone for a second rat regalia.

Doomwheel! Pretty great!
Good to hear that! :D

Offline DavidWL

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Re: Skaven
« Reply #44 on: September 17, 2017, 01:51:41 AM »
Create a Monster:

Sharp points-Natural attack, including any special ability that triggered with a successful hit with that natural attack from the “donor”. If the “receiver” already had such a natural weapon, it simply gains a new one of the same kind. Yes, this means extra limbs andeven  heads. Damage is unchanged from the donor.

Do you gain all natural attacks or just 1?  What if the donor is a grell or a dragon?  I assume abilities are as per the creature that was the donor?  (Meaning that they are the level of the donor, and do not change as you change level, unless you find a new donor)?

Hide-Natural Armor bonus and DR of the donor, replacing the natural armor bonus and DR of the Receiver. This also carries on any elemental resistances/immunities from the donor.

Similar questions ... What if the donor is a solar?  Do you just get 1 abilitiy or all?

A Master Moulder can only perform a number of such grafts in a single creature equal to his Master Moulder level plus half his other levels. There’s just how much he can stitch up togheter and keep it going!

When you are performing grafts on yourself ("Become a Monster") or even on one of your Monsters, if you have hit your "limit", can you change abilities later?

For example, are you stuck with (most) of the same abilities at 20th level that you imbued in yourself at 3rd or 6th?

Mysterious Fluids-The creature is under the permanent effect of a non-instantaneous spell with a range of touch of your choice, that cannot be dispelled. You need either a potion of that spell or you can extract its essence from a creature that could use it as an SLA or had another ability that explicitly replicated that spell. Either way the CL is the same as the source.

What if you can cast the spell yourself?  I assume still a no?  What about scrolls (I assume those are a no as well).

What about creatures that can cast ... what if a solar is the donor, can the solar's spellcasting ability qualify?

What happens when subject to Antimagic?  Dead magic zone?


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Re: Skaven
« Reply #45 on: September 17, 2017, 06:09:39 AM »
Create a Monster:

Sharp points-Natural attack, including any special ability that triggered with a successful hit with that natural attack from the “donor”. If the “receiver” already had such a natural weapon, it simply gains a new one of the same kind. Yes, this means extra limbs andeven  heads. Damage is unchanged from the donor.

Do you gain all natural attacks or just 1?  What if the donor is a grell or a dragon?  I assume abilities are as per the creature that was the donor?  (Meaning that they are the level of the donor, and do not change as you change level, unless you find a new donor)?
Just one, no scaling, clarified.

Hide-Natural Armor bonus and DR of the donor, replacing the natural armor bonus and DR of the Receiver. This also carries on any elemental resistances/immunities from the donor.

Similar questions ... What if the donor is a solar?  Do you just get 1 abilitiy or all?
In this case all of them.

A Master Moulder can only perform a number of such grafts in a single creature equal to his Master Moulder level plus half his other levels. There’s just how much he can stitch up togheter and keep it going!

When you are performing grafts on yourself ("Become a Monster") or even on one of your Monsters, if you have hit your "limit", can you change abilities later?

For example, are you stuck with (most) of the same abilities at 20th level that you imbued in yourself at 3rd or 6th?
Good point, added option to remove old grafts to make room for new ones.

Mysterious Fluids-The creature is under the permanent effect of a non-instantaneous spell with a range of touch of your choice, that cannot be dispelled. You need either a potion of that spell or you can extract its essence from a creature that could use it as an SLA or had another ability that explicitly replicated that spell. Either way the CL is the same as the source.

What if you can cast the spell yourself?  I assume still a no?  What about scrolls (I assume those are a no as well).

What about creatures that can cast ... what if a solar is the donor, can the solar's spellcasting ability qualify?

What happens when subject to Antimagic?  Dead magic zone?
-No, need juicy materials.
-Good point, gonna say yes because it amuses me to make an ability to turn spellcasters into raw crafting materials.
-Would stop working.

