Actually, I'm gonna say Whisper's Agency and Humanity sound like the founding principles of a Druid-style True Neutral society.
Just to clarify, my interpretation of 'Good' isn't the same as 'best for all circumstances', and part of Good is that it is flawed, just as Evil is. True Neutral comes across as very mercenary, survival-of-the-fittest, but it lacks the self-sacrificing nature of Good, which can be manipulated by the entirely-selfish-to-the-point-of-depriving-others nature of Evil.
Taxes are a Lawful concept, in that it has that everyone must contribute to the whole. Lawful good pays his taxes dutifully, knowing his funds will be able to support others, perhaps not bothering to take all available exceptions or returns. Lawful evil also pays taxes, but tries to maximize his exemptions and does everything in his power to make sure he gets as much as possible, even to the point of cheating on the filing and things like welfare status, taking advantage of the generosity of Good individuals. Lawful neutral files proper exemptions, makes sure everything is properly organized to code, and generally tries to get everything he is owed by the due course of the law.
Is LG getting taken, enabling LE? Sure. But that's the nature of Good, doing more than necessary in the hopes that he will improve the situation of others. (If it makes things worse, LG will face that responsibility and deal with it, but he won't stop trying.) Right and Wrong are difference concepts from Good and Evil, because they are highly context-sensitive. It's still entirely possible to do something Good which ends up being Wrong, as with the Agency issue.