Is ToB allowed at all? If so, then my suggestion:
Max out your Int. Start with Warblade 1 to be the least squishy at level 1, and take Sapphire Nightmare Blade. Then, grab 1 level of cloistered cleric, and swap out all three of your domains for Knowledge Devotion, Travel Devotion, and either Trickery Devotion (if no errata) or maybe Law Devotion. You don't care about the spellcasting (though if it turns on later you'll have a start). Then go into Factotum for three levels, making sure to max Concentration, Knowledges, and Iaijutsu Focus. Once you hit level 3, almost every feat should be Font of Inspiration.
At level 6, take a level in Master of Masks, and learn the Gladiator Mask (and another of your choice) so you can be proficient with all exotic weapons. Start using a Gnomish Quickrazor (or draw&drop a cursed sword -2 if you can get one), and also take Boomerang Daze.
If magic hasn't turned on at this point, take 5 more levels of Factotum to get Cunning Surge, with another Warblade level thrown in to get IHS and WRT.