If they can't be recovered at all, then that would kinda suck because it would mean you could only ever use each maneuver once in your existence. Adaptative style on the other hand never uses the explicit word "recover", you just change your readied maneuvers.
Anyway pretty much every ToB school has awesome low and medium level maneuvers, from IHS to WRT, sudden leap, mountain hammer, diamond mind counters, etc, etc. Also means you can mill out a lot of utility out of the previous option.
With the current method, you can only pull the quick repeating if you don't pick any reactive maneuvers. If you have a leftover counter, in particular a situational one, you can't hope to be able to expend it right away. And if you don't pick any reactive maneuvers, you're severly limiting yourself on your choices. Great for pure offense yes, but what makes maneuvers great is versatility of choice.
If you went with Iron Heart for example, you most surely want the Iron Heart Surge one, but it's not guaranteed in battle you'll always have a good reason to use it. Meaning you spend a standard action if you want to recover your stuff.