Hey guys,
since my last build was way to powerful for my group I'm working on a new one.
The group consists of a Barbarian, a Sorcerer and a Druid. All heavily unoptimized and level 2.
I may start with a level three character and preferably some melee type.
So I went for the crusader since healing is also scarce.
We recently went from play with the chessboard squares to pure imagination again.
This and the fact, that a AoO focused tripper would be seriously overpowered in this group made me want to go another route.
The only problem with this is, that I am a min/maxer by heart and it is very hart for me to gimp myself willingly.
This is why I need your opt-fu expertise as well as objectivity.
My idea so far:
"The primitive yet lovable damagesoaker, that from time to time heal-saves your ass"
Neanderthal Crusader (3)
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
1.Extra Granted Maneuver
3.Stone Power
6.Power Attack
Weapon: Greatclub (1d10/x20; bludgeoning) - For fluff and the +1 to hit from being neanderthal
Armor: Half-Plate
1. BAB: 1 Fort: 2 Ref: 0 Will: 0 Maneuver: 5/5(3)/1
2. BAB: 2 Fort: 3 Ref: 0 Will: 0 Maneuver: 5/5(3)/2
3. BAB: 3 Fort: 3 Ref: 1 Will: 1 Maneuver: 6/5(3)/2
Skills (4):
Knowledge (Religion) 4
Ride 2
Diplomacy 7
Intimidate 7
Balance 5
Listen 2
Spot 2
Survival 2
Steely Resolve (Ex): Delay 5 Damage until end of next round
Furious Counterstrike (Ex): +x Att/ +x Dmg; x=Delayed Damage/5; min 1
Indomitable Soul: Cha-Mod to Wis save
Zealus Surge: Reroll one saving throw per day. Take last. Reroll before knowing if success or fail.
Stone Power: On Attack/Full Attack/Stone Dragon Strike take up to -5 on Att, gain twice as many temp hitpoints until beginning of next turn.
Climate tolerant: No fort check needed between -20/140 farenheit
Stone Bones (SD): Hit with normal att -> DR 5/Adamantine
Crusaders Strike (DS): Att enemy with at least one different alignment component that threatens us -> heal ally for 1d6+1/inilvl within 10 feet
Vanguard Strike (DS): Hit enemy -> all allies gain +4 to att until start of my next turn
Douse the flames (WR): Hit with att -> enemy cant AoO for 1 round.
Charging Minotaur (SD): Make bullrush attempt without provoking AoOs, strength check win -> 2d6+str mod dmg
Iron guards glare: threatened enemies -4 to att agains allies (Enemies aware of consequences)
Martial Spirit: Successful att -> heal self or ally within 30 feet for 2
Mountain Hammer (SD): +2w6 dmg , ignore hardness/DR
I may use the average money (2700 GP) for a level 3 charactr as I see fit.
What definitely seems reasonable is abusing the low cost of the "calling" enhancement.
Attacked at night? Just call the damn armor and be ready within a round. Just too damn good to pass in my oppinion.
Now I definitely dont want to use template or LA stuff, because my DM is kind of new.
Still, every book is allowed.
What do you guys think of this build? Do you have some insight to make it stronger, or maybe a better idea.
In this weak group I really want to focus more on the roleplaying aspect, but still be able to deal damage and be useful in a fight.
Regarding the roleplaying aspect suggestions are very much welcome. I have a few ideas of my own, but I've also read a lot of good ideas on this forum, so let me have them please
Thanks for reading
P.S.: Regarding following magic items I'm planing on going for a "ring of [permanent](greater) mighty wallop"