Author Topic: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?  (Read 7470 times)

Offline gleith

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Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« on: January 17, 2012, 11:42:25 PM »
As per the subject, I plan on making a character that eventually takes the Dread commando prestige. This is because I like what it does. I've also considered using the Legionnaire from the Mercenaries book from the d20 system instead of fighter, and the Mercenary ranger from the same book to replace the ranger... Would this be a good idea? Or should I use a Rogue/ fighter combination, or perhaps something else?

My Dm has not set a restriction on books.

We're using the 5D6 best three method for generating ability's.

Also, a monster race, with low level adj is acceptable, I like half dragons personally. However, I need something with as low a level adjustment as possible.

On a further note, I'd like this character be somewhat intimidating in and out of a fight, but intelligent.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 12:05:48 AM by gleith »
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Offline Lunarambling

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Re: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2012, 01:12:06 AM »
Feral Half-Minotaur Insert Name of Favorite Basic Race Here ? +2LA for ridiculous physical stat bonuses, Large size, and some other goodies. Half Dragon is +3 LA, so if you wanted you could probably find something else to add to make up that 1 LA.

Half Minotaur give you (assuming a medium race, like Human for a Feat)+12 Str, -2 Dex, +6 Con, +2 Wis and +4 Natural Armor. Also you get Dark Vision and Scent, a small bonus to Spot, Search, and Listen; +10 movement speed; can always tell which direction is North; +4 versus Maze spell. And you are Large, which gives you Reach. And the Track Feat.

Feral then gives you +10 to you land speed, +6 Natural Armor, two claw attacks for 2d6, +4 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, -4 Int, +2 Wis. Depending on DM interpretation you may also get scaling Dark Vision and Fast Healing. The Special Qualities section specifies only Hit Dice, wording very similar to the Flight ability of Raptorans or Dragonborn, where as the Special Attacks section uses monster Hit Dice.

Do, total Stat Adjustments: +16 Str, -4 Dex, +8 Con, -4 Int, +4 Wis. Natural Armor:+10. +20 movement speed. 10 foot reach with pretty bad ass claw damage, and possibly Fast Healing scaling with level.

Seems pretty decent chassis for a melee build. Very mobile, hits like a mac truck, and has natural reach to help with threatening. The Hit to Dex and Int may hurt. You could slap the above on a Fire Elf which would make the hit to Dex and Int only -2, but lower your Con and Cha by -2. Or a Lesser Tiefling which would lower the hit to Dex/Int to -2, and only hit Cha with -2. Or Lesser Air Genasi, which would lower the hit to Int/Dex to -2, and add -2 Wis -2 Cha.

I would probably go Feral Half Minotaur Lesser Tiefling. +16 Str, -2 Dex, +8 Con, -2 Int, +4 Wis -2 Cha.

Have you rolled Stats yet?  What level are you starting at? And you seemed to imply that this LA was free, is that accurate?

I might go with an Exoticist Fighter(Dragon Mag 310) to get proficiency in any 4 exotic weapons. Choosing Spiked Chain, Greatbow, Greathorn Minotaur Hammer, and whatever you like. For this you lose Martial Weapon Proficiency. Go  Fighter 2/Ranger2/Barbarian 1/Dread Commando 5/xxx assuming taht by low level adj acceptable you meant free.

Trade Favored Enemy for Arcane Hunter: get Favored Enemy (Arcanists).
Trade Track, which you have from Half Minotaur to get Trapfinding and Disable Device as a Skill.
Give up Wild Empathy for Voice of the City to communicate with people who speak language you don't.
Give up Combat Styles from the PHB to get Fangshield Ranger: 2nd level Improved Natural Attack OR Take Strong Arm Style (Dragon 326) to get Power Attack for free.

Trade Rage for Whirling Frenzy(UA).
Trade Fast Movement for Pounce (Lion Spirit Totem, Complete Champion)

1st: Dodge
Ranger 2: Power Attack
Fighter 1: Mobility
Fighter 2: Improved Bullrush
Level 3: Improved Init
Level 6: Shocktrooper
Level 9: Combat Reflexes if your Dex is decent/Standstill if not?

