WendigoMonster Prestige ClassRequirements:To qualify to become a Wendigo, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Race: Animal, giant, humanoid, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid.
Special: Must have their Wisdom reduced to 0 by Wendigo's hunger, OR perform a special ritual that demands they spend three days walking through a forest or tundra without stopping, resting, eating, or drinking.
HD: d6
Level BaB Fort Ref Will Feature1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Stumped Body, Maddening Whispers, Stalking Paranoia, Primal Instincts
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Wind Walk, Regeneration, Wendigo Hunger, Ravenous Bite, +1 Dex
Skills: 2+Intelligence modifier per level, class skills are Balance, Bluff, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Knowledge (nature), Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival.
Proficiencies: The Wendigo becomes proficient with its natural bite attack.
Stumped Body: Unlike other monster classes, a Wendigo doesn't lose any racial ability modifiers, but its type changes to Fey and it gains the cold subtype (immunity to cold, +50% damage from fire effects). The Wendigo gains a primary natural bite attack dealing 1d6 plus 1½ times its Strength bonus if it's a medium sized creature, adjust damage accordingly for other creature sizes.
Also, when gaining this template, the creature starts running with such speed that it's feet or paws burn away into charred bloody stumps that cannot be healed, but the Wendigo becomes able to float just above ground at a speed of 10 feet per HD. This allows it to ignore difficult terrain. If the Wendigo has 6 HD or more, it can instead fly with perfect maneuverability at the same speed.
Finally, the Wendigo gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC, that stacks with one other deflection bonus from a single source of the player's choice, like a ring of deflection.
Maddening Whispers: 1/day per HD, as a standard action, the Wendigo may whisper insane thoughts into a target creature within 10 feet per HD. Only the target creature can hear them, and they must make a Will save (DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha modifier) or take 1d3 wisdom damage. This wisdom damage increases one die size for every 4 HD of the Wendigo.
At 8 HD it becomes Wisdom Drain.
At 12 HD it deals half Wisdom Drain even if the victim succeeds on the save.
At 16 HD it can affect creatures immune to ability drain, but it deals half drain on a failed save and no drain on a successful save.
This is not a fear ability, and may ignore any immunity to mind-affecting attacks, with the exception of mindless creatures, which are still immune to this effect.
Stalking Paranoia: Just because others can't see a Wendigo doesn't mean it isn't there. As a swift action the Wendigo may select a creature in his field of vision that hasn't detected the Wendigo. That creature takes -2 on any roll or modifier based on its wisdom, as the Wendigo lurks just at the corner of the victim's field of vision, making them paranoid. This penalty lasts until the target detects the Wendigo or the Wendigo loses sight of the target. This may only target one creature at a time.
For every 5 HD the Wendigo has, this penalty increases by an extra -1.
Primal Instincts: The Wendigo's hunting senses are sharpened to the extreme. It gains a bonus on Hide, Move Silently and Survival checks equal to half its HD.
Sky Walk: At 2nd level, the Wendigo can use Wind Walk as a spell-like ability on itself 1/day for every HD it has, as a move action. It can still use its Maddening Whispers ability while incorporeal. It can only float above the ground unless it has 4 or more HD.
Regeneration: At 2nd level the Wendigo gains regeneration equal to half his HD, bypassed by fire. However, it cannot regrow or re-attach lost limbs.
Wendigo Hunger: At 2nd level, creatures bitten by the Wendigo must make a Fortitude (DC 10+1/2 HD+Con modifier) save or contract a supernatural disease, Wendigo's Hunger.
Wendigo's Hunger: It incubates for 1d3 days and deals 1d3 Wisdom damage for each day it lingers. Every time Wisdom damage is taken from this, the afflicted creature must make a Will save with DC 10+1/2HD+Cha modifier or start to hunger for its own race's flesh. The creature will use any means at it's disposal to stalk and kill a member of his own race in secret, feed on it's flesh, and then return to his normal life while forgeting everything since he failed the Will save.
Creatures reduced to 0 Wis by this disease gain the Wendigo template, but they also become mad and race to the wilderness to stalk their own victims.
In addition, when a living or undead creature is bitten by the Wendigo in battle, it must make a will save with DC 10+1/2HD+Cha mod or spend it's next turn trying to bite the nearest creature it can see, be it friend or foe. If the creature doesn't have a bite attack it will try to grapple the neatest creature instead.
Ravenous Bite: At 2nd level the Wendigo's bite now threatens a critical on a 18-20 and deals triple damage on a successful critical.
Ability Score Increase: The Wendigo gains +1 Dex at second level.
CommentsFrom Fiend Folio
The Wendigo is the dark side of natural hunger, a creature that stalks his own and forever roams searching his next victim, driving them to the brink of desperation before delivering the final blow.
First level gives the iconic maddening whispers and stumped body plus skill bonus. Second level gives the wind walk, disease and regeneration.
I improved the disease to make it combat-worthy by forcing bitten opponents to resist or be overcome by hunger themselves. Particularly good against caster-types, not that good against big monsters with big bite attacks.
Since it has a lot of abilities low saves, Bab and limited skill points and no new proficiencies besides the bite.
You can only actually start flying at 6th level for balance purposes, but Wind-Walk flight comes online at 4th level since it's much more limited.