Note I don't play pathfinder though my group does incorporate some of the common sense pathfinders rules such as the skill system. Because of this I am not intimately familiar with pathfinder like I am traditional 3.5. Recently I read about this metamagic feat called Dazing Spell, my god is it powerful.
For +3 metamagic it does the following
Dazing Spell (Metamagic)
You can daze creatures with the power of your spells.
Benefit: You can modify a spell to daze a creature damaged by the spell. When a creature takes damage from this spell, they become dazed for a number of rounds equal to the original level of the spell. If the spell allows a saving throw, a successful save negates the daze effect. If the spell does not allow a save, the target can make a Will save to negate the daze effect. If the spell effect also causes the creature to become dazed, the duration of this metamagic effect is added to the duration of the spell. A dazing spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell's actual level. Spells that do not inflict damage do not benefit from this feat.
No actions, move or standard means you win. That monster is locked down. You can even make the save reflex or will or fort if you select the right spell to metamagic up.
So in sum any damaging spell has become a save or lose (might as well be save or die if the spell is 3rd level or higher.)
Most importantly the damaging spell can be a multi target spell, multi target save or lose for only 3 spell levels.
So is this completely on the high end power wise? To me it seems so.
What metamagic reducers are there in a pure pathfinder game? Besides Magical Lineage trait (you can only have about 2 traits and this only affects 1 spell per trait), universalist wizard (limited times per day, can't go above your normal casting level), spell perfection (not available till 12th level), metamagic rods (14,000 gp on open market, 7,000 if you craft thus not avaliable till level 11 if you buy it or level 9 if you craft it).
How high of dc can you easily get in a pure pathfinder game? Things I know about.
Casting Stat
18 at creation
+2 if right race
+2 to 6 due to magic item
+1 to 5 levels
+5 tome
DC boosters
+1 Spell Focus
+1 Greater Spell Focus
+1 Elemental Focus
+1 Greater Elemental Focus
up to +4 Spell Perfection (if you have spell focus, greater spell focus, elemental focus, greater elemental focus)
Now in a pathfinder+wizard books or
pathfinder+wizard books+dragon magazine this feat is beyond broken due to metamagic reducers.
I am curious on your feedback and ways you would power up a build with spells, feats, traits etc based around this metamagic feat. I am curious on both pathfinder as well as normal d&d