Now, I'm sure a lot of people here already know my opinions on multiple subjects are controversial at best. I make no excuses for them, and I make no compromises for political correctness. In my world, black people are black people, catholics are catholics, and feminazis are feminazis. But there is this one person that has been annoying me to no end with his alleged intellectual superiority even though there isn't a shred of logical backing to his so-called intellectual discourse, who has the gall to call ME "ignorant", "so-called owner of the truth", and claim that I pass my opinion as fact.
Here's an example of one such conversation. He posted this cute video about a little girl complaining that little girls get all pink princesses while boys get superheroes. Which I found adorable, though I DID comment that I found her opinion to not share traces of feminism so much as anti-sexism. It was a statement of my opinion. Guy rushes in to claim that feminism is about gender equality, not superiority. I tell him that assumption comes from the predisposition to believe that males do not suffer from the exacerbation of feminism (read: the extreme variant wherein men are pigs and thus inferior to women), i.e. feminazis. He claims true feminism isn't about superiority, and that I am wrong. I point out that I was talking about the extreme variant, and that I personally believe that being male, caucasian, straight, smart and hard-working nowadays actually works against you because you hold no card to deal if you feel slighted. Cue comments about how my ignorance is abyssal and whatnot...
Nevermind the two of us live in a country where 50% of all public university student slots are filled based on color (on one of the countries with the greatest ethnic diversities in the world, mind). Nevermind that despite us having one of the highest perceived corruption scores in the world, 35.000 people go to a gay rights event while only 1.500 attend an anti-corruption rally. Nevermind that here, if you're white and you call someone black, you can get arrested, but if you're black and you call someone white, you can laugh it off. Nevermind that if you're a woman, you can blame half or all your problems on sexism here. I'm ignorant and idiotic for thinking that being straight, caucasian, and male is somehow a disadvantage. On another discussion, he called me on for calling someone else a hypocrite - claiming it went on to satisfy my own selfish ego and shit like that (psych major. Seriously, you'd expect more maturity out of someone who studies the human thought processes for a living). My point in that one was: if you want to change the world, go out and do something, don't just stand there moaning about it. Odysseus didn't sit on his ass waiting for the Trojans to quietly give up, he built a fucking wooden horse and slaughtered the shit out of them. Theseus didn't moan about the labyrinth, he got himself some yarn and a sword and went to town on the Minotaur's ass.
If you're going to claim something is wrong, and that something should change, then you should go out and change it yourself. If you can't change it, live with it. If you can't live with it, don't bother me with it and hope it will make you feel better! And above all, DO NOT ACT LIKE YOUR OPINION IS GOING TO DICTATE HOW I LIVE MY LIFE! For fuck's sakes, people, it's not that hard!
I need to punch something.