Author Topic: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]  (Read 63423 times)

Offline FireInTheSky

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Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« on: January 11, 2012, 09:46:21 PM »
***Version 3.5*** (discussion for this version starts here)


Photo Credit: Zarory (deviantart)

”One Shot, One Kill”
            -Famous Sniper Axiom

A Wisdom-based Archer.

Abilities: Wis>Dex>Con=Int>Str=Cha
Races: Any.
Alignment: Any.
Starting Gold: as Rogue.

Class Skills
The Sniper's class skills are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Dungeoneering, Geography, Nature)(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (6+IntMod)x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6+IntMod

Hit Die: d8

Attack Bonus

1st+0+0+2+0Aim, Precise Shot, Trackless Step
2nd+1+0+3+0Close Quarters Ranged Combat, Light Step, Rangefinder, Trick Shot
3rd+2+1+3+1Keen Perception, Light Step (Spider Climb), Practiced Shooter
4th+3+1+4+1Rangefinder, Trick Shot
5th+3+1+4+1Fast Aim, Improved Snipe
6th+4+2+5+2Darkstalker, Trick Shot
7th+5+2+5+2Cunning Veil, Light Step (Water Walk)
8th+6/+1+2+6+2Rangefinder, Trick Shot
9th+6/+1+3+6+3Powerful Aim
10th+7/+2+3+7+3Greater Snipe, Trick Shot
11th+8/+3+3+7+3Hide in Plain Sight, Veteran Shooter
12th+9/+4+4+8+4Rangefinder, Trick Shot
13th+9/+4+4+8+4Accelerated Aim
14th+10/+5+4+9+4Light Step (Fly), Trick Shot
15th+11/+6/+1+5+9+5Superior Snipe
16th+12/+7/+2+5+10+5Rangefinder, Trick Shot
17th+12/+7/+2+5+10+5Mighty Aim
18th+13/+8/+3+6+11+6Sudden Aim, Trick Shot
19th+14/+9/+4+6+11+6Fire All
20th+15/+10/+5+6+12+6One Shot Kill, Trick Shot

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A Sniper is proficient in all Simple and Martial Weapons, the Hand Crossbow, the Boomerang, the Greatbow, and the Composite Greatbow, and with Light Armor.

Aim (Ex): When a Sniper uses a full-round action to make a full attack with any ranged weapon (including thrown weapons), she adds her Wisdom Modifier as a bonus to her attack rolls (on top of her Dexterity Modifier). In addition, these attacks each deal 1d4 additional damage for every 2 Sniper levels (rounded up). This damage increase is not considered Precision Damage for the purposes of creature immunities, and it also is multiplied in the case of a successful critical hit. If she does not take a full attack, a Sniper does not gain these bonuses. This ability counts as Point Blank Shot for the purposes of prerequisites.

Precise Shot: A Sniper gains Precise Shot as a bonus feat. In addition, if a Sniper's target is in a grapple, on a successful attack roll, she always hits her target, and does not need to roll to determine which grappler is hit.

Trackless Step (Ex): A Sniper leaves no trail in any surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose to leave a trail if she so desires.

Close Quarters Ranged Combat: Snipers trust their lives with their ranged weapons, and have trained to use them in any situation. Beginning at 2nd level, a Sniper does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity by using a ranged weapon in melee.

Light Step (Ex/SpL): A Sniper of 2nd level can move through difficult terrain at her normal speed without incurring any penalties. In addition, she may move at her full speed with no penalty to Hide or Move Silently, and only takes a -10 penalty while running or charging. At 3rd level, a Sniper can use Spider Climb once per day per Sniper level, with a caster level equal to her class level. At 7th level, a Sniper can use Water Walk once per day per two Sniper levels, with a caster level equal to her class level. In addition, she gains Climb and Swim speeds equal to half her base speed. At 14th level, a Sniper can use Fly once per day per three Sniper levels, except with a duration of 10 minutes per level, and with a caster level equal to her class level. In addition, her Climb and Swim speeds increase to be the same as her base speed, and she takes no penalty to Hide and Move Silently while running or charging. Uses of Spider Climb, Water Walk, and Fly may target willing allies in addition to the Sniper, and are spell-like abilities. All other benefits of Light Step are extraordinary.