I believe that you should have a 20ft reach with an appropriately sized spiked chain. If you can fit it in Imp Trip would be helpful, and you could get with 1 more level of Barbarian by taking the Wolf Totem from UA.

Skills will be tight. You are going to have to buy at least 1 rank each of Hide and Move Silently cross-classed. But depending on your Int, that may not be too bad. Trick is going to be that you are going to need at least a Dex and Int of 15 before racial adjustments. But with the 5d6 method that doesn't seem too terrible. Even if you end up putting mediocre scores in Str, Con, and Wis, the boost from Racial adj, will make up quite a bit.

Offline gleith

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Re: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2012, 01:30:04 AM »
How many racial levels does a half minotaur have if any? Also level adjustment wont be free, sadly.
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Offline Jackinthegreen

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Re: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2012, 01:56:11 AM »
Half-minotaur doesn't have any RHD.  It's a template from Dragon Magazine 313, page 94.  Feral is a template from Savage Species, page 115.

Combine them and there is much ass-kicking to be done.

And you'll want to see if you can buy off LA through

Offline gleith

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Re: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2012, 02:26:23 AM »
Rolled stats
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Offline gleith

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Re: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2012, 02:40:30 AM »
Something else I just came accross that I think would make for an interesting flavor is the PrC Hoardstealer. I'm now thinking of going rogue, ranger/fighter,dreadcommando(as its only 5 levels), then going hoardstealer
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I am not new to this, but I am not very advanced either ... I have a lot to learn about creating worlds and characters.

Offline Jackinthegreen

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Re: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2012, 03:17:05 AM »
The main question is: what exactly do you want to do with the character?  Sudden Strike's damage is fair, but there are better ways to do it.

The Avenger class might suit your fancy.  A Scout/Ranger Swift Hunter build might work too.  If you want "haste personified" then you might enjoy the Swiftblade

Offline gleith

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Re: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2012, 03:29:35 AM »
Well aside from being able to sneak in heavy armor well(after i have something made from mithral of course...) and still being able to hit okay, I want it to be interesting. I'm more about flavor than being complete devastation. I'm not fully decided on the hoardstealer though
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I am not new to this, but I am not very advanced either ... I have a lot to learn about creating worlds and characters.

Offline gleith

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Re: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2012, 03:56:16 AM »
What book is the urban ranger in? We're apparently going to be in city's alot

edit: Never mind
« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 04:31:39 AM by gleith »
You may ask, how good is this one.. This one's answer would be as follows:
Not as good as this one would like...

I am not new to this, but I am not very advanced either ... I have a lot to learn about creating worlds and characters.

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Re: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2012, 06:26:25 AM »
Look at ToB. Mostly one level of Warblade is pretty useful, Aptitude can do a lot and 3 maneuvers +1 stance is very nice. Remember to take that level as late as possible. If you want to be more tanky, Crusader could be better for a 5 HP buffer and situational +to hit and +dmg.

Offline NiteCyper

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Re: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2012, 04:01:05 PM »
(click to show/hide)
You can't decide, insofar as you want something interesting. You could try something simple, like Fighter 20. What's important to realize is that a lot of flavour comes from roleplaying. If you've ever read the Sellwords, you'd be amazed to learn that Jarlaxle can be statted as Fighter 20. All of his magic stems from items. Fighter 20 viability depends on group power and EL (encounter level). If your DM presents tier 3 challenges, you can't contribute enough. If your group is stronger than you, ditto.
The problem isn't necessarily uninterest, but indecision.
What? NiteCyper's post is evolving!

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Re: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2012, 04:23:43 PM »
The problem with this idea is that in spite of the -ACP, Rangers still lose some of their abilities in heavy armor.  I would say that the best classes to use are actually the Factotum and the Warblade.

Factotum 3/Warblade 7/Blood Claw Master 5/Dread Commando 5, not necessarily in that order.
Variant: Hit-And-Run Tactics Fighter from Drow of the Underdark

Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10

Human and Dwarf both have pros and cons relating to this setup.  Humans can use the ToB features of this setup better, while a Dwarf gives a Constitution bonus and a lot of nice racial features.

