Hey buddy, I went ahead and got the T-Rex taken care of. So feel free to scratch that if you want.
Hmm, mind me pointing to the one you ended up using? Or did you make it yourself? Do notice I acept work from other authors.
There actually was something else I wanted to request. But it seems to be slipping my mind ATM so I will get back to ya
No need to hurry, in case it wasn't obvious by now, I haven't got much time to tackle monster classes with Christmas activities coming up and stuff.
Also I noticed the cat from alice in wonderland in your list. lol very entertaining. So you do non-dnd stuff as well?
Actualy the Chesire cat is from a
D&D April's Fool , but yes, I tackle non D&D monsters here and there. Wing Dragon and Son/Daughter of Silence were homebrew monsters, Skaven are from WHFB, and there's also special variant/progressions like the extra kythons and "Lord" versions of some monsters.