Rangefinder (Ex): Shots at any range may be attempted; a ranged weapon's maximum range limit does not apply to a Sniper. At 4th level, the range increment of all ranged attacks is doubled. For example, a longbow's range increment becomes 200 feet instead of 100, a -2 penalty applies from 200 to 400 feet, and so on. At 8th level, the range increment is tripled, and at 12th level, the range increment is quadrupled. 
  At 16th level, a sniper may attack anyone she can see with no range penalty, and no maximum range. This does not allow a Sniper to attack between planes (i.e. Scry to another plane), ignore Cover or Concealment, or shoot through solid objects without the appropriate Trick Shots.
Trick Shot: Starting at 2nd level, and again at every even level after that, a Sniper may select a Trick Shot from the list below.

Keen Perception: Beginning at 3rd level, a Sniper adds 1/2 of her Sniper level as an Insight bonus to her Listen and Spot checks.

Practiced Shooter (Ex): By 3rd level, a Sniper has put enough practice shots downrange to know how best to conserve ammunition. All non-magical ammunition from a failed attack is recoverable. In addition, magical ammunition from a failed attack has a 75% chance of being recoverable.

Fast Aim (Ex): At 5th level, a Sniper may make a single ranged attack with her Aim bonuses as a Standard Action.

Improved Snipe (Ex): At 5th level, a Sniper who has successfully Hidden may make a single ranged attack and then immediately Hide at a -10 penalty. A full attack incurs a -20 penalty as normal.

Darkstalker: A Sniper who reaches 6th level gains Darkstalker as a bonus feat.

Cunning Veil (Ex): A Sniper of 7th level may apply her Wisdom modifier as a bonus to her Hide check.

Powerful Aim (Ex): At 9th level, the damage dice from the Sniper’s Aim ability increase to d6’s.

Greater Snipe (Ex): At 10th level, a Sniper who has successfully Hidden may make a single ranged attack and then immediately Hide at no penalty. In addition, if a Sniper who has successfully hidden uses a full-round action to attack with a ranged weapon, the penalty to the subsequent Hide check is decreased to -10.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): A Sniper of 11th level can use the Hide skill even while being observed. She can hide herself from view in the open, without anything to actually hide behind. 

Veteran Shooter (Ex): At 11th level, all of a Sniper’s ammunition from a missed attack is recoverable. In addition, magical ammunition from a successful attack has a 50% chance of being recoverable. Non-magical ammunition is still destroyed in a successful attack.

Accelerated Aim (Ex): A Sniper of 13th level can make a single ranged attack with her Aim bonuses as a Move Action.

Superior Snipe (Ex): At 15th level, a Sniper who has successfully Hidden may take a full attack action (as long as all are ranged attacks), and then immediately Hide at no penalty.

Mighty Aim (Ex): At 17th level, the damage dice from the Sniper’s Aim ability increase to d8’s.

Sudden Aim (Ex): At 18th level, a Sniper can make one ranged attack with her Aim bonuses as an Immediate Action.

Fire All (Ex): A Sniper of 19th level, once per encounter, may take a Full-Round Action to make a single Aim attack at her highest base attack bonus against all opponents she can see.

