Author Topic: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos  (Read 20261 times)

Offline phaedrusxy

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Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« on: January 13, 2012, 11:12:25 PM »
This thread is devoted to Psionic Tattoos. There was an excellent Mind's Eye Article called "Getting Wired" that detailed a new feat which allowed the creation of Advanced Psionic Tattoos, which can contain powers above 3rd level, and also a few unique tattoos. It was 3.0, but Bacris did an excellent job of converting it to 3.5 Unfortunately, the thread where he did this was archived, and eventually lost. I fortunately had saved a copy of it, and I also found a thread where Lokiyn had posted an excellent mini-guide to using Psionic Tattoos. So I'm going to combine the two here, with a few modifications, and try to turn this into a mini-handbook on Psionic Tattoos.

I know there are also expanded rules for psionic tattoos in some of the Hyperconscious 3rd party material, but I'm not personally familiar with that. I do know that many (all?) of the authors were regulars from the Psionics forum at the WotC boards, and their material is well done from what I've heard.

First, we'll go over the "basics" of Psionic Tattoos. This is all mostly copied verbatim from Lokiyn's post, much of which is taken directly from the SRD.

Psionic Tattoos: The Basics

Crawling Tattoos
Crawling tattoos resemble standard psionic tattoos, but their effects are often harmful rather than beneficial. Like a psionic tattoo, a crawling tattoo can be scribed only with a power of no higher than 3rd level that targets one or more creatures. Exceptions are the body adjustment power, which can be scribed even though it affects only the manifester, and telepathy (compulsion) powers, which cannot be scribed at all. Powers that normally have an area affect only one target if scribed in a crawling tattoo. Powers with an experience point requirement cannot be scribed into a crawling tattoo. Otherwise, crawling tattoos are treated as psionic tattoos until they are activated by the wearer.

The wearer of a crawling tattoo can tap the tattoo as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, mentally specifying a target (to which the wearer must have line of sight). Instead of manifesting its stored power, the tattoo animates, drops to the ground, and scuttles toward the target. The original wearer need no longer concentrate on the tattoo once animated.
The animated tattoo moves toward its designated target in the same round when it is activated. Treat it as a Fine construct that has AC 18, 10 hit points, a hardness of 5, speed 30 feet, and a bonus on attack rolls equal to the wearer’s manifester level + his key ability modifier. Crawling tattoos, unlike true constructs, are subject to illusions, darkness, fog, and similar effects. Should the target be killed, teleport away, or otherwise absent itself before the animated tattoo reaches it, the wearer can reclaim the tattoo. If it is destroyed, a crawling tattoo shatters and evaporates.

A crawling tattoo must enter the target’s square to attack and thus provokes attacks of opportunity as it passes through the target’s threatened area. The tattoo makes one touch attack per round thereafter until it strikes its target or is destroyed. On a successful attack, the power scribed in the crawling tattoo affects the target if the target fails the appropriate saving throw; however, powers that normally allow a Reflex saving throw automatically affect the touched target. Crawling tattoos can ferry beneficial powers as well as harmful ones, and a target can allow the tattoo’s touch attack to succeed if he or she desires.

Two examples of crawling tattoos are described below; many more types are possible.

Market Price
The cost of a crawling tattoo depends on the level of the power scribed in it.
Code: [Select]
Power Level Market Price
1st 50 gp
2nd 300 gp
3rd 750 gp

Psionic Tattoos
Psionic tattoos are designs scribed on the skin that manifest powers on their wearers. The wearer doesn’t get to make any decisions about the tattoo’s effect—the manifester who scribed it has already done so.

Psionic tattoos can vary in size, but a creature can wear only a total of twenty tattoos at one time—attempting to add one more than this maximum causes all previously scribed tattoos to simultaneously activate. A psionic tattoo fades away after use.

Table: Psionic Tattoos
Code: [Select]

                          Power    Market
Minor   Medium   Major    Level    Price

01-47   01-08    --       1st      50 gp
47-100  09-75    01-50    2nd      300 gp
--      76-100   51-100   3rd      750 gp

Physical Description
A typical psionic tattoo is a colorful pattern of tiny, interlacing lines within a larger design. This design can be as simple as a circle or a star, or as complex as an artist wishes to make it. Once it is scribed, a tattoo’s design does not change. A psionic tattoo usually covers an area of skin no more than 5 inches in diameter (larger ones could be designed, but would have no added effect).

Scribing and Transferring Tattoos

The manifester level of a psionic tattoo is the minimum level required to manifest the scribed power. A psionic tattoo can contain only powers of 3rd level or lower.

