Okay Current Build:
Hoxill'tha NG, The Shadow of What Will Be
DvR 18:
HD :63
[D8*d8, 3*d8, 8*d8, 46*d4]HP:1659
[336+1323]Bab: +17/+12/+7/+2
Base Saves: +12/+10/ +14
Skill Points: 1935.
{ [(25+8)*4][(25+8)*7]+[(25+2)*3)]+[(25+6)*8)]+[(25+2)*46)]}= [132]+[231]+[81]+[249]+[1242]Portfolio: Knowledge, Magic, Mentalism, Psionics, Travel:
Divine Domains: Artifice, Destiny,Luck, Magic, Knowledge, Patience.
Stats: (Racial) [Levels]
STR 20 (+2)[+1] STR 23.
DEX 30 (+4) DEX 34.
CON 50 (+2) CON 52.
INT 50 (+8)[+2] INT 60.
WIS 50 (+6) [+6]WIS 56.
CHA 38 (+6) [+6]CHA 50.
HD 8, LA 7, Cleric 3,Illithid Savant 10, Factotum 8, Epic Illithid Savant 36
Cleric Domains: Magic, Planning.
Acquire Class Feature /[@HD gained]: Mettle(Ex)[14], Psioncs PsyWar ML 16, [18], Divine Impetus, [21], Maneuvers, Warblade, IL 20[33], Cunning Breach [36], Spell casting- SorcererCL 45[39] Cleric spell access[42] Psionic Egoist ML 50 [45], Soul Binding BL 55[48], Blank Aura[51], Divine Recovery[54],Empty Form,[57],Supernatural Spell 24/Day DwKL 50[60]Spell Power +35[63]
Acquire Special Attack/Class Feature/[@HD gained] Natural Cunning[16], Cloak of Mystery[20],Regeneration 40 [33] Blindsight 500ft (Uvuudaum) [37], Telepathy 50 miles[41], Unearthly Grace[45], Immune to Force[49], Immune to Light and Blindness[53],--- [57],---[61].
Feats[i#=IS feat]: Darkstalker[1], Extend Power[3], Maximize Power[6], Overchannel[9], Persistent Spell[12], Initiate of Mystra[15], Empower Spell[18], FoI- I[21], FoI- II [24],FoI- III, [27], FoI- VI[30],FoI- V [33],FoI- VI [36],FoI- VII [39], Heighten Spell[42], Improved Heighten Spell[45], Rapid Metamagic[48], Ignore Special Requirements[51], Bind Amun-her Khepeshef[54], Bind Gaia[57], Bind Tkhaluuljin[60], Epic Manifestation[63].
IS feats, Searing Spell[12], Energy Sub(Fire)[14], Shadow Weave[16], Insidious Magic[18], FoI-VIII[32], FoI -IX[34], Eschew Materials[36], Ignore Material Components[38], Still Spell[40], Improved Metamagic I[42], Improved Metamagic II[44], Improved Over Channel[46], Silent Spell[48], Mindsight[50], Extra Spell[52],Quicken Spelll[54], Multispell[56],Bind Additonal Epic Vestige[58],Bind Additonal Epic Vestige[60], Epic Spell Casting[62]
Balance 10
Bluff 66
Concentration 66
Decipher Script 66
Diplomacy 66
Disable Device 66
Disguise 66
Escape Artist 66
Forgery 66
Gather Information 66
Handle Animal
Intimidate 66
Knowledge(Arcana) 66
Knowledge(Architecture and engineering) 66
Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 66
Knowledge(Geography) 66
Knowledge(History) 66
Knowledge(Local) 66
Knowledge(Nature) 66
Knowledge(Nobility and royalty) 66
Knowledge(Religion) 66
Knowledge(The planes) 66
Listen 66
Move Silently 66
Open Lock 66
Search 66
Sense Motive 66
Sleight Of Hand 66
Speak Language
Spellcraft 66
Spot 66
Survival 66
Tumble 50
Use Magic Device 66
Use Rope
Knowledge (Psionics) 66
Psicraft 66
Use Psionic Device 66
Skill Points:2248
Skill Points gained from Acquire Skill: 358
Acquire Skill: Listen Move 54 [51] Silently 56[53]Open Lock 58[55]Forgery 60[57]Psicraft 61[59]Use Magic Device 64[61]Disable Device 66[63]
@Tshern. The runehound was a good suggestion. It the character won't go blind like a runehound to get it then will consider it.
Okay of the build so far, is there any abilities gained that the character should not of been able to defeat an opponent with the abilities in order to eat it's brain and, is there any way to gain the abilities with less levels of IS?
Okay with this set up Hoxill'tha will be able to bind 10 Vestiges before using feats, which should cover most elemental immunities and a few decent abilities from the epic vestiges. Have psionic and arcane epic spells. With the Arcane Mastery and the Spontaneous Arcane Spells SDA, with having Magic Domain to be able to spontaneously cast all wizard and cleric spells. I should be able to use Supernatural spell on the epic spell Esoteric Aegis for immunity to disjunction that can't be dispelled along with a few other buffs to persist. Force effects including force cage can be ignored due to Empty Form. With Divine Impetus and Cunning Surge the action economy battle is in Hoxill'tha's favor. Cunning Breach will allow the ignoring of DR/SR for targets to one less than to worry about.
What I'm not sure of is if this build will be able to locate Dispater once inside to Tower.