One Shot Kill (Su): A Sniper of 20th level has become a master of taking down her targets with a single blow. She may make a single ranged attack, with her Aim bonuses, as a standard action. If this attack hits, it deals damage normally, and the target must make a Fort save or die. The DC for this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the Sniper’s class level + her Wisdom Modifier. The Sniper must declare that she is using this ability before the attack is rolled.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2020, 09:16:01 PM by FireInTheSky »

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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2012, 09:46:43 PM »
Alternate Class Feature: Demoralizing Shot
Replaces: Light Step class feature.
Benefit: At 2nd level, any enemy the Sniper hits with a ranged attack must succeed on a Will Save, DC 10 + 1/2 CL + WisMod, or be Shaken for the next round. In addition, the Sniper gains a +4 bonus to resist Fear effects. At 3rd level, all enemies within 10’ of the target are subject to the same effect (each person rolls their own save). At 7th level, all who would be Shaken on a failed Will save are instead Frightened for the next round, and are unaffected by a successful save. In addition, the Sniper becomes immune to Fear effects. At 14th level, even enemies who are successful on their Will saves are still Shaken for the following round. Also at 14th level, enemies who are immune to Fear effects are affected by this ability, but are only Shaken on a failed save, and suffer no effects on a successful save. If a creature is already affected by a Fear effect of the same strength or greater, these abilities have no effect. All Demoralizing Shot abilities are Supernatural.

Trick Shots
Trick Shot
Distance Marksman
Distracting Attack
Energetic Shot
Lights Out
Martial Shot
Oh, Were You Walking There?
Penetrating Shot
Sharp Focus
   Called Shot
   Critical Shot
   Deadeye Shot
   Dread Shot
   Weak Spot
Sneak Attack
Stay Riiiight There
Thread the Needle
   Skip Shot
      Dimensional Shot
         Improved Dimensional Shot
           Perfect Dimensional Shot
      Phase Shot
Two Birds With One Arrow
Vital Shot
Whites of Their Eyes
   Double Jeopardy
      And Your Little Dog Too
You Don’t Need That
Precision Damage from Class Feature
BAB +8
Sniper Level 4
Sharp Focus
Sharp Focus
Sharp Focus
BAB +5, Demoralizing Shot ACF, Sharp Focus
Sharp Focus
Thread the Needle
Skip Shot, BAB +8
Dimensional Shot, BAB +10
Improved Dimensional Shot, Sniper Level 16
Skip Shot, BAB +8
Precision Damage from Class Feature
Whites of Their Eyes
Double Jeopardy
Increase Precision Damage Range
Flank From Distance
Ranged Attacks Count As Energy Types
Make a Ranged Stunning Attack
Martial Study adapted for Sniper
Make a Ranged Trip Attack
Ignore Damage Reduction
Increase Critical Threat Range
Auto-Threaten Crits
Crit Normally Immune Creatures
Increase Critical Multiplier
Increase Critical Multiplier vs. Frightened Creatures
Normal Attacks Become Touch Attacks
Increase Sneak Attack Damage
Make a Ranged Grapple Attempt
Ignore Cover, Lower Miss Chance
Ignore Total Cover
Ignore Force Effects, Attack Incorporeal
Attack Ethereal
Attack Across Planes
Shoot Through Solid Objects
Hit Multiple Targets With One Attack
Auto Sneak Attack
Threaten Squares With Ranged Weapon
Threaten Targets At Range
Threaten Squares At Range
Make a Ranged Disarm Attempt

(click to show/hide)

Sniper Feats
Alert Reaction
   Improved Alert Reaction
Extra Trick
Insightful Action
Pinpoint Aim
Studied Killer
Combat Reflexes, BAB +8
Trick Shot Class Feature
Improved Initiative
Precise Shot
Int 16, Aim Class Feature
# of Attacks of Opportunity = WisMod
Make Multiple AoO’s Against the Same Target
Learn an Additional Trick Shot
Add 1/2 x WisMod to Initiative Roll
Ignore size modifiers
Replace WisMod with IntMod for all Sniper CFs

(click to show/hide)

*Suggestions for other Feats or Trick Shots are welcome.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 08:42:40 PM by FireInTheSky »

Offline EjoThims

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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2012, 08:26:35 PM »
Pretty awesome one level dip, trackless step and not slowed by terrain? Not too powerful, but makes the dip pretty much mandatory for any scout/skirmisher type in a campaign that such things actually matter in.

