Looking at
http://dnd.freeminded.org/tables/DnD3.5Index-Spells-Summaries.pdf . It calls itself a "complete list", but since it's dated April 2005, it may not be. A list of sources can be found at the end of the pdf. I counted by hand, so the count may be off because of that too. Still, it should get you in the right ballpark.
level 0 - 33 spells - 33 pages
level 1 - 82 spells - 82 pages
level 2 - 96 spells - 192 pages
level 3 - 95 spells - 285 pages
level 4 - 93 spells - 372 pages
level 5 - 88 spells - 440 pages
level 6 - 80 spells - 480 pages
level 7 - 59 spells - 413 pages
level 8 - 57 spells - 456 pages
level 9 - 45 spells - 405 pages
epic - not listed
total number of spells = 728
total number of pages = 3158
so it looks like you're looking at 4 blessed books, with plenty of room leftover for spells not included in the list.
I just checked - it does not include sanctified spells, though the pdf lists those spells and some others it skipped near the end of the pdf (but not by level, so I can't easily include them).
Edit: just to clear, these are wizard/sorceror spells only, not all arcane spells.