Grand Abolisher. Holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! EVERYONE will splash white now. If this lands and you get protection for it, it completely shut down counterspells.
Not quite that good because of how fragile a 2/2 is in almost every format. Every color has a way to deal with it.
Slap him with a can't be target of spells or abilities and have a counterspell in the ready for global effects. Since they'll only be able to do that on their turn, on your turn you have ways to protect him beforehand, with no chance of opposition. If he lands at all, that is. White/Blue is already the best control base. This card is a one-sided "Player's can only cast in their turn"(Forgot name of the card). Combine that with stack ending Sundial of the Infinite, Smokestacks and general abuse of card's with sacrifice, echo, vanish, etc... And you suddenly have changed the entire matchup for control in T1,5 and T4. It's actually kinda ballsy of wizards to launch such powerful and game-changing cards in one block. We're bound to see decks abusing those two cards and their effects, and the interactions are simply unpredictable.
Actually, the card says that it ends your turn, but does that mean that it also skips the end step? Because spells can enter on the end step, and it's actually kind of standard to do what you got to do on the end step of the opponent to minimize chance of counter play. And, if it *DOES* skip the end step, then take a look at this little beauty here: .
Take another turn for 2 mana, just like Time Walk, but red, anyone? Also, all the Pacts have now negligible consequences, since you can just play em' and next turn just sundial and not ever pay the cost...
I'm just one guy brainstorming here, i'm sure the guys at mtgsalvation have already broke this in 100 sorts of ways, but i'm too lazy to go there and check out.