Fixed a couple formatting issues that had been bugging me.
Also added a clause to Weak Spot to make it not usable with, well, see below, cause it could have had unforeseen issues.
I don't personally think those were issues at all. Requires 4 levels of a non casting class hurt, as does wisdom bonus limit if you're not a wisdom caster.
Really, the only people I can see benefiting from it, at all, as a dip are Master Throwers and Stormguard Warriors, And even then they are likely taking the levels for other class features and probably picking up different tricks, the MT, for example, only gains Str to damage by using that trick instead of one his own.
Question: compared to Light Step, is Demoralizing Shot basically an auto-take?
No, they are desired by different niches.
But Light Step still does not scale nearly as well. So you give a mobility option that will feel good for those who want to prioritize mobility, but they will still know that the debuff based snipers are doing their focus better.
I'd suggest having later stages of Light Step scale earlier application the same way Demoralizing Shot does
and have it offer other sides benefits, just like Demo Shot.
For example, at level2 Light, you aren't hindered by terrain, but level 2 Demo you debuff AND have a save bonus. So switch Light to unhindered AND either a hide/ms bonus (thematic to the class, so while those bonuses are elsewhere, a light step sniper will be better at them than a demo sniper) or a thing like being able to take 10 on climb and swim and such (focusing on other aspects of mobility).
At level 3 light, you give spider climb /day (/days suck anyway, remember) but you give Demo a boost to it's continuous debuff, making it an AoE. I'd suggest simply moving Spider Climb to /encounter, even just a small 1 (or 2, so you can get back down if the duration has expired) so they can always use their mobility at least once a fight.
Same issue at level 7. You up the Demo's debuff AND give the sniper his own boost. This might be a good level for the climb/swim boost for Light Step (pairing it with the water walking, preferably at a low /enc
). Maybe a swim/climb speed 1/2 their base. Makes both spell likes still useful tactically, but also gives their mobility boosts in noncombat situations.
Demo then gets a HUGE buff at level 14. Lower effect on save and even enemies that are normally immune suffer your lower level. This turns the ability into "everyone you ever hit is shaken." I would suggest giving Light Step a similar always on lower ability. Perhaps Spider Climb, improving a third time on the initial climbing aspect. And make Air Walk /enc too, especially since you're now granting a 4th level spell at level 14.