A psionic tattoo inscribed on a wearer is potentially more mobile than a mundane tattoo. As a standard action, the wearer can will the tattoo to move to a different part of his body or onto the skin of any willing (or unconscious) living creature he touches. If the wearer of a psionic tattoo is rendered unconscious or is slain, another sentient creature can touch the tattoo while willing it to leave the previous wearer and apply itself to the new creature as a standard action. Psionic tattoos cannot overlay one another.

Identifying Psionic Tattoos

In addition to the standard methods of identification, the wearer of a tattoo can concentrate on it and attempt to gain some sense of how it would feel if activated. A successful DC 13 Intelligence check provides a hint to the tattoo’s effect.


A psionic tattoo produces its effect when touched by its wearer and willed to do so. This activity, called “tapping” the tattoo, is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. A psionic tattoo fades away after use.
The following rules govern the use of psionic tattoos.

• A creature must have an appropriate physical surface on which to scribe the pattern (thus, incorporeal creatures or creatures with impermanent flesh, such as fire elementals, cannot use psionic tattoos).
• Tapping a psionic tattoo provokes attacks of opportunity. A successful attack (including grappling attacks) against the wearer forces a Concentration check. A wearer who fails this check cannot concentrate effectively on the tattoo to use it. The tattoo remains untapped, and the wearer can make another attempt.
• A character can trigger the effects of another’s psionic tattoo if the other wearer is unconscious. It is a full-round action to find, touch, and concentrate on an unconscious creature’s tattoo in order to tap it.

The manifester level for a standard psionic tattoo is the minimum manifester level needed to manifest the power (unless otherwise specified).

Creating Psionic Tattoos

The creator of a psionic tattoo must have a patch of uncovered skin free of hair and fur, and at least a few containers in which to mix dyes. In addition, he needs special materials, usually to create dyes. The costs for materials and dyes are subsumed in the cost for scribing the psionic tattoo— 25 gp × the level of the power × the level of the manifester. All ingredients and materials used to scribe a psionic tattoo must be fresh and unused. The character must pay the full cost for scribing each psionic tattoo. (Economies of scale do not apply.)

The user of the psionic tattoo is both the manifester and the target; therefore, powers that target another creature cannot be stored in psionic tattoo form. Powers with a range of personal can be made into psionic tattoos, but they cost double the price of standard psionic tattoos.
The creator must know the power to be placed in the psionic tattoo (or must have the power available in some other form). If manifesting the power would reduce the manifester’s XP total, he pays the XP cost upon beginning the scribing in addition to the experience point cost for making the psionic tattoo itself. The act of scribing triggers the power as if it had been manifested, costing the character an appropriate number of power points.
Scribing a psionic tattoo requires one day.

Item Creation Feat Required: Scribe Tattoo.


These are the rules that govern Psionic Tattoos and their use.

Many people make the mistake of treating Psionic Tattoos as potions. While they can serve that purpose they are considerably more useful than that.

First off Psionic Tattoos can hold nearly any power inside of them. To sum up the full texts above here are the limitations

Psionic tattoos

1.) Any power that targets a creature or creatures, or has a personal range is a valid target for the tattoo.
2.) Personal powers cost double
3.) 25 gp × PL × ML however x2 if personal
4.) 20 total including Crawling tattoos and extras

Crawling Tattoos

1.) Must target a Creature or creatures Personal powers are not allowed
2.) There are only Two exceptions to this rule
a. Body Adjustment even though a personal power may be scribed
b. Under no circumstances may a [Telepathy (compulsion)] power be scribed.
3.) Crawling Tattoos have formula for cost. Although not listed a quick examination of the chart for the costs reveals the formula to be (ML*PL*50)
4.) 20 total including Psionic tattoos and extras

Edit: Link to discussion thread.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2015, 09:52:21 PM by phaedrusxy »
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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2012, 11:12:50 PM »
This is also mostly from Lokyin's post (with some modifications by me), which is basically his summaries, commentary, and suggestions on the Getting Wired update by Bacris.


Ok now that the basics are out of the way.

Getting Wired
Getting Re-Wired (Bacris' update, now a blank page)

Getting Wired(the Original) and Getting Re-Wired the update by Bacris.

This material is what allows Tattoos to really shine.

This material Adds the feat

Psionic Tattoo Mastery [Item Creation]
(click to show/hide)

This feat grants several nifty benefits

1.) First off the 3rd level limits are lifted and you may now scribe tattoos up to 9th level although higher levels take higher slots.
2.) Second you may augment the powers stored in the tattoos. For each extra power point spent during creation the ML increases by one (remembering the power point cap of course)
3.) For every 2 additional manifester levels, the power level increases by 1.

