Author Topic: The Clay with a Q?  (Read 1088 times)

Offline ClayQ

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The Clay with a Q?
« on: January 13, 2012, 10:23:23 AM »
Or is it the Q with Clay. Honestly I'm not one for forums and or online social interaction online. I prefer to keep my interactions to Voice communication, I hate how text just can't really show inflection properly. That said; I've always found some value in the use of gaming forums so try to be a part of the better ones, And I'm completely lame in that I think I'll just steal their opening thread for what I should put here....

-Your name
ClayQ, Honestly the nick formed out of a typo, I ment to hit Tab and nailed the q, it just kinda stuck. Helps that Q relates to some awesome characters in modern fiction. The Q continuum? Q from bonds lab? Well it stuck. The name otherwise is Clayton.

-Your favorite games
Honestly; I'm a D&D fan I love the high fantasy game never quite got to 4e, 1e/2e/3e/3.5 all the way however I've kinda got stcuk on 3.5 with the mass of resources as opposed to the flaws of prior versions and the work of balancing my own additions. However Shadowrun holds a dear place in my heart, if I could only convince my gaming group to run it for me.... WoD too, but I generally get roped into running that so its grown dull for me.

-Your non gaming hobbies
There are non-gaming hobbies? Chess (but that's a game), 40k? (wait that's a game too...) I think I'll return to my original answer, there are non-gaming hobbies?

-Where you live, including country, without using abbreviations
I live in that messed up country called the United States, and as such I'm secretly hiding in the great northwest, and the downtrodden streets of Portland.

-What other communities you belong to meetups, message boards etc
I've been around a few in my time, which once i actively participate in, or would go back to.... RPOL, or OpenRPG.

-Your twitter, facebook or G+ handle
Ewe, scary thoughts to have such things. Avoided them for way too long, maybe after I get that new job however.... (here's to hoping?)
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