And the progression of light step is interesting (though limited /day uses blow, especially for high level of abilities) but don't make much sense with the rest of the class.

Untyped permanent dex boost solely from levels in base class, stacking with and at twice the rate you get them from character levels, and the first one kicks in when you're gaining +1 dex anyway??? Not really the standard realm of class abilities...

Ranged Sneak Attack is... Well, the 16th level wording is problematic... As because it is a specific class ability, it technically could be read to allow you to bypass sneak attack immunities. And the stepping for it seems kind of odd, jumping from potentially less than two range increments up to any distance... Base it on range increments, with the first boost lifting it to one range increment.

Overall this will suffer from all the main problems with fighter, is overspecialized, and doesn't prevent interesting options in combat; there's not even an actual bonus to sniping anywhere in the class.

Offline dman11235

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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2012, 09:36:43 PM »
Yeah, I'm gonna echo Ejo on the dex thing and the SA thing.  Try having the range be at 1 range increment.  As for the dex, just get rid of it, that sort of thing doesn't belong in a class.  Figure out what you want the dex to apply to, and boost that.

This class is too specialized as is.  It would work better as a rogue PrC.

Now, I need to adress the ranged sneak attack problem: ranged attacks with SA suck.  Period.  You can only get one attack per round, as you need to be hidden to get the bonus.  In order to get that one attack/round, you need to be hidden, attack, then use the sniping hiding rules, which applies a -20(!) penalty to the hide attempt.  So here's what needs to happen: either a class focused on ranged sneak attacks needs to do a LOT of damage (a full-attack's worth) with a single attack and a boost to the hiding ability (or other method of increasing likelyhood of getting it on subsequent turns), or they need an ability that lets them get the bonus on every attack in the round (Greater Manyshot does do this).  For a sniper, I'd lean towards the single powerful shot, a la the sniper variant of the scout (though make it better).
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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2012, 08:50:27 AM »
I'll third the suggestion of removing the flat Dex bonus. This is half a flavor thing (this sort of thing isn't typical for a base class) and half for game reasons (You shouldn't need huge RNG boosts like this).

I don't mind the Sneak Attack ranges so long as it's spelled out that you still have to meet the other requirements for Sneak Attack.

I'd suggest throwing in some other SLAs as well. Freedom of Movement could be a very nice one to have.

Personally, I think Hide in Plain Sight should be available somewhat earlier, given what the class does. Also, you may want to grant some sort of improved sniping ability at low level (by level 3 or so). Perhaps reduce the Hide penalty for sniping down form -20 to -10, or something. Perhaps remove it all together.

Also, you could consider adding Knowledge (The Planes) to their skill list. This is more of a personal preference of mine, but I tend to see Knowledge (The Planes) as sort of the "epic" version of Knowledge (Nature). By "epic" I mean that by 9th level, the party will likely have access to Plane Shift and Teleport, so the game feels kinda epic by that point, and what seems "natural" to the group fundamentally changes. Again, this is more of a personal preference on my part.
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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2012, 09:15:14 AM »
My problem (and I think Ejo's as well) with the Sneak Attack ranges for this class was how poorly paced it was.  It went every 5 levels double, double, INFINITE.  That why we both suggested a range increment dependent one, so at level 1 (for a class like this, level 1 would be important) it would be out to 1 increment, then at level x it's 2, then at 2x it's 3 increments, etc.  This makes it so that at level 1 you already have an imporved range capacity on the SA, and it goes up steadily, up to a max of you entire range increment set at 20 (5 increments, I'm thinking at every multiple of 5 level you get the boost).