You will not have many feats to burn on Font of Inspiration.  You need Dodge and Mobility for Dread Commando, and you should add Elusive Target since it's a great front-line feat overall.  Two-Weapon Fighting is required for Bloodclaw Master.  Using TWF, Ironheart Aura and Stormguard Warrior will be a good source of damage for you (although you can already manage double Int + 3d6 against a flat-footed target).

Offline Lunarambling

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Re: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2012, 11:52:21 PM »
I have been thinking about this.

Feral Half-Minotaur Tiefling

Str 34
Dex 14
Con 20
Wis 14
Int 12
Cha 11

Bonuses from leveling can be plugged in where ever. I favored Cha.

Ranger2/Fighter2/Barbarian2/Dread Commando5/Scorpion Heritor9

Ok so, using the chassis I had put up before, you go:

Ranger2: Picking up Trapfinding, Disable Device in place of Track. Voice of the City in place of Wild Empathy. Favored Enemy (Arcanist). Strong Arm Ranger sub level (Lose Archery/Two Weapon Fighting get Power Attack. Skill: Hide, Move Silently, Knowledge Nature, Survival, Spot, Search, Listen 5 ranks.

Fighter2(PHB trade ride for tumble): Bonus Feats: Dodge, Mobility Use the 6 skill ranks to get Hide, Move Silently, to 6. Tumble 2 ranks.

Barbarian(Whirling Frenzy, Spirit Lion Totem, Wolf Totem, Trade ride for tumble): Pounce (loses Fast Movement), Imp. Trip. (loses Uncanny Dodge) Skills: Tumble 4, Hide, Move Silently 7.

Dread Commando: Pretty sure that you know what this does.

Scorpion Heritor: Scorpion's Instinct (Hide bonus, -10 to distance at which Scent is effective.), 4d6 sneak attack, Envenom Blade (3/day, use your spit as poison, DC 15+Wis Mod, deals 1d4 Con repeat secondary.), Scorpion Form (become a Tiny Monstrous Scorpion 1/day for 1 minute.), Immunity to Scorpion Venom, Scorpion's Sense (tremorsense like ability), Scorpion's Tail (1/day for 1hr, grow a Scorpion tail, 1d6, DC 24 1d4 Con primary/secondary).

1/2 Minotaur: Track
First Level: Scorpion's Resolve(+4 vs Mind Affecting)
Third Level: Improved Bullrush
Sixth Level: Shocktrooper
Ninth Level: IUS
Twelfth Level: Imp Initiative
Fifteenth Level: Dark Stalker
Eighteenth Level: Superior  Unarmed Strike

So, this build has 4d6 Sneak Attack, 3d6 Sudden Strike, You can do the scary charger thing, charging with +17 bab for 4 unarmed strikes for 2d6 (possibly more, I have had DMs that did not let size modify this damage, but I have also had DMs allow size to modify), plus 2 claws for 2d6 more. If you manage to go first, you are doing 19d6+12 base, plus PA. You have some decent sneak abilities, including the ability to shift to a scorpion, though I wish there were someway to get that more often. Overall, not the most Uber character, but definitely can sneak around and kill folks. In this case with his bare hands, which for me earns bonus points.

Offline gleith

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Re: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2012, 07:02:20 AM »
Hmm, chances are I'm not going to be able to convince my DM of Tieflling, as the campaign this is for is going to be Humans only at the beginning, with the possibility of finding other races if we roleplay into them (I.e. search for them, and find them). He is hesitant to even allow me to find a  Half-minotaur (as we've been discussing this character specifically) let alone A feral one. I have convinced him of a Half-Minotaur Human though, at least more or less lol.

Also, not my Dm is slightly difficult sometimes, but he's generally great at what he does.

This latest version is much to my liking, albeit differing from my general scope of play (tank, who wears the biggest armor available, and hits like freight train) But what fun is role playing if you never try to do something nes, and i've never played anything that's even remotly sneaky
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I am not new to this, but I am not very advanced either ... I have a lot to learn about creating worlds and characters.