The Third Benefit is what has repeatedly blown my mind every time I see it.
This is the only known way to actually increase the effective level of a power. No other mechanic in all of psionics can produce this effect, Period, And I have searched repeatedly, however psionics has no heighten. (heh watch me eat my words and someone finds something else, that is blatantly obvious.)

Also provided by this feat are Special Tattoos

These Tattoos modifiy existing tattoos.

Quick Summary of the Special Tattoos.

Fuse [F]: If you attempt add more than 20 tattoos This tattoo activates and prevents them from going off rendering them inert until you drop below the 20. 1/3 of a slot

Tactics: While using a fuse, slip on another tattoo to render them inert. Depending on your reading that would render them undetectable to diction (aside from the Mark I Eye of course) Then if you hace a need slide a tattoo to another person or creature and the remaining 19 slots woth of tattoos reactivate at the end of the round. (mostly useless)

Relay [R]: Basically a sequencer Tattoos fire of on per round in a chosen order. (uses up one full slot)

Tactics: If attached to a mental tap you can fire off two buffs in the first round of combat and one per round afterwords until you run out of tattoos, emergency use only

Integrated Circuit [Ic]: Basically this allows you to Attach and separate special tattoos to other tattoos for 1pp to join and 1 pp to split, (one Slot)

Tactics: Basically a Reorganizational tool, It lets you change your mind and spend three standard actions to move one special tattoo to another normal tattoo

Circuit Breaker [Cb]: Basically if you have one of these it protects your tattoos. From overload and nullification. (1slot)

Tactics: All time fave, With this thing on you can be hit with a dozen Disjunctions and at the end of it spend 3 pp and a standard action to bring them back online. (again this depends on your reading of Inert)

Mental Tap [Mt]: Concious owners of their tattoos with this attached to them can activate their tattoos as a swift action Schism Minds can activate the tattoos but as a standard action (1slot)

Tactics: Nothing like another way to use up swift actions, as well as its great for emergency powers. like evade burst or any teleportation effect. (huzzah for pouncing)

Capacitor [C]:
Tapped tattoos do not vanish when each is attached to a capacitor (one per tattoo) Instead the capacitor has 1 pp and the owner has one less each day until the total pp equals what is needed to manifest the power from the tattoo. (1slot)

Tactics: Whats to say, Preserve those expensive tattoos.

Transducer [T]:
Charge Capacitors attached to this at the ratio of 2:1. Recharge those tattoos much faster than 1pp per day.(1slot)

Tactics: Use those Expensive tattoos more often, and use up those extra power points at the end of the day (pssh as if your going to have any left, It looks like you have a lot but it empties fast)

Inducer [In]: Contingency for the tattoo (2slots)

Tactics: again, emergency use or mutople tattoos at once with the same trigger.

There are two Advanced Tattoos that I haven’t ever really used but for the sake of thoroughness

Emitter [E]: Basically, A prismatic burst. Everyone withing 50 ft radius gets smote with Rays 8Hd and below Auto blinded. (it has 9 possible effects and Dc 22 saves for each ray, check the sources for more info). (11slots 17th ML)

Tactics: Explosion of rainbow colored goodness, its like getting mugged by a bag of skittles

Psychic Battery [Pb]: Stored pp. (varied Slots)

Tactics: Stored pp Cant be attached to anything else ::shrugs::

However none of this applies to Crawling Tattoos Sadly.

Alright now what to do with all this.

First off there are the obvious buff uses and healing tattoos. This is pretty much self explanatory

Second are the uncommon uses of the Tattoos, Like Hustle Tattoo hooked up to an inducer, which can give you move action whenever a condition is reached, very nice. Or an ectoplasmic form swift tattoo.

The best uses of these Tattoos are in the powers that use exp. Just grabbing Tattoos at random a Temporal Regression Tattoo would cost you exp only once when you craft it.

Or a Metafaculty Tattoo for Free seeking once every 17 days or so. (I’m envisioning this as an elaborate facial tattoo that has a pattern of a closed eye that opens when in use for style)

You Psicrystals can benefit from tattoos as well. Tattoos normally take up 5 square inches but that are not required to you could theoretically write tiny tattoos for your psicrystal to use.