As for the SLAs...why?  I'm thinking at this point, you might as well start setting out a spell list.  or rather just give (ex) abilities that mimic these spells, if only to boost the power.  I've got two things for the author of this class to check out, two things that I've made that already do these sorts of things (snipe, the movement thing).  Well, one.  But I can describe the other, until I actually post it on these boards.  My , for the movement aspect, and my Deepwood Sniper and Scout sniper variant.  The scout sniper variant I made had the scout not move and make a single attack as a standard actoin to get +1d6/class level, as long as you were more than 30' away.  You'll note that it's 1d6/level, not /3 levels, and that I right away make it a "use this from long ranges" deal.  The Deepwood Sniper adds a sniping bonus, by taking a move action to aim, and then gradually removes the penalty for hiding after a ranged attack.  It also makes single attacks more power, increasing crit probability and damage.
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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2012, 10:04:45 AM »
My problem (and I think Ejo's as well) with the Sneak Attack ranges for this class was how poorly paced it was.  It went every 5 levels double, double, INFINITE.  That why we both suggested a range increment dependent one, so at level 1 (for a class like this, level 1 would be important) it would be out to 1 increment, then at level x it's 2, then at 2x it's 3 increments, etc.  This makes it so that at level 1 you already have an imporved range capacity on the SA, and it goes up steadily, up to a max of you entire range increment set at 20 (5 increments, I'm thinking at every multiple of 5 level you get the boost).
Well, it's not functionally infinite. You still have a maximum range on your bow (with a -20 penalty to hit!) and rules for Spot checks and distances, but it could work by just adding distances or range increments in some fashion.

I just don't have a problem with it because it's 16th level. Casters can totally out pace that type of ability while actively trying not to pull out any of the stops.

As for the SLAs...why?  I'm thinking at this point, you might as well start setting out a spell list.  or rather just give (ex) abilities that mimic these spells, if only to boost the power.
Any of those could work. The idea was just to fill in some gaps in capability, and also some new dead levels if the +2 Dex abilities are removed.
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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2012, 11:01:12 AM »
I know, I was being a tad hyperbolic.  But the point remains that up until then you are still effectively capped at 1 range increment.  You have 60 feet at level 6, and 120 at level 11, as a sniper.  So you basically aren't a sniper as a Sniper until you get to level 11, and aren't a good (re: long range) one until level 16.  60' is only 20 yards, btw.  That's nothing.  40 isn't much either.  Modern day small arms are capable of being accurate at 20 yards, easily.

On the SLAs, that "why" was more directed at the author, not you, sorry for the confusion.  I agree with you on that front.
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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2012, 11:10:57 AM »
I know, I was being a tad hyperbolic.  But the point remains that up until then you are still effectively capped at 1 range increment.  You have 60 feet at level 6, and 120 at level 11, as a sniper.  So you basically aren't a sniper as a Sniper until you get to level 11, and aren't a good (re: long range) one until level 16.  60' is only 20 yards, btw.  That's nothing.  40 isn't much either.  Modern day small arms are capable of being accurate at 20 yards, easily.
I guess we could focus on what actually happens in games.

In my experience, extreme range encounters are quite rare, and often are set up deliberately from one side or the other. It seems that most fights are within the first two range increments of an archer's bow. It's certainly true that you could theoretically set up a situation where you get a thousand feet away and then perforate the opposition (especially with Air Walk), I'm not sure how much it actually comes up.

I see your point about the stark jump, but really, casters get some pretty stark jumps too, when they get new spell levels available (particularly 3rd to 4th level spells).
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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2012, 11:40:58 AM »
Actually, I rarely see encounter beyond 60', and most happen within 30, especially when one character uses precision damage.  But what I was saying about ranges was more a RL spin on things.  A 100 yard shot is a decent length, but hardly difficult, and begins the sniping range.  20 yards (the 60 feet) is nothing for small arms, and pistols are really hard to aim.  Now, since this is for precision, not just hitting, things get more complicated.  But still, I think that for a class called a Sniper, not being able to hit hard from further than 30' away is a problem, and having to wait until level 11 to get a full range increment for a primary class feature to be featured is just ridiculous.  Casters, well, yeah they get a jump every other level, but I find that that's a problem as well.
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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2012, 12:51:29 PM »
Oh. I was totally mis-reading your intent. Yeah, ranged SA should improve at a lower level. That is for sure.