You're welcome as usual. :)

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Re: Skaven
« Reply #46 on: July 18, 2018, 05:17:21 AM »
Eshin Nightlady

"Slay kill. Poison for manthings, point-ears and dwarf-thing alike.
You owe your fur to the Nightlady!…"-Snikch Ink-Eyes, Eshin Nightlady

One thing that makes Eshin clan stand out from the other Skaven clans is that while the other rat people are constantly loudly lying boasting about their deeds and possessions to anyone who’ll hear them, the agents of Eshin prefer more discrete lifes. Thus some of their best give up on becoming Vermin Lords and prefer instead to act from the shadows, receiving the title of Nightlady for their dedication to the art of sneaky stealthy stabbings in the dark.

-Skaven Race
- All 6 levels of Eshin Agent.
-Must have assassinated 13 sentient beings without anyone finding out.
-Nongood alignment

1+0+0+2+0The Thirteen Terror Tactics
2+1+0+3+0The Thirteen Terror Tactics
3+2+1+3+1The Thirteen Terror Tactics
4+3+1+4+1The Thirteen Terror Tactics
5+3+1+4+1The Thirteen Terror Tactics
6+4+2+5+2The Thirteen Terror Tactics
Skills:8+int modifier per level, class skills are Apraise(Int), Balance(Dex), Climb(Str), Concentration (con), Craft(any) (wis), Diplomacy(Cha), Disable Device(Int), Escape Artist(Dex), Heal (wis), Hide(dex), Intimidate(Cha), Jump(Str), Knowledge (any) (int), Listen (wis), Move silently (dex), Open Lock,Search (Int), Spot (wis), Survival (wis), Swim (Str), Use Rope (Dex)

Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Kukri, Sap, Short Sword, Kama, Siangham, Net, Shuriken.


The Thirteen Terror Tactics: At each Eshin Nightlady level pick two of the following options, except at 6th level where you can pick  the last three.
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« Last Edit: November 06, 2018, 08:11:08 PM by oslecamo »

Offline Tjallen

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Re: Skaven
« Reply #47 on: July 18, 2018, 07:36:20 AM »
Looks awesome!
Also the delightful little ratling I plan to apply this to is named Snich, so that's a weird coincidence decoy.

Now for what meagre feedback I have:
Is it meant to have quadruple skill points at level 1? I assume it's something like a cope paste error.

Who choses what curse they get from unexplainable bad luck? Is there a hide check to hide the action? Is there a save to avoid it, what about the bestow curse effect?

Unseen force seems very similar to the Cloak of concealment of the Eshin agent Gutter Runner ability, maybe have it overrule it like perfect poisoner does to Lingering poison and weeping blade.

Any suggestions for replacing Claw Marked Treaty pact for games where leadership isn't appropriate?

Perhaps Poisonclaw could have some sort of synergy with the bite attack the cuddly little furballs already has?

No Proof Ever Found - Maybe an action for the Nightlady to designate the decoy as a decoy to get out of sticky situations?

Maybe some sort of ability that continues on the Eshin line of abilities to do fun stuff with disable device? Perhaps bombs replicating spells instead of the sorcerer spellcasting?

Offline ~Corvus~

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Re: Skaven
« Reply #48 on: July 18, 2018, 05:39:10 PM »
Interesting bit with the Nightlady! I have a few recommendations:
 1) Unyielding Shadow: How do you follow something like a Teleport with a Move Action if it's not your turn? Please clarify this aspect of the power so it makes sense.

 2) Unseen Force: Invisibility states it can't be made permanent except on objects. Indeed, Pixie, has a permanentGreater Invisibility, and other Sprites get Invisibility powers but not the spell as permanent. In any case it's not TOO difficult to detect an invisible enemy (Flour, Glitterdust, See invisibility)

 3) I've noticed a trend of 13 being super popular. Why not make any d12 rolls (such as unexplainable bad luck) into 1d12+1?

Quote from: HuskyBoi
I just need a minute to appreciate the words 'goliath lamp-post sneak attack'. That's a thing of beauty, right there.

Greedling avatar by Ceika from Giantitp.

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Skaven
« Reply #49 on: July 19, 2018, 12:32:21 AM »
Looks awesome!
Also the delightful little ratling I plan to apply this to is named Snich, so that's a weird coincidence decoy.