As I mentioned above Crawling tattoos have an upper limit of level 3 powers my personal favorite was the Ectoplasmic Cocoon Tatoo. Since Crawling Tattoos move on their own the make great subtle attacks that you or another can release that sneak up and into the opponents square and make Touch attacks at your ML+ Key ability modifier). If the power allows a reflex save for half it no longer allows that if the touch attach succeeds

Of course that a 3 and below quick scan (for the most part)

My personal Favorite Tattoos are

Psionic, Revivify tattoos that have a relay, capacitor, inducer, transducer attached. With a D door as well as the initial tattoo in the relay.

You are attacked and die which triggers the Dslide as you die sending you away, the next round the Rely triggers the Revivify bringing you back to life with no level loss, no Constitution loss, and no loss of powers. And a quick healing later you are back above the stable -1 it puts you at and back in combat.

Here is a detailed writeup for how to do this (PhaedrusXY):
(click to show/hide)

Theoretically I believe that you could justify a crawling tattoo of Dimensional swap for infiltration since it has the word creature in its target line
Fun extreme uses are mental tap inducer tattoos of psionic Restore extremity that in theory would restore your head as a swift action on a vorpal strike.

Tons of other fun uses of Tattoos, including the Rainbow Shotput.
Basically Slap an emmiter/capacitor+mental tap on a psicrystal and hurl it toward your enemies so that the 50 ft radius bust doesn’t catch any allies.
Attacking with regular tattoos is difficult but not impossible. Basically you just have to target yourself with an effect that also has a burst and be sure to have some sort of immunity to the damage.. Hail of crystals is one option There really isn’t a huge number of those options.

Basically a little creativity opens up a lot of options with this system.

Example by PhaedrusXY
This material allows you to do some very cool things, if you think about how to best use it. Here is what I was planning for one character of mine that had very limited psionic powers on his own (Kalashtar with 2 levels of Warmind). I was planning on taking advantage of the fact that Elocater's get access to some powers earlier than normal to keep the cost down on some otherwise expensive tattoos.

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« Last Edit: December 22, 2015, 09:51:57 PM by phaedrusxy »
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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2012, 11:13:16 PM »
Bacris' original "Getting Re-Wired" post, without commentary:

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I don't pee messages into the snow often , but when I do , it's in Cyrillic with Fake Viagra.  Stay frosty my friends.

Offline phaedrusxy

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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2012, 11:14:12 PM »
Quote from: Emy
Capacitors are amazing, and always have been. I always use capacitors if I have psionic tattoos available.

Oh, Getting Wired also allows fully augmented Claws of the Beast for people that wouldn't normally have it. You, too, can be a ________ of Smack!

Thanks for posting that, as a reward for your research I'll fill you in on the tattoo content found in hyperconsiouness.  Two feats that make tattoos last longer; lasting tattoo and permenant tattoo. Permenent tattoo basically makes the power you scribes a psi-like ability.  The tattoo is used and recharges in 24hours.

Are we looking at the same Hyperconscious?

There's also the Pattern Master prestige class, which is focused entirely towards tattoos. It's not perfect, but hey, what is? (Aside from Artificer :eh)

8/10 manifesting (non-manifesting levels are at 1 and 10)

Abilities (1 per level):
  • Enduring Tattoo bonus feat (instead of poofing when first tapped, an activated tattoo becomes inactive for 24h. if tapped after that it disappears. Takes two slots). -- w/Getting Wired, not very useful | replaced by capacitors
  • Activate 1 tattoo per round as a swift mental action.
  • Craft universal item, except only for crawling tattoos.
  • Scribe tattoos of up to 5th level -- w/Getting Wired, not very useful | replaced by Psionic Tattoo Mastery feat
  • Tattoo power duration can be extended by making them take up one more slot than normal.
  • Permanent Tattoo bonus feat (instead of poofing when tapped, the tattoo just goes inactive for 24h. Lasts indefinitely) -- w/Getting Wired, not very useful | replaced by capacitors
  • Steal 1d4 tattoos of your choice with a touch attack, 1/day
  • Psi-like ability Expunge Psionic Circuit 1/day - ranged touch attack to destroy a tattoo, 3d6 damage to the person it's on
  • Double tattoo slots. :D
  • For 1 hour per day, the first attack each round vs the pattern master triggers a ranged attack on the attacker for a puny 2d6. Also the pattern master gets Regeneration 1 (weaknessess fire+cold)

Also Hyperconscious spoilers
(click to show/hide)

Edit with a couple more things:

Psychic Reformation + Capacitor = BOOP BEEP ENTERING COMBAT CONFIGURATION. Swappable feats aren't just for chameleons anymore.