Given the first 1d6 comes at 2nd level, that seems like a good level to improve the range (to a minimum of 60 feet, but possibly out to the first increment). It makes the class semi-dippable, but I don't have a huge problem with that.
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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2012, 12:57:00 PM »
In terms of a single massive-damage shot (like a modern-day sniper), how about increasing the critical multiplier in steps?

It also might be interesting to take this idea in a completely different direction.  Being a sniper is all about patience and biding your time, setting up the perfect shot with the perfect timing.  That sounds like more Int or Wis than Dex.  How about, instead of turning this into a variant rogue or scout, you make it a Wisdom-based archery class?

Class feature ideas:
~Zen Archery as a bonus feat at level 1
~Make Concentration checks to increase the critical multiplier on a given attack (EDIT: Or Spot, since this is Wisdom-based)
~Give 4-level spellcasting like a ranger (maybe just use the Ranger list), make sure they get Hunter's Mercy because it's necessary
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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2012, 07:17:59 PM »
just give (ex) abilities that mimic these spells, if only to boost the power.

This would be best, imo, and they shouldn't be limited /day.

Casters can totally out pace that type of ability while actively trying not to pull out any of the stops.

Yea, the range wasn't the issue; it was the slate intro and the jerky pace of it.

I'm personally fine with giving Distant Shot by level 16, max, to a class like this, and even allowing sneak attacks with it too, but the current progression is just terrible and doesn't actually give any bonuses to long-ranged attacks (other than the out of place dex boosts).

In my experience, extreme range encounters are quite rare, and often are set up deliberately from one side or the other.

True indeed, but if a class called "Sniper" doesn't actually have the capabilities to deliberately set up an extreme range encounter, the class fails miserably.

It makes the class semi-dippable, but I don't have a huge problem with that.

Neither does the author apparently, judging by the first couple of levels here... Only ones worth taking at all, really.

Also... Just nix the 'bonus feat list.' It is stupid and boring.

Grant abilities that roll the benefits of one or two the 'necessary' feats into one class ability for the weaker feats and just outright grant certain bonus feats for the ones that are actually a bit powerful.

And for gods' sake... Add a class ability that actually makes it easier and/or more effective to use the snipe action!

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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2012, 11:15:40 PM »
I haven't made any changes yet b/c I just saw all the comments.  Thanks for all the input!  I have to mull everything over, but I'm definitely going to make several changes.  I do like the idea of making it a WIS based archer. 

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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2012, 06:13:11 PM »
Wholesale changes.  Better?

Offline EjoThims

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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2012, 08:17:30 PM »
Wholesale changes.  Better?

Much. But it's still a little bumpy.

For example, not sure how I feel about the massive buff to crit multiplier... Even at only 18 Wis you're giving +7 on top of everything else... So at least 56d6 SA on crits, which all your attacks should be SAs by this point...

And HiPS comes super late for a class that relies on hiding so much.

Also, you should change "Finally, at 19th level, the maximum range at which a Sniper can make a sneak attack with no range penalty is Line of Sight, regardless of the weapon they are using" to something more like "Finally, at 19th level, the Sniper can make a sneak attack against any target she can hit, regardless of range."

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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2012, 08:18:11 PM »
Ranged Sneak Attack (Ex): At 3rd level, the maximum range at which a Sniper can make a Sneak Attack is 30ft, or a single range increment for the weapon they are using (i.e. A Sniper using a thrown dagger can make a ranged sneak attack at 30ft. with no distance penalty, and a Sniper using a composite longbow can make a ranged sneak attack at 110ft. with no distance penalty).  At 7th level, the maximum range increases to 60ft. / two range increments.  At 11th level, the maximum increases to 90ft / three range increments, and again at 15th level to 120 ft / four range increments.  Finally, at 19th level, the maximum range at which a Sniper can make a sneak attack with no range penalty is Line of Sight, regardless of the weapon they are using.