Now for what meagre feedback I have:
Is it meant to have quadruple skill points at level 1? I assume it's something like a cope paste error.
Ups, fixed.

Who choses what curse they get from unexplainable bad luck? Is there a hide check to hide the action? Is there a save to avoid it, what about the bestow curse effect?
Should be clearer now.

Unseen force seems very similar to the Cloak of concealment of the Eshin agent Gutter Runner ability, maybe have it overrule it like perfect poisoner does to Lingering poison and weeping blade.

Any suggestions for replacing Claw Marked Treaty pact for games where leadership isn't appropriate?
Added alternative for getting the three other scavenge pile picks with free enhancements representing the Eshin Nightlady becoming a corrupt respectable skaven supply manager.

Perhaps Poisonclaw could have some sort of synergy with the bite attack the cuddly little furballs already has?

No Proof Ever Found - Maybe an action for the Nightlady to designate the decoy as a decoy to get out of sticky situations?

Maybe some sort of ability that continues on the Eshin line of abilities to do fun stuff with disable device? Perhaps bombs replicating spells instead of the sorcerer spellcasting?
Added Infernal Bomb synergy alternative to make Sorcery Bombs that work as Infernal bombs but replicate evocation spells.

Interesting bit with the Nightlady! I have a few recommendations:
 1) Unyielding Shadow: How do you follow something like a Teleport with a Move Action if it's not your turn? Please clarify this aspect of the power so it makes sense.

 2) Unseen Force: Invisibility states it can't be made permanent except on objects. Indeed, Pixie, has a permanentGreater Invisibility, and other Sprites get Invisibility powers but not the spell as permanent. In any case it's not TOO difficult to detect an invisible enemy (Flour, Glitterdust, See invisibility)

 3) I've noticed a trend of 13 being super popular. Why not make any d12 rolls (such as unexplainable bad luck) into 1d12+1?
1) The idea is that after you spend the move action you always tag along them with no need of further actions. Clarified.

2)Specific trumps general. Anyway the abilty was mostly replaced with an improved Cloak of Deception so shouldn't be so easily countered now.

3) Yeah, 13's the sacred number of the Skaven. But adding +1 to the 1d12s is a delightful idea I hadn't thought of yet, added it all around.  :D

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Re: Skaven
« Reply #50 on: November 12, 2019, 06:27:20 PM »
Really love these classes.

I have a few questions about the Warlock Engineer:

The Warp-power Accumulator in the Diabolic Devices references the Extra options feat. I don't see the feat referenced anywhere else. So you just spend a feat to upgrade this ability?

The Iron frame in the Rare Engines has a line that looks like it is supposed to modify warp lightning but the sentence is confusing how does it modify it? Is this warp lightning  the grey seer spell, is it the ray from the storm demon Diabolic device or something else?

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Re: Skaven
« Reply #51 on: November 23, 2019, 09:36:28 AM »
Really love these classes.
Thanks! :D

I have a few questions about the Warlock Engineer:

The Warp-power Accumulator in the Diabolic Devices references the Extra options feat. I don't see the feat referenced anywhere else. So you just spend a feat to upgrade this ability?
It's in the general feats thread but yeah basically spend one feat to get the upgrade.

The Iron frame in the Rare Engines has a line that looks like it is supposed to modify warp lightning but the sentence is confusing how does it modify it? Is this warp lightning  the grey seer spell, is it the ray from the storm demon Diabolic device or something else?
Ups, that was just leftover text from the initial draft, cleaned. :blush

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Re: Skaven
« Reply #52 on: November 25, 2019, 09:01:47 AM »
I have a player that wants to know what enchant works with his warplock jezzail, keen or impact... I don't know the nature of this chaotic nature projectile weapon, if it was something that was meant to be augmented this way. My gut says to say no but I don't want to just shut them down without considering it.

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Re: Skaven
« Reply #53 on: December 21, 2019, 04:08:33 AM »
Weapons of Warp count as Masterwork weapons and it's intended that they may receive magic enchants (this is half the theme of the Warplock Engineer is mixing magic and tech), provided the player spends the normal resources to pay for such enchants.