Capacitors: Note that they don't actually take power points from the user. Rather, the user starts with 1 less each day, and the tattoo starts with 1 more.

People with a way of generating temporary power points (wizards with Mental Pinnacle, anyone Psycarnum Infusion + Azure Talent)
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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2012, 03:13:17 AM »
huzzah! thank you for preserving this!

Offline phaedrusxy

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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2012, 02:25:14 PM »
huzzah! thank you for preserving this!
No problem. It's awesome stuff. We can't let it die! :D
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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2012, 02:34:19 PM »
Its fantastic material, im currently playing a psion using these rules. Great stuff :D

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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2012, 09:28:14 AM »
What are the odds they'll port over/Pathfinder-ize these for DSP's Pathfinder Psionic material?  99% of it would remain unchanged I imagine, as the only real change is nothing costs XP now, only gold. time GP expenditure to reformat my Psion/Sorc/<whatever abilities known per level character> to match the Tier 1's just sounds like the grand equalizer to me (as it was in 3.5).

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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2012, 10:39:25 PM »
I remember having to go through this several times as the clutch example wasn't very clear. Apparently the tattoos have to use the full 2D area ... otherwise some of the stuff wouldn't work as intended

This is a good resource ... but it could be clearer.

Btw are we supposed to post after the handbooks now or not?

Offline phaedrusxy

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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2012, 11:58:44 AM »
I remember having to go through this several times as the clutch example wasn't very clear. Apparently the tattoos have to use the full 2D area ... otherwise some of the stuff wouldn't work as intended

This is a good resource ... but it could be clearer.

Btw are we supposed to post after the handbooks now or not?
Could you clarify what parts you find difficult? What do you mean the tattoos have to take up the full 2d area, otherwise it wouldn't work as intended? What specifically wouldn't work?
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Offline sirpercival

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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2012, 03:33:07 PM »
Hey phae, can you fix the code for the table in the middle of the first post?
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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2012, 08:09:00 PM »
something important to note, crawling tattoos are actually universal items, requiring the craft universal item feat, rather than the craft psi-tattoo feat.

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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2012, 12:22:42 AM »
Hey phae, can you fix the code for the table in the middle of the first post?
How do I fix it? I just don't have time to figure it out...
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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2012, 12:31:27 AM »
Code: [Select]

                          Power    Market
Minor   Medium   Major    Level    Price

01-47   01-08    --       1st      50 gp
47-100  09-75    01-50    2nd      300 gp
--      76-100   51-100   3rd      750 gp

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(member in good standing of the troll-feeders guild)

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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2012, 10:49:24 PM »
just noticed that fighting tattoos are missing. found in the athasian emporium, p95. similar to crawling tattoos, but they transform into an astral construct and go after the target designated at time of tapping. unlike most tattoos, levels one through nine exist. not stated as such, but it might harmonize better the higher level ones were only available with the expanded feat.

Offline phaedrusxy

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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2012, 11:01:57 PM »
just noticed that fighting tattoos are missing. found in the athasian emporium, p95. similar to crawling tattoos, but they transform into an astral construct and go after the target designated at time of tapping. unlike most tattoos, levels one through nine exist. not stated as such, but it might harmonize better the higher level ones were only available with the expanded feat.
It sounds cool, but it's a 3rd party book that I don't own.
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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2012, 11:24:40 PM »
its not a third party book, it is offical wotc content.

and you can own it as easily as downloading it from the officially designated host:

Offline PlzBreakMyCampaign

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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2015, 02:32:25 PM »
its not a third party book, it is offical wotc content.

and you can own it as easily as downloading it from the officially designated host:
Or for everyone else, WotC's offhand "go get your AD&D campaign fix over there and leave us alone" comment != "Official Content." There is no editing or oversight on fan-based D&D websites. They could literally make up anything they want over there.

Also Discussion Thread.

Offline nijineko

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Re: Getting Re-Wired: Expanded Psionic Tattoos
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2015, 07:57:11 PM »
its not a third party book, it is offical wotc content.

and you can own it as easily as downloading it from the officially designated host:
Or for everyone else, WotC's offhand "go get your AD&D campaign fix over there and leave us alone" comment != "Official Content." There is no editing or oversight on fan-based D&D websites. They could literally make up anything they want over there.

Also Discussion Thread.

the fact that wotc declared them official overrides any opinions you, myself, or everyone else has. the content creator/owner made them coequal. therefore, it is official content.

and thank you for the discussion thread link.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2015, 07:59:49 PM by nijineko »