Improved Sneak Attack (Ex): A Sniper of sufficient level can make Sneak Attacks against creatures which would normally be immune to such attacks.  At 4th level, a Sniper can make sneak attacks against Undead.  At 8th level, a Sniper can use sneak attacks against Elementals.  A Sniper of 12th level can sneak attack Constructs, and at 16th level, a Sniper can make sneak attacks against Oozes and Plants.
I'd suggest changing these to:
Ranged Sneak Attack (Ex): At 3rd level, when making a ranged attack a sniper may treat any target within one range increment as being 30ft away for determining effects based on distance (such as sneak attack, coup de grace and Point Blank Shot). This has no effect if the target is closer than 30ft.

Horizon Eye (Ex): At 7th level, when making a ranged attack a sniper may treat her target as being one range increment closer for all purposes (including attack penalties, maximum attack distance, and her Ranged Sneak Attack ability). At 11th level she may treat her target as being two range increments closer, and at 15th level she may treat her target as being three range increments closer. At 19th level she may attack any target within line of sight as if they were within one range increment.

Improved Sneak Attack (Ex): At 4th level, a Sniper can make Sneak Attacks against creatures which would normally be immune to such attacks, but the damage dice are reduced to d2s. At 8th level these become d4s, and at 16th level she may apply her full sneak attack damage.
This way there's increased compatibility with other precision-based effects.

Trackless Step should come later. At lv1 I'd add an "Aim" ability which lets you take a move action to gain a damage bonus on your next ranged attack within 1 round equal to your Sniper level + your Wis modifier, along with halving its penalties for sniping. I'd say aiming is a more fundamental skill for a sniper than hiding your tracks, especially when the woodsman class doesn't get it that early.

Also, double spaces after a punctuation mark? Ew. :p
« Last Edit: February 22, 2012, 08:37:26 PM by Prime32 »

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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2012, 08:22:24 PM »
Horizon Eye (Ex): At 7th level, when making a ranged attack a sniper may treat her target as being one range increment closer for all purposes (including attack penalties, maximum attack distance, and her Ranged Sneak Attack ability). At 11th level she may treat her target as being two range increments closer, and at 15th level she may treat her target as being three range increments closer. At 19th level she may attack any target within line of sight as if they were within one range increment.

I would actually disagree with this one, myself... It means she has no penalty at all for attacks at any distance... The 19th level version is essentially setting your range increment to infinite as well as allowing sneak attacks.

I agree on the scaling SA dice against SA-immunes instead of granting by type though.

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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2012, 08:28:57 PM »
I would actually disagree with this one, myself... It means she has no penalty at all for attacks at any distance... The 19th level version is essentially setting your range increment to infinite as well as allowing sneak attacks.
And that's supposed to be a bad thing in the crazy-powerful world of lv19s? :huh

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Re: Sniper [3.5 Base Class]
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2012, 08:33:23 PM »

For example, not sure how I feel about the massive buff to crit multiplier... Even at only 18 Wis you're giving +7 on top of everything else... So at least 56d6 SA on crits, which all your attacks should be SAs by this point...

I'll have to change the wording a little.  That wasn't meant as WISMod on top of the previous increases.  It was instead of.  So with an 18 Wis, the crit mult buff is +4, not +7.

EDIT: Also, if you can sneak attack elementals (for example), does that imply that you can crit them?  Or - since that's the effect I want - should I state that outright?

MORE EDIT:  Would it be too much to give both Point Blank Shot and Zen Archery at 1st level?  It doesn't make sense to me for a "WIS-based archer" to wait for Zen Archery to 2nd, so I could switch those, but Point Blank Shot also seems necessary since it's the pre-req for everything else.  AND, should I give Precise Shot as a bonus, or figure that people will take that immediately anyway?
« Last Edit: February 22, 2012, 08:54:09 PM by FireInTheSky »