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Re: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2012, 12:31:21 PM »
I posted this on the old board looking for sugggestions and the main one that kept comming up was to get into grave touched ghoul. ( As the DM had a cleric around every corner that was not an option) There was also some suggestions on changing the choice of rings.

A recent thread got me to thinking about an assassin who uses dex and speed to get the job done. Hide, move in to hit, move away to hide again.

Here's the build so far (we do 4d6, reroll 1's)
Str 14
Dex 26
Con 16
Int 23
Wis 19
Cha 20
(As he's evil he has used Steal Life spells to prolong his life thus the high mental stats)

Ranger2(Arcane Hunter ACF)/ Swashbuckler1/ Fighter2( ACF Hit & Run)/ Cloistered Cleric1(Access to Knowledge Devotion)/ Dread Commando 5/ Assassin 3
Templates are Shadow Creature (for a +2LA by DM, Will not count toward ECL) and Vecna Blooded for +1 LA

Ancestor: Warrior Instinct
Human: Dodge
Flaw: Telling Blow
Flaw: Craven
1: Improved Initiative
1: Ranger: Track, Favored Enemy Arcanist
2: Ranger Combat Style: Two Weapon Fighting
3: Foe Specialist
3: Swashbuckler: Weapon Finese
4: Fighter Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus Rapier
5: Fighter Bonus Feat: Mobility
6: Power Critical Rapier
9: Improved Critical Rapier
12: Leadership
15: Spring Attack

Domains( Both Cleared by DM)
Celerity: +2 to Dex and Inititive, +10 ft to move
Mysticism: Add Cha Mod to Saving throws
Knowledge: Knowledge skills are now class skills

Knowledge Domain at rank 40 (Scholar: Once per day, negate a single ability of an enemy creature that you've discovered using a successful Knowledge check )

Full attack  23/ 22/ 18/ 17

Regular Attack is 1d6 +4 (with magic weapon +1 Baaatorian Steel, Bane, Deadly precision Maiming) Primary attack and 1d4+2 off Hand

Sneak Attack   9d6 + 27

If the target uses Arcane spells or spell like abilities Add 3d6 +6 

Crits on 15 - 20 (Crit Damage is 1d6 + 19 x 1d4)

Init is 30 (+4feat, +2ACF, +5Dread Commando Level, +2Domain, +8Dex and +9Magic Items)

Skill Tricks
Find the weak point: Use spot check against AC and treat next Attack as Touch Attack
Mosquito's Bite: Taget will think I miss on first attack

Move should be 90 with templates, doman and Collar of Umbral Metamorphisis.

Hide skill 52
Move Silently 45

Magic Items of note:
Belt of Battle 
Bracers of Murder Combined with Deathstrike Bracers
Ring of Anticipation to reroll Init Checks
Ring of Invisibility

Magic Location Effects:
Terrible Cyst: Smite good once per day
Otyttugh Hole: Iron Will
The Hghest Spire: Agile Athlete, Dex instead of strenght to Climb and jump

Using an Artificer as a Cohort who has done everything to reduce cost of crafting for magic items.

The idea was to be effective even without the magic items (as AMFs were a common occurance in the setting) as a wizard killing specalist. Fast, he always attacks first( using the belt of battle he can even go second as well), sneaky( very high hide skill and Vecna blooded means divination can't find him), attack and  hide again before the target hit's the ground, repeat. At this level you are only 2 behind the front line fighter in BAB, can cast cleric and assassin spells, high UMD means you can use scrolls or items for extra casting if needed.
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Re: Creating a good Fighter/ranger/dread commando combo... tips?
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2012, 02:29:36 PM »
Yeah, Ring of Anticipation on that build is silly, because you're already off the RNG in terms of raw bonus.

For a "tank that hits like a freight train" style build, that's tough.  Typically, the builds with the best AC are unarmored and stack ability score bonuses to AC.  There is some variety of heavy armor, though, that adds a +14 to AC... don't remember what it is.

Dwarf Factotum 3/Crusader 4/Dread Commando 5

You can add 8 more levels to boost your AC...  argue that Deepwarden circumvents Max Dex to get your full Constitution to AC, and then you can increase that by your Int mod a few times per encounter.  Hard to say whether or not it will be